# This is a POSIX shell fragment -*- sh -*- # To configure the secure channel, fill in the following properly and # uncomment them. Afterward, the secure channel will come up # automatically at boot time. It can be started immediately with # /etc/init.d/openflow-switch start # Alternatively, use the ofp-switch-setup program to do everything # automatically. # NETDEVS: Which network devices should the OpenFlow switch include? # # List the network devices that should become part of the OpenFlow # switch, separated by spaces. At least two devices must be selected # for this machine to be a useful switch. Unselecting all network # devices will disable the OpenFlow switch entirely. # # The network devices that you select should not be configured with IP # or IPv6 addresses, even if the switch contacts the controller over # one of the selected network devices. This is because a running # OpenFlow switch takes over network devices at a low level: they # become part of the switch and cannot be used for other purposes. #NETDEVS="" # IN_BAND: The OpenFlow switch must be able to contact the OpenFlow # controller over the network. It can do so in one of two ways: # # * in-band: A single network is used for OpenFlow traffic and other # data traffic; that is, the switch contacts the controller over one # of the network devices selected as OpenFlow switch ports in the # previous question. This is the most common case. # # * out-of-band: OpenFlow traffic uses a network separate from the # data traffic that it controls. If this is the case, the control # network must already be configured on a network device other than # one of those selected as an OpenFlow switch port in the previous # question. # # Set IN_BAND to yes for in-band control, or to no for out-of-band # control. IN_BAND=yes # SWITCH_IP: For in-band communication with the controller, the # OpenFlow switch must be able to determine its own IP address. Its # IP address may be configured statically or dynamically: # # * For static configuration, specify the switch's IP address as a # string. # # * For dynamic configuration with DHCP (the most common case), # specify "dhcp". Configuration with DHCP will only work reliably # if the network topology allows the switch to contact the DHCP # server before it connects to the OpenFlow controller. # # If IN_BAND is set to "no" above, this setting has no effect. SWITCH_IP=dhcp # CONTROLLER: Location of controller. # One of the following formats: # tcp:HOST[:PORT] via TCP to PORT (default: 975) on HOST # ssl:HOST[:PORT] via SSL to PORT (default: 976) on HOST # The default below assumes that the controller is running locally. #CONTROLLER="tcp:" # PRIVKEY: Name of file containing switch's private key. # Required if SSL enabled. #PRIVKEY=/etc/openflow-switch/of0-privkey.pem # CERT: Name of file containing certificate for private key. # Required if SSL enabled. #CERT=/etc/openflow-switch/of0-cert.pem # CACERT: Name of file containing controller CA certificate. # Required if SSL enabled. #CACERT=/etc/openflow-switch/cacert.pem # Additional options to pass to secchan, e.g. "--fail=open" DAEMON_OPTS=""