#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Generates a DocBook section documenting all PLCAPI methods on # stdout. # # Mark Huang # Copyright (C) 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # # dec 2018 # going for python3; xml.dom.minidom has changed a lot # working around the changes in a rather quick & dirty way import xml.dom.minidom from xml.dom.minidom import Element, parseString from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed, xmlrpc_type, python_type # can no longer create elements out of a document dom = parseString('') def text_node(text): global dom return dom.createTextNode(text) class TextElement(Element): """text""" def __init__(self, tagName, text = None): Element.__init__(self, tagName) if text is not None: self.appendChild(text_node(text)) def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): writer.write(indent) Element.writexml(self, writer, "", "", "") writer.write(newl) class simpleElement(TextElement): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(*args, **kwds) class paraElement(simpleElement): """text""" def __init__(self, text = None): simpleElement.__init__(self, 'para', text) class blockquoteElement(Element): """
""" def __init__(self, text = None): Element.__init__(self, 'blockquote') if text is not None: # Split on blank lines lines = [line.strip() for line in text.strip().split("\n")] lines = "\n".join(lines) paragraphs = lines.split("\n\n") for paragraph in paragraphs: self.appendChild(paraElement(paragraph)) def param_type(param): """Return the XML-RPC type of a parameter.""" if isinstance(param, Mixed) and len(param): subtypes = [param_type(subparam) for subparam in param] return " or ".join(subtypes) elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple, set)) and len(param): return "array of " + " or ".join([param_type(subparam) for subparam in param]) else: return xmlrpc_type(python_type(param)) class paramElement(Element): """An optionally named parameter.""" def __init__(self, name, param): # Element.__init__(self, 'listitem') global dom description = dom.createElement('para') if name: description.appendChild(simpleElement('parameter', name)) description.appendChild(text_node(": ")) description.appendChild(text_node(param_type(param))) if isinstance(param, (list, tuple, set)) and len(param) == 1: param = param[0] if isinstance(param, Parameter): description.appendChild(text_node(", " + param.doc)) param = param.type self.appendChild(description) if isinstance(param, dict): itemizedlist = dom.createElement('itemizedlist') self.appendChild(itemizedlist) for name, subparam in param.items(): itemizedlist.appendChild(paramElement(name, subparam)) elif isinstance(param, (list, tuple, set)) and len(param): itemizedlist = dom.createElement('itemizedlist') self.appendChild(itemizedlist) for subparam in param: itemizedlist.appendChild(paramElement(None, subparam)) class DocBook: def __init__ (self, functions_list): self.functions_list = functions_list def Process (self): global dom for func in self.functions_list: method = func.name if func.status == "deprecated": continue (min_args, max_args, defaults) = func.args() # with python3 it looks like an element can't be sfa_created # outside of a document section = dom.createElement('section') section.setAttribute('id', func.name) section.appendChild(simpleElement('title', func.name)) prototype = "%s (%s)" % (method, ", ".join(max_args)) para = paraElement('Prototype:') para.appendChild(blockquoteElement(prototype)) section.appendChild(para) para = paraElement('Description:') para.appendChild(blockquoteElement(func.__doc__)) section.appendChild(para) para = paraElement('Allowed Roles:') para.appendChild(blockquoteElement(", ".join(func.roles))) section.appendChild(para) section.appendChild(paraElement('Parameters:')) params = Element('itemizedlist') if func.accepts: for name, param, default in zip(max_args, func.accepts, defaults): params.appendChild(paramElement(name, param)) else: listitem = Element('listitem') listitem.appendChild(paraElement('None')) params.appendChild(listitem) section.appendChild(params) section.appendChild(paraElement('Returns:')) returns = dom.createElement('itemizedlist') returns.appendChild(paramElement(None, func.returns)) section.appendChild(returns) print(section.toxml())