# NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments
# Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation;
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types
from nepi.execution.trace import Trace, TraceAttr
from nepi.execution.resource import ResourceManager, clsinit_copy, \
from nepi.resources.ns3.ns3wifiremotestationmanager import NS3BaseWifiRemoteStationManager
[docs]class NS3AarfWifiManager(NS3BaseWifiRemoteStationManager):
_rtype = "ns3::AarfWifiManager"
def _register_attributes(cls):
attr_successk = Attribute("SuccessK",
"Multiplication factor for the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.",
type = Types.Double,
default = "2",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_timerk = Attribute("TimerK",
"Multiplication factor for the timer threshold in the AARF algorithm.",
type = Types.Double,
default = "2",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_maxsuccessthreshold = Attribute("MaxSuccessThreshold",
"Maximum value of the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.",
type = Types.Integer,
default = "60",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_mintimerthreshold = Attribute("MinTimerThreshold",
"The minimum value for the \'timer\' threshold in the AARF algorithm.",
type = Types.Integer,
default = "15",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_minsuccessthreshold = Attribute("MinSuccessThreshold",
"The minimum value for the success threshold in the AARF algorithm.",
type = Types.Integer,
default = "10",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_islowlatency = Attribute("IsLowLatency",
"If true, we attempt to modelize a so-called low-latency device: a device where decisions about tx parameters can be made on a per-packet basis and feedback about the transmission of each packet is obtained before sending the next. Otherwise, we modelize a high-latency device, that is a device where we cannot update our decision about tx parameters after every packet transmission.",
type = Types.Bool,
default = "True",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_maxssrc = Attribute("MaxSsrc",
"The maximum number of retransmission attempts for an RTS. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.",
type = Types.Integer,
default = "7",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_maxslrc = Attribute("MaxSlrc",
"The maximum number of retransmission attempts for a DATA packet. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.",
type = Types.Integer,
default = "7",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_rtsctsthreshold = Attribute("RtsCtsThreshold",
"If the size of the data packet + LLC header + MAC header + FCS trailer is bigger than this value, we use an RTS/CTS handshake before sending the data, as per IEEE Std. 802.11-2012, Section 9.3.5. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.",
type = Types.Integer,
default = "2346",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_fragmentationthreshold = Attribute("FragmentationThreshold",
"If the size of the data packet + LLC header + MAC header + FCS trailer is biggerthan this value, we fragment it such that the size of the fragments are equal or smaller than this value, as per IEEE Std. 802.11-2012, Section 9.5. This value will not have any effect on some rate control algorithms.",
type = Types.Integer,
default = "2346",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_nonunicastmode = Attribute("NonUnicastMode",
"Wifi mode used for non-unicast transmissions.",
type = Types.String,
default = "Invalid-WifiMode",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
attr_defaulttxpowerlevel = Attribute("DefaultTxPowerLevel",
"Default power level to be used for transmissions. This is the power level that is used by all those WifiManagers that do notimplement TX power control.",
type = Types.Integer,
default = "0",
allowed = None,
range = None,
flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct)
def _register_traces(cls):
mactxrtsfailed = Trace("MacTxRtsFailed", "The transmission of a RTS by the MAC layer has failed")
mactxdatafailed = Trace("MacTxDataFailed", "The transmission of a data packet by the MAC layer has failed")
mactxfinalrtsfailed = Trace("MacTxFinalRtsFailed", "The transmission of a RTS has exceeded the maximum number of attempts")
mactxfinaldatafailed = Trace("MacTxFinalDataFailed", "The transmission of a data packet has exceeded the maximum number of attempts")
def __init__(self, ec, guid):
super(NS3AarfWifiManager, self).__init__(ec, guid)
self._home = "ns3-aarf-wifi-manager-%s" % self.guid