class GacksCalendar: def __init__(self): pass def query(self, id, unitStart, unitStop, timeStart, timeStop): pass def insert_record(self, item): pass class GacksListCalendar(GacksCalendar): def __init__(self): self.items = [] def test_id(x, y): if not x: return True else: return (x == y) def test_lesser(x, y): if not x: return True else if y==INFINITY: return True else: return (x=y) def query(self, id, unitStart=0, unitStop=INFINITY, timeStart=0, timeStop=INFINITY): list = [] for item in self.items: if test_id(id, and test_lesser(unitStart, item.unitStop) and test_greater_equal(unitStop, item.unitStart) and test_lesser(timeStart, item.timeStop) and test_greater_equal(timeStop, item.timeStart): list = list + item return list def insert_record(self, item): conflicts = self.query(, item.unitStart, item.unitStop, item.timeStart, item.timeStop) for conflict in conflicts: self.items.remove(conflict) self.items.append(item)