#!/usr/bin/python # # Generates a DocBook section documenting all PLCAPI methods on # stdout. # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id: DocBook.py,v 1.1 2006/09/06 15:34:41 mlhuang Exp $ # import xml.dom.minidom from xml.dom.minidom import Element, Text import codecs from PLC.API import PLCAPI from PLC.Method import * api = PLCAPI(None) # xml.dom.minidom.Text.writexml adds surrounding whitespace to textual # data when pretty-printing. Override this behavior. class TrimText(Text): def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): Text.writexml(self, writer, "", "", "") class TrimTextElement(Element): def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): writer.write(indent) Element.writexml(self, writer, "", "", "") writer.write(newl) class simpleElement(TrimTextElement): """text""" def __init__(self, tagName, text = None): TrimTextElement.__init__(self, tagName) if text is not None: t = TrimText() t.data = unicode(text) self.appendChild(t) class paraElement(simpleElement): """text""" def __init__(self, text = None): simpleElement.__init__(self, 'para', text) class blockquoteElement(Element): """
""" def __init__(self, text = None): Element.__init__(self, 'blockquote') if text is not None: # Split on blank lines lines = [line.strip() for line in text.strip().split("\n")] lines = "\n".join(lines) paragraphs = lines.split("\n\n") for paragraph in paragraphs: self.appendChild(paraElement(paragraph)) class entryElement(simpleElement): """text""" def __init__(self, text = None): simpleElement.__init__(self, 'entry', text) class rowElement(Element): """ entries[0] entries[1] ... """ def __init__(self, entries = None): Element.__init__(self, 'row') if entries: for entry in entries: if isinstance(entry, entryElement): self.appendChild(entry) else: self.appendChild(entryElement(entry)) class informaltableElement(Element): """ label1 label2 ... row1value1 row1value2 ... ... """ def __init__(self, head = None, rows = None): Element.__init__(self, 'informaltable') tgroup = Element('tgroup') self.appendChild(tgroup) if head: thead = Element('thead') tgroup.appendChild(thead) if isinstance(head, rowElement): thead.appendChild(head) else: thead.appendChild(rowElement(head)) if rows: tbody = Element('tbody') tgroup.appendChild(tbody) for row in rows: if isinstance(row, rowElement): tbody.appendChild(row) else: tobdy.appendChild(rowElement(row)) cols = len(thead.childNodes[0].childNodes) tgroup.setAttribute('cols', str(cols)) def parameters(param, name, optional, doc, indent, step): """Format a parameter into parameter row(s).""" rows = [] row = rowElement() rows.append(row) # Parameter name entry = entryElement() entry.appendChild(simpleElement('literallayout', indent + name)) row.appendChild(entry) # Parameter type param_type = python_type(param) row.appendChild(entryElement(xmlrpc_type(param_type))) # Whether parameter is optional if optional is not None: row.appendChild(entryElement(str(bool(optional)))) else: row.appendChild(entryElement("")) # Parameter documentation row.appendChild(entryElement(doc)) # Indent the name of each sub-parameter subparams = [] if isinstance(param, dict): subparams = param.iteritems() elif isinstance(param, Mixed): subparams = [(name, subparam) for subparam in param] elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple)): subparams = [("", subparam) for subparam in param] for name, subparam in subparams: if isinstance(subparam, Parameter): (optional, doc) = (subparam.optional, subparam.doc) else: (optional, doc) = (None, "") rows += parameters(subparam, name, optional, doc, indent + step, step) return rows for method in api.methods: func = api.callable(method) (min_args, max_args, defaults) = func.args() section = Element('section') section.setAttribute('id', func.name) section.appendChild(simpleElement('title', func.name)) para = paraElement('Status:') para.appendChild(blockquoteElement(func.status)) section.appendChild(para) prototype = "%s (%s)" % (method, ", ".join(max_args)) para = paraElement('Prototype:') para.appendChild(blockquoteElement(prototype)) section.appendChild(para) para = paraElement('Description:') para.appendChild(blockquoteElement(func.__doc__)) section.appendChild(para) para = paraElement('Parameters:') blockquote = blockquoteElement() para.appendChild(blockquote) section.appendChild(para) head = rowElement(['Name', 'Type', 'Optional', 'Description']) rows = [] indent = " " for name, param, default in zip(max_args, func.accepts, defaults): optional = name not in min_args if isinstance(param, Parameter): doc = param.doc else: doc = "" rows += parameters(param, name, optional, doc, "", indent) if rows: informaltable = informaltableElement(head, rows) informaltable.setAttribute('frame', "none") informaltable.setAttribute('rules', "rows") blockquote.appendChild(informaltable) else: blockquote.appendChild(paraElement("None")) print section.toprettyxml(encoding = "UTF-8")