100%... * @todo add support for more options, such as ntlm auth to proxy, or request charset encoding * @todo parse content of payload textarea to be fed to visual editor * @todo add http no-cache headers * @todo if jsonrpc php classes are not available, do not display the JSONRPC option * @todo if js libs are not available, do not try to load them **/ // make sure we set the correct charset type for output, so that we can display all characters header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); include __DIR__ . '/common.php'; if ($action == '') { $action = 'list'; } // relative path to the visual xmlrpc editing dialog $editorpath = '../../phpjsrpc/debugger/'; $editorlibs = '../../phpjsrpc/lib/'; ?> XMLRPC Debugger

JSONRPC Debugger (based on the PHP-XMLRPC library)

Target server

Address: Port: Path:


List available methods onclick="switchaction();"/> Describe method onclick="switchaction();"/> Execute method onclick="switchaction();"/> Generate stub for method call onclick="switchaction();"/>


Name: Payload:
Msg id:

Client options

Show debug info: Timeout: Protocol:
AUTH: Username: Pwd: Type
SSL: Verify Host's CN: Verify Cert: /> CA Cert file:
PROXY: Server: Proxy user: Proxy pwd:
COMPRESSION: Request: Response:
COOKIES: Format: 'cookie1=value1, cookie2=value2'