Introspect demo

Query server for available methods and their description

The code demonstrates usage of multicall and introspection methods

faultCode() . " Reason: '" . $r->faultString() . "'
"; } // 'new style' client constructor $client = new PhpXmlRpc\Client(""); print "

methods available at http://" . $client->server . $client->path . "

\n"; $req = new PhpXmlRpc\Request('system.listMethods'); $resp = $client->send($req); if ($resp->faultCode()) { display_error($resp); } else { $v = $resp->value(); for ($i = 0; $i < $v->arraysize(); $i++) { $mname = $v->arraymem($i); print "

" . $mname->scalarval() . "

\n"; // build messages first, add params later $m1 = new PhpXmlRpc\Request('system.methodHelp'); $m2 = new PhpXmlRpc\Request('system.methodSignature'); $val = new PhpXmlRpc\Value($mname->scalarval(), "string"); $m1->addParam($val); $m2->addParam($val); // send multiple messages in one pass. // If server does not support multicall, client will fall back to 2 separate calls $ms = array($m1, $m2); $rs = $client->send($ms); if ($rs[0]->faultCode()) { display_error($rs[0]); } else { $val = $rs[0]->value(); $txt = $val->scalarval(); if ($txt != "") { print "



\n"; } else { print "

No documentation available.

\n"; } } if ($rs[1]->faultCode()) { display_error($rs[1]); } else { print "


\n"; $val = $rs[1]->value(); if ($val->kindOf() == "array") { for ($j = 0; $j < $val->arraysize(); $j++) { $x = $val->arraymem($j); $ret = $x->arraymem(0); print "" . $ret->scalarval() . " " . $mname->scalarval() . "("; if ($x->arraysize() > 1) { for ($k = 1; $k < $x->arraysize(); $k++) { $y = $x->arraymem($k); print $y->scalarval(); if ($k < $x->arraysize() - 1) { print ", "; } } } print ")
\n"; } } else { print "Signature unknown\n"; } print "

\n"; } } } ?>