#################### interface settings # xxx this should move to PLC/Accessors # Setup default slice attribute types setting_types = \ [ {'category' : "interface/general", 'tagname' : "ifname", 'description': "Set interface name, instead of eth0 or the like", 'min_role_id' : 40}, {'category' : "interface/route", 'tagname' : "staticroute", 'description': "Set static route for interfaces", 'min_role_id' : 40}, {'category' : "interface/multihome", 'tagname' : "alias", 'description': "Specifies that the network is used for multihoming", 'min_role_id' : 40}, {'category' : "interface/hidden", 'tagname' : "backdoor", 'description': "For testing new settings", 'min_role_id' : 10}, ] + [ { 'category' : "interface/wifi", 'tagname' : x, 'description' : "802.11 %s -- see %s"%(y,z), 'min_role_id' : 40 } for (x,y,z) in [ ("mode","Mode","iwconfig"), ("essid","ESSID","iwconfig"), ("nw","Network Id","iwconfig"), ("freq","Frequency","iwconfig"), ("channel","Channel","iwconfig"), ("sens","sensitivity threshold","iwconfig"), ("rate","Rate","iwconfig"), ("key","key","iwconfig key"), ("key1","key1","iwconfig key [1]"), ("key2","key2","iwconfig key [2]"), ("key3","key3","iwconfig key [3]"), ("key4","key4","iwconfig key [4]"), ("securitymode","Security mode","iwconfig enc"), ("iwconfig","Additional parameters to iwconfig","ifup-wireless"), ("iwpriv","Additional parameters to iwpriv","ifup-wireless"), ] ] for setting_type in setting_types: SetTagType(setting_type)