# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac # # Instructions to run this example: # # 1. First edit the script file where required (See ASSING messages) # # 2. Then, run the script: # # $ cd # $ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATHS:src python examples/linux/ccn/two_nodes_file_retrieval.py # from nepi.execution.ec import ExperimentController from optparse import OptionParser, SUPPRESS_HELP import os usage = ("usage: %prog -a -b -u -i ") parser = OptionParser(usage = usage) parser.add_option("-a", "--hostname1", dest="hostname1", help="Remote host 1", type="str") parser.add_option("-b", "--hostname2", dest="hostname2", help="Remote host 2", type="str") parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", help="Username to SSH to remote host", type="str") parser.add_option("-i", "--ssh-key", dest="ssh_key", help="Path to private SSH key to be used for connection", type="str") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() hostname1 = options.hostname1 hostname2 = options.hostname2 username = options.username ssh_key = options.ssh_key ## Create the experiment controller ec = ExperimentController(exp_id = "ccn_simple_transfer") ## Register node 1 node1 = ec.register_resource("LinuxNode") # Set the hostname of the first node to use for the experiment ec.set(node1, "hostname", hostname1) # username should be your SSH user ec.set(node1, "username", username) # Absolute path to the SSH private key ec.set(node1, "identity", ssh_key) # Clean all files, results, etc, from previous experiments wit the same exp_id ec.set(node1, "cleanExperiment", True) # Kill all running processes in the node before running the experiment ec.set(node1, "cleanProcesses", True) ## Register node 2 node2 = ec.register_resource("LinuxNode") # Set the hostname of the first node to use for the experiment ec.set(node2, "hostname", hostname2) # username should be your SSH user ec.set(node2, "username", username) # Absolute path to the SSH private key ec.set(node2, "identity", ssh_key) # Clean all files, results, etc, from previous experiments wit the same exp_id ec.set(node2, "cleanExperiment", True) # Kill all running processes in the node before running the experiment ec.set(node2, "cleanProcesses", True) ## Register a CCN daemon in node 1 ccnd1 = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCND") # Set ccnd log level to 7 ec.set(ccnd1, "debug", 7) ec.register_connection(ccnd1, node1) ## Register a CCN daemon in node 2 ccnd2 = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCND") # Set ccnd log level to 7 ec.set(ccnd2, "debug", 7) ec.register_connection(ccnd2, node2) ## Register a repository in node 1 ccnr1 = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCNR") ec.register_connection(ccnr1, ccnd1) ## Push the file into the repository local_path_to_content = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "..", "big_buck_bunny_240p_mpeg4_lq.ts") # Register a FIB entry from node 1 to node 2 co = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCNContent") ec.set(co, "contentName", "ccnx:/test/FILE1") # NEPI will upload the specified file to the remote node and write it # into the CCN repository ec.set(co, "content", local_path_to_content) ec.register_connection(co, ccnr1) # Register a FIB entry from node 1 to node 2 entry1 = ec.register_resource("LinuxFIBEntry") ec.set(entry1, "host", hostname2) ec.register_connection(entry1, ccnd1) # Register a FIB entry from node 2 to node 1 entry2 = ec.register_resource("LinuxFIBEntry") ec.set(entry2, "host", hostname1) ec.register_connection(entry2, ccnd2) ## Retrieve the file stored in node 1 from node 2 command = "ccncat ccnx:/test/FILE1" app = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCNApplication") ec.set(app, "command", command) ec.register_connection(app, ccnd2) # Register a collector to automatically collect the ccnd logs # to a local directory col1 = ec.register_resource("Collector") ec.set(col1, "traceName", "stderr") ec.set(col1, "subDir", hostname1) ec.register_connection(col1, ccnd1) col2 = ec.register_resource("Collector") ec.set(col2, "traceName", "stderr") ec.set(col2, "subDir", hostname2) ec.register_connection(col2, ccnd2) print "Results stored at", ec.exp_dir ## Deploy all resources ec.deploy() # Wait until the ccncat is finished ec.wait_finished([app]) ec.shutdown()