Webservice wrappper demo

Wrap methods exposed by server into php functions

The code demonstrates usage of the most automagic client usage possible:
1) client that returns php values instead of xmlrpc value objects
2) wrapping of remote methods into php functions

return_type = 'phpvals'; // let client give us back php values instead of xmlrpcvals $resp = $client->send(new PhpXmlRpc\Request('system.listMethods')); if ($resp->faultCode()) { echo "

Server methods list could not be retrieved: error {$resp->faultCode()} '" . htmlspecialchars($resp->faultString()) . "'

\n"; } else { $testCase = ''; $wrapper = new PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper(); echo "

Server methods list retrieved, now wrapping it up...

\n\n"; if ($testCase) { echo "Now testing function $testCase: remote method to convert U.S. state number into state name"; $stateNum = 25; $stateName = $testCase($stateNum, 2); echo "State number $stateNum is " . htmlspecialchars($stateName); } } ?>