# scp.py # Copyright (C) 2008 James Bardin # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ Utilities for sending files over ssh using the scp1 protocol. """ import os from socket import timeout as SocketTimeout class SCPClient(object): """ An scp1 implementation, compatible with openssh scp. Raises SCPException for all transport related errors. Local filesystem and OS errors pass through. Main public methods are .put and .get The get method is controlled by the remote scp instance, and behaves accordingly. This means that symlinks are resolved, and the transfer is halted after too many levels of symlinks are detected. The put method uses os.walk for recursion, and sends files accordingly. Since scp doesn't support symlinks, we send file symlinks as the file (matching scp behaviour), but we make no attempt at symlinked directories. Convenience methods: put_r: put with recursion put_p: put preserving times put_rp: put with recursion, preserving times get_r: get with recursion get_p: get preserving times get_rp: get with recursion, preserving times """ def __init__(self, transport, buff_size = 16384, socket_timeout = 5.0, callback = None): """ Create an scp1 client. @param transport: an existing paramiko L{Transport} @type transport: L{Transport} @param buff_size: size of the scp send buffer. @type buff_size: int @param socket_timeout: channel socket timeout in seconds @type socket_timeout: float @param callback: callback function for transfer status @type callback: func """ self.transport = transport self.buff_size = buff_size self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout self.channel = None self.preserve_times = False self.callback = callback self._recv_dir = '' self._utime = None self._dirtimes = {} def put(self, files, remote_path = '.', recursive = False, preserve_times = False): """ Transfer files to remote host. @param files: A single path, or a list of paths to be transfered. recursive must be True to transfer directories. @type files: string OR list of strings @param remote_path: path in which to receive the files on the remote host. defaults to '.' @type remote_path: str @param recursive: transfer files and directories recursively @type recursive: bool @param preserve_times: preserve mtime and atime of transfered files and directories. @type preserve_times: bool """ self.preserve_times = preserve_times self.channel = self.transport.open_session() self.channel.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) scp_command = ('scp -t %s\n', 'scp -r -t %s\n')[recursive] self.channel.exec_command(scp_command % remote_path) self._recv_confirm() if not isinstance(files, (list, tuple)): files = [files] if recursive: self._send_recursive(files) else: self._send_files(files) if self.channel: self.channel.close() def put_r(self, files, remote_path = '.'): """ Convenience function for a recursive put @param files: A single path, or a list of paths to be transfered. @type files: str, list @param remote_path: path in which to receive the files on the remote host. defaults to '.' @type remote_path: bool """ self.put(files, remote_path, recursive = True) def put_p(self, files, remote_path = '.'): """ Convenience function to put preserving times. @param files: A single path, or a list of paths to be transfered. @type files: str, list @param remote_path: path in which to receive the files on the remote host. defaults to '.' @type remote_path: bool """ self.put(files, remote_path, preserve_times = True) def put_rp(self, files, remote_path = '.'): """ Convenience function for a recursive put, preserving times. @param files: A single path, or a list of paths to be transfered. @type files: str, list @param remote_path: path in which to receive the files on the remote host. defaults to '.' @type remote_path: bool """ self.put(files, remote_path, recursive = True, preserve_times = True) def get(self, remote_path, local_path = '', recursive = False, preserve_times = False): """ Transfer files from remote host to localhost @param remote_path: path to retreive from remote host. since this is evaluated by scp on the remote host, shell wildcards and environment variables may be used. @type remote_path: str @param local_path: path in which to receive files locally @type local_path: str @param recursive: transfer files and directories recursively @type recursive: bool @param preserve_times: preserve mtime and atime of transfered files and directories. @type preserve_times: bool """ self._recv_dir = local_path or os.getcwd() rcsv = ('', ' -r')[recursive] prsv = ('', ' -p')[preserve_times] self.channel = self.transport.open_session() self.channel.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) self.channel.exec_command('scp%s%s -f %s' % (rcsv, prsv, remote_path)) self._recv_all() if self.channel: self.channel.close() def get_r(self, remote_path, local_path = '.'): """ Convenience function for a recursive get @param remote_path: path to retrieve from server @type remote_path: str @param local_path: path in which to recieve files. default cwd @type local_path: str """ self.get(remote_path, local_path, recursive = True) def get_p(self, remote_path, local_path = '.'): """ Convenience function for get, preserving times. @param remote_path: path to retrieve from server @type remote_path: str @param local_path: path in which to recieve files. default cwd @type local_path: str """ self.get(remote_path, local_path, preserve_times = True) def get_rp(self, remote_path, local_path = '.'): """ Convenience function for a recursive get, preserving times. @param remote_path: path to retrieve from server @type remote_path: str @param local_path: path in which to recieve files. default cwd @type local_path: str """ self.get(remote_path, local_path, recursive = True, preserve_times = True) def _read_stats(self, name): """return just the file stats needed for scp""" stats = os.stat(name) mode = oct(stats.st_mode)[-4:] size = stats.st_size atime = int(stats.st_atime) mtime = int(stats.st_mtime) return (mode, size, mtime, atime) def _send_files(self, files): for name in files: basename = os.path.basename(name) (mode, size, mtime, atime) = self._read_stats(name) if self.preserve_times: self._send_time(mtime, atime) file_hdl = file(name, 'rb') self.channel.sendall('C%s %d %s\n' % (mode, size, basename)) self._recv_confirm() file_pos = 0 buff_size = self.buff_size chan = self.channel while file_pos < size: chan.sendall(file_hdl.read(buff_size)) file_pos = file_hdl.tell() if self.callback: self.callback(file_pos, size) chan.sendall('\x00') file_hdl.close() def _send_recursive(self, files): for base in files: lastdir = base for root, dirs, fls in os.walk(base): # pop back out to the next dir in the walk while lastdir != os.path.commonprefix([lastdir, root]): self._send_popd() lastdir = os.path.split(lastdir)[0] self._send_pushd(root) lastdir = root self._send_files([os.path.join(root, f) for f in fls]) def _send_pushd(self, directory): (mode, size, mtime, atime) = self._read_stats(directory) basename = os.path.basename(directory) if self.preserve_times: self._send_time(mtime, atime) self.channel.sendall('D%s 0 %s\n' % (mode, basename)) self._recv_confirm() def _send_popd(self): self.channel.sendall('E\n') self._recv_confirm() def _send_time(self, mtime, atime): self.channel.sendall('T%d 0 %d 0\n' % (mtime, atime)) self._recv_confirm() def _recv_confirm(self): # read scp response msg = '' try: msg = self.channel.recv(512) except SocketTimeout: raise SCPException('Timout waiting for scp response') if msg and msg[0] == '\x00': return elif msg and msg[0] == '\x01': raise SCPException(msg[1:]) elif self.channel.recv_stderr_ready(): msg = self.channel.recv_stderr(512) raise SCPException(msg) elif not msg: raise SCPException('No response from server') else: raise SCPException('Invalid response from server: ' + msg) def _recv_all(self): # loop over scp commands, and recive as necessary command = {'C': self._recv_file, 'T': self._set_time, 'D': self._recv_pushd, 'E': self._recv_popd} while not self.channel.closed: # wait for command as long as we're open self.channel.sendall('\x00') msg = self.channel.recv(1024) if not msg: # chan closed while recving break code = msg[0] try: command[code](msg[1:]) except KeyError: raise SCPException(repr(msg)) # directory times can't be set until we're done writing files self._set_dirtimes() def _set_time(self, cmd): try: times = cmd.split() mtime = int(times[0]) atime = int(times[2]) or mtime except: self.channel.send('\x01') raise SCPException('Bad time format') # save for later self._utime = (mtime, atime) def _recv_file(self, cmd): chan = self.channel parts = cmd.split() try: mode = int(parts[0], 8) size = int(parts[1]) path = os.path.join(self._recv_dir, parts[2]) except: chan.send('\x01') chan.close() raise SCPException('Bad file format') try: file_hdl = file(path, 'wb') except IOError, e: chan.send('\x01'+e.message) chan.close() raise buff_size = self.buff_size pos = 0 chan.send('\x00') try: while pos < size: # we have to make sure we don't read the final byte if size - pos <= buff_size: buff_size = size - pos file_hdl.write(chan.recv(buff_size)) pos = file_hdl.tell() if self.callback: self.callback(pos, size) msg = chan.recv(512) if msg and msg[0] != '\x00': raise SCPException(msg[1:]) except SocketTimeout: chan.close() raise SCPException('Error receiving, socket.timeout') file_hdl.truncate() try: os.utime(path, self._utime) self._utime = None os.chmod(path, mode) # should we notify the other end? finally: file_hdl.close() # '\x00' confirmation sent in _recv_all def _recv_pushd(self, cmd): parts = cmd.split() try: mode = int(parts[0], 8) path = os.path.join(self._recv_dir, parts[2]) except: self.channel.send('\x01') raise SCPException('Bad directory format') try: if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path, mode) elif os.path.isdir(path): os.chmod(path, mode) else: raise SCPException('%s: Not a directory' % path) self._dirtimes[path] = (self._utime) self._utime = None self._recv_dir = path except (OSError, SCPException), e: self.channel.send('\x01'+e.message) raise def _recv_popd(self, *cmd): self._recv_dir = os.path.split(self._recv_dir)[0] def _set_dirtimes(self): try: for d in self._dirtimes: os.utime(d, self._dirtimes[d]) finally: self._dirtimes = {} class SCPException(Exception): """SCP exception class""" pass