Agesort demo

Send an array of 'name' => 'age' pairs to the server that will send it back sorted.

The source code demonstrates basic lib usage, including handling of xmlrpc arrays and structs

24, "Edd" => 45, "Joe" => 37, "Fred" => 27); reset($inAr); print "This is the input data:
while (list($key, $val)=each($inAr)) {
  print $key . ", " . $val . "\n";
print "
"; // create parameters from the input array: an xmlrpc array of xmlrpc structs $p=array(); foreach($inAr as $key => $val) { $p[]=new xmlrpcval(array("name" => new xmlrpcval($key), "age" => new xmlrpcval($val, "int")), "struct"); } $v=new xmlrpcval($p, "array"); print "Encoded into xmlrpc format it looks like this:
\n" .  htmlentities($v->serialize()). "
\n"; // create client and message objects $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.sortByAge', array($v)); $c=new xmlrpc_client("/server.php", "", 80); // set maximum debug level, to have the complete communication printed to screen $c->setDebug(2); // send request print "Now sending request (detailed debug info follows)"; $r=&$c->send($f); // check response for errors, and take appropriate action if (!$r->faultCode()) { print "The server gave me these results:
  for($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
    print htmlspecialchars($n->scalarval()) . ", " . htmlspecialchars($a->scalarval()) . "\n";

  print "
For nerds: I got this value back
" .
    htmlentities($r->serialize()). "

\n"; } else { print "An error occurred:
  print "Code: " . htmlspecialchars($r->faultCode()) .
    "\nReason: '" . htmlspecialchars($r->faultString()).'\'

'; } ?> $Id$