import os import sys import datetime import time import xmlrpclib from geni.util.geniserver import * from geni.util.geniclient import * from geni.util.cert import * from geni.util.trustedroot import * from geni.util.excep import * from geni.util.misc import * from geni.util.config import Config from geni.util.rspec import Rspec class Aggregate(GeniServer): hrn = None components_file = None components_ttl = None components = [] whitelist_file = None blacklist_file = None policy = {} timestamp = None threshold = None shell = None registry = None ## # Create a new aggregate object. # # @param ip the ip address to listen on # @param port the port to listen on # @param key_file private key filename of registry # @param cert_file certificate filename containing public key (could be a GID file) def __init__(self, ip, port, key_file, cert_file, config = "/usr/share/geniwrapper/util/geni_config"): GeniServer.__init__(self, ip, port, key_file, cert_file) conf = Config(config) basedir = conf.GENI_BASE_DIR + os.sep server_basedir = basedir + os.sep + "plc" + os.sep self.hrn = conf.GENI_INTERFACE_HRN self.components_file = os.sep.join([server_basedir, 'components', hrn + '.comp']) self.whitelist_file = os.sep.join([server_basedir, 'policy', 'whitelist']) self.blacklist_file = os.sep.join([server_basedir, 'policy', 'blacklist']) self.timestamp_file = os.sep.join([server_basedir, 'components', hrn + '.timestamp']) self.components_ttl = components_ttl self.policy['whitelist'] = [] self.policy['blacklist'] = [] self.connectPLC() self.connectRegistry() def connectRegistry(self): """ Connect to the registry """ pass def connectPLC(self): """ Connect to the plc api interface. First attempt to impor thte shell, if that fails try to connect to the xmlrpc server. """ self.auth = {'Username': conf.GENI_PLC_USER, 'AuthMethod': 'password', 'AuthString': conf.GENI_PLC_PASSWORD} try: # try to import PLC.Shell directly sys.path.append(conf.GENI_PLC_SHELL_PATH) import PLC.Shell = PLC.Shell.Shell(globals()) except ImportError: # connect to plc api via xmlrpc plc_host = conf.GENI_PLC_HOST plc_port = conf.GENI_PLC_PORT plc_api_path = conf.GENI_PLC_API_PATH url = "https://%(plc_host)s:%(plc_port)s/%(plc_api_path)s/" % locals() self.auth = {'Username': conf.GENI_PLC_USER, 'AuthMethod': 'password', 'AuthString': conf.GENI_PLC_PASSWORD} = xmlrpclib.Server(url, verbose = 0, allow_none = True) def hostname_to_hrn(self, login_base, hostname): """ Convert hrn to plantelab name. """ genihostname = "_".join(hostname.split(".")) return ".".join([self.hrn, login_base, genihostname]) def slicename_to_hrn(self, slicename): """ Convert hrn to planetlab name. """ slicename = slicename.replace("_", ".") return ".".join([self.hrn, slicename]) def refresh_components(self): """ Update the cached list of nodes. """ # resolve component hostnames nodes =, {}, ['hostname', 'site_id']) # resolve site login_bases site_ids = [node['site_id'] for node in nodes] sites =, site_ids, ['site_id', 'login_base']) site_dict = {} for site in sites: site_dict[site['site_id']] = site['login_base'] # convert plc names to geni hrn self.components = [self.hostname_to_hrn(site_dict[node['site_id']], node['hostname']) for node in nodes] # apply policy. Do not allow nodes found in blacklist, only allow nodes found in whitelist whitelist_policy = lambda node: node in self.policy['whitelist'] blacklist_policy = lambda node: node not in self.policy['blacklist'] if self.policy['blacklist']: self.components = blacklist_policy(self.components) if self.policy['whitelist']: self.components = whitelist_policy(self.components) # update timestamp and threshold self.timestamp = delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=self.components_ttl) self.threshold = self.timestamp + delta f = open(self.components_file, 'w') f.write(str(self.components)) f.close() f = open(self.timestamp_file, 'w') f.write(str(self.threshold)) f.close() def load_components(self): """ Read cached list of nodes. """ # Read component list from cached file if os.path.exists(self.components_file): f = open(self.components_file, 'r') self.components = eval( f.close() time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" if os.path.exists(self.timestamp_file): f = open(self.timestamp_file, 'r') timestamp = str(".")[0] self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(timestamp, time_format))) delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=self.components_ttl) self.threshold = self.timestamp + delta f.close() def load_policy(self): """ Read the list of blacklisted and whitelisted nodes. """ whitelist = [] blacklist = [] if os.path.exists(self.whitelist_file): f = open(self.whitelist_file, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: line = line.strip().replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "") whitelist.extend(line.split(",")) if os.path.exists(self.blacklist_file): f = open(self.blacklist_file, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: line = line.strip().replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "") blacklist.extend(line.split(",")) self.policy['whitelist'] = whitelist self.policy['blacklist'] = blacklist def get_components(self): """ Return a list of components at this aggregate. """ # Reload components list now = #self.load_components() if not self.threshold or not self.timestamp or now > self.threshold: self.refresh_components() elif now < self.threshold and not self.components: self.load_components() return self.components def get_rspec(self, hrn, type): rspec = Rspec() rspec['nodespec'] = {'name': self.conf.GENI_INTERFACE_HRN} rsepc['nodespec']['nodes'] = [] if type in ['node']: nodes = elif type in ['slice']: slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices =, [slicename]) node_ids = slices[0]['node_ids'] nodes =, node_ids) for node in nodes: nodespec = {'name': node['hostname'], 'type': 'std'} elif type in ['aggregate']: pass return rspec def get_resources(self, slice_hrn): """ Return the current rspec for the specified slice. """ slicename = hrn_to_plcslicename(slice_hrn) rspec = self.get_rspec(slicenamem, 'slice') return rspec def create_slice(self, slice_hrn, rspec, attributes = []): """ Instantiate the specified slice according to whats defined in the rspec. """ slicename = self.hrn_to_plcslicename(slice_hrn) spec = Rspec(rspec) nodespecs = spec.getDictsByTagName('NodeSpec') nodes = [nodespec['name'] for nodespec in nodespecs], slicename, nodes) for attribute in attributes: type, value, node, nodegroup = attribute['type'], attribute['value'], attribute['node'], attribute['nodegroup'] shell.AddSliceAttribute(self.auth, slicename, type, value, node, nodegroup) # XX contact the registry to get the list of users on this slice and # their keys. #slice_record = self.registry.resolve(slice_hrn) #person_records = slice_record['users'] # for person in person_record: # email = person['email'] #, email, slicename) return 1 def update_slice(self, slice_hrn, rspec, attributes = []): """ Update the specified slice. """ # Get slice info slicename = self.hrn_to_plcslicename(slice_hrn) slices =, [slicename], ['node_ids']) if not slice: raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) slice = slices[0] # find out where this slice is currently running nodes =, slice['node_ids'], ['hostname']) hostnames = [node['hostname'] for node in nodes] # get netspec details spec = Rspec(rspec) nodespecs = spec.getDictsByTagName('NodeSpec') nodes = [nodespec['name'] for nodespec in nodespecs] # remove nodes not in rspec delete_nodes = set(hostnames).difference(nodes) # add nodes from rspec added_nodes = set(nodes).difference(hostnames) shell.AddSliceToNodes(self.auth, slicename, added_nodes) shell.DeleteSliceFromNodes(self.auth, slicename, deleted_nodes) for attribute in attributes: type, value, node, nodegroup = attribute['type'], attribute['value'], attribute['node'], attribute['nodegroup'] shell.AddSliceAttribute(self.auth, slicename, type, value, node, nodegroup) # contact registry to get slice users and add them to the slice # slice_record = self.registry.resolve(slice_hrn) # persons = slice_record['users'] #for person in persons: # shell.AddPersonToSlice(person['email'], slice_name) def delete_slice_(self, slice_hrn): """ Remove this slice from all components it was previouly associated with and free up the resources it was using. """ slicename = self.hrn_to_plcslicename(slice_hrn) slices = shell.GetSlices(self.auth, [slicename]) if not slice: raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) slice = slices[0] shell.DeleteSliceFromNodes(self.auth, slicename, slice['node_ids']) return 1 def start_slice(self, slice_hrn): """ Stop the slice at plc. """ slicename = hrn_to_plcslicename(slice_hrn) slices =, {'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) slice_id = slices[0] atrribtes ={'slice_id': slice_id, 'name': 'enabled'}, ['slice_attribute_id']) attribute_id = attreibutes[0], attribute_id, "1" ) return 1 def stop_slice(self, slice_hrn): """ Stop the slice at plc """ slicename = hrn_to_plcslicename(slice_hrn) slices =, {'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) slice_id = slices[0] atrribtes ={'slice_id': slice_id, 'name': 'enabled'}, ['slice_attribute_id']) attribute_id = attreibutes[0], attribute_id, "0") return 1 def reset_slice(self, slice_hrn): """ Reset the slice """ slicename = self.hrn_to_plcslicename(slice_hrn) return 1 def get_policy(self): """ Return this aggregates policy. """ return self.policy ############################## ## Server methods here for now ############################## def nodes(self): return self.get_components() #def slices(self): # return self.get_slices() def resources(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'info') self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(hrn) return self.get_resources(hrn) def create(self, cred, hrn, rspec): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'embed') self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(hrn) return self.create(hrn) def update(self, cred, hrn, rspec): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'embed') self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(hrn) return self.update(hrn) def delete(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'embed') self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(hrn) return self.delete_slice(hrn) def start(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'control') return self.start(hrn) def stop(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'control') return self.stop(hrn) def reset(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'control') return self.reset(hrn) def policy(self, cred): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'info') return self.get_policy() def register_functions(self): GeniServer.register_functions(self) # Aggregate interface methods self.server.register_function(self.components) #self.server.register_function(self.slices) self.server.register_function(self.resources) self.server.register_function(self.create) self.server.register_function(self.delete) self.server.register_function(self.start) self.server.register_function(self.stop) self.server.register_function(self.reset) self.server.register_function(self.policy)