/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010 Nicira Networks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command-line.h" #include "daemon.h" #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "ezio.h" #include "fatal-signal.h" #include "netdev.h" #include "ofpbuf.h" #include "openflow/nicira-ext.h" #include "openflow/openflow.h" #include "packets.h" #include "poll-loop.h" #include "process.h" #include "random.h" #include "rconn.h" #include "socket-util.h" #include "svec.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "util.h" #include "vconn.h" #include "xtoxll.h" #define THIS_MODULE VLM_switchui #include "vlog.h" static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]); static void usage(void); static void initialize_terminal(void); static void restore_terminal(void *aux); enum priority { P_STATUS = 5, P_PROGRESS = 10, P_WARNING = 15, P_ERROR = 20, P_FATAL = 25 }; struct message; static void emit(struct message **, enum priority, const char *, ...) PRINTF_FORMAT(3, 4); static void emit_function(struct message **, enum priority, void (*function)(void *aux), void *aux); static int shown(struct message **); static void clear_messages(void); static bool empty_message(const struct message *); static struct message *best_message(void); static struct message *next_message(struct message *); static struct message *prev_message(struct message *); static void put_message(const struct message *); static void message_shown(struct message *); static void age_messages(void); struct pair { char *name; char *value; }; struct dict { struct pair *pairs; size_t n, max; }; static void dict_init(struct dict *); static void dict_add(struct dict *, const char *name, const char *value); static void dict_add_nocopy(struct dict *, char *name, char *value); static void dict_delete(struct dict *, const char *name); static void dict_parse(struct dict *, const char *data, size_t nbytes); static void dict_free(struct dict *); static bool dict_lookup(const struct dict *, const char *name, const char **value); static int dict_get_int(const struct dict *, const char *name, int def); static bool dict_get_bool(const struct dict *, const char *name, bool def); static const char *dict_get_string(const struct dict *, const char *name, const char *def); static uint32_t dict_get_ip(const struct dict *, const char *name); static void addf(const char *format, ...) PRINTF_FORMAT(1, 2); static void fetch_status(struct rconn *, struct dict *, long long int timeout); static bool parse_reply(void *, struct dict *, uint32_t xid); static void compose_messages(const struct dict *, struct rconn *rconn); static void show_flows(struct rconn *); static void show_dpid_ip(struct rconn *, const struct dict *); static void show_ofproto_state(const struct dict *); static void show_fail_open_state(const struct dict *); static void show_discovery_state(const struct dict *); static void show_remote_state(const struct dict *); static void show_data_rates(struct rconn *, const struct dict *); static void init_reboot_notifier(void); static bool show_reboot_state(void); static void show_string(const char *string); static void block_until(long long timeout); static void menu(const struct dict *); static void drain_keyboard_buffer(void); static const char *progress(void); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct rconn *rconn; struct message *msg; int countdown = 5; bool user_selected; bool debug_mode; /* Tracking keystroke repeat counts. */ int last_key = 0; long long int last_key_time = 0; int repeat_count = 0; set_program_name(argv[0]); time_init(); vlog_init(); parse_options(argc, argv); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); vlog_set_levels(VLM_ANY_MODULE, VLF_CONSOLE, VLL_EMER); init_reboot_notifier(); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 1) { ovs_fatal(0, "exactly one non-option argument required; " "use --help for help"); } rconn = rconn_new(argv[0], 5, 5); die_if_already_running(); daemonize(); initialize_terminal(); fatal_signal_add_hook(restore_terminal, NULL, true); msg = NULL; countdown = 0; user_selected = false; debug_mode = false; for (;;) { struct dict dict; long long timeout = time_msec() + 1000; clear_messages(); dict_init(&dict); fetch_status(rconn, &dict, timeout); dict_add(&dict, "debug", debug_mode ? "true" : "false"); compose_messages(&dict, rconn); if (countdown) { if (!empty_message(msg)) { countdown--; } else { msg = user_selected ? next_message(msg) : best_message(); countdown = 5; } } else { msg = best_message(); countdown = 5; user_selected = false; } if (!user_selected) { message_shown(msg); } do { for (;;) { int c = getch(); if (c == ERR) { break; } if (c != last_key || time_msec() > last_key_time + 250) { repeat_count = 0; } last_key = c; last_key_time = time_msec(); repeat_count++; if (c == KEY_DOWN || c == KEY_UP) { msg = (c == KEY_DOWN ? next_message(msg) : prev_message(msg)); countdown = 5; user_selected = true; } else if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { countdown = 60; user_selected = true; if (repeat_count >= 20) { debug_mode = !debug_mode; show_string(debug_mode ? "Debug Mode\nEnabled" : "Debug Mode\nDisabled"); } } else if (c == '\b' || c == '\x7f' || c == '\x1b' || c == KEY_BACKSPACE || c == KEY_DC) { menu(&dict); drain_keyboard_buffer(); break; } } erase(); curs_set(0); move(0, 0); put_message(msg); refresh(); poll_fd_wait(STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN); poll_timer_wait(timeout - time_msec()); poll_block(); } while (time_msec() < timeout); age_messages(); dict_free(&dict); } return 0; } static void compose_messages(const struct dict *dict, struct rconn *rconn) { if (!show_reboot_state()) { show_flows(rconn); show_dpid_ip(rconn, dict); show_ofproto_state(dict); show_fail_open_state(dict); show_discovery_state(dict); show_remote_state(dict); show_data_rates(rconn, dict); } } struct put_flows_data { struct rconn *rconn; uint32_t xid; uint32_t flow_count; bool got_reply; }; static void parse_flow_reply(void *data, struct put_flows_data *pfd) { struct ofp_header *oh; struct ofp_stats_reply *rpy; struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply *asr; const size_t min_size = sizeof *rpy + sizeof *asr; oh = data; if (ntohs(oh->length) < min_size) { VLOG_WARN("reply is too short (%"PRIu16")", ntohs(oh->length)); return; } if (oh->xid != pfd->xid) { VLOG_WARN("xid 0x%08"PRIx32" != expected 0x%08"PRIx32, oh->xid, pfd->xid); return; } if (oh->type != OFPT_STATS_REPLY) { VLOG_WARN("reply is wrong type %"PRIu8, oh->type); return; } rpy = data; if (rpy->type != htons(OFPST_AGGREGATE)) { VLOG_WARN("reply has wrong stat type ID %08"PRIx16, rpy->type); return; } asr = (struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply *) rpy->body; pfd->flow_count = ntohl(asr->flow_count); pfd->got_reply = true; } static bool have_icons(void) { const char *dico = tigetstr("dico"); return dico && dico != (const char *) -1; } static void set_icon(int num, int r0, int r1, int r2, int r3, int r4, int r5, int r6, int r7) { if (have_icons()) { putp(tparm(tigetstr("dico"), num, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7)); } } static void set_repeated_icon(int num, int row) { set_icon(num, row, row, row, row, row, row, row, row); } #if 0 static void set_brick_icon(int num, int n_solid) { const static int rows[6] = {_____, X____, XX___, XXX__, XXXX_, XXXXX}; set_repeated_icon(num, rows[n_solid < 0 ? 0 : n_solid > 5 ? 5 : n_solid]); } #endif static int icon_char(int num, int alternate) { return have_icons() ? 0x80 | num | A_ALTCHARSET : alternate; } static void put_icon(int num, char alternate) { addch(icon_char(num, alternate)); } #if 0 static void bar_graph(int n_chars, int n_pixels) { int i; if (n_pixels < 0) { n_pixels = 0; } else if (n_pixels > n_chars * 5) { n_pixels = n_chars * 5; } if (n_pixels > 5) { set_brick_icon(0, 5); for (i = 0; i < n_pixels / 5; i++) { put_icon(0, "#"); } } if (n_pixels % 5) { set_brick_icon(1, n_pixels % 5); put_icon(1, "#"); } } #endif static void put_flows(void *pfd_) { struct put_flows_data *pfd = pfd_; static struct rconn_packet_counter *counter; char host[64]; if (!counter) { counter = rconn_packet_counter_create(); } if (!pfd->xid) { struct ofp_stats_request *rq; struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request *asr; struct ofpbuf *b; pfd->xid = random_uint32(); rq = make_openflow_xid(sizeof *rq, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST, pfd->xid, &b); rq->type = htons(OFPST_AGGREGATE); rq->flags = htons(0); asr = ofpbuf_put_uninit(b, sizeof *asr); memset(asr, 0, sizeof *asr); asr->match.wildcards = htonl(OFPFW_ALL); asr->table_id = 0xff; asr->out_port = htons(OFPP_NONE); update_openflow_length(b); rconn_send_with_limit(pfd->rconn, b, counter, 10); } if (!pfd->got_reply) { int i; rconn_run(pfd->rconn); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { struct ofpbuf *b; b = rconn_recv(pfd->rconn); if (!b) { break; } parse_flow_reply(b->data, pfd); ofpbuf_delete(b); if (pfd->got_reply) { break; } } } gethostname(host, sizeof host); host[sizeof host - 1] = '\0'; if (strlen(host) + 6 <= 16) { addf("Host: %s\n", host); } else { addf("%s\n", host); } if (pfd->got_reply) { addf("Flows: %"PRIu32, pfd->flow_count); } if (!pfd->got_reply) { rconn_run_wait(pfd->rconn); rconn_recv_wait(pfd->rconn); } } static void show_flows(struct rconn *rconn) { static struct message *m; static struct put_flows_data pfd; memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof pfd); pfd.rconn = rconn; emit_function(&m, P_STATUS, put_flows, &pfd); } struct put_dpid_ip_data { struct rconn *rconn; uint32_t xid; uint64_t dpid; char ip[16]; bool got_reply; }; static void parse_dp_reply(void *data, struct put_dpid_ip_data *pdid) { struct ofp_switch_features *osf; struct ofp_header *oh; oh = data; if (ntohs(oh->length) < sizeof *osf) { VLOG_WARN("reply is too short (%"PRIu16")", ntohs(oh->length)); return; } if (oh->xid != pdid->xid) { VLOG_WARN("xid 0x%08"PRIx32" != expected 0x%08"PRIx32, oh->xid, pdid->xid); return; } if (oh->type != OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY) { VLOG_WARN("reply is wrong type %"PRIu8, oh->type); return; } osf = data; pdid->dpid = ntohll(osf->datapath_id); pdid->got_reply = true; } static void put_dpid_id(void *pdid_) { struct put_dpid_ip_data *pdid = pdid_; static struct rconn_packet_counter *counter; if (!counter) { counter = rconn_packet_counter_create(); } if (!pdid->xid) { struct ofp_header *oh; struct ofpbuf *b; pdid->xid = random_uint32(); oh = make_openflow_xid(sizeof *oh, OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST, pdid->xid, &b); rconn_send_with_limit(pdid->rconn, b, counter, 10); } if (!pdid->got_reply) { int i; rconn_run(pdid->rconn); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { struct ofpbuf *b; b = rconn_recv(pdid->rconn); if (!b) { break; } parse_dp_reply(b->data, pdid); ofpbuf_delete(b); if (pdid->got_reply) { break; } } } addf("DP: "); if (pdid->got_reply) { addf("%012"PRIx64, pdid->dpid); } addf("\nIP: %s", pdid->ip); if (!pdid->got_reply) { rconn_run_wait(pdid->rconn); rconn_recv_wait(pdid->rconn); } } static void show_dpid_ip(struct rconn *rconn, const struct dict *dict) { static struct message *m; static struct put_dpid_ip_data pdid; const char *is_connected, *local_ip; dict_lookup(dict, "local.is-connected", &is_connected); dict_lookup(dict, "remote.local-ip", &local_ip); if (!is_connected && !local_ip) { /* If we're not connected to the datapath and don't have a local IP, * then we won't have anything useful to show anyhow. */ return; } memset(&pdid, 0, sizeof pdid); pdid.rconn = rconn; ovs_strlcpy(pdid.ip, local_ip ? local_ip : "", sizeof pdid.ip); emit_function(&m, P_STATUS, put_dpid_id, &pdid); } static size_t dict_find(const struct dict *dict, const char *name) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < dict->n; i++) { const struct pair *p = &dict->pairs[i]; if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) { return i; } } return SIZE_MAX; } static bool dict_lookup(const struct dict *dict, const char *name, const char **value) { size_t idx = dict_find(dict, name); if (idx != SIZE_MAX) { *value = dict->pairs[idx].value; return true; } else { *value = NULL; return false; } } static const char * dict_get(const struct dict *dict, const char *name) { const char *value; return dict_lookup(dict, name, &value) ? value : NULL; } static int dict_get_int(const struct dict *dict, const char *name, int def) { const char *value; return dict_lookup(dict, name, &value) ? atoi(value) : def; } static bool dict_get_bool(const struct dict *dict, const char *name, bool def) { const char *value; if (dict_lookup(dict, name, &value)) { if (!strcmp(value, "true")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(value, "false")) { return false; } } return def; } static const char * dict_get_string(const struct dict *dict, const char *name, const char *def) { const char *value; return dict_lookup(dict, name, &value) ? value : def; } static uint32_t dict_get_ip(const struct dict *dict, const char *name) { struct in_addr in; return (inet_aton(dict_get_string(dict, name, ""), &in) ? in.s_addr : htonl(0)); } static void addf(const char *format, ...) { char buf[128]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, format, args); va_end(args); addstr(buf); } static void show_ofproto_state(const struct dict *dict) { static struct message *msg; const char *is_connected; if (!dict_lookup(dict, "remote.is-connected", &is_connected)) { /* Secchan not running or not responding. */ emit(&msg, P_ERROR, "Switch disabled"); } } static const char * discovery_state_label(const char *name) { static struct dict *states; if (!states) { states = xmalloc(sizeof *states); dict_init(states); dict_add(states, "INIT", "Init"); dict_add(states, "INIT_REBOOT", "Init"); dict_add(states, "REBOOTING", "Init"); dict_add(states, "SELECTING", "Searching"); dict_add(states, "REQUESTING", "Requesting"); dict_add(states, "BOUND", "Got"); dict_add(states, "RENEWING", "Renewing"); dict_add(states, "REBINDING", "Rebinding"); dict_add(states, "RELEASED", "Released"); } return dict_get_string(states, name, "Error"); } static void show_discovery_state(const struct dict *dict) { static struct message *m_bound, *m_other; struct message **m; const char *state, *ip; enum priority priority; int state_elapsed; state = dict_get_string(dict, "discovery.state", NULL); if (!state) { return; } ip = dict_get_string(dict, "discovery.ip", NULL); state_elapsed = dict_get_int(dict, "discovery.state-elapsed", 0); if (!strcmp(state, "BOUND")) { m = &m_bound; priority = P_STATUS; } else { m = &m_other; priority = P_PROGRESS; } emit(m, priority, "Discovery %s\n%s", progress(), discovery_state_label(state)); if (ip) { emit(m, priority, " %s", ip); } } static void human_time(int seconds, char *buf, size_t size) { const char *sign = ""; if (seconds < 0) { sign = "-"; seconds = seconds == INT_MIN ? INT_MAX : -seconds; } if (seconds <= 60) { snprintf(buf, size, "%s%d s", sign, seconds); } else if (seconds <= 60 * 60) { snprintf(buf, size, "%s%d min", sign, seconds / 60); } else if (seconds <= 60 * 60 * 24 * 2) { snprintf(buf, size, "%s%d h", sign, seconds / 60 / 60); } else { snprintf(buf, size, "%s%d days", sign, seconds / 60 / 60 / 24); } } static void show_fail_open_state(const struct dict *dict) { static struct message *m; int cur_duration, trigger_duration; if (!dict_get_bool(dict, "fail-open.triggered", false)) { return; } trigger_duration = dict_get_int(dict, "fail-open.trigger-duration", 0); cur_duration = dict_get_int(dict, "fail-open.current-duration", 0); if (shown(&m) < 5) { emit(&m, P_WARNING, "Failed open %s\nafter %d secs", progress(), trigger_duration); } else { char buf[16]; human_time(cur_duration - trigger_duration, buf, sizeof buf); emit(&m, P_WARNING, "In fail open for\n%s now %s", buf, progress()); } } static const char * progress(void) { return "..." + (3 - (unsigned int) time_now() % 4); } static void show_remote_state(const struct dict *dict) { bool debug_mode = dict_get_bool(dict, "debug", false); const char *state, *is_connected; state = dict_get_string(dict, "remote.state", NULL); if (!state) { return; } is_connected = dict_get_string(dict, "remote.is-connected", "false"); if (!strcmp(is_connected, "true")) { if (debug_mode) { static struct message *m_connected; char buf[16]; human_time(dict_get_int(dict, "remote.last-connection", 0), buf, sizeof buf); emit(&m_connected, P_STATUS, "Connected for\nlast %s %s", buf, progress()); } if (!strcmp(state, "IDLE")) { static struct message *m_idle; emit(&m_idle, P_PROGRESS, "Sent idle probe"); } if (debug_mode) { const char *name = dict_get_string(dict, "remote.name", NULL); if (name) { static struct message *m_name; emit(&m_name, P_STATUS, "Connected to\n%s", name); } } } else { int elapsed, backoff; const char *name, *error; elapsed = dict_get_int(dict, "remote.state-elapsed", 0); backoff = dict_get_int(dict, "remote.backoff", 0); name = dict_get_string(dict, "remote.name", "unknown"); state = dict_get_string(dict, "remote.state", "VOID"); error = dict_get_string(dict, "remote.last-connect-error", NULL); if (!strcmp(state, "VOID")) { static struct message *m; emit(&m, P_PROGRESS, "Controller not\nfound"); } else if (!strcmp(state, "BACKOFF")) { static struct message *m[3]; char buf[16]; if (error) { emit(&m[0], P_PROGRESS, "Connect failed:\n%s", error); } emit(&m[2], P_STATUS, "Last connected\n%s ago", buf); emit(&m[1], P_PROGRESS, "Disconnected\nReconnect in %d", backoff - elapsed); human_time(dict_get_int(dict, "remote.last-connection", 0), buf, sizeof buf); } else if (!strcmp(state, "CONNECTING")) { static struct message *m; emit(&m, P_PROGRESS, "Connecting %s\n%s", progress(), name); } } } static void fetch_status(struct rconn *rconn, struct dict *dict, long long timeout) { static struct rconn_packet_counter *counter; static uint32_t xid; struct nicira_header *rq; struct ofpbuf *b; int retval; if (!counter) { counter = rconn_packet_counter_create(); } if (!xid) { xid = random_uint32(); } rq = make_openflow_xid(sizeof *rq, OFPT_VENDOR, ++xid, &b); rq->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); rq->subtype = htonl(NXT_STATUS_REQUEST); retval = rconn_send_with_limit(rconn, b, counter, 10); if (retval) { /* continue into the loop so that we pause for a while */ } while (time_msec() < timeout) { int i; rconn_run(rconn); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { struct ofpbuf *b; bool got_reply; b = rconn_recv(rconn); if (!b) { break; } got_reply = parse_reply(b->data, dict, xid); ofpbuf_delete(b); if (got_reply) { return; } } rconn_run_wait(rconn); rconn_recv_wait(rconn); poll_timer_wait(timeout - time_msec()); poll_block(); } } static bool parse_reply(void *data, struct dict *dict, uint32_t xid) { struct ofp_header *oh; struct nicira_header *rpy; oh = data; if (ntohs(oh->length) < sizeof *rpy) { VLOG_WARN("reply is too short (%"PRIu16")", ntohs(oh->length)); return false; } if (oh->xid != xid) { VLOG_WARN("xid 0x%08"PRIx32" != expected 0x%08"PRIx32, oh->xid, xid); return false; } if (oh->type != OFPT_VENDOR) { VLOG_WARN("reply is wrong type %"PRIu8, oh->type); return false; } rpy = data; if (rpy->vendor != htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID)) { VLOG_WARN("reply has wrong vendor ID %08"PRIx32, rpy->vendor); return false; } if (rpy->subtype != htonl(NXT_STATUS_REPLY)) { VLOG_WARN("reply has wrong subtype %08"PRIx32, rpy->subtype); return false; } dict_parse(dict, (const char *) (rpy + 1), ntohs(oh->length) - sizeof *rpy); return true; } static void dict_parse(struct dict *dict, const char *data, size_t nbytes) { char *save_ptr = NULL; char *copy, *name; copy = xmemdup0(data, nbytes); for (name = strtok_r(copy, "=", &save_ptr); name; name = strtok_r(NULL, "=", &save_ptr)) { char *value = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &save_ptr); if (!value) { break; } dict_add(dict, name, value); } free(copy); } static void dict_init(struct dict *dict) { dict->n = 0; dict->max = 16; dict->pairs = xmalloc(sizeof *dict->pairs * dict->max); } static void dict_add(struct dict *dict, const char *name, const char *value) { dict_add_nocopy(dict, xstrdup(name), xstrdup(value)); } static void dict_add_nocopy(struct dict *dict, char *name, char *value) { struct pair *p; if (dict->n >= dict->max) { dict->max *= 2; dict->pairs = xrealloc(dict->pairs, sizeof *dict->pairs * dict->max); } p = &dict->pairs[dict->n++]; p->name = name; p->value = value; } static void dict_delete(struct dict *dict, const char *name) { size_t idx; while ((idx = dict_find(dict, name)) != SIZE_MAX) { struct pair *pair = &dict->pairs[idx]; free(pair->name); free(pair->value); dict->pairs[idx] = dict->pairs[--dict->n]; } } static void dict_free(struct dict *dict) { if (dict) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < dict->n; i++) { free(dict->pairs[i].name); free(dict->pairs[i].value); } free(dict->pairs); } } static void initialize_terminal(void) { initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); typeahead(-1); scrollok(stdscr, TRUE); } static void restore_terminal(void *aux OVS_UNUSED) { endwin(); } struct byte_count { long long int when; uint64_t tx_bytes; }; struct show_rates_data { struct rconn *rconn; uint32_t xid; struct byte_count prev, now; bool got_reply; }; static void parse_port_reply(void *data, struct show_rates_data *rates) { struct ofp_header *oh; struct ofp_stats_reply *rpy; struct ofp_port_stats *ops; size_t n_ports; size_t i; oh = data; if (ntohs(oh->length) < sizeof *rpy) { VLOG_WARN("reply is too short (%"PRIu16")", ntohs(oh->length)); return; } if (oh->xid != rates->xid) { VLOG_WARN("xid 0x%08"PRIx32" != expected 0x%08"PRIx32, oh->xid, rates->xid); return; } if (oh->type != OFPT_STATS_REPLY) { VLOG_WARN("reply is wrong type %"PRIu8, oh->type); return; } rpy = data; if (rpy->type != htons(OFPST_PORT)) { VLOG_WARN("reply has wrong stat type ID %08"PRIx16, rpy->type); return; } n_ports = ((ntohs(oh->length) - offsetof(struct ofp_stats_reply, body)) / sizeof *ops); ops = (struct ofp_port_stats *) rpy->body; rates->prev = rates->now; rates->now.when = time_msec(); rates->now.tx_bytes = UINT64_MAX; for (i = 0; i < n_ports; i++, ops++) { if (ops->tx_bytes != htonll(UINT64_MAX)) { if (rates->now.tx_bytes == UINT64_MAX) { rates->now.tx_bytes = 0; } rates->now.tx_bytes += ntohll(ops->tx_bytes); } } rates->got_reply = true; } static void dump_graph(const bool graph[80]) { signed char icons[32]; int n_icons = 3; int i; memset(icons, -1, sizeof icons); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { uint8_t row; int j; row = 0; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { row = (row << 1) | graph[i * 5 + j]; } if (!row) { addch(' '); continue; } if (icons[row] < 0) { if (n_icons >= 8) { addch('X'); continue; } set_repeated_icon(n_icons, row); icons[row] = n_icons++; } put_icon(icons[row], row == 0x1f ? '#' : ' '); } } static void do_show_data_rates(void *rates_) { struct show_rates_data *rates = rates_; static struct rconn_packet_counter *counter; bool graph[80]; if (!counter) { counter = rconn_packet_counter_create(); } if (!rates->xid) { struct ofp_stats_request *rq; struct ofpbuf *b; rates->xid = random_uint32(); rq = make_openflow_xid(sizeof *rq, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST, rates->xid, &b); rq->type = htons(OFPST_PORT); rq->flags = htons(0); rconn_send_with_limit(rates->rconn, b, counter, 10); } if (!rates->got_reply) { int i; rconn_run(rates->rconn); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { struct ofpbuf *b; b = rconn_recv(rates->rconn); if (!b) { break; } parse_port_reply(b->data, rates); ofpbuf_delete(b); if (rates->got_reply) { break; } } } set_icon(0, e_____, e_____, e_____, e__X__, e__X__, e__X_X, e__XX_, e__X_X); set_icon(1, e_____, e_____, e_____, eX___X, eXX_XX, eX_X_X, eX___X, eX___X); set_icon(2, e_____, e_____, e_____, e_XXX_, eX____, eX_XXX, eX___X, e_XXX_); memset(graph, 0, sizeof graph); graph[24] = 1; graph[48] = 1; graph[72] = 1; addstr("TX: "); put_icon(0, 'k'); addstr(" "); put_icon(1, 'M'); addstr(" "); put_icon(2, 'G'); addch('\n'); if (rates->now.tx_bytes != UINT64_MAX && rates->prev.tx_bytes != UINT64_MAX && rates->now.when - rates->prev.when > 500 && time_msec() - rates->now.when < 2000) { uint64_t bits = (rates->now.tx_bytes - rates->prev.tx_bytes) * 8; uint64_t msecs = rates->now.when - rates->prev.when; double bps = (double) bits * 1000.0 / msecs; int pixels = bps > 0 ? log(bps) / log(10.0) * 8 + .5 : 0; if (pixels < 0) { pixels = 0; } else if (pixels > 80) { pixels = 80; } memset(graph, 1, pixels); } dump_graph(graph); if (!rates->got_reply) { rconn_run_wait(rates->rconn); rconn_recv_wait(rates->rconn); } } static void show_data_rates(struct rconn *rconn, const struct dict *dict) { static struct message *m; static struct show_rates_data rates; const char *is_connected, *local_ip; static bool inited = false; dict_lookup(dict, "local.is-connected", &is_connected); dict_lookup(dict, "remote.local-ip", &local_ip); if (!is_connected && !local_ip) { /* If we're not connected to the datapath and don't have a local IP, * then we won't have anything useful to show anyhow. */ return; } rates.rconn = rconn; rates.xid = 0; rates.got_reply = false; if (!inited) { rates.now.tx_bytes = UINT64_MAX; rates.prev.tx_bytes = UINT64_MAX; inited = true; } emit_function(&m, P_STATUS, do_show_data_rates, &rates); } struct message { /* Content. */ void (*function)(void *aux); void *aux; char string[128]; size_t index; enum priority priority; int age; int shown; }; static struct message **messages; static size_t n_messages, allocated_messages; static struct message * allocate_message(struct message **msgp) { if (!*msgp) { /* Allocate and initialize message. */ *msgp = xcalloc(1, sizeof **msgp); (*msgp)->index = n_messages; /* Add to list of messages. */ if (n_messages >= allocated_messages) { allocated_messages = 2 * allocated_messages + 1; messages = xrealloc(messages, sizeof *messages * allocated_messages); } messages[n_messages++] = *msgp; } return *msgp; } static void emit(struct message **msgp, enum priority priority, const char *format, ...) { struct message *msg = allocate_message(msgp); va_list args; size_t length; msg->priority = priority; va_start(args, format); length = strlen(msg->string); vsnprintf(msg->string + length, sizeof msg->string - length, format, args); va_end(args); } static void emit_function(struct message **msgp, enum priority priority, void (*function)(void *aux), void *aux) { struct message *msg = allocate_message(msgp); msg->priority = priority; msg->function = function; msg->aux = aux; } static int shown(struct message **msgp) { struct message *msg = allocate_message(msgp); return msg->shown; } static void clear_messages(void) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n_messages; i++) { struct message *msg = messages[i]; msg->string[0] = '\0'; msg->function = NULL; } } static struct message * best_message(void) { struct message *best_msg; int best_score; size_t i; best_score = INT_MIN; best_msg = NULL; for (i = 0; i < n_messages; i++) { struct message *msg = messages[i]; int score; if (empty_message(msg)) { continue; } score = msg->priority; if (!msg->shown) { score += msg->age; } else { score -= msg->shown; } if (score > best_score) { best_score = score; best_msg = msg; } } return best_msg; } static void message_shown(struct message *msg) { if (msg && msg->shown++ > 3600) { msg->shown = 0; } } static bool empty_message(const struct message *msg) { return !msg || (!msg->string[0] && !msg->function); } static struct message *get_message(size_t index) { assert(index <= n_messages || index == SIZE_MAX); return (index < n_messages ? messages[index] : index == SIZE_MAX ? messages[n_messages - 1] : messages[0]); } static struct message * next_message(struct message *msg) { struct message *p; for (p = get_message(msg->index + 1); p != msg; p = get_message(p->index + 1)) { if (!empty_message(p)) { break; } } return p; } static struct message * prev_message(struct message *msg) { struct message *p; for (p = get_message(msg->index - 1); p != msg; p = get_message(p->index - 1)) { if (!empty_message(p)) { break; } } return p; } static void put_message(const struct message *m) { if (m->string[0]) { addstr(m->string); } else if (m->function) { m->function(m->aux); } } static void age_messages(void) { size_t i; int load; load = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_messages; i++) { struct message *msg = messages[i]; if (!empty_message(msg)) { load++; } } for (i = 0; i < n_messages; i++) { struct message *msg = messages[i]; if (empty_message(msg)) { msg->age = msg->shown = 0; } else { if (msg->age && msg->age % 60 == 0) { msg->shown -= MAX(0, 5 - (load + 6) / 12); if (msg->shown < 0) { msg->shown = 0; } } if (msg->age++ > 3600) { msg->age = 0; } } } } /* Set by SIGUSR1 handler. */ static volatile sig_atomic_t sigusr1_triggered; /* The time after which we stop indicating that the switch is rebooting. * (This is just in case the reboot fails.) */ static time_t reboot_deadline = TIME_MIN; static void sigusr1_handler(int); static void init_reboot_notifier(void) { signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler); } static void sigusr1_handler(int signr OVS_UNUSED) { sigusr1_triggered = true; } static bool show_reboot_state(void) { if (sigusr1_triggered) { reboot_deadline = time_now() + 30; sigusr1_triggered = false; } if (time_now() < reboot_deadline) { static struct message *msg; emit(&msg, P_FATAL, "Rebooting"); return true; } return false; } struct menu_item { char *text; void (*f)(const struct dict *); int id; bool enabled; int toggle; }; struct menu { struct menu_item **items; size_t n_items, allocated_items; }; static void menu_init(struct menu *); static void menu_free(struct menu *); static struct menu_item *menu_add_item(struct menu *, const char *text, ...) PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3); static int menu_show(const struct menu *, int start, bool select); static void cmd_shell(const struct dict *); static void cmd_show_version(const struct dict *); static void cmd_configure(const struct dict *); static void cmd_set_up_pki(const struct dict *); static void cmd_browse_status(const struct dict *); static void cmd_show_motto(const struct dict *); static void menu_init(struct menu *menu) { memset(menu, 0, sizeof *menu); } static void menu_free(struct menu *menu) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < menu->n_items; i++) { struct menu_item *item = menu->items[i]; free(item->text); free(item); } free(menu->items); } static struct menu_item * menu_add_item(struct menu *menu, const char *text, ...) { struct menu_item *item; va_list args; if (menu->n_items >= menu->allocated_items) { menu->allocated_items = 2 * menu->allocated_items + 1; menu->items = xrealloc(menu->items, sizeof *menu->items * menu->allocated_items); } item = menu->items[menu->n_items++] = xmalloc(sizeof *item); va_start(args, text); item->text = xvasprintf(text, args); va_end(args); item->f = NULL; item->id = -1; item->enabled = true; item->toggle = -1; return item; } static void menu(const struct dict *dict) { bool debug_mode = dict_get_bool(dict, "debug", false); struct menu menu; int choice; menu_init(&menu); menu_add_item(&menu, "Exit"); menu_add_item(&menu, "Show Version")->f = cmd_show_version; menu_add_item(&menu, "Configure")->f = cmd_configure; menu_add_item(&menu, "Set up PKI")->f = cmd_set_up_pki; if (debug_mode) { menu_add_item(&menu, "Browse Status")->f = cmd_browse_status; menu_add_item(&menu, "Shell")->f = cmd_shell; menu_add_item(&menu, "Show Motto")->f = cmd_show_motto; } choice = menu_show(&menu, 0, true); if (choice >= 0) { void (*f)(const struct dict *) = menu.items[choice]->f; if (f) { (f)(dict); } } menu_free(&menu); } static int menu_show(const struct menu *menu, int start, bool select) { long long int adjust = LLONG_MAX; int min = 0, max = MAX(menu->n_items - 2, 0); int pos, selection; set_icon(0, eXX___, eXXX__, eXXXX_, eXXXXX, eXXXX_, eXXX__, eXX___, e_____); set_icon(1, eXXXXX, eX___X, eX___X, eX___X, eX___X, eX___X, eXXXXX, e_____); set_icon(2, eXXXXX, eX___X, eXX_XX, eX_X_X, eXX_XX, eX___X, eXXXXX, e_____); if (menu->n_items) { pos = MIN(menu->n_items - 1, MAX(0, start)); selection = pos; } else { pos = 0; selection = -1; } for (;;) { int key; while ((key = getch()) != ERR) { switch (key) { case KEY_UP: if (select && selection > 0) { selection--; if (selection >= pos) { break; } } if (pos >= min) { pos--; } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (select && selection < menu->n_items - 1) { selection++; if (selection <= pos + 1) { break; } } if (pos <= max) { pos++; } break; case '\r': case '\n': if (select && selection >= 0 && selection < menu->n_items) { struct menu_item *item = menu->items[selection]; if (!item->enabled) { show_string("Item disabled"); break; } else if (item->toggle >= 0) { item->toggle = !item->toggle; break; } } return selection; case '\b': case '\x7f': case '\x1b': case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DC: return -1; } adjust = time_msec() + 1000; } if (time_msec() >= adjust && menu->n_items > 1) { if (pos < min) { pos = min; } else if (pos > max) { pos = max; } } erase(); curs_set(0); move(0, 0); if (!menu->n_items) { addstr("[Empty]"); } else { int idx; for (idx = pos; idx < pos + 2; idx++) { size_t width = 40; if (select) { width--; if (selection == idx) { put_icon(0, '>'); } else { addch(' '); } } if (idx < 0) { addstr("[Top]"); } else if (idx >= menu->n_items) { addstr("[Bottom]"); } else { const struct menu_item *item = menu->items[idx]; size_t length = strlen(item->text); if (!item->enabled) { width -= 2; addch('('); } if (item->toggle >= 0) { if (have_icons()) { addch(icon_char(item->toggle ? 2 : 1, 0)); width--; } else { addstr(item->toggle ? "[X]" : "[ ]"); width -= 3; } } addnstr(item->text, MIN(width, length)); if (!item->enabled) { addch(')'); } } if (idx == pos) { addch('\n'); } } } refresh(); if (pos < min || pos > max) { poll_timer_wait(adjust - time_msec()); } poll_fd_wait(STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN); poll_block(); } } static int menu_show2(const struct menu *menu, int start, bool select) { int pos; if (menu->n_items) { pos = MIN(menu->n_items - 1, MAX(0, start)); } else { pos = -1; } set_icon(0, e__X__, e_XXX_, eXXXXX, e__X__, e__X__, e__X__, e__X__, e__X__); set_icon(1, e__X__, e__X__, e__X__, e__X__, e__X__, eXXXXX, e_XXX_, e__X__); for (;;) { int key; while ((key = getch()) != ERR) { switch (key) { case KEY_UP: if (pos > 0) { pos--; } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (menu->n_items > 0 && pos < menu->n_items - 1) { pos++; } break; case '\r': case '\n': if (select && !menu->items[pos]->enabled) { show_string("Item disabled"); break; } return pos; case '\b': case '\x7f': case '\x1b': case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DC: return -1; } } erase(); curs_set(0); move(0, 0); if (pos == -1) { addstr("[Empty]"); } else { const struct menu_item *item = menu->items[pos]; const char *line1 = item->text; size_t len1 = strcspn(line1, "\n"); const char *line2 = line1[len1] ? &line1[len1 + 1] : ""; size_t len2 = strcspn(line2, "\n"); size_t width = 39 - 2 * !item->enabled; /* First line. */ addch(pos > 0 ? icon_char(0, '^') : ' '); if (!item->enabled && len1) { addch('('); } addnstr(line1, MIN(len1, width)); if (!item->enabled && len1) { addch(')'); } addch('\n'); /* Second line. */ addch(pos < menu->n_items - 1 ? icon_char(1, 'V') : ' '); if (!item->enabled && len2) { addch('('); } addnstr(line2, MIN(len2, width)); if (!item->enabled && len2) { addch(')'); } } refresh(); poll_fd_wait(STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN); poll_block(); } } static bool yesno(const char *title, bool def) { bool answer = def; set_icon(0, eXX___, eXXX__, eXXXX_, eXXXXX, eXXXX_, eXXX__, eXX___, e_____); for (;;) { int key; while ((key = getch()) != ERR) { switch (key) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: answer = !answer; break; case 'y': case 'Y': answer = true; break; case 'n': case 'N': answer = false; break; case '\r': case '\n': return answer; } } erase(); curs_set(0); move(0, 0); addstr(title); move(0, 12); addch(answer ? icon_char(0, '>') : ' '); addstr("Yes"); move(1, 12); addch(!answer ? icon_char(0, '>') : ' '); addstr("No"); refresh(); poll_fd_wait(STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN); poll_block(); } } static void cmd_show_version(const struct dict *dict OVS_UNUSED) { show_string(VERSION BUILDNR); } static void cmd_browse_status(const struct dict *dict) { struct menu menu; size_t i; menu_init(&menu); for (i = 0; i < dict->n; i++) { const struct pair *p = &dict->pairs[i]; menu_add_item(&menu, "%s = %s", p->name, p->value); } menu_show(&menu, 0, false); menu_free(&menu); } static void cmd_shell(const struct dict *dict OVS_UNUSED) { const char *home; erase(); refresh(); endwin(); printf("Type ^D to exit\n"); fflush(stdout); putenv("PS1=#"); putenv("PS2=>"); putenv("PS3=?"); putenv("PS4=+"); home = getenv("HOME"); if (home) { chdir(home); } system("/bin/sh"); initialize_terminal(); } static void cmd_show_motto(const struct dict *dict OVS_UNUSED) { show_string("\"Just Add Ice\""); } static void show_string(const char *string) { VLOG_INFO("%s", string); erase(); curs_set(0); move(0, 0); addstr(string); refresh(); block_until(time_msec() + 5000); } static void block_until(long long timeout) { while (timeout > time_msec()) { poll_timer_wait(timeout - time_msec()); poll_block(); } drain_keyboard_buffer(); } static void drain_keyboard_buffer(void) { while (getch() != ERR) { continue; } } static int read_vars(const char *cmd, struct dict *dict) { struct ds ds; FILE *stream; int status; stream = popen(cmd, "r"); if (!stream) { VLOG_ERR("popen(\"%s\") failed: %s", cmd, strerror(errno)); return errno; } dict_init(dict); ds_init(&ds); while (!ds_get_line(&ds, stream)) { const char *s = ds_cstr(&ds); const char *equals = strchr(s, '='); if (equals) { dict_add_nocopy(dict, xmemdup0(s, equals - s), xstrdup(equals + 1)); } } status = pclose(stream); if (status) { char *msg = process_status_msg(status); VLOG_ERR("pclose(\"%s\") reported subprocess failure: %s", cmd, msg); free(msg); dict_free(dict); return ECHILD; } return 0; } static bool run_and_report_failure(char **argv, const char *title) { int null_fds[3] = {0, 1, 2}; int status; int retval; char *s; s = process_escape_args(argv); VLOG_INFO("starting subprocess: %s", s); free(s); retval = process_run(argv, NULL, 0, null_fds, 3, &status); if (retval) { char *s = xasprintf("%s:\n%s", title, strerror(retval)); show_string(s); free(s); return false; } else if (status) { char *msg = process_status_msg(status); char *s = xasprintf("%s:\n%s", title, msg); show_string(s); free(msg); free(s); return false; } else { VLOG_INFO("subprocess exited with status 0"); return true; } } static int do_load_config(const char *file_name, struct dict *dict) { struct dict auto_vars; int retval; char *cmd; size_t i; /* Get the list of the variables that the shell sets automatically. */ retval = read_vars("set -a && env", &auto_vars); if (retval) { return retval; } /* Get the variables from 'file_name'. */ cmd = xasprintf("set -a && . '%s' && env", file_name); retval = read_vars(cmd, dict); free(cmd); if (retval) { dict_free(&auto_vars); return retval; } /* Subtract. */ for (i = 0; i < auto_vars.n; i++) { dict_delete(dict, auto_vars.pairs[i].name); } dict_free(&auto_vars); return 0; } static bool load_config(struct dict *dict) { static const char default_file[] = "/etc/default/openflow-switch"; int retval = do_load_config(default_file, dict); if (!retval) { return true; } else { char *s = xasprintf("Cfg load failed:\n%s", strerror(retval)); show_string(s); free(s); return false; } } static bool save_config(const struct svec *settings) { struct svec argv; size_t i; bool ok; VLOG_INFO("Saving configuration:"); for (i = 0; i < settings->n; i++) { VLOG_INFO("%s", settings->names[i]); } svec_init(&argv); svec_add(&argv, "/usr/share/openvswitch/commands/reconfigure"); svec_append(&argv, settings); svec_terminate(&argv); ok = run_and_report_failure(argv.names, "Save failed"); if (ok) { long long int timeout = time_msec() + 5000; erase(); curs_set(0); move(0, 0); addstr("Saved.\nRestarting..."); refresh(); svec_clear(&argv); svec_add(&argv, "/bin/sh"); svec_add(&argv, "-c"); svec_add(&argv, "/etc/init.d/openflow-switch restart >/dev/null 2>&1"); svec_terminate(&argv); ok = run_and_report_failure(argv.names, "Restart failed"); if (ok) { block_until(timeout); } } svec_destroy(&argv); if (ok) { VLOG_INFO("Save completed successfully"); } else { VLOG_WARN("Save failed"); } return ok; } static int match(pcre *re, const char *string, int length) { int ovec[999]; int retval; retval = pcre_exec(re, NULL, string, length, 0, PCRE_PARTIAL, ovec, ARRAY_SIZE(ovec)); if (retval >= 0) { if (ovec[0] >= 0 && ovec[1] >= length) { /* 're' matched all of 'string'. */ return 0; } else { /* 're' matched the initial part of 'string' but not all of it. */ return PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH; } } else { return retval; } } static void figure_choices(pcre *re, struct ds *s, int pos, struct ds *choices) { struct ds tmp; int retval; char c; ds_clear(choices); /* See whether the current string is a complete match. */ if (!match(re, s->string, pos)) { ds_put_char(choices, '\n'); } /* Then try all the other possibilities. */ ds_init(&tmp); ds_put_buffer(&tmp, s->string, pos); for (c = 0x20; c < 0x7f; c++) { ds_put_char(&tmp, c); retval = match(re, tmp.string, pos + 1); if (retval == PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL || !retval) { ds_put_char(choices, c); } tmp.length--; } ds_destroy(&tmp); if (!choices->length) { ds_put_char(choices, '\n'); } } static void figure_completion(pcre *re, struct ds *s) { for (;;) { int found = -1; int c; /* See whether the current string is a complete match. */ if (!match(re, s->string, s->length)) { return; } for (c = 0x20; c < 0x7f; c++) { int retval; ds_put_char(s, c); retval = match(re, s->string, s->length); s->length--; if (retval == PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL || !retval) { if (found != -1) { return; } found = c; } } if (found == -1) { return; } ds_put_char(s, found); } } #define OCTET_RE "([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])" #define IP_RE "("OCTET_RE"\\."OCTET_RE"\\."OCTET_RE"\\."OCTET_RE")" #define PORT_RE \ "([0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-5][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "6[1-4][0-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "65[1-4][0-9][0-9]|" \ "655[1-2][0-9]|" \ "6553[1-5])" #define XOCTET_RE "[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]" #define MAC_RE \ XOCTET_RE":"XOCTET_RE":"XOCTET_RE":"\ XOCTET_RE":"XOCTET_RE":"XOCTET_RE #define NUM100_TO_99999_RE \ "([1-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])" #define NUM5_TO_99999_RE \ "([5-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])" #define NUM1_TO_99999_RE \ "([1-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|" \ "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])" static char * prompt(const char *prompt, const char *initial, const char *pattern) { struct ds ds; int pos, chidx; struct ds choices; const char *error; int erroffset; pcre *re; int retval; int okpartial; char *p; set_icon(0, e____X, e____X, e__X_X, e_X__X, eXXXXX, e_X___, e__X__, e_____); re = pcre_compile(pattern, PCRE_ANCHORED, &error, &erroffset, NULL); if (!re) { VLOG_ERR("PCRE error for pattern \"%s\" at offset %d: %s", pattern, erroffset, error); return xstrdup(initial); } retval = pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_OKPARTIAL, &okpartial); assert(!retval); assert(okpartial); pos = 0; ds_init(&ds); ds_put_cstr(&ds, initial); ds_init(&choices); figure_choices(re, &ds, pos, &choices); p = memchr(choices.string, initial[0], choices.length); chidx = p ? p - choices.string : 0; for (;;) { int c, key; while ((key = getch()) != ERR) { switch (key) { case KEY_UP: if (choices.length > 1) { if (++chidx >= choices.length) { chidx = 0; } ds.string[pos] = choices.string[chidx]; ds_truncate(&ds, pos + 1); figure_completion(re, &ds); } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (choices.length > 1) { if (--chidx < 0) { chidx = choices.length - 1; } ds.string[pos] = choices.string[chidx]; ds_truncate(&ds, pos + 1); figure_completion(re, &ds); } break; case '\r': case '\n': if (choices.string[chidx] == '\n') { ds_truncate(&ds, pos); return ds_cstr(&ds); } else { if (pos >= ds.length) { pos++; ds_put_char(&ds, choices.string[chidx]); figure_choices(re, &ds, pos, &choices); chidx = 0; figure_completion(re, &ds); } else { pos = ds.length; figure_choices(re, &ds, pos, &choices); chidx = 0; figure_completion(re, &ds); } } break; case '\f': ds_truncate(&ds, pos + 1); figure_choices(re, &ds, pos, &choices); chidx = 0; break; case '\b': case '\x7f': case '\x1b': case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DC: if (pos) { pos--; } else { return xstrdup(initial); } figure_choices(re, &ds, pos, &choices); chidx = 0; if (pos < ds.length) { p = memchr(choices.string, ds.string[pos], choices.length); if (p) { chidx = p - choices.string; } } break; default: if (key >= 0x20 && key < 0x7f) { /* Check whether 'key' is valid and toggle case if * necessary. */ if (!memchr(choices.string, key, choices.length)) { if (memchr(choices.string, toupper(key), choices.length)) { key = toupper(key); } else if (memchr(choices.string, tolower(key), choices.length)) { key = tolower(key); } else { break; } } /* Insert 'key' and advance the position. */ if (pos >= ds.length) { ds_put_char(&ds, key); } else { ds.string[pos] = key; } pos++; if (choices.string[chidx] != key) { ds_truncate(&ds, pos); } figure_choices(re, &ds, pos, &choices); chidx = 0; if (pos < ds.length) { p = memchr(choices.string, ds.string[pos], choices.length); if (p) { chidx = p - choices.string; } } figure_completion(re, &ds); } } } erase(); curs_set(1); move(0, 0); addnstr(prompt, MIN(40, strlen(prompt))); c = choices.string[chidx]; move(1, 0); addstr(ds_cstr(&ds)); move(1, pos); if (c == '\n') { put_icon(0, '$'); } else { addch(c); } move(1, pos); refresh(); poll_fd_wait(STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN); poll_block(); } } static void prompt_ip(const char *title, uint32_t *ip) { char *in = xasprintf(IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(ip)); char *out = prompt(title, in, "^"IP_RE"$"); *ip = inet_addr(out); free(in); free(out); } static void abbreviate_netdevs(const struct svec *netdevs, struct ds *abbrev) { size_t i; ds_init(abbrev); for (i = 0; i < netdevs->n; ) { size_t i_len = strlen(netdevs->names[i]); size_t j; for (j = i + 1; j < netdevs->n; j++) { size_t j_len = strlen(netdevs->names[j]); if (!i_len || !j_len || i_len != j_len || memcmp(netdevs->names[i], netdevs->names[j], i_len - 1)) { break; } } if (abbrev->length) { ds_put_char(abbrev, ' '); } if (j - i == 1) { ds_put_cstr(abbrev, netdevs->names[i]); } else { size_t k; ds_put_buffer(abbrev, netdevs->names[i], i_len - 1); ds_put_char(abbrev, '['); for (k = i; k < j; k++) { ds_put_char(abbrev, netdevs->names[k][i_len - 1]); } ds_put_char(abbrev, ']'); } i = j; } } static void choose_netdevs(struct svec *choices) { struct svec netdevs; struct menu menu; size_t i; netdev_enumerate(&netdevs); svec_sort(&netdevs); menu_init(&menu); menu_add_item(&menu, "Exit"); for (i = 0; i < netdevs.n; i++) { const char *name = netdevs.names[i]; struct menu_item *item; struct netdev *netdev; int retval; if (!strncmp(name, "wmaster", strlen("wmaster")) || !strncmp(name, "of", strlen("of")) || !strcmp(name, "lo")) { continue; } retval = netdev_open(name, NETDEV_ETH_TYPE_NONE, &netdev); if (!retval) { bool exclude = netdev_get_in4(netdev, NULL, NULL) == 0; netdev_close(netdev); if (exclude) { continue; } } item = menu_add_item(&menu, "%s", name); item->toggle = svec_contains(choices, name); } if (menu.n_items > 1) { menu_show(&menu, 0, true); } else { show_string("No available\nbridge ports"); } svec_clear(choices); for (i = 0; i < menu.n_items; i++) { struct menu_item *item = menu.items[i]; if (item->toggle > 0) { svec_add(choices, item->text); } } menu_free(&menu); } static bool is_datapath_id_in_dmi(void) { FILE *dmidecode; char line[256]; bool is_in_dmi; dmidecode = popen("dmidecode -s system-uuid", "r"); if (!dmidecode) { return false; } is_in_dmi = fgets(line, sizeof line, dmidecode) && strstr(line, "-002320"); fclose(dmidecode); return is_in_dmi; } struct switch_config { struct svec netdevs; enum { DISCOVERY, IN_BAND } mode; uint32_t switch_ip; uint32_t switch_mask; uint32_t switch_gw; enum { FAIL_DROP, FAIL_SWITCH } disconnected; bool stp; int rate_limit; int inactivity_probe; int max_backoff; char *controller_vconn; char *datapath_id; }; static const char * disconnected_string(int value) { #define FAIL_SWITCH_STRING "Switch packets" #define FAIL_DROP_STRING "Drop packets" return value == FAIL_SWITCH ? FAIL_SWITCH_STRING : FAIL_DROP_STRING; } static void cmd_configure(const struct dict *dict OVS_UNUSED) { bool debug_mode = dict_get_bool(dict, "debug", false); struct dict config_dict; struct switch_config config; int start; if (!load_config(&config_dict)) { return; } svec_init(&config.netdevs); svec_parse_words(&config.netdevs, dict_get_string(&config_dict, "NETDEVS", "")); config.mode = (!strcmp(dict_get_string(&config_dict, "MODE", "discovery"), "in-band") ? IN_BAND : DISCOVERY); config.switch_ip = dict_get_ip(&config_dict, "SWITCH_IP"); config.switch_mask = dict_get_ip(&config_dict, "SWITCH_NETMASK"); config.switch_gw = dict_get_ip(&config_dict, "SWITCH_GATEWAY"); config.controller_vconn = xstrdup(dict_get_string(&config_dict, "CONTROLLER", "")); config.disconnected = (!strcmp(dict_get_string(&config_dict, "DISCONNECTED_MODE", ""), "switch") ? FAIL_SWITCH : FAIL_DROP); config.stp = !strcmp(dict_get_string(&config_dict, "stp", ""), "yes"); config.rate_limit = dict_get_int(&config_dict, "RATE_LIMIT", -1); config.inactivity_probe = dict_get_int(&config_dict, "INACTIVITY_PROBE", -1); config.max_backoff = dict_get_int(&config_dict, "MAX_BACKOFF", -1); if (is_datapath_id_in_dmi()) { config.datapath_id = xstrdup("DMI"); } else { const char *dpid = dict_get(&config_dict, "DATAPATH_ID"); if (dpid) { struct ds ds = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; const char *cp; for (cp = dpid; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { if (*cp != ':') { ds_put_char(&ds, toupper((unsigned char) *cp)); } } config.datapath_id = ds_cstr(&ds); } else { config.datapath_id = xstrdup("Random"); } } dict_free(&config_dict); start = 0; while (start != -1) { enum { MENU_EXIT, MENU_NETDEVS, MENU_MODE, MENU_IP, MENU_NETMASK, MENU_GATEWAY, MENU_CONTROLLER, MENU_DISCONNECTED_MODE, MENU_DATAPATH_ID, MENU_STP, MENU_RATE_LIMIT, MENU_INACTIVITY_PROBE, MENU_MAX_BACKOFF, }; struct ds ports; struct menu_item *item; struct menu menu; char *in, *out; uint32_t ip; menu_init(&menu); /* Exit. */ item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Exit"); item->id = MENU_EXIT; /* Bridge Ports. */ abbreviate_netdevs(&config.netdevs, &ports); item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Bridge Ports:\n%s", ds_cstr(&ports)); item->id = MENU_NETDEVS; ds_destroy(&ports); /* Mode. */ item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Mode:\n%s", (config.mode == DISCOVERY ? "Discovery" : "In-Band")); item->id = MENU_MODE; /* IP address. */ if (config.switch_ip == htonl(0)) { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Switch IP Addr:\nDHCP"); } else { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Switch IP Addr:\n"IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&config.switch_ip)); } item->id = MENU_IP; item->enabled = config.mode == IN_BAND; /* Netmask. */ item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Switch Netmask:\n"IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&config.switch_mask)); item->id = MENU_NETMASK; item->enabled = config.mode == IN_BAND && config.switch_ip != htonl(0); /* Gateway. */ item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Switch Gateway:\n"IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&config.switch_gw)); item->id = MENU_GATEWAY; item->enabled = config.mode == IN_BAND && config.switch_ip != htonl(0); /* Controller. */ item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Controller:\n%s", config.controller_vconn); item->id = MENU_CONTROLLER; item->enabled = config.mode == IN_BAND; /* Disconnected mode. */ item = menu_add_item(&menu, "If disconnected:\n%s\n", disconnected_string(config.disconnected)); item->id = MENU_DISCONNECTED_MODE; /* Datapath ID. */ item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Datapath ID:\n%s", config.datapath_id); item->id = MENU_DATAPATH_ID; item->enabled = strcmp(config.datapath_id, "DMI"); /* Spanning tree protocol. */ if (debug_mode) { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "802.1D-1998 STP:\n%s", config.stp ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); item->id = MENU_STP; } /* Rate-limiting. */ if (debug_mode) { if (config.rate_limit < 0) { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Ctlr rate limit:\nDisabled"); } else { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Ctlr rate limit:\n%d/s", config.rate_limit); } item->id = MENU_RATE_LIMIT; } /* Inactivity probe. */ if (debug_mode) { if (config.inactivity_probe < 0) { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Activity probe:\nDefault"); } else { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Activity probe:\n%d s", config.inactivity_probe); } item->id = MENU_INACTIVITY_PROBE; } /* Max backoff. */ if (debug_mode) { if (config.max_backoff < 0) { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Max backoff:\nDefault"); } else { item = menu_add_item(&menu, "Max backoff:\n%d s", config.max_backoff); } item->id = MENU_MAX_BACKOFF; } start = menu_show2(&menu, start, true); menu_free(&menu); in = out = NULL; switch (start) { case MENU_EXIT: start = -1; break; case MENU_NETDEVS: choose_netdevs(&config.netdevs); break; case MENU_MODE: out = prompt("Mode:", config.mode == DISCOVERY ? "Discovery" : "In-Band", "^(Discovery|In-Band)$"); config.mode = !strcmp(out, "Discovery") ? DISCOVERY : IN_BAND; free(out); break; case MENU_IP: in = (config.switch_ip == htonl(0) ? xstrdup("DHCP") : xasprintf(IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&config.switch_ip))); out = prompt("Switch IP:", in, "^(DHCP|"IP_RE")$"); ip = strcmp(out, "DHCP") ? inet_addr(out) : htonl(0); free(in); free(out); if (ip != config.switch_ip) { config.switch_ip = ip; if (ip != htonl(0)) { uint32_t mask = guess_netmask(ip); if (mask) { config.switch_mask = mask; config.switch_gw = (ip & mask) | htonl(1); } } } break; case MENU_NETMASK: prompt_ip("Switch Netmask:", &config.switch_mask); break; case MENU_GATEWAY: prompt_ip("Switch Gateway:", &config.switch_gw); break; case MENU_CONTROLLER: out = prompt("Controller:", config.controller_vconn, "^(tcp|ssl):"IP_RE"(:"PORT_RE")?$"); free(config.controller_vconn); config.controller_vconn = out; break; case MENU_DISCONNECTED_MODE: out = prompt("If disconnected", disconnected_string(config.disconnected), "^("FAIL_DROP_STRING"|"FAIL_SWITCH_STRING")$"); config.disconnected = (!strcmp(out, FAIL_DROP_STRING) ? FAIL_DROP : FAIL_SWITCH); free(out); break; case MENU_DATAPATH_ID: out = prompt("Datapath ID:", config.datapath_id, "^Random|"MAC_RE"$"); free(config.datapath_id); config.datapath_id = out; break; case MENU_STP: out = prompt("802.1D-1998 STP:", config.stp ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", "^(Enabled|Disabled)$"); config.stp = !strcmp(out, "Enabled"); free(out); break; case MENU_RATE_LIMIT: in = (config.rate_limit < 0 ? xstrdup("Disabled") : xasprintf("%d/s", config.rate_limit)); out = prompt("Ctlr rate limit:", in, "^(Disabled|("NUM100_TO_99999_RE")/s)$"); free(in); config.rate_limit = isdigit((unsigned char)out[0]) ? atoi(out) : -1; free(out); break; case MENU_INACTIVITY_PROBE: in = (config.inactivity_probe < 0 ? xstrdup("Default") : xasprintf("%d s", config.inactivity_probe)); out = prompt("Activity probe:", in, "^(Default|("NUM5_TO_99999_RE") s)$"); free(in); config.inactivity_probe = isdigit((unsigned char)out[0]) ? atoi(out) : -1; free(out); break; case MENU_MAX_BACKOFF: in = (config.max_backoff < 0 ? xstrdup("Default") : xasprintf("%d s", config.max_backoff)); out = prompt("Max backoff:", in, "^(Default|("NUM1_TO_99999_RE") s)$"); free(in); config.max_backoff = isdigit((unsigned char)out[0]) ? atoi(out) : -1; free(out); break; } } if (yesno("Save\nChanges?", false)) { struct svec set; char *netdevs; svec_init(&set); netdevs = svec_join(&config.netdevs, " ", ""); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("NETDEVS=%s", netdevs)); free(netdevs); svec_add(&set, config.mode == IN_BAND ? "MODE=in-band" : "MODE=discovery"); if (config.mode == IN_BAND) { if (config.switch_ip == htonl(0)) { svec_add(&set, "SWITCH_IP=dhcp"); } else { svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("SWITCH_IP="IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&config.switch_ip))); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("SWITCH_NETMASK="IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&config.switch_mask))); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("SWITCH_GATEWAY="IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&config.switch_gw))); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("CONTROLLER=%s", config.controller_vconn)); } } svec_add(&set, (config.disconnected == FAIL_DROP ? "DISCONNECTED_MODE=drop" : "DISCONNECTED_MODE=switch")); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("STP=%s", config.stp ? "yes" : "no")); if (config.rate_limit < 0) { svec_add(&set, "RATE_LIMIT="); } else { svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("RATE_LIMIT=%d", config.rate_limit)); } if (config.inactivity_probe < 0) { svec_add(&set, "INACTIVITY_PROBE="); } else { svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("INACTIVITY_PROBE=%d", config.inactivity_probe)); } if (config.max_backoff < 0) { svec_add(&set, "MAX_BACKOFF="); } else { svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("MAX_BACKOFF=%d", config.max_backoff)); } save_config(&set); svec_destroy(&set); } svec_destroy(&config.netdevs); free(config.controller_vconn); free(config.datapath_id); } static void cmd_set_up_pki(const struct dict *dict OVS_UNUSED) { static const char def_privkey_file[] = "/etc/openflow-switch/of0-privkey.pem"; static const char def_cert_file[] = "/etc/openflow-switch/of0-cert.pem"; static const char def_cacert_file[] = "/etc/openflow-switch/cacert.pem"; struct dict config_dict; const char *privkey_file, *cert_file, *cacert_file; bool bootstrap; struct stat s; struct svec set; bool has_keys; if (!load_config(&config_dict)) { return; } privkey_file = dict_get_string(&config_dict, "PRIVKEY", def_privkey_file); cert_file = dict_get_string(&config_dict, "CERT", def_cert_file); cacert_file = dict_get_string(&config_dict, "CACERT", def_cacert_file); bootstrap = !strcmp(dict_get_string(&config_dict, "CACERT_MODE", "secure"), "bootstrap"); has_keys = !stat(privkey_file, &s) && !stat(cert_file, &s); if (!has_keys ? yesno("Generate\nkeys?", true) : yesno("Generate\nnew keys?", false)) { struct svec argv; bool ok; privkey_file = def_privkey_file; cert_file = def_cert_file; svec_init(&argv); svec_parse_words(&argv, "sh -c 'cd /etc/openflow-switch " "&& ovs-pki --force req of0" "&& ovs-pki --force self-sign of0'"); svec_terminate(&argv); ok = run_and_report_failure(argv.names, "Key gen failed"); svec_destroy(&argv); if (!ok) { return; } has_keys = true; } if (!has_keys) { return; } if (stat(cacert_file, &s) && errno == ENOENT) { bootstrap = yesno("Bootstrap\nCA cert?", bootstrap); } else if (yesno("Replace\nCA cert?", false)) { unlink(cacert_file); bootstrap = true; } svec_init(&set); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("PRIVKEY=%s", privkey_file)); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("CERT=%s", cert_file)); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("CACERT=%s", cacert_file)); svec_add_nocopy(&set, xasprintf("CACERT_MODE=%s", bootstrap ? "bootstrap" : "secure")); save_config(&set); svec_destroy(&set); } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum { OPT_DUMMY = UCHAR_MAX + 1, VLOG_OPTION_ENUMS }; static struct option long_options[] = { {"verbose", optional_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, DAEMON_LONG_OPTIONS, VLOG_LONG_OPTIONS, {0, 0, 0, 0}, }; char *short_options = long_options_to_short_options(long_options); for (;;) { int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'h': usage(); case 'V': OVS_PRINT_VERSION(OFP_VERSION, OFP_VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); VLOG_OPTION_HANDLERS DAEMON_OPTION_HANDLERS case '?': exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: abort(); } } free(short_options); } static void usage(void) { printf("%s: OpenFlow switch monitoring user interface\n" "usage: %s [OPTIONS] SWITCH\n" "where SWITCH is an active OpenFlow connection method.\n", program_name, program_name); vconn_usage(true, false, false); printf("\nOptions:\n" " -v, --verbose=MODULE:FACILITY:LEVEL configure logging levels\n" " -v, --verbose set maximum verbosity level\n" " -h, --help display this help message\n" " -V, --version display version information\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }