#!/usr/bin/env python ## ## Experiment topology: ## ## ccncatchunks ccnsendchunks ## | | ## .-> node1 -- .. -- nodei -- .. -- nodeN <-. ## ## ## - Nodes are connected through an overlay network over the Intenet ## - On each node runs a CCNx daemon ## - Static multicast entries are added to the CCNx FIB on each node to communicate them in series. ## (Nodes only have FIB entries to at most two nodes) ## from nepi.core.design import ExperimentDescription, FactoriesProvider from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentController from nepi.util.constants import ApplicationStatus as AS import ipaddr import math from optparse import OptionParser, SUPPRESS_HELP import os import signal import string import subprocess import tempfile import time # Trak SIGTERM, and set global termination flag instead of dying TERMINATE = [] def _finalize(sig,frame): global TERMINATE TERMINATE.append(None) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _finalize) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _finalize) def create_slice_desc(slicename, plc_host, pl_user, pl_pwd, pl_ssh_key, port_base, root_dir, exp_desc): pl_provider = FactoriesProvider("planetlab") slice_desc = exp_desc.add_testbed_description(pl_provider) slice_desc.set_attribute_value("homeDirectory", root_dir) slice_desc.set_attribute_value("slice", slicename) slice_desc.set_attribute_value("sliceSSHKey", pl_ssh_key) slice_desc.set_attribute_value("authUser", pl_user) slice_desc.set_attribute_value("authPass", pl_pwd) slice_desc.set_attribute_value("plcHost", plc_host) slice_desc.set_attribute_value("tapPortBase", port_base) # Kills all running processes before starting the experiment slice_desc.set_attribute_value("cleanProc", True) # NOTICE: Setting 'cleanHome' to 'True' will erase all previous # folders in the sliver Home directory, including result files! #slice_desc.set_attribute_value("cleanHome", True) slice_desc.set_attribute_value("plLogLevel", "DEBUG") return slice_desc def create_node(hostname, pl_inet, slice_desc): pl_node = slice_desc.create("Node") pl_node.set_attribute_value("hostname", hostname) pl_node.set_attribute_value("label", hostname) pl_iface = slice_desc.create("NodeInterface") pl_iface.connector("inet").connect(pl_inet.connector("devs")) pl_node.connector("devs").connect(pl_iface.connector("node")) return pl_node def create_tunnel(node, peer, pl_nodes, slice_desc, subnet): pl_node = pl_nodes[node] pl_peer = pl_nodes[peer] pl_tun = slice_desc.create("TunInterface") pl_tun.set_attribute_value("label", "tun_%s%s" % (node, peer)) pl_node.connector("devs").connect(pl_tun.connector("node")) pl_tunpeer = slice_desc.create("TunInterface") pl_tunpeer.set_attribute_value("label", "tun_%s%s" % (peer, node)) pl_peer.connector("devs").connect(pl_tunpeer.connector("node")) pl_tun.connector("udp").connect(pl_tunpeer.connector("udp")) iterhosts = subnet.iterhosts() addr = iterhosts.next() ip = pl_tun.add_address() ip.set_attribute_value("Address", addr.exploded) ip.set_attribute_value("NetPrefix", subnet.prefixlen) peeraddr = iterhosts.next() peerip = pl_tunpeer.add_address() peerip.set_attribute_value("Address", peeraddr.exploded) peerip.set_attribute_value("NetPrefix", subnet.prefixlen) def create_ccnd(pl_node, port, hostname, routes, slice_desc): pl_app = slice_desc.create("CCNxDaemon") # We use a wildcard to replace the TUN IP address of the node during runtime routes = "|".join(map(lambda route: "udp %d 3 1 {#[tun_%s%s].addr[0].[Address]#}" \ % (route[1], hostname, route[0]), routes)) # Add multicast ccn routes pl_app.set_attribute_value("ccnRoutes", routes) # Use a specific port to bind the CCNx daemon if port: pl_app.set_attribute_value("ccnLocalPort", port) pl_app.enable_trace("stdout") pl_app.enable_trace("stderr") pl_app.connector("node").connect(pl_node.connector("apps")) def create_ccnsendchunks(pl_node, port, slice_desc): pl_app = slice_desc.create("Application") path_to_video = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../big_buck_bunny_240p_mpeg4_lq.ts") pl_app.set_attribute_value("stdin", path_to_video) command = "ccnsendchunks ccnx:/VIDEO" if port: command = "CCN_LOCAL_PORT=%d %s " % (port, command) pl_app.set_attribute_value("command", command) pl_app.enable_trace("stdout") pl_app.enable_trace("stderr") pl_app.connector("node").connect(pl_node.connector("apps")) return pl_app def exec_ccncatchunks(slicename, port, hostname): print "Starting Vlc streamming ..." command = 'PATH=$PATH:$(ls | egrep nepi-ccnd- | head -1)/bin;' if port: command += "CCN_LOCAL_PORT=%d " % port command += ' ccncatchunks2 ccnx:/VIDEO' login = "%s@%s" % (slicename, hostname) proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['ssh', login, command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell = False) proc2 = subprocess.Popen(['vlc', '--sub-filter', 'marq', '--marq-marquee', '(c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation / www.bigbuckbunny.org', '--marq-position=8', '--no-video-title-show', '-'], stdin=proc1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return proc2 def create_ed(hostnames, vsys_vnet, slicename, plc_host, pl_user, pl_pwd, pl_ssh_key, port_base, root_dir, port): # Create the experiment description object exp_desc = ExperimentDescription() # Create the slice description object slice_desc = create_slice_desc(slicename, plc_host, pl_user, pl_pwd, pl_ssh_key, port_base, root_dir, exp_desc) # Create the Internet box object pl_inet = slice_desc.create("Internet") # Create the Node boxes pl_nodes = dict() ccn_routes = dict() prev_hostname = None mport = port for hostname in hostnames: pl_node = create_node(hostname, pl_inet, slice_desc) pl_nodes[hostname] = pl_node ccn_routes[hostname] = list() if prev_hostname: ccn_routes[hostname].append((prev_hostname, mport)) ccn_routes[prev_hostname].append((hostname, mport)) mport +=1 prev_hostname = hostname # Get the base network segment (slice vsys_vnet) to assign all the IP addresses # to the virtual interfaces base = ipaddr.IPNetwork(vsys_vnet) # Calculate the number of virtual networks required to connect all the nodes # with all other nodes as the binomial coeficient C(n, 2), with n = #nodes n = len(hostnames) c = n * (n-1) / 2 # Validate that we can get 'c' /30 subnetworks if c > math.pow(2, (30 - base.prefixlen)): raise RuntimeError("Insufficient address segment %s for experiment", vsys_vnet) # Create the subnetwors iterator iter_sub = base.iter_subnets(new_prefix=30) # Create tunnels between nodes for i, node in enumerate(hostnames): peers = hostnames[i+1:] for peer in peers: subnet = iter_sub.next() create_tunnel(node, peer, pl_nodes, slice_desc, subnet) # Create ccnd daemons in all nodes for hostname, pl_node in pl_nodes.iteritems(): routes = ccn_routes[hostname] create_ccnd(pl_node, port, hostname, routes, slice_desc) # Create a ccnsendchunks application box in the first node hostname = hostnames[0] pl_node = pl_nodes[hostname] pl_app = create_ccnsendchunks(pl_node, port, slice_desc) return exp_desc, pl_nodes, hostname, pl_app def run(hostnames, vsys_vnet, slicename, plc_host, pl_user, pl_pwd, pl_ssh_key, port_base, root_dir, port): exp_desc, pl_nodes, hostname, pl_app = create_ed(hostnames, vsys_vnet, slicename, plc_host, pl_user, pl_pwd, pl_ssh_key, port_base, root_dir, port) xml = exp_desc.to_xml() controller = ExperimentController(xml, root_dir) controller.start() while not TERMINATE and controller.status(pl_app.guid) == AS.STATUS_NOT_STARTED: time.sleep(0.5) proc = None if not TERMINATE: hostname = hostnames[-1] proc = exec_ccncatchunks(slicename, port, hostname) while not TERMINATE and proc and proc.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.5) if proc: if proc.poll() < 1: err = proc.stderr.read() print "ERROR ", err else: out = proc.stdout.read() print "OUTPUT ", out controller.stop() controller.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': root_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() slicename = os.environ.get("PL_SLICE") pl_host = os.environ.get("PL_HOST", "www.planet-lab.eu") port_base = 2000 + (os.getpid() % 1000) * 13 pl_ssh_key = os.environ.get( "PL_SSH_KEY", "%s/.ssh/id_rsa_planetlab" % (os.environ['HOME'],) ) pl_user = os.environ.get('PL_USER') pl_pwd = os.environ.get('PL_PASS') pl_vsys_vnet = os.environ.get('PL_VSYS_NET') pl_hostnames = os.environ.get('PL_HOSTNAMES') default_hostnames = ['openlab02.pl.sophia.inria.fr', 'ple4.ipv6.lip6.fr', 'planetlab2.di.unito.it', 'merkur.planetlab.haw-hamburg.de', 'planetlab1.cs.uit.no', 'planetlab3.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk', 'planetlab2.cs.uoi.gr', 'planetlab3.xeno.cl.cam.ac.uk', 'planet2.inf.tu-dresden.de', 'planetlab2.csg.uzh.ch', 'planetlab2.upm.ro', 'planetlab-um00.di.uminho.pt', 'planetlabpc2.upf.edu', 'planet2.elte.hu', 'planetlab2.esprit-tn.com' ] ccn_local_port = os.environ.get('CCN_LOCAL_PORT', 49695) usage = "usage: %prog -s -H -k -u -p -v -N -c -P " parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-s", "--slicename", dest="slicename", help="PlanetLab slicename", default=slicename, type="str") parser.add_option("-H", "--pl-host", dest="pl_host", help="PlanetLab site (e.g. www.planet-lab.eu)", default=pl_host, type="str") parser.add_option("-k", "--ssh-key", dest="pl_ssh_key", help="Path to private ssh key used for PlanetLab authentication", default=pl_ssh_key, type="str") parser.add_option("-u", "--pl-user", dest="pl_user", help="PlanetLab account user (i.e. Registration email address)", default=pl_user, type="str") parser.add_option("-p", "--pl-pwd", dest="pl_pwd", help="PlanetLab account password", default=pl_pwd, type="str") parser.add_option("-v", "--vsys-vnet", dest="vsys_vnet", help="Value of the vsys_vnet tag addigned to your slice. (e.g.", default=pl_vsys_vnet, type="str") parser.add_option("-N", "--host-names", dest="hostnames", help="Comma separated list of PlanetLab hostnames to use", default=pl_hostnames, type="str") parser.add_option("-c", "--node-count", dest="node_count", help="Number of nodes to use", default=5, type="str") parser.add_option("-P", "--ccn-local-port", dest="port", help="Port to bind the CCNx daemon", default=ccn_local_port, type="int") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() hostnames = map(string.strip, options.hostnames.split(",")) if options.hostnames else default_hostnames if options.node_count > 0 and options.node_count < len(hostnames): hostnames = hostnames[0:options.node_count] vsys_vnet = options.vsys_vnet slicename = options.slicename pl_host = options.pl_host pl_user= options.pl_user pl_pwd = options.pl_pwd pl_ssh_key = options.pl_ssh_key port = options.port run(hostnames, vsys_vnet, slicename, pl_host, pl_user, pl_pwd, pl_ssh_key, port_base, root_dir, port)