#!/usr/bin/env python # # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation; # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac from nepi.execution.ec import ExperimentController from nepi.execution.runner import ExperimentRunner from nepi.util.netgraph import TopologyType import nepi.data.processing.ccn.parser as ccn_parser import networkx import socket import os import numpy from scipy import stats from matplotlib import pyplot import math import random from optparse import OptionParser usage = ("usage: %prog -s -u -p " "-k -N ") parser = OptionParser(usage = usage) parser.add_option("-s", "--pl-slice", dest="pl_slice", help="PlanetLab slicename", type="str") parser.add_option("-u", "--pl-user", dest="pl_user", help="PlanetLab web username", type="str") parser.add_option("-p", "--pl-password", dest="pl_password", help="PlanetLab web password", type="str") parser.add_option("-k", "--pl-ssh-key", dest="pl_ssh_key", help="Path to private SSH key associated with the PL account", type="str") parser.add_option("-N", "--nodes", dest="nodes", help="Comma separated list of Planetlab nodes", type="str") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() pl_slice = options.pl_slice pl_ssh_key = options.pl_ssh_key pl_user = options.pl_user pl_password = options.pl_password NODES = options.nodes.strip().split(",") def avg_interest_rtt(ec, run): logs_dir = ec.run_dir # Parse downloaded CCND logs (graph, content_names, interest_expiry_count, interest_dupnonce_count, interest_count, content_count) = ccn_parser.process_content_history_logs( logs_dir, ec.netgraph.topology) # statistics on RTT rtts = [content_names[content_name]["rtt"] \ for content_name in content_names] # sample mean and standard deviation sample = numpy.array(rtts) n, min_max, mean, var, skew, kurt = stats.describe(sample) std = math.sqrt(var) ci = stats.t.interval(0.95, n-1, loc = mean, scale = std/math.sqrt(n)) global metrics metrics.append((mean, ci[0], ci[1])) return mean def normal_law(ec, run, sample): print("SAMPLE", sample) x = numpy.array(sample) n = len(sample) std = x.std() se = std / math.sqrt(n) m = x.mean() se95 = se * 2 return m * 0.05 >= se95 def post_process(ec, runs): global metrics # plot convergence graph y = numpy.array([float(m[0]) for m in metrics]) low = numpy.array([float(m[1]) for m in metrics]) high = numpy.array([float(m[2]) for m in metrics]) error = [y - low, high - y] x = list(range(1,runs + 1)) # plot average RTT and confidence interval for each iteration pyplot.errorbar(x, y, yerr = error, fmt='o') pyplot.plot(x, y, 'r-') pyplot.xlim([0.5, runs + 0.5]) pyplot.xticks(numpy.arange(1, len(y)+1, 1)) pyplot.xlabel('Iteration') pyplot.ylabel('Average RTT') pyplot.grid() pyplot.savefig("plot.png") pyplot.show() content_name = "ccnx:/test/bunny.ts" repofile = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "repoFile1.0.8.2") def get_simulator(ec): simulator = ec.filter_resources("linux::ns3::Simulation") if not simulator: node = ec.register_resource("linux::Node") ec.set(node, "hostname", "localhost") simu = ec.register_resource("linux::ns3::Simulation") ec.register_connection(simu, node) return simu return simulator[0] def add_collector(ec, trace_name, subdir, newname = None): collector = ec.register_resource("Collector") ec.set(collector, "traceName", trace_name) ec.set(collector, "subDir", subdir) if newname: ec.set(collector, "rename", newname) return collector def add_dce_host(ec, nid): simu = get_simulator(ec) host = ec.register_resource("ns3::Node") ec.set(host, "enableStack", True) ec.register_connection(host, simu) # Annotate the graph ec.netgraph.annotate_node(nid, "host", host) def add_dce_ccnd(ec, nid): # Retrieve annotation from netgraph host = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid, "host") # Add dce ccnd to the dce node ccnd = ec.register_resource("linux::ns3::dce::CCND") ec.set (ccnd, "stackSize", 1<<20) ec.set (ccnd, "debug", 7) ec.set (ccnd, "capacity", 50000) ec.set (ccnd, "StartTime", "1s") ec.set (ccnd, "StopTime", STOP_TIME) ec.register_connection(ccnd, host) # Collector to retrieve ccnd log collector = add_collector(ec, "stderr", str(nid), "log") ec.register_connection(collector, ccnd) # Annotate the graph ec.netgraph.annotate_node(nid, "ccnd", ccnd) def add_dce_ccnr(ec, nid): # Retrieve annotation from netgraph host = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid, "host") # Add a CCN content repository to the dce node ccnr = ec.register_resource("linux::ns3::dce::CCNR") ec.set (ccnr, "repoFile1", repofile) ec.set (ccnr, "stackSize", 1<<20) ec.set (ccnr, "StartTime", "2s") ec.set (ccnr, "StopTime", STOP_TIME) ec.register_connection(ccnr, host) def add_dce_ccncat(ec, nid): # Retrieve annotation from netgraph host = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid, "host") # Add a ccncat application to the dce host ccncat = ec.register_resource("linux::ns3::dce::CCNCat") ec.set (ccncat, "contentName", content_name) ec.set (ccncat, "stackSize", 1<<20) ec.set (ccncat, "StartTime", "8s") ec.set (ccncat, "StopTime", STOP_TIME) ec.register_connection(ccncat, host) def add_dce_fib_entry(ec, nid1, nid2): # Retrieve annotations from netgraph host1 = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid1, "host") net = ec.netgraph.edge_net_annotation(nid1, nid2) ip2 = net[nid2] # Add FIB entry between peer hosts ccndc = ec.register_resource("linux::ns3::dce::FIBEntry") ec.set (ccndc, "protocol", "udp") ec.set (ccndc, "uri", "ccnx:/") ec.set (ccndc, "host", ip2) ec.set (ccndc, "stackSize", 1<<20) ec.set (ccndc, "StartTime", "2s") ec.set (ccndc, "StopTime", STOP_TIME) ec.register_connection(ccndc, host1) def add_dce_net_iface(ec, nid1, nid2): # Retrieve annotations from netgraph host = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid1, "host") net = ec.netgraph.edge_net_annotation(nid1, nid2) ip1 = net[nid1] prefix = net["prefix"] dev = ec.register_resource("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice") ec.set(dev,"DataRate", "5Mbps") ec.set(dev, "ip", ip1) ec.set(dev, "prefix", prefix) ec.register_connection(host, dev) queue = ec.register_resource("ns3::DropTailQueue") ec.register_connection(dev, queue) return dev def add_pl_host(ec, nid): hostname = NODES[nid] # Add a planetlab host to the experiment description host = ec.register_resource("planetlab::Node") ec.set(host, "hostname", hostname) ec.set(host, "username", pl_slice) ec.set(host, "identity", pl_ssh_key) ec.set(host, "cleanExperiment", True) ec.set(host, "cleanProcesses", True) # Annotate the graph ec.netgraph.annotate_node(nid, "hostname", hostname) ec.netgraph.annotate_node(nid, "host", host) # Annotate the graph node with an ip address ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) ec.netgraph.annotate_node_ip(nid, ip) def add_pl_ccnd(ec, nid): # Retrieve annotation from netgraph host = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid, "host") # Add a CCN daemon to the planetlab node ccnd = ec.register_resource("linux::CCND") ec.set(ccnd, "debug", 7) ec.register_connection(ccnd, host) # Collector to retrieve ccnd log collector = add_collector(ec, "stderr", str(nid), "log") ec.register_connection(collector, ccnd) # Annotate the graph ec.netgraph.annotate_node(nid, "ccnd", ccnd) def add_pl_ccnr(ec, nid): # Retrieve annotation from netgraph ccnd = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid, "ccnd") # Add a CCN content repository to the planetlab node ccnr = ec.register_resource("linux::CCNR") ec.set(ccnr, "repoFile1", repofile) ec.register_connection(ccnr, ccnd) def add_pl_ccncat(ec, nid): # Retrieve annotation from netgraph ccnd = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid, "ccnd") # Add a CCN cat application to the planetlab node ccncat = ec.register_resource("linux::CCNCat") ec.set(ccncat, "contentName", content_name) ec.register_connection(ccncat, ccnd) def add_pl_fib_entry(ec, nid1, nid2): # Retrieve annotations from netgraph ccnd1 = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid1, "ccnd") hostname2 = ec.netgraph.node_annotation(nid2, "hostname") # Add a FIB entry between one planetlab node and its peer entry = ec.register_resource("linux::FIBEntry") ec.set(entry, "host", hostname2) ec.register_connection(entry, ccnd1) # Collector to retrieve peering ping output (to measure neighbors delay) ec.enable_trace(entry, "ping") collector = add_collector(ec, "ping", str(nid1)) ec.register_connection(collector, entry) return entry def add_node(ec, nid): ### Add CCN nodes (ec.netgraph holds the topology graph) add_dce_host(ec, nid) add_dce_ccnd(ec, nid) if nid == ec.netgraph.targets()[0]: add_dce_ccnr(ec, nid) if nid == ec.netgraph.sources()[0]: add_dce_ccncat(ec, nid) def add_edge(ec, nid1, nid2): #### Add connections between CCN nodes add_pl_fib_entry(ec, nid1, nid2) add_pl_fib_entry(ec, nid2, nid1) def add_node(ec, nid): ### Add CCN nodes (ec.netgraph holds the topology graph) add_pl_host(ec, nid) add_pl_ccnd(ec, nid) if nid == ec.netgraph.targets()[0]: add_pl_ccnr(ec, nid) if nid == ec.netgraph.sources()[0]: add_pl_ccncat(ec, nid) def wait_guids(ec): return ec.filter_resources("linux::CCNCat") if __name__ == '__main__': metrics = [] # topology translation to NEPI model ec = ExperimentController("pl_4n_linear", topo_type = TopologyType.LINEAR, node_count = 4, assign_st = True, assign_ips = True, add_node_callback = add_node, add_edge_callback = add_edge) #### Run experiment until metric convergence rnr = ExperimentRunner() runs = rnr.run(ec, min_runs = 10, max_runs = 100, compute_metric_callback = avg_interest_rtt, evaluate_convergence_callback = normal_law, wait_guids = wait_guids(ec)) ### post processing post_process(ec, runs)