getParam(0); $b = $req->getParam(1); if ($a->scalartyp() == Value::$xmlrpcNull) return new Response(new Value(plain_findstate($b->scalarval()))); else return new Response(new Value(plain_findstate($a->scalarval()))); } $object = new xmlrpcServerMethodsContainer(); $signatures = array( // signature omitted on purpose "tests.generatePHPWarning" => array( "function" => array($object, "phpWarningGenerator"), ), // signature omitted on purpose "tests.raiseException" => array( "function" => array($object, "exceptionGenerator"), ), // Greek word 'kosme'. NB: NOT a valid ISO8859 string! // NB: we can only register this when setting internal encoding to UTF-8, or it will break system.listMethods "tests.utf8methodname." . 'κόσμε' => array( "function" => "stringEcho", "signature" => $stringecho_sig, "docstring" => $stringecho_doc, ), /*"tests.iso88591methodname." . chr(224) . chr(252) . chr(232) => array( "function" => "stringEcho", "signature" => $stringecho_sig, "docstring" => $stringecho_doc, ),*/ 'tests.getStateName.12' => array( "function" => "findStateWithNulls", "signature" => $findstate12_sig, "docstring" => $findstate_doc, ), ); $signatures = array_merge($signatures, $signatures1, $signatures2, $signatures3, $signatures4); // Enable support for the NULL extension PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_null_extension = true; $s = new Server($signatures, false); $s->setdebug(3); $s->compress_response = true; // Out-of-band information: let the client manipulate the server operations. // We do this to help the testsuite script: do not reproduce in production! if (isset($_GET['RESPONSE_ENCODING'])) { $s->response_charset_encoding = $_GET['RESPONSE_ENCODING']; } if (isset($_GET['DETECT_ENCODINGS'])) { PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_detectencodings = $_GET['DETECT_ENCODINGS']; } if (isset($_GET['EXCEPTION_HANDLING'])) { $s->exception_handling = $_GET['EXCEPTION_HANDLING']; } if (isset($_GET['FORCE_AUTH'])) { // We implement both Basic and Digest auth in php to avoid having to set it up in a vhost. // Code taken from // NB: we do NOT check for valid credentials! if ($_GET['FORCE_AUTH'] == 'Basic') { if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && !isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'])) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Phpxmlrpc Basic Realm"'); die('Text visible if user hits Cancel button'); } } elseif ($_GET['FORCE_AUTH'] == 'Digest') { if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Phpxmlrpc Digest Realm",qop="auth",nonce="'.uniqid().'",opaque="'.md5('Phpxmlrpc Digest Realm').'"'); die('Text visible if user hits Cancel button'); } } } $s->service(); // That should do all we need! require_once __DIR__ . "/_append.php";