import os import sys import datetime import time import xmlrpclib from types import StringTypes, ListType from geni.util.geniserver import GeniServer from geni.util.geniclient import GeniClient from geni.util.cert import Keypair, Certificate from geni.util.credential import Credential from geni.util.trustedroot import TrustedRootList from geni.util.excep import * from geni.util.misc import * from geni.util.config import Config from geni.util.rspec import Rspec from geni.util.specdict import * from import SimpleStorage class Aggregate(GeniServer): hrn = None nodes_ttl = None nodes = None slices = None policy = None timestamp = None threshold = None shell = None registry = None key_file = None cert_file = None credential = None ## # Create a new aggregate object. # # @param ip the ip address to listen on # @param port the port to listen on # @param key_file private key filename of registry # @param cert_file certificate filename containing public key (could be a GID file) def __init__(self, ip, port, key_file, cert_file, config = "/usr/share/geniwrapper/geni/util/geni_config"): GeniServer.__init__(self, ip, port, key_file, cert_file) self.server.interface = 'aggregate' self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file self.config = Config(config) self.basedir = self.config.GENI_BASE_DIR + os.sep self.server_basedir = self.basedir + os.sep + "geni" + os.sep self.hrn = self.config.GENI_INTERFACE_HRN nodes_file = os.sep.join([self.server_basedir, 'agg.' + self.hrn + '.components']) self.nodes = SimpleStorage(nodes_file) self.nodes.load() slices_file = os.sep.join([self.server_basedir, 'agg.' + self.hrn + '.slices']) self.slices = SimpleStorage(slices_file) self.slices.load() policy_file = os.sep.join([self.server_basedir, 'agg.' + self.hrn + '.policy']) self.policy = SimpleStorage(policy_file, {'whitelist': [], 'blacklist': []}) self.policy.load() timestamp_file = os.sep.join([self.server_basedir, 'agg.' + self.hrn + '.timestamp']) self.timestamp = SimpleStorage(timestamp_file) # How long before we refresh nodes cache self.nodes_ttl = 1 self.connectPLC() self.connectRegistry() self.loadCredential() def connectRegistry(self): """ Connect to the registry """ # connect to registry using GeniClient address = self.config.GENI_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME port = self.config.GENI_REGISTRY_PORT url = 'http://%(address)s:%(port)s' % locals() self.registry = GeniClient(url, self.key_file, self.cert_file) def connectPLC(self): """ Connect to the plc api interface. First attempt to impor thte shell, if that fails try to connect to the xmlrpc server. """ self.auth = {'Username': self.config.GENI_PLC_USER, 'AuthMethod': 'password', 'AuthString': self.config.GENI_PLC_PASSWORD} try: # try to import PLC.Shell directly sys.path.append(self.config.GENI_PLC_SHELL_PATH) import PLC.Shell = PLC.Shell.Shell(globals()) except ImportError: # connect to plc api via xmlrpc plc_host = self.config.GENI_PLC_HOST plc_port = self.config.GENI_PLC_PORT plc_api_path = self.config.GENI_PLC_API_PATH url = "https://%(plc_host)s:%(plc_port)s/%(plc_api_path)s/" % locals() self.auth = {'Username': self.config.GENI_PLC_USER, 'AuthMethod': 'password', 'AuthString': self.config.GENI_PLC_PASSWORD} = xmlrpclib.Server(url, verbose = 0, allow_none = True) def loadCredential(self): """ Attempt to load credential from file if it exists. If it doesnt get credential from registry. """ ma_cred_filename = self.server_basedir + os.sep + "agg." + self.hrn + ".ma.cred" # see if this file exists try: self.credential = Credential(filename = ma_cred_filename) except IOError: self.credential = self.getCredentialFromRegistry() def getCredentialFromRegistry(self): """ Get our current credential from the registry """ # get self credential self_cred_filename = self.server_basedir + os.sep + "agg." + self.hrn + ".cred" self_cred = self.registry.get_credential(None, 'ma', self.hrn) self_cred.save_to_file(self_cred_filename, save_parents = True) # get ma credential ma_cred_filename = self.server_basedir + os.sep + "agg." + self.hrn + ".ma.cred" ma_cred = self.registry.get_credential(self_cred, 'ma', self.hrn) ma_cred.save_to_file(ma_cred_filename, save_parents=True) return ma_cred def hostname_to_hrn(self, login_base, hostname): """ Convert hrn to plantelab name. """ genihostname = "_".join(hostname.split(".")) return ".".join([self.hrn, login_base, genihostname]) def slicename_to_hrn(self, slicename): """ Convert hrn to planetlab name. """ parts = slicename.split("_") slice_hrn = ".".join([self.hrn, parts[0]]) + "." + "_".join(parts[1:]) return slice_hrn def refresh_components(self): """ Update the cached list of nodes and save in 4 differnt formats (rspec, dns, ip) """ # get node list in rspec format rspec = Rspec() rspec.parseString(self.get_rspec(self.hrn, 'aggregate')) # filter nodes according to policy rspec.filter('NodeSpec', 'name', blacklist=self.policy['blacklist'], whitelist=self.policy['whitelist']) # extract ifspecs from rspec to get ip's ips = [] ifspecs = rspec.getDictsByTagName('IfSpec') for ifspec in ifspecs: if ifspec.has_key('addr') and ifspec['addr']: ips.append(ifspec['addr']) # extract nodespecs from rspec to get dns names hostnames = [] nodespecs = rspec.getDictsByTagName('NodeSpec') for nodespec in nodespecs: if nodespec.has_key('name') and nodespec['name']: hostnames.append(nodespec['name']) node_details = {} node_details['rspec'] = rspec.toxml() node_details['ip'] = ips node_details['dns'] = hostnames # save state self.nodes = SimpleStorage(self.nodes.db_filename, node_details) self.nodes.write() # update timestamp and threshold self.timestamp['timestamp'] = delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=self.nodes_ttl) self.threshold = self.timestamp['timestamp'] + delta self.timestamp.write() def load_components(self): """ Read cached list of nodes. """ # Read component list from cached file self.nodes.load() self.timestamp.load() time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" timestamp = self.timestamp['timestamp'] self.timestamp['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(timestamp, time_format))) delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=self.nodes_ttl) self.threshold = self.timestamp['timestamp'] + delta def load_policy(self): """ Read the list of blacklisted and whitelisted nodes. """ self.policy.load() def getNodes(self, format = 'rspec'): """ Return a list of components at this aggregate. """ valid_formats = ['rspec', 'hrn', 'dns', 'ip'] if not format: format = 'rspec' if format not in valid_formats: raise Exception, "Invalid format specified, must be one of the following: %s" \ % ", ".join(valid_formats) # Reload components list now = #self.load_components() if not self.threshold or not self.timestamp['timestamp'] or now > self.threshold: self.refresh_components() elif now < self.threshold and not self.nodes.keys(): self.load_components() return self.nodes[format] def getSlices(self): """ Return a list of instnatiated managed by this slice manager. """ slices =, {}, ['name']) slice_hrns = [self.slicename_to_hrn(slice['name']) for slice in slices] return slice_hrns def get_rspec(self, hrn, type): """ Get resource information from PLC """ # Get the required nodes if type in ['aggregate']: nodes = try: linkspecs = # if call is supported except: linkspecs = [] elif type in ['slice']: slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices =, [slicename]) if not slices: nodes = [] else: slice = slices[0] node_ids = slice['node_ids'] nodes =, node_ids) # Filter out whitelisted nodes public_nodes = lambda n: n.has_key('slice_ids_whitelist') and not n['slice_ids_whitelist'] nodes = filter(public_nodes, nodes) # Get all network interfaces interface_ids = [] for node in nodes: interface_ids.extend(node['nodenetwork_ids']) interfaces =, interface_ids) interface_dict = {} for interface in interfaces: interface_dict[interface['nodenetwork_id']] = interface # join nodes with thier interfaces for node in nodes: node['interfaces'] = [] for nodenetwork_id in node['nodenetwork_ids']: node['interfaces'].append(interface_dict[nodenetwork_id]) # convert and threshold to ints if self.timestamp.has_key('timestamp') and self.timestamp['timestamp']: timestamp = self.timestamp['timestamp'] threshold = self.threshold else: timestamp = delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=self.nodes_ttl) threshold = timestamp + delta start_time = int(timestamp.strftime("%s")) end_time = int(threshold.strftime("%s")) duration = end_time - start_time # create the plc dict networks = [{'nodes': nodes, 'name': self.hrn, 'start_time': start_time, 'duration': duration}] if type in ['aggregate']: networks[0]['links'] = linkspecs resources = {'networks': networks, 'start_time': start_time, 'duration': duration} # convert the plc dict to an rspec dict resourceDict = RspecDict(resources) # convert the rspec dict to xml rspec = Rspec() rspec.parseDict(resourceDict) return rspec.toxml() def getResources(self, slice_hrn): """ Return the current rspec for the specified slice. """ rspec = self.get_rspec(slice_hrn, 'slice') return rspec def getTicket(self, hrn, rspec): """ Retrieve a ticket. This operation is currently implemented on PLC only (see SFA, engineering decisions); it is not implemented on components. @param name name of the slice to retrieve a ticket for @param rspec resource specification dictionary @return the string representation of a ticket object """ #self.registry.get_ticket(name, rspec) return def createSlice(self, slice_hrn, rspec, attributes = []): """ Instantiate the specified slice according to whats defined in the rspec. """ spec = Rspec(rspec) # save slice state locally # we can assume that spec object has been validated so its safer to # save this instead of the unvalidated rspec the user gave us self.slices[slice_hrn] = spec.toxml() self.slices.write() # Get the slice record from geni slice = {} records = self.registry.resolve(self.credential, slice_hrn) for record in records: if record.get_type() in ['slice']: slice_info = record.as_dict() slice = slice_info['pl_info'] if not slice: raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) # Make sure slice exists at plc, if it doesnt add it slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(slice_hrn) slices =, [slicename], ['node_ids']) if not slices: parts = slicename.split("_") login_base = parts[0] # if site doesnt exist add it sites =, [login_base]) if not sites: authority = get_authority(slice_hrn) site_records = self.registry.resolve(self.credential, authority) site_record = {} if not site_records: raise RecordNotFound(authority) site_record = site_records[0] site_info = site_record.as_dict() site = site_info['pl_info'] # add the site site.pop('site_id') site_id =, site) else: site = sites[0], slice) # get the list of valid slice users from the registry and make # they are added to the slice geni_info = slice_info['geni_info'] researchers = geni_info['researcher'] for researcher in researchers: person_record = {} person_records = self.registry.resolve(self.credential, researcher) for record in person_records: if record.get_type() in ['user']: person_record = record if not person_record: pass person_dict = person_record.as_dict()['pl_info'] persons =, [person_dict['email']], ['person_id', 'key_ids']) # Create the person record if not persons:, person_dict) key_ids = [] else: key_ids = persons[0]['key_ids'], person_dict['email'], slicename) # Get this users local keys keylist =, key_ids, ['key']) keys = [key['key'] for key in keylist] # add keys that arent already there for personkey in person_dict['keys']: if personkey not in keys: key = {'key_type': 'ssh', 'key': personkey}, person_dict['email'], key) # find out where this slice is currently running nodelist =, slice['node_ids'], ['hostname']) hostnames = [node['hostname'] for node in nodelist] # get netspec details nodespecs = spec.getDictsByTagName('NodeSpec') nodes = [] for nodespec in nodespecs: if isinstance(nodespec['name'], list): nodes.extend(nodespec['name']) elif isinstance(nodespec['name'], StringTypes): nodes.append(nodespec['name']) # save slice state locally # we can assume that spec object has been validated so its safer to # save this instead of the unvalidated rspec the user gave us self.slices[slice_hrn] = spec.toxml() self.slices.write() # remove nodes not in rspec deleted_nodes = list(set(hostnames).difference(nodes)) # add nodes from rspec added_nodes = list(set(nodes).difference(hostnames)), slicename, added_nodes), slicename, deleted_nodes) return 1 def updateSlice(self, slice_hrn, rspec, attributes = []): return self.create_slice(slice_hrn, rspec, attributes) def deleteSlice(self, slice_hrn): """ Remove this slice from all components it was previouly associated with and free up the resources it was using. """ if self.slices.has_key(slice_hrn): self.slices.pop(slice_hrn) self.slices.write() slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(slice_hrn) slices =, [slicename]) if not slices: return 1 slice = slices[0], slicename, slice['node_ids']) return 1 def startSlice(self, slice_hrn): """ Stop the slice at plc. """ slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(slice_hrn) slices =, {'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: #raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) return 1 slice_id = slices[0] atrribtes ={'slice_id': slice_id, 'name': 'enabled'}, ['slice_attribute_id']) attribute_id = attreibutes[0], attribute_id, "1" ) return 1 def stopSlice(self, slice_hrn): """ Stop the slice at plc """ slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(slice_hrn) slices =, {'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: #raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) return 1 slice_id = slices[0] atrribtes ={'slice_id': slice_id, 'name': 'enabled'}, ['slice_attribute_id']) attribute_id = attreibutes[0], attribute_id, "0") return 1 def resetSlice(self, slice_hrn): """ Reset the slice """ # XX not yet implemented return 1 def getPolicy(self): """ Return this aggregates policy. """ return self.policy ############################## ## Server methods here for now ############################## # XX fix rights, should be function name defined in # privilege_table (from util/ def list_nodes(self, cred): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'listnodes') return self.getNodes() def list_slices(self, cred): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'listslices') return self.getSlices() def get_resources(self, cred, hrn = None): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'listnodes') if not hrn: return self.getNodes() else: return self.getResources(hrn) def get_ticket(self, cred, hrn, rspec): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'getticket') return self.getTicket(hrn, rspec) def get_policy(self, cred): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'getpolicy') return self.getPolicy() def create_slice(self, cred, hrn, rspec): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'createslice') return self.createSlice(hrn, rspec) def update_slice(self, cred, hrn, rspec): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'updateslice') return self.updateSlice(hrn) def delete_slice(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'deleteslice') return self.deleteSlice(hrn) def start_slice(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'startslice') return self.startSlice(hrn) def stop_slice(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'stopslice') return self.stopSlice(hrn) def reset_slice(self, cred, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, 'resetslice') return self.resetSlice(hrn) def register_functions(self): GeniServer.register_functions(self) # Aggregate interface methods self.server.register_function(self.list_nodes) self.server.register_function(self.list_slices) self.server.register_function(self.get_resources) self.server.register_function(self.get_policy) self.server.register_function(self.create_slice) self.server.register_function(self.update_slice) self.server.register_function(self.delete_slice) self.server.register_function(self.start_slice) self.server.register_function(self.stop_slice) self.server.register_function(self.reset_slice) class Aggregates(dict): def __init__(self, api): dict.__init__(self, {}) self.api = api aggregates_file = self.api.server_basedir + os.sep + 'aggregates.xml' connection_dict = {'hrn': '', 'addr': '', 'port': ''} self.aggregate_info = XmlStorage(aggregates_file, {'aggregates': {'aggregate': [connection_dict]}}) self.aggregate_info.load() self.connectAggregates() def connectAggregates(self): """ Get connection details for the trusted peer aggregates from file and create an GeniClient connection to each. """ required_fields = ['hrn', 'addr', 'port'] aggregates = self.aggregate_info['aggregates']['aggregate'] if isinstance(aggregates, dict): aggregates = [aggregates] if isinstance(aggregates, list): for aggregate in aggregates: # create xmlrpc connection using GeniClient if not set(required_fields).issubset(aggregate.keys()): continue hrn, address, port = aggregate['hrn'], aggregate['addr'], aggregate['port'] if not hrn or not address or not port: continue url = 'http://%(address)s:%(port)s' % locals() self[hrn] = GeniClient(url, self.api.key_file, self.api.cert_file) # set up a connection to the local registry # connect to registry using GeniClient address = self.api.config.GENI_AGGREGATE_HOSTNAME port = self.api.config.GENI_AGGREGATE_PORT url = 'http://%(address)s:%(port)s' % locals() self[self.api.hrn] = GeniClient(url, self.api.key_file, self.api.cert_file)