open Inotify open Unix open Globals open Dirwatcher open Printf type channel_pipe = Process of out_channel | Fifo of out_channel type signed_fd = Infd of Unix.file_descr | Outfd of Unix.file_descr (* (1) fdmap maps fifo fds -> service names, for initial read events * (2) pidmap maps pids of currently executing services into fds for sigchlds to * prevent the appearence of zombies and to define the end of a session. * (3) open_fds maps read events into active services *) let fdmap: (Unix.file_descr,string*string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1024 let pidmap: (int,signed_fd*signed_fd*Unix.file_descr) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1024 let backend_prefix = ref "" let open_fds: (Unix.file_descr,channel_pipe) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1024 let receive_process_event (idesc:fd_and_fname) (_:fd_and_fname) = printf "Process event\n";flush Pervasives.stdout; let (_,ifd) = idesc in let cp = try Hashtbl.find open_fds ifd with Not_found-> printf "Fifo fd disappeared\n";raise Bug in match (cp) with | Fifo(fifo_outchan) -> let process_inchan = in_channel_of_descr ifd in let cont = ref true in let count = ref 0 in count:=!count + 1; while (!cont) do try let curline = input_line process_inchan in printf "Here: %d %s\n" !count curline;flush Pervasives.stdout; fprintf fifo_outchan "%s\n" curline;flush fifo_outchan with | End_of_file|Sys_blocked_io|Unix_error(EPIPE,_,_) -> begin cont:=false end | Unix_error(_,s1,s2) -> printf "Unix error %s - %s\n" s1 s2;flush Pervasives.stdout;cont:=false | e -> printf "Error!!!\n";raise e done | _ -> printf "Bug! Process fd received in the channel handler\n";raise Bug let rec openentry_int fifoin fifoout (abspath:string*string) = let fdin = try openfile fifoin [O_RDONLY;O_NONBLOCK] 0o777 with e->printf "Error opening and connecting FIFO: %s,%o\n" fifoin 0o777;flush Pervasives.stdout;raise e in Hashtbl.replace fdmap fdin abspath; Fdwatcher.add_fd (Some(fifoin),fdin) (Some(fifoout),stdout) receive_fifo_event and reopenentry_int fdin fifoin fifoout = close fdin; Fdwatcher.del_fd fdin; let abspath = try Hashtbl.find fdmap fdin with _ -> printf "Bug: Phantom pipe\n";flush Pervasives.stdout;raise Bug in openentry_int fifoin fifoout abspath and receive_fifo_event eventdescriptor outdescriptor = let evfname,evfd = eventdescriptor in let (fname_other,fd_other) = outdescriptor in let outfd = match (fname_other) with | Some(str)-> ( try openfile str [O_WRONLY;O_NONBLOCK] 0o777 with _->printf "Output pipe not open, using stdout in place of %s\n" str;flush Pervasives.stdout;stdout ) | None-> printf "Bug, nameless pipe\n";raise Bug in let pipe = try Hashtbl.find open_fds evfd with | Not_found -> (* This is a fifo fd for sure *) let execpath,slice_name = Hashtbl.find fdmap evfd in (* Spawn server. We assume that the fd is one fifo opened RW *) let (myinfd,pout) = Unix.pipe () in let (pin,myoutfd) = Unix.pipe () in set_nonblock myinfd; let pid = try create_process execpath [|execpath;slice_name|] pin pout pout with e -> printf "Error executing service: %s\n" execpath;flush Pervasives.stdout;raise e in Hashtbl.add pidmap pid (Infd(myinfd),Outfd(myoutfd),evfd); Hashtbl.add open_fds evfd (Process(out_channel_of_descr myoutfd)); Hashtbl.add open_fds myinfd (Fifo(out_channel_of_descr outfd)); Fdwatcher.add_fd (None,myinfd) (None,myinfd) receive_process_event; (Process(out_channel_of_descr myoutfd)) in let inchan_fd = in_channel_of_descr evfd in match (pipe) with | Process(out_channel) -> let cont = ref true in while (!cont) do try printf "Reading...\n";flush Pervasives.stdout; let curline = input_line inchan_fd in fprintf out_channel "%s\n" curline;flush out_channel with |End_of_file-> ( match (evfname,fname_other) with | Some(str1),Some(str2)-> reopenentry_int evfd str1 str2 | Some(str1),None -> printf "Bug, nameless pipe\n";flush Pervasives.stdout;raise Bug | None,_ -> printf "Race condition -> user deleted file before closing it. Clever ploy, but won't work.\n"; flush Pervasives.stdout ); cont:=false |Sys_blocked_io ->printf "Sysblockedio\n";flush Pervasives.stdout; cont:=false | _ ->printf "Bug: unhandled exception\n";flush Pervasives.stdout;raise Bug done | _ -> printf "BUG! received process event from fifo\n";raise Bug let mkentry fqp abspath perm = printf "Making entry %s->%s\n" fqp abspath;flush Pervasives.stdout; let fifoin=sprintf "" fqp in let fifoout=sprintf "%s.out" fqp in (try Unix.unlink fifoin with _ -> ()); (try Unix.unlink fifoout with _ -> ()); (try Unix.mkfifo (sprintf "" fqp) 0o666 with e->printf "Error creating FIFO: %s->%s,%o\n" fqp fifoin perm;flush Pervasives.stdout;raise e); (try Unix.mkfifo (sprintf "%s.out" fqp) 0o666 with e->printf "Error creating FIFO: %s->%s,%o\n" fqp fifoout perm;flush Pervasives.stdout;raise e) let openentry fqp abspath perm = let fifoin = String.concat "." [fqp;"in"] in let fifoout = String.concat "." [fqp;"out"] in openentry_int fifoin fifoout abspath let sigchld_handle s = let pid,_=Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] 0 in try let value = Hashtbl.find pidmap pid in match value with | (Infd(ifd),Outfd(ofd),fd) -> close(ifd);close(ofd); Hashtbl.remove open_fds fd; Fdwatcher.del_fd ifd; Hashtbl.remove pidmap pid | _ -> printf "BUG! Got fds in the wrong order\n"; flush Pervasives.stdout; raise Bug with Not_found-> (* Do nothing, probably a grandchild *) () let initialize () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle sigchld_handle)