getParam(0)); $c = new PhpXmlRpc\Client($url); if ($m->getNumParams() > 3) { // we have to set some options onto the client. // Note that if we do not untaint the received values, warnings might be generated... $options = php_xmlrpc_decode($m->getParam(3)); foreach ($options as $key => $val) { switch ($key) { case 'Cookie': break; case 'Credentials': break; case 'RequestCompression': $c->setRequestCompression($val); break; case 'SSLVerifyHost': $c->setSSLVerifyHost($val); break; case 'SSLVerifyPeer': $c->setSSLVerifyPeer($val); break; case 'Timeout': $timeout = (integer)$val; break; } // switch } } // build call for remote server /// @todo find a way to forward client info (such as IP) to server, either /// - as xml comments in the payload, or /// - using std http header conventions, such as X-forwarded-for... $method = php_xmlrpc_decode($m->getParam(1)); $pars = $m->getParam(2); $m = new PhpXmlRpc\Request($method); for ($i = 0; $i < $pars->arraySize(); $i++) { $m->addParam($pars->arraymem($i)); } // add debug info into response we give back to caller xmlrpc_debugmsg("Sending to server $url the payload: " . $m->serialize()); return $c->send($m, $timeout); } // run the server $server = new PhpXmlRpc\Server( array( '' => array( 'function' => 'forward_request', 'signature' => array( array('mixed', 'string', 'string', 'array'), array('mixed', 'string', 'string', 'array', 'stuct'), ), 'docstring' => 'forwards xmlrpc calls to remote servers. Returns remote method\'s response. Accepts params: remote server url (might include basic auth credentials), method name, array of params, and (optionally) a struct containing call options', ), ) );