/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Nicira Networks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "terminal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "ezio.h" #include "poll-loop.h" #include "util.h" #define THIS_MODULE VLM_terminal #include "vlog.h" /* UTF-8 decoding. */ static struct utf8_reader *utf8_reader_create(void); static void utf8_reader_destroy(struct utf8_reader *); static int utf8_reader_read(struct utf8_reader *, uint8_t c); /* ANSI escape sequence decoding. */ struct ansi_sequence { int n_args; #define ANSI_MAX_ARGS 16 int args[ANSI_MAX_ARGS]; int function; }; static struct ansi_decoder *ansi_decoder_create(void); static void ansi_decoder_destroy(struct ansi_decoder *); static int ansi_decoder_put(struct ansi_decoder *, uint8_t c); static const struct ansi_sequence *ansi_decoder_get(struct ansi_decoder *); /* Terminal emulation. */ struct terminal { struct ansi_decoder *ansi; struct utf8_reader *utf8; enum { EZIO, UTF8 } encoding; }; static void recv_byte(struct terminal *term, struct ezio *ezio, uint8_t c); struct terminal * terminal_create(void) { struct terminal *term = xmalloc(sizeof *term); term->ansi = ansi_decoder_create(); term->utf8 = utf8_reader_create(); term->encoding = UTF8; return term; } void terminal_destroy(struct terminal *term) { if (term) { utf8_reader_destroy(term->utf8); ansi_decoder_destroy(term->ansi); free(term); } } int terminal_run(struct terminal *term, struct ezio *ezio, int input_fd) { char input[512]; int n; n = read(input_fd, input, sizeof input); if (n > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { recv_byte(term, ezio, input[i]); } return 0; } else { return !n ? EOF : errno == EAGAIN ? 0 : errno; } } void terminal_wait(struct terminal *term UNUSED, int input_fd) { poll_fd_wait(input_fd, POLLIN); } static void recv_ansi_sequence(const struct ansi_sequence *, struct ezio *); static void recv_control(uint8_t c, struct ezio *); static void recv_character(uint8_t byte, struct ezio *); static int unicode_to_ezio(uint16_t unicode); static int default_arg(int value, int default_value); static int range(int value, int min, int max); static void clear_elements(uint8_t *p, size_t size, int pos, int clear_type); static void define_icon(struct ezio *e, const int *args); static void clear_icon(struct ezio *e, int icon_nr); static void set_cursor(struct ezio *e, int visibility); static void recv_byte(struct terminal *term, struct ezio *ezio, uint8_t c) { int retval; /* Decode and interpret ANSI escape sequences. */ retval = ansi_decoder_put(term->ansi, c); if (retval <= 0) { if (retval < 0) { recv_ansi_sequence(ansi_decoder_get(term->ansi), ezio); return; } return; } /* Encoding selection. */ if (c == 0x0e) { /* Shift Out. */ term->encoding = EZIO; return; } else if (c == 0x0f) { /* Shift In. */ term->encoding = UTF8; return; } if (term->encoding == UTF8) { int unicode, ezchar; /* Convert UTF-8 input to Unicode code point. */ unicode = utf8_reader_read(term->utf8, c); if (unicode < 0) { return; } /* Convert Unicode code point to EZIO encoding. */ ezchar = unicode_to_ezio(unicode); if (ezchar >= 0) { if (ezchar & 0xff00) { recv_character(ezchar >> 8, ezio); } recv_character(ezchar, ezio); } else if (unicode < 0x100) { recv_control(unicode, ezio); } else { /* Unsupported Unicode code point. */ return; } } else { if (c >= 0x80 && c < 0x87) { c &= 0x07; } if (c != 0xfe) { recv_character(c, ezio); } } } static void log_ansi_sequence(const struct ansi_sequence *seq, struct ezio *e) { struct sequence { int function; const char *name; }; static const struct sequence sequences[] = { {0x5a, "CBT: Cursor Backward Tabulation"}, {0x47, "CHA: Cursor Character Absolute"}, {0x49, "CHT: Cursor Forward Tabulation"}, {0x45, "CNL: Cursor Next Line"}, {0x46, "CPL: Cursor Preceding Line"}, {0x44, "CUB: Cursor Left"}, {0x42, "CUD: Cursor Down"}, {0x43, "CUF: Cursor Right"}, {0x48, "CUP: Cursor Position"}, {0x41, "CUU: Cursor Up"}, {0x50, "DCH: Delete Character"}, {0x4d, "DL: Delete Line"}, {0x58, "ECH: Erase Character"}, {0x4a, "ED: Erase in Page"}, {0x4b, "EL: Erase in Line"}, {0x40, "ICH: Insert Character"}, {0x4c, "IL: Insert Line"}, {0x4500, "NEL: Next Line"}, {0x4d00, "RI: Reverse Line Feed"}, {0x6300, "RIS: Reset to Initial State"}, {0x54, "SD: Scroll Down"}, {0x240, "SL: Scroll Left"}, {0x241, "SR: Scroll Right"}, {0x53, "SU: Scroll Up"}, {0x70, "DICO: Define Icon"}, {0x71, "CICO: Clear Icon"}, {0x72, "Set cursor visibility"}, }; const struct sequence *s; struct ds ds; int i; ds_init(&ds); for (s = sequences; s < &sequences[ARRAY_SIZE(sequences)]; s++) { if (s->function == seq->function) { ds_put_cstr(&ds, s->name); goto found; } } ds_put_format(&ds, "0x%02x", s->function); if (s->function < 0x100) { ds_put_format(&ds, "(%02d/%02d)", s->function / 16, s->function % 16); } found: for (i = 0; i < seq->n_args; i++) { ds_put_format(&ds, ", %d", seq->args[i]); } VLOG_DBG("%s (cursor:%d,%d)", ds_cstr(&ds), e->x, e->y); ds_destroy(&ds); } static void recv_ansi_sequence(const struct ansi_sequence *seq, struct ezio *e) { #define ARG1(DEFAULT) default_arg(seq->args[0], DEFAULT) #define ARG2(DEFAULT) default_arg(seq->args[1], DEFAULT) if (VLOG_IS_DBG_ENABLED()) { log_ansi_sequence(seq, e); } switch (seq->function) { case 0x5a: /* CBT: Cursor Backward Tabulation. */ e->x = 8 * (e->x / 8 - ARG1(1)); break; case 0x47: /* CHA: Cursor Character Absolute. */ e->x = ARG1(1) - 1; break; case 0x49: /* CHT: Cursor Forward Tabulation. */ e->x = 8 * (e->x / 8 + ARG1(1)); break; case 0x45: /* CNL: Cursor Next Line. */ e->x = 0; e->y += ARG1(1); break; case 0x46: /* CPL: Cursor Preceding Line. */ e->x = 0; e->y -= ARG1(1); break; case 0x44: /* CUB: Cursor Left. */ e->x -= ARG1(1); break; case 0x42: /* CUD: Cursor Down. */ e->y += ARG1(1); break; case 0x43: /* CUF: Cursor Right. */ e->x += ARG1(1); break; case 0x48: /* CUP: Cursor Position. */ e->y = ARG1(1) - 1; e->x = ARG2(1) - 1; break; case 0x41: /* CUU: Cursor Up. */ e->y -= ARG1(1); break; case 0x50: /* DCH: Delete Character. */ ezio_delete_char(e, e->x, e->y, ARG1(1)); break; case 0x4d: /* DL: Delete Line. */ ezio_delete_line(e, e->y, ARG1(1)); break; case 0x58: /* ECH: Erase Character. */ memset(&e->chars[e->y][e->x], ' ', MIN(ARG1(1), 40 - e->x)); break; case 0x4a: /* ED: Erase in Page. */ clear_elements(&e->chars[0][0], 2 * 40, e->x + 40 * e->y, ARG1(0)); break; case 0x4b: /* EL: Erase in Line. */ clear_elements(&e->chars[e->y][0], 40, e->x, ARG1(0)); break; case 0x40: /* ICH: Insert Character. */ ezio_insert_char(e, e->x, e->y, ARG1(1)); break; case 0x4c: /* IL: Insert Line. */ ezio_insert_line(e, e->y, ARG1(1)); break; case 0x4500: /* NEL: Next Line. */ e->x = 0; e->y++; break; case 0x4d00: /* RI: Reverse Line Feed. */ e->y--; break; case 0x6300: /* RIS: Reset to Initial State. */ ezio_init(e); break; case 0x54: /* SD: Scroll Down. */ ezio_scroll_down(e, ARG1(1)); break; case 0x240: /* SL: Scroll Left. */ ezio_scroll_left(e, ARG1(1)); break; case 0x241: /* SR: Scroll Right. */ ezio_scroll_right(e, ARG1(1)); break; case 0x53: /* SU: Scroll Up. */ ezio_scroll_up(e, ARG1(1)); break; /* Private sequences. */ case 0x70: /* DICO: Define Icon. */ define_icon(e, seq->args); break; case 0x71: /* CICO: Clear Icon. */ clear_icon(e, ARG1(0)); break; case 0x72: /* Set cursor visibility. */ set_cursor(e, ARG1(1)); break; } e->x = range(e->x, 0, 40); e->y = range(e->y, 0, 1); VLOG_DBG("cursor:%d,%d", e->x, e->y); } static void recv_control(uint8_t c, struct ezio *e) { switch (c) { case '\b': if (e->x > 0) { --e->x; } break; case '\t': e->x = ROUND_UP(e->x + 1, 8); if (e->x > 40) { ezio_newline(e); } break; case '\n': ezio_line_feed(e); break; case '\f': ezio_clear(e); break; case '\r': e->x = 0; break; default: VLOG_DBG("Unhandled control character 0x%02"PRIx8, c); } } static void recv_character(uint8_t byte, struct ezio *e) { if (e->x >= 40) { ezio_newline(e); } ezio_put_char(e, e->x++, e->y, byte); } static int default_arg(int value, int default_value) { return value >= 0 ? value : default_value; } static int range(int value, int min, int max) { return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value; } static void clear_elements(uint8_t *p, size_t size, int pos, int clear_type) { switch (clear_type) { case 0: /* Clear from 'pos' to end. */ memset(p + pos, ' ', size - pos); break; case 1: /* Clear from beginning to 'pos'. */ memset(p, ' ', pos + 1); break; case 2: /* Clear all. */ memset(p, ' ', size); break; } } static void define_icon(struct ezio *e, const int *args) { int icon_nr; int row; icon_nr = args[0]; if (icon_nr < 0 || icon_nr > 7) { return; } for (row = 0; row < 8; row++) { e->icons[icon_nr][row] = default_arg(args[row + 1], 0) & 0x1f; } } static void clear_icon(struct ezio *e, int icon_nr) { if (icon_nr >= 0 && icon_nr <= 7) { ezio_set_default_icon(e, icon_nr); } } static void set_cursor(struct ezio *e, int visibility) { switch (visibility) { case 1: e->show_cursor = e->blink_cursor = false; break; case 2: e->show_cursor = true; e->blink_cursor = false; break; case 3: e->show_cursor = e->blink_cursor = true; break; } } static int unicode_to_ezio(uint16_t unicode) { switch (unicode) { /* Most ASCII characters map one-to-one. */ case 0x0020 ... 0x005b: case 0x005d ... 0x007d: return unicode; /* A few ASCII characters have to be simulated with icons. */ case 0x005c: return 0x06; /* BACKSLASH */ case 0x007e: return 0x07; /* TILDE */ /* EZIO extended characters equivalents in Unicode - Japanese. */ case 0x00a5: return '\\'; /* YEN SIGN */ case 0x3002: return 0xa1; /* IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP */ case 0x300c: return 0xa2; /* LEFT CORNER BRACKET */ case 0x300d: return 0xa3; /* RIGHT CORNER BRACKET */ case 0x3001: return 0xa4; /* IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA */ case 0x30fb: return 0xa5; /* KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT */ case 0x30f2: return 0xa6; /* KATAKANA LETTER WO */ case 0x30a1: return 0xa7; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL A */ case 0x30a3: return 0xa8; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL I */ case 0x30a5: return 0xa9; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL U */ case 0x30a7: return 0xaa; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL E */ case 0x30a9: return 0xab; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL O */ case 0x30e3: return 0xac; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YA */ case 0x30e5: return 0xad; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YU */ case 0x30e7: return 0xae; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL YO */ case 0x30c3: return 0xaf; /* KATAKANA LETTER SMALL TU = SMALL TSU */ case 0x30fc: return 0xb0; /* KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK */ case 0x30a2: return 0xb1; /* KATAKANA LETTER A */ case 0x30a4: return 0xb2; /* KATAKANA LETTER I */ case 0x30a6: return 0xb3; /* KATAKANA LETTER U */ case 0x30a8: return 0xb4; /* KATAKANA LETTER E */ case 0x30aa: return 0xb5; /* KATAKANA LETTER O */ case 0x30ab: return 0xb6; /* KATAKANA LETTER KA */ case 0x30ac: return 0xb6de; /* KATAKANA LETTER GA */ case 0x30ad: return 0xb7; /* KATAKANA LETTER KI */ case 0x30ae: return 0xb7de; /* KATAKANA LETTER GI */ case 0x30af: return 0xb8; /* KATAKANA LETTER KU */ case 0x30b0: return 0xb8de; /* KATAKANA LETTER GU */ case 0x30b1: return 0xb9; /* KATAKANA LETTER KE */ case 0x30b2: return 0xb9de; /* KATAKANA LETTER GE */ case 0x30b3: return 0xba; /* KATAKANA LETTER KO */ case 0x30b4: return 0xbade; /* KATAKANA LETTER GO */ case 0x30b5: return 0xbb; /* KATAKANA LETTER SA */ case 0x30b6: return 0xbbde; /* KATAKANA LETTER ZA */ case 0x30b7: return 0xbc; /* KATAKANA LETTER SI = SHI */ case 0x30b8: return 0xbcde; /* KATAKANA LETTER ZI = JI */ case 0x30b9: return 0xbd; /* KATAKANA LETTER SU */ case 0x30ba: return 0xbdde; /* KATAKANA LETTER ZU */ case 0x30bb: return 0xbe; /* KATAKANA LETTER SE */ case 0x30bc: return 0xbede; /* KATAKANA LETTER ZE */ case 0x30bd: return 0xbf; /* KATAKANA LETTER SO */ case 0x30be: return 0xbfde; /* KATAKANA LETTER ZO */ case 0x30bf: return 0xc0; /* KATAKANA LETTER TA */ case 0x30c0: return 0xc0de; /* KATAKANA LETTER DA */ case 0x30c1: return 0xc1; /* KATAKANA LETTER TI = CHI */ case 0x30c2: return 0xc1de; /* KATAKANA LETTER DI = JI */ case 0x30c4: return 0xc2; /* KATAKANA LETTER TU = TSU */ case 0x30c5: return 0xc2de; /* KATAKANA LETTER DU = ZU */ case 0x30c6: return 0xc3; /* KATAKANA LETTER TE */ case 0x30c7: return 0xc3de; /* KATAKANA LETTER DE */ case 0x30c8: return 0xc4; /* KATAKANA LETTER TO */ case 0x30c9: return 0xc4de; /* KATAKANA LETTER DO */ case 0x30ca: return 0xc5; /* KATAKANA LETTER NA */ case 0x30cb: return 0xc6; /* KATAKANA LETTER NI */ case 0x30cc: return 0xc7; /* KATAKANA LETTER NU */ case 0x30cd: return 0xc8; /* KATAKANA LETTER NE */ case 0x30ce: return 0xc9; /* KATAKANA LETTER NO */ case 0x30cf: return 0xca; /* KATAKANA LETTER HA */ case 0x30d0: return 0xcade; /* KATAKANA LETTER BA */ case 0x30d1: return 0xcadf; /* KATAKANA LETTER PA */ case 0x30d2: return 0xcb; /* KATAKANA LETTER HI */ case 0x30d3: return 0xcbde; /* KATAKANA LETTER BI */ case 0x30d4: return 0xcbdf; /* KATAKANA LETTER PI */ case 0x30d5: return 0xcc; /* KATAKANA LETTER HU = FU */ case 0x30d6: return 0xccde; /* KATAKANA LETTER BU */ case 0x30d7: return 0xccdf; /* KATAKANA LETTER PU */ case 0x30d8: return 0xcd; /* KATAKANA LETTER HE */ case 0x30d9: return 0xcdde; /* KATAKANA LETTER BE */ case 0x30da: return 0xcddf; /* KATAKANA LETTER PE */ case 0x30db: return 0xce; /* KATAKANA LETTER HO */ case 0x30dc: return 0xcede; /* KATAKANA LETTER BO */ case 0x30dd: return 0xcedf; /* KATAKANA LETTER PO */ case 0x30de: return 0xcf; /* KATAKANA LETTER MA */ case 0x30df: return 0xd0; /* KATAKANA LETTER MI */ case 0x30e0: return 0xd1; /* KATAKANA LETTER MU */ case 0x30e1: return 0xd2; /* KATAKANA LETTER ME */ case 0x30e2: return 0xd3; /* KATAKANA LETTER MO */ case 0x30e4: return 0xd4; /* KATAKANA LETTER YA */ case 0x30e6: return 0xd5; /* KATAKANA LETTER YU */ case 0x30e8: return 0xd6; /* KATAKANA LETTER YO */ case 0x30e9: return 0xd7; /* KATAKANA LETTER RA */ case 0x30ea: return 0xd8; /* KATAKANA LETTER RI */ case 0x30eb: return 0xd9; /* KATAKANA LETTER RU */ case 0x30ec: return 0xda; /* KATAKANA LETTER RE */ case 0x30ed: return 0xdb; /* KATAKANA LETTER RO */ case 0x30ef: return 0xdc; /* KATAKANA LETTER WA */ case 0x30f3: return 0xdd; /* KATAKANA LETTER N */ case 0x30f4: return 0xb3de; /* KATAKANA LETTER VU */ case 0x30f7: return 0xdcde; /* KATAKANA LETTER VA */ case 0x3099: return 0xde; /* COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND * MARK */ case 0x309a: return 0xdf; /* COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED * SOUND MARK */ case 0x309b: return 0xde; /* KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK */ case 0x309c: return 0xdf; /* KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK */ /* EZIO extended characters equivalents in Unicode - other. */ case 0x2192: return 0x7e; /* RIGHTWARDS ARROW */ case 0x2190: return 0x7f; /* LEFTWARDS ARROW */ case 0x03b1: return 0xe0; /* GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA */ case 0x00e4: return 0xe1; /* LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS */ case 0x03b2: return 0xe2; /* GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA */ case 0x03b5: return 0xe3; /* GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON */ case 0x03bc: return 0xe4; /* GREEK SMALL LETTER MU */ case 0x03c6: return 0xe5; /* GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI */ case 0x03c1: return 0xe6; /* GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO */ /* 0xe7 is 'g'. */ case 0x221a: return 0xe8; /* SQUARE ROOT = radical sign */ /* 0xe9 is an unrecognizable symbol. */ /* 0xea is 'j'. */ /* 0xeb is an unrecognizable symbol.*/ case 0x00a2: return 0xec; /* CENT SIGN */ case 0x00a3: return 0xed; /* POUND SIGN */ case 0x00f1: return 0xee; /* LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE */ case 0x00f6: return 0xef; /* LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS */ /* 0xf0 is 'p'. */ /* 0xf1 is 'q'. */ case 0x03b8: return 0xf2; /* GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA */ case 0x221e: return 0xf3; /* INFINITY */ case 0x03a9: return 0xf4; /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA */ case 0x00fc: return 0xf5; /* LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS */ case 0x03a3: return 0xf6; /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA */ case 0x03c0: return 0xf7; /* GREEK SMALL LETTER PI */ /* 0xf8 is x-macron (the sample mean). */ /* 0xf9 is 'y'. */ case 0x5343: return 0xfa; /* thousand */ case 0x4e07: return 0xfb; /* ten thousand */ case 0x5186: return 0xfc; /* yen */ case 0x00f7: return 0xfd; /* DIVISION SIGN */ case 0x2588: return 0xff; /* FULL BLOCK = solid */ /* EZIO icons (from the Unicode Private Use corporate subarea). */ case 0xf8f8: return 0x00; case 0xf8f9: return 0x01; case 0xf8fa: return 0x02; case 0xf8fb: return 0x03; case 0xf8fc: return 0x04; case 0xf8fd: return 0x05; case 0xf8fe: return 0x06; case 0xf8ff: return 0x07; /* No mappings for anything else. */ default: return -1; } } /* UTF-8 decoder. */ #define UTF_STATES \ UTF_STATE(UTF8_INIT, 0x00, 0xf4, UTF8_INIT) \ UTF_STATE(UTF8_3, 0x80, 0xbf, UTF8_2) \ UTF_STATE(UTF8_2, 0x80, 0xbf, UTF8_1) \ UTF_STATE(UTF8_1, 0x80, 0xbf, UTF8_INIT) \ UTF_STATE(UTF8_E0, 0xa0, 0xbf, UTF8_1) \ UTF_STATE(UTF8_ED, 0x80, 0x9f, UTF8_1) \ UTF_STATE(UTF8_F0, 0x90, 0xbf, UTF8_INIT) \ UTF_STATE(UTF8_F4, 0x80, 0x8f, UTF8_INIT) enum state { #define UTF_STATE(NAME, MIN, MAX, NEXT) NAME, UTF_STATES #undef UTF_STATE }; struct state_info { uint8_t min, max; enum state next; }; static const struct state_info states[] = { #define UTF_STATE(NAME, MIN, MAX, NEXT) {MIN, MAX, NEXT}, UTF_STATES #undef UTF_STATE }; struct utf8_reader { int cp; enum state state; }; struct utf8_reader * utf8_reader_create(void) { struct utf8_reader *r = xmalloc(sizeof *r); r->state = UTF8_INIT; return r; } void utf8_reader_destroy(struct utf8_reader *r) { free(r); } int utf8_reader_read(struct utf8_reader *r, uint8_t c) { const struct state_info *s = &states[r->state]; if (c >= s->min && c <= s->max) { if (r->state == UTF8_INIT) { if (c < 0x80) { return c; } else if (c >= 0xc2 && c <= 0xdf) { r->cp = c & 0x1f; r->state = UTF8_1; return -1; } else if (c >= 0xe0 && c <= 0xef) { r->cp = c & 0x0f; r->state = c == 0xe0 ? UTF8_E0 : c == 0xed ? UTF8_ED : UTF8_2; return -1; } else if (c >= 0xf0 && c <= 0xf4) { r->cp = c & 0x07; r->state = c == 0xf0 ? UTF8_F0 : c == 0xf4 ? UTF8_F4 : UTF8_3; return -1; } } else { r->cp = (r->cp << 6) | (c & 0x3f); r->state = s->next; return r->state == UTF8_INIT ? r->cp : -1; } } /* Invalid UTF-8 sequence. Return the Unicode general substitute * REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. */ r->state = UTF8_INIT; return 0xfffd; } /* ANSI control sequence decoder. */ /* States are named for what we are looking for in that state. */ enum ansi_state { ANSI_ESC, /* Looking for ESC. */ ANSI_CSI, /* Looking for [ (to complete CSI). */ ANSI_PARAMETER, /* Looking for parameter. */ ANSI_INTERMEDIATE, /* Looking for intermediate byte. */ ANSI_FINAL, /* Looking for final byte. */ ANSI_COMPLETE /* Got an entire escape sequence. */ }; struct ansi_decoder { enum ansi_state state; struct ansi_sequence seq; int c; }; struct ansi_decoder * ansi_decoder_create(void) { struct ansi_decoder *d = xmalloc(sizeof *d); d->state = ANSI_ESC; return d; } void ansi_decoder_destroy(struct ansi_decoder *d) { free(d); } int ansi_decoder_put(struct ansi_decoder *d, uint8_t c) { if (c == 27) { /* Escape always starts a new escape sequence, aborting an incomplete * one if necessary. */ if (d->state != ANSI_ESC) { VLOG_DBG("Unexpected escape inside escape sequence"); } d->state = ANSI_CSI; return 0; } switch (d->state) { case ANSI_ESC: return 1; case ANSI_CSI: if (c == '[') { d->state = ANSI_PARAMETER; d->seq.n_args = 0; d->seq.function = 0; } else if (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0x5f) { d->state = ANSI_COMPLETE; d->seq.n_args = 0; d->seq.function = 0; d->seq.function = c << 8; return -1; } else { d->state = ANSI_ESC; } break; case ANSI_PARAMETER: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { int *arg; if (d->seq.n_args == 0) { d->seq.args[d->seq.n_args++] = 0; } else if (d->seq.n_args > ANSI_MAX_ARGS) { break; } arg = &d->seq.args[d->seq.n_args - 1]; if (*arg == -1) { *arg = 0; } *arg = *arg * 10 + (c - '0'); break; } else if (c == ';') { if (d->seq.n_args < ANSI_MAX_ARGS) { d->seq.args[d->seq.n_args] = -1; } d->seq.n_args++; break; } d->state = ANSI_INTERMEDIATE; /* Fall through. */ case ANSI_INTERMEDIATE: if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x2f) { d->seq.function = d->seq.function * 16 + (c - 0x20); break; } d->state = ANSI_FINAL; /* Fall through. */ case ANSI_FINAL: if (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0x7e) { d->seq.function = d->seq.function * 256 + c; d->state = ANSI_COMPLETE; return -1; } else { /* Invalid sequence. */ d->state = ANSI_ESC; } break; case ANSI_COMPLETE: NOT_REACHED(); } return 0; } const struct ansi_sequence * ansi_decoder_get(struct ansi_decoder *d) { assert(d->state == ANSI_COMPLETE); d->state = ANSI_ESC; if (d->seq.n_args < ANSI_MAX_ARGS) { int i; for (i = d->seq.n_args; i < ANSI_MAX_ARGS; i++) { d->seq.args[i] = -1; } } else { d->seq.n_args = ANSI_MAX_ARGS; } return &d->seq; }