#!/usr/bin/env python # # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from nepi.execution.ec import ExperimentController from nepi.execution.resource import ResourceAction, ResourceState import os import time import argparse # Set experiment for broadcast or vod mode parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='NEPI VoD/Broadcast experiment') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', help='Set vlc mode, possible values or ', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() mode = args.mode # Create the entity Experiment Controller exp_id = "vod_exp" ec = ExperimentController(exp_id) # Define SFA credentials slicename = 'ple.inria.nepi' sfauser = 'ple.inria.aquereilhac' sfaPrivateKey = '/home/alina/.sfi/aquereilhac.pkey' # Functions for nodes and ifaces registration def create_planetlab_node(ec, host): node = ec.register_resource("PlanetlabSfaNode") ec.set(node, "hostname", host) ec.set(node, "username", "inria_nepi") ec.set(node, "sfauser", sfauser) ec.set(node, "sfaPrivateKey", sfaPrivateKey) ec.set(node, 'cleanExperiment', True) return node def create_omf_node(ec, host): node = ec.register_resource("WilabtSfaNode") ec.set(node, "host", host) ec.set(node, "slicename", slicename) ec.set(node, "sfauser", sfauser) ec.set(node, "sfaPrivateKey", sfaPrivateKey) ec.set(node, "gatewayUser", "nepi") ec.set(node, "gateway", "bastion.test.iminds.be") ec.set(node, "disk_image", 'NepiVlcOMF6Baseline') ec.set(node, 'xmppServer', "xmpp.ilabt.iminds.be") ec.set(node, 'xmppUser', "nepi") ec.set(node, 'xmppPort', "5222") ec.set(node, 'xmppPassword', "1234") return node def create_omf_iface(ec, ip, node): iface = ec.register_resource("OMFWifiInterface") ec.set(iface, 'name', 'wlan0') ec.set(iface, 'mode', "adhoc") ec.set(iface, 'hw_mode', "g") ec.set(iface, 'essid', "vlc") ec.set(iface, 'ip', ip) ec.register_connection(iface, node) return iface # Register Internet VLC server video_server = create_planetlab_node(ec, 'planetlab3.xeno.cl.cam.ac.uk') # Register wifi media center and client nodes wifi_center = create_omf_node(ec, 'zotacB1') client1 = create_omf_node(ec, 'zotacB3') client2 = create_omf_node(ec, 'zotacB5') client3 = create_omf_node(ec, 'zotacC1') client4 = create_omf_node(ec, 'zotacC3') client5 = create_omf_node(ec, 'zotacB2') omf_nodes = [wifi_center, client1, client2, client3, client4, client5] # Register ifaces in wireless nodes iface_center = create_omf_iface(ec, "", wifi_center) iface_client1 = create_omf_iface(ec, "", client1) iface_client2 = create_omf_iface(ec, "", client2) iface_client3 = create_omf_iface(ec, "", client3) iface_client4 = create_omf_iface(ec, "", client4) iface_client5 = create_omf_iface(ec, "", client5) omf_ifaces = [iface_center, iface_client1, iface_client2, iface_client3, iface_client4, iface_client5] # Register channel chan = ec.register_resource("OMFChannel") ec.set(chan, 'channel', "6") # Register connection ifaces - channel ec.register_connection(iface_center, chan) ec.register_connection(iface_client1, chan) ec.register_connection(iface_client2, chan) ec.register_connection(iface_client3, chan) ec.register_connection(iface_client4, chan) ec.register_connection(iface_client5, chan) resources = [video_server] + omf_nodes + omf_ifaces + [chan] # Deploy physical resources and wait until they become provisioned ec.deploy(resources) ec.wait_deployed(resources) time.sleep(3) # Functions for applications registration in the nodes def create_vlc_server(ec, video_server, mode): vlc_server = ec.register_resource("LinuxApplication") ec.set(vlc_server, "depends", "vlc") ec.set(vlc_server, "sources", "examples/omf/demo_openlab/big_buck_bunny_240p_mpeg4_lq.ts") # Depending on the mode selected to run the experiment, # different configuation files and command to run are # uploaded to the server if mode == 'vod': ec.set(vlc_server, "files", "examples/omf/demo_openlab/conf_VoD.vlm") ec.set(vlc_server, "command", "sudo -S dbus-uuidgen --ensure ; cvlc --vlm-conf ${SHARE}/conf_VoD.vlm --rtsp-host 2>/tmp/logpl.txt") elif mode == 'broadcast': ec.set(vlc_server, "files", "examples/omf/demo_openlab/conf_Broadcast.vlm") ec.set(vlc_server, "command", "sudo -S dbus-uuidgen --ensure ; cvlc --vlm-conf ${SHARE}/conf_Broadcast.vlm --rtsp-host 2>/tmp/logpl.txt") ec.register_connection(video_server, vlc_server) return vlc_server def create_omf_app(ec, command, node): app = ec.register_resource("OMFApplication") ec.set(app, 'command', command) ec.register_connection(app, node) return app # Run the VLC server in the Planetlab node vlc_server = create_vlc_server(ec, video_server, mode) # Upload configuration to the wifi media center and run VLC if mode == 'vod': update_file_wificenter = "echo -e 'new BUNNY vod enabled\\n"\ "setup BUNNY input rtsp://' > /root/wificenter.vlm" command_wificenter = "/root/vlc/vlc-1.1.13/cvlc --vlm-conf /root/wificenter.vlm --rtsp-host" elif mode == 'broadcast': update_file_wificenter = "echo -e 'new BUNNY broadcast enabled loop\\n"\ "setup BUNNY input rtsp://\\n"\ "setup BUNNY output #rtp{access=udp,mux=ts,sdp=rtsp://}\\n\\n"\ "new test_sched schedule enabled\\n"\ "setup test_sched append control BUNNY play' > /root/wificenter.vlm" command_wificenter = "/root/vlc/vlc-1.1.13/cvlc --vlm-conf /root/wificenter.vlm --rtsp-host" upload_conf = create_omf_app(ec, update_file_wificenter , wifi_center) vlc_wificenter = create_omf_app(ec, command_wificenter , wifi_center) ec.register_condition(upload_conf, ResourceAction.START, vlc_server, ResourceState.STARTED , "2s") ec.register_condition(vlc_wificenter, ResourceAction.START, upload_conf, ResourceState.STARTED , "2s") # measurements in video server (PL node) measure_videoserver = ec.register_resource("LinuxApplication") ec.set(measure_videoserver, "depends", "tcpdump") ec.set(measure_videoserver, "sudo", True) command = "tcpdump -i eth0 not arp -n -w /tmp/capplserver_%s.pcap" % ("$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')") ec.set(measure_videoserver, "command", command) ec.register_connection(measure_videoserver, video_server) # Deploy servers ec.deploy([vlc_server, upload_conf, vlc_wificenter, measure_videoserver]) ec.wait_started([vlc_server, upload_conf, vlc_wificenter, measure_videoserver]) time.sleep(3) def deploy_experiment(ec, clients, wifi_center): # measurements in transmitter eth0 command_measure_wificentereth0 = "/usr/sbin/tcpdump -i eth0 not arp -n -w /tmp/capwificen_eth0_%s_%s.pcap" % (len(clients), "$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')") measure_wificentereth0 = create_omf_app(ec, command_measure_wificentereth0, wifi_center) ec.register_condition(measure_wificentereth0, ResourceAction.STOP, measure_wificentereth0, ResourceState.STARTED , "65s") # measurements in transmitter wlan0 command_measure_wificenterwlan0 = "/usr/sbin/tcpdump -i wlan0 not arp -n -w /tmp/capwificen_wlan0_%s_%s.pcap" % (len(clients), "$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')") measure_wificenterwlan0 = create_omf_app(ec, command_measure_wificenterwlan0, wifi_center) ec.register_condition(measure_wificenterwlan0, ResourceAction.STOP, measure_wificenterwlan0, ResourceState.STARTED , "65s") # kill tcpdumps in wificenter command_kill_measure_wificentereth0 = "killall /usr/sbin/tcpdump" kill_measure_wificentereth0 = create_omf_app(ec, command_kill_measure_wificentereth0, wifi_center) ec.register_condition(kill_measure_wificentereth0, ResourceAction.START, measure_wificentereth0, ResourceState.STARTED , "65s") ec.register_condition(kill_measure_wificentereth0, ResourceAction.STOP, kill_measure_wificentereth0, ResourceState.STARTED , "2s") apps = [measure_wificentereth0, measure_wificenterwlan0, kill_measure_wificentereth0] delay = '2s' for client in clients: client_host = ec.get(client, 'host').split('.')[0] # measurements in clients command_measure_client = "/usr/sbin/tcpdump -i wlan0 not arp -n -w /tmp/capcli_%s_%s_%s.pcap" % (client_host, len(clients), "$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')") # run vlc client if mode == 'broadcast': command_client = "/root/vlc/vlc-1.1.13/cvlc rtsp:// --sout=file/ts:%s_%s_%s.ts 2>/tmp/logcli.txt" % (client_host, len(clients), "$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')") elif mode == 'vod': command_client = "/root/vlc/vlc-1.1.13/cvlc rtsp:// --sout=file/ts:%s_%s_%s.ts 2>/tmp/logcli.txt" % (client_host, len(clients), "$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')") # kill vlc client and tcpdump command_client_killvlc = "killall vlc vlc_app" command_client_killtcp = "killall /usr/sbin/tcpdump" run_client = create_omf_app(ec, command_client, client) measure_client = create_omf_app(ec, command_measure_client, client) kill_clientvlc = create_omf_app(ec, command_client_killvlc, client) kill_clienttcp = create_omf_app(ec, command_client_killtcp, client) ec.register_condition(run_client, ResourceAction.START, measure_client, ResourceState.STARTED , delay) ec.register_condition([run_client, measure_client], ResourceAction.STOP, run_client, ResourceState.STARTED , "60s") ec.register_condition(kill_clientvlc, ResourceAction.START, run_client, ResourceState.STARTED , "60s") ec.register_condition(kill_clienttcp, ResourceAction.START, measure_client, ResourceState.STARTED , "60s") ec.register_condition(kill_clientvlc, ResourceAction.STOP, kill_clientvlc, ResourceState.STARTED , "2s") ec.register_condition(kill_clienttcp, ResourceAction.STOP, kill_clienttcp, ResourceState.STARTED , "2s") apps.append(run_client) apps.append(measure_client) apps.append(kill_clientvlc) apps.append(kill_clienttcp) return apps ################# ## 1 client run # ################# apps1 = deploy_experiment(ec, [client1], wifi_center) ec.deploy(apps1) ec.wait_finished(apps1) ################ # 3 client run # ################ #apps3 = deploy_experiment(ec, [client1, client2, client3], wifi_center) # #ec.deploy(apps3) #ec.wait_finished(apps3) ################ # 5 client run # ################ # #apps5 = deploy_experiment(ec, [client1, client2, client3, client4, client5], wifi_center) #ec.deploy(apps5) #ec.wait_finished(apps5) ec.shutdown() # End