decode($req); $msgID = $n[0]; $name = $n[1]; $comment = $n[2]; $dbh = dba_open("/tmp/comments.db", "c", "db2"); if ($dbh) { $countID = "${msgID}_count"; if (dba_exists($countID, $dbh)) { $count = dba_fetch($countID, $dbh); } else { $count = 0; } // add the new comment in dba_insert($msgID . "_comment_${count}", $comment, $dbh); dba_insert($msgID . "_name_${count}", $name, $dbh); $count++; dba_replace($countID, $count, $dbh); dba_close($dbh); } else { $err = "Unable to open comments database."; } // if we generated an error, create an error return response if ($err) { return new PhpXmlRpc\Response(0, PhpXmlRpc\PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerruser, $err); } else { // otherwise, we create the right response return new PhpXmlRpc\Response(new PhpXmlRpc\Value($count, "int")); } } $getComments_sig = array(array(Value::$xmlrpcArray, Value::$xmlrpcString)); $getComments_doc = 'Returns an array of comments for a given ID, which is the sole argument. Each array item is a struct containing name and comment text.'; function getComments($req) { $err = ""; $ra = array(); $encoder = new PhpXmlRpc\Encoder(); $msgID = $encoder->decode($req->getParam(0)); $dbh = dba_open("/tmp/comments.db", "r", "db2"); if ($dbh) { $countID = "${msgID}_count"; if (dba_exists($countID, $dbh)) { $count = dba_fetch($countID, $dbh); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $name = dba_fetch("${msgID}_name_${i}", $dbh); $comment = dba_fetch("${msgID}_comment_${i}", $dbh); // push a new struct onto the return array $ra[] = array( "name" => $name, "comment" => $comment, ); } } } // if we generated an error, create an error return response if ($err) { return new PhpXmlRpc\Response(0, PhpXmlRpc\PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerruser, $err); } else { // otherwise, we create the right response return new PhpXmlRpc\Response($encoder->encode($ra)); } } // NB: take care not to output anything else after this call, as it will mess up the responses and it will be hard to // debug. In case you have to do so, at least re-emit a correct Content-Length http header (requires output buffering) $srv = new PhpXmlRpc\Server(array( "discuss.addComment" => array( "function" => "addComment", "signature" => $addComment_sig, "docstring" => $addComment_doc, ), "discuss.getComments" => array( "function" => "getComments", "signature" => $getComments_sig, "docstring" => $getComments_doc, ), ));