#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import string import time import soltesz import plc import comon import threadpool from config import config from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.set_defaults(filename="", increment=False, dbname="findbadnodes") parser.add_option("-f", "--nodes", dest="filename", metavar="FILE", help="Provide the input file for the node list") parser.add_option("", "--dbname", dest="dbname", metavar="FILE", help="Specify the name of the database to which the information is saved") parser.add_option("-i", "--increment", action="store_true", dest="increment", help="Increment round number to force refresh or retry") config = config(parser) config.parse_args() # QUERY all nodes. COMON_COTOPURL= "http://summer.cs.princeton.edu/status/tabulator.cgi?" + \ "table=table_nodeview&" + \ "dumpcols='name,resptime,sshstatus,uptime,lastcotop'&" + \ "formatcsv" #"formatcsv&" + \ #"select='lastcotop!=0'" round = 1 externalState = {'round': round, 'nodes': {}} count = 0 def collectPingAndSSH(nodename, cohash): ### RUN PING ###################### ping = soltesz.CMD() (oval,eval) = ping.run_noexcept("ping -c 1 -q %s | grep rtt" % nodename) values = {} if oval == "": # An error occurred values['ping'] = "NOPING" else: values['ping'] = "PING" ### RUN SSH ###################### b_getbootcd_id = True ssh = soltesz.SSH('root', nodename) oval = "" eval = "" (oval, eval) = ssh.run_noexcept('echo `uname -a ; ls /tmp/bm.log`') val = oval if "2.6.17" in oval or "2.6.20" in oval: values['ssh'] = 'SSH' if "bm.log" in oval: values['category'] = 'ALPHA' values['state'] = 'DEBUG' else: values['category'] = 'ALPHA' values['state'] = 'BOOT' elif "2.6.12" in oval or "2.6.10" in oval: values['ssh'] = 'SSH' values['category'] = 'PROD' if "bm.log" in oval: values['state'] = 'DEBUG' else: values['state'] = 'BOOT' elif "2.4" in oval: b_getbootcd_id = False values['ssh'] = 'SSH' values['category'] = 'OLDBOOTCD' values['state'] = 'DEBUG' elif oval != "": values['ssh'] = 'SSH' values['category'] = 'UNKNOWN' if "bm.log" in oval: values['state'] = 'DEBUG' else: values['state'] = 'BOOT' else: # An error occurred. b_getbootcd_id = False values['ssh'] = 'NOSSH' values['category'] = 'ERROR' values['state'] = 'DOWN' val = eval.strip() values['kernel'] = val if b_getbootcd_id: # try to get BootCD for all nodes that are not 2.4 nor inaccessible (oval, eval) = ssh.run_noexcept('cat /mnt/cdrom/bootme/ID') val = oval if "BootCD" in val: values['bootcd'] = val if "v2" in val: values['category'] = 'OLDBOOTCD' else: values['bootcd'] = "" else: values['bootcd'] = "" # TODO: get bm.log for debug nodes. # 'zcat /tmp/bm.log' values['comonstats'] = cohash[nodename] # include output value ### GET PLC NODE ###################### d_node = plc.getNodes({'hostname': nodename}) site_id = -1 if d_node and len(d_node) > 0: pcu = d_node[0]['pcu_ids'] if len(pcu) > 0: values['pcu'] = "PCU" else: values['pcu'] = "NOPCU" site_id = d_node[0]['site_id'] values['plcnode'] = {'status' : 'SUCCESS', 'pcu_ids': pcu, 'site_id': site_id} else: values['pcu'] = "UNKNOWN" values['plcnode'] = {'status' : "GN_FAILED"} ### GET PLC SITE ###################### d_site = plc.getSites({'site_id': site_id}) if d_site and len(d_site) > 0: max_slices = d_site[0]['max_slices'] num_slices = len(d_site[0]['slice_ids']) num_nodes = len(d_site[0]['node_ids']) loginbase = d_site[0]['login_base'] values['plcsite'] = {'num_nodes' : num_nodes, 'max_slices' : max_slices, 'num_slices' : num_slices, 'login_base' : loginbase, 'status' : 'SUCCESS'} else: values['plcsite'] = {'status' : "GS_FAILED"} return (nodename, values) def recordPingAndSSH(request, result): global externalState global count (nodename, values) = result global_round = externalState['round'] externalState['nodes'][nodename]['values'] = values externalState['nodes'][nodename]['round'] = global_round count += 1 print "%d %s %s" % (count, nodename, externalState['nodes'][nodename]['values']) soltesz.dbDump(config.dbname, externalState) # this will be called when an exception occurs within a thread def handle_exception(request, result): print "Exception occured in request %s" % request.requestID for i in result: print "Result: %s" % i def checkAndRecordState(l_nodes, cohash): global externalState global count global_round = externalState['round'] tp = threadpool.ThreadPool(20) # CREATE all the work requests for nodename in l_nodes: if nodename not in externalState['nodes']: externalState['nodes'][nodename] = {'round': 0, 'values': []} node_round = externalState['nodes'][nodename]['round'] if node_round < global_round: # recreate node stats when refreshed #print "%s" % nodename req = threadpool.WorkRequest(collectPingAndSSH, [nodename, cohash], {}, None, recordPingAndSSH, handle_exception) tp.putRequest(req) else: # We just skip it, since it's "up to date" count += 1 print "%d %s %s" % (count, nodename, externalState['nodes'][nodename]['values']) pass # WAIT while all the work requests are processed. while 1: try: time.sleep(1) tp.poll() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted!" break except threadpool.NoResultsPending: print "All results collected." break def main(): global externalState externalState = soltesz.if_cached_else(1, config.dbname, lambda : externalState) if config.increment: # update global round number to force refreshes across all nodes externalState['round'] += 1 cotop = comon.Comon() # lastcotop measures whether cotop is actually running. this is a better # metric than sshstatus, or other values from CoMon cotop_url = COMON_COTOPURL cohash = cotop.coget(cotop_url) if config.filename == "": l_nodes = cohash.keys() else: l_nodes = config.getListFromFile(config.filename) checkAndRecordState(l_nodes, cohash) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception, err: print "Exception: %s" % err print "Saving data... exitting." soltesz.dbDump(config.dbname, externalState) sys.exit(0)