#!/usr/bin/env python from neco.execution.ec import ExperimentController, ECState from neco.execution.resource import ResourceState, ResourceAction, \ populate_factory from optparse import OptionParser, SUPPRESS_HELP import os import time def add_node(ec, host, user): node = ec.register_resource("LinuxNode") ec.set(node, "hostname", host) ec.set(node, "username", user) #ec.set(node, "cleanHome", True) ec.set(node, "cleanProcesses", True) return node def add_ccnd(ec, os_type, peers): if os_type == "f12": depends = ( " autoconf openssl-devel expat-devel libpcap-devel " " ecryptfs-utils-devel libxml2-devel automake gawk " " gcc gcc-c++ git pcre-devel ") elif os_type == "ubuntu": depends = ( " autoconf libssl-dev libexpat-dev libpcap-dev " " libecryptfs0 libxml2-utils automake gawk gcc g++ " " git-core pkg-config libpcre3-dev ") sources = "http://www.ccnx.org/releases/ccnx-0.7.1.tar.gz" build = ( # Evaluate if ccnx binaries are already installed " ( " " test -d ${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin" " ) || ( " # If not, untar and build " ( " " mkdir -p ${SOURCES}/ccnx && " " tar xf ${SOURCES}/ccnx-0.7.1.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C ${SOURCES}/ccnx " " ) && " "cd ${SOURCES}/ccnx && " # Just execute and silence warnings... "( ( ./configure && make ) 2>&1 )" " )") install = ( # Evaluate if ccnx binaries are already installed " ( " " test -d ${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin " " ) || ( " " mkdir -p ${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin && " " cp -r ${SOURCES}/ccnx ${EXP_HOME}" " )" ) env = "PATH=$PATH:${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin" command = "ccndstart 2>&1 ; " peers = map(lambda peer: "ccndc add ccnx:/ udp %s" % peer, peers) command += " ; ".join(peers) + " ; " command += " ccnr 2>&1 " app = ec.register_resource("LinuxApplication") ec.set(app, "depends", depends) ec.set(app, "sources", sources) ec.set(app, "install", install) ec.set(app, "build", build) ec.set(app, "env", env) ec.set(app, "command", command) return app def add_publish(ec, movie): env = "PATH=$PATH:${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin" command = "ccnseqwriter -r ccnx:/VIDEO" app = ec.register_resource("LinuxApplication") ec.set(app, "stdin", movie) ec.set(app, "env", env) ec.set(app, "command", command) return app def add_stream(ec): env = "PATH=$PATH:${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin" command = "sudo -S dbus-uuidgen --ensure ; ( ccncat ccnx:/VIDEO | vlc - ) 2>&1" app = ec.register_resource("LinuxApplication") ec.set(app, "depends", "vlc") ec.set(app, "forwardX11", True) ec.set(app, "env", env) ec.set(app, "command", command) return app def get_options(): slicename = os.environ.get("PL_SLICE") usage = "usage: %prog -s -u -m -l " parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-s", "--pl-slice", dest="pl_slice", help="PlanetLab slicename", default=slicename, type="str") parser.add_option("-u", "--user-2", dest="user2", help="User for non PlanetLab machine", type="str") parser.add_option("-m", "--movie", dest="movie", help="Stream movie", type="str") parser.add_option("-l", "--exp-id", dest="exp_id", help="Label to identify experiment", type="str") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.movie: parser.error("movie is a required argument") return (options.pl_slice, options.user2, options.movie, options.exp_id) if __name__ == '__main__': ( pl_slice, user2, movie, exp_id ) = get_options() # Search for available RMs populate_factory() #host1 = 'nepi2.pl.sophia.inria.fr' host1 = 'planetlab2.u-strasbg.fr' host2 = 'roseval.pl.sophia.inria.fr' ec = ExperimentController(exp_id = exp_id) node1 = add_node(ec, host1, pl_slice) peers = [host2] ccnd1 = add_ccnd(ec, "f12", peers) ec.register_connection(ccnd1, node1) pub = add_publish(ec, movie) ec.register_connection(pub, node1) # The movie can only be published after ccnd is running ec.register_condition(pub, ResourceAction.START, ccnd1, ResourceState.STARTED) node2 = add_node(ec, host2, user2) peers = [host1] ccnd2 = add_ccnd(ec, "ubuntu", peers) ec.register_connection(ccnd2, node2) stream = add_stream(ec) ec.register_connection(stream, node2) # The stream can only be retrieved after ccnd is running ec.register_condition(stream, ResourceAction.START, ccnd2, ResourceState.STARTED) # And also, the stream can only be retrieved after it was published ec.register_condition(stream, ResourceAction.START, pub, ResourceState.STARTED) ec.deploy() apps = [ccnd1, pub, ccnd2, stream] ec.wait_finished(apps) ec.shutdown()