## # Registry is a GeniServer that implements the Registry interface import tempfile import os import time import sys from geni.util.credential import Credential from geni.util.hierarchy import Hierarchy from geni.util.trustedroot import TrustedRootList from geni.util.cert import Keypair, Certificate from geni.util.gid import GID, create_uuid from geni.util.geniserver import GeniServer from geni.util.geniclient import GeniClient from geni.util.record import GeniRecord from geni.util.rights import RightList from geni.util.genitable import GeniTable from geni.util.geniticket import Ticket from geni.util.excep import * from geni.util.misc import * from geni.util.config import * from geni.util.storage import * ## # Convert geni fields to PLC fields for use when registering up updating # registry record in the PLC database # # @param type type of record (user, slice, ...) # @param hrn human readable name # @param geni_fields dictionary of geni fields # @param pl_fields dictionary of PLC fields (output) def geni_fields_to_pl_fields(type, hrn, geni_fields, pl_fields): if type == "user": if not "email" in pl_fields: if not "email" in geni_fields: raise MissingGeniInfo("email") pl_fields["email"] = geni_fields["email"] if not "first_name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["first_name"] = "geni" if not "last_name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["last_name"] = hrn elif type == "slice": if not "instantiation" in pl_fields: pl_fields["instantiation"] = "delegated" # "plc-instantiated" if not "name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["name"] = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) if not "max_nodes" in pl_fields: pl_fields["max_nodes"] = 10 elif type == "node": if not "hostname" in pl_fields: if not "dns" in geni_fields: raise MissingGeniInfo("dns") pl_fields["hostname"] = geni_fields["dns"] if not "model" in pl_fields: pl_fields["model"] = "geni" elif type == "sa": pl_fields["login_base"] = hrn_to_pl_login_base(hrn) if not "name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["name"] = hrn if not "abbreviated_name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["abbreviated_name"] = hrn if not "enabled" in pl_fields: pl_fields["enabled"] = True if not "is_public" in pl_fields: pl_fields["is_public"] = True ## # Registry is a GeniServer that serves registry and slice operations at PLC. class Registry(GeniServer): ## # Create a new registry object. # # @param ip the ip address to listen on # @param port the port to listen on # @param key_file private key filename of registry # @param cert_file certificate filename containing public key (could be a GID file) def __init__(self, ip, port, key_file, cert_file, config = '/usr/share/geniwrapper/geni/util/geni_config'): GeniServer.__init__(self, ip, port, key_file, cert_file) # get PL account settings from config module self.pl_auth = get_pl_auth() # connect to planetlab if "Url" in self.pl_auth: self.connect_remote_shell() else: self.connect_local_shell() self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file self.config = Config(config) self.basedir = self.config.GENI_BASE_DIR + os.sep self.server_basedir = self.basedir + os.sep + "geni" + os.sep self.hrn = self.config.GENI_INTERFACE_HRN # get peer registry information registries_file = self.server_basedir + os.sep + 'registries.xml' connection_dict = {'hrn': '', 'addr': '', 'port': ''} self.registry_info = XmlStorage(registries_file, {'registries': {'registry': [connection_dict]}}) self.registry_info.load() self.connectRegistry() #self.loadCredential() self.connectRegistries() ## # Connect to a remote shell via XMLRPC def connect_remote_shell(self): from geni.util import remoteshell self.shell = remoteshell.RemoteShell() ## # Connect to a local shell via local API functions def connect_local_shell(self): import PLC.Shell self.shell = PLC.Shell.Shell(globals = globals()) ## # Register the server RPCs for the registry def register_functions(self): GeniServer.register_functions(self) # registry interface self.server.register_function(self.create_gid) self.server.register_function(self.get_self_credential) self.server.register_function(self.get_credential) self.server.register_function(self.get_gid) self.server.register_function(self.get_ticket) self.server.register_function(self.register) self.server.register_function(self.remove) self.server.register_function(self.update) self.server.register_function(self.list) self.server.register_function(self.resolve) def loadCredential(self): """ Attempt to load credential from file if it exists. If it doesnt get credential from registry. """ # see if this file exists ma_cred_filename = self.server_basedir + os.sep + "reg." + self.hrn + ".sa.cred" try: self.credential = Credential(filename = ma_cred_filename) except IOError: self.credential = self.getCredentialFromRegistry() def getCredentialFromRegistry(self): """ Get our current credential from the registry. """ # get self credential self_cred_filename = self.server_basedir + os.sep + "smgr." + self.hrn + ".cred" self_cred = self.registry.get_credential(None, 'ma', self.hrn) self_cred.save_to_file(self_cred_filename, save_parents=True) # get ma credential ma_cred_filename = self.server_basedir + os.sep + "smgr." + self.hrn + ".sa.cred" ma_cred = self.registry.get_credential(self_cred, 'sa', self.hrn) ma_cred.save_to_file(ma_cred_filename, save_parents=True) return ma_cred def connectRegistry(self): """ Connect to the registry """ # connect to registry using GeniClient address = self.config.GENI_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME port = self.config.GENI_REGISTRY_PORT url = 'http://%(address)s:%(port)s' % locals() self.registry = GeniClient(url, self.key_file, self.cert_file) def connectRegistries(self): """ Get connection details for the trusted peer registries from file and create an GeniClient connection to each. """ self.registries= {} registries = self.registry_info['registries']['registry'] if isinstance(registries, dict): registries = [registries] if isinstance(registries, list): for registry in registries: # create xmlrpc connection using GeniClient hrn, address, port = registry['hrn'], registry['addr'], registry['port'] url = 'http://%(address)s:%(port)s' % locals() self.registries[hrn] = GeniClient(url, self.key_file, self.cert_file) ## # Given an authority name, return the information for that authority. This # is basically a stub that calls the hierarchy module. # # @param auth_hrn human readable name of authority def get_auth_info(self, auth_hrn): return self.hierarchy.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) ## # Given an authority name, return the database table for that authority. If # the database table does not exist, then one will be automatically # created. # # @param auth_name human readable name of authority def get_auth_table(self, auth_name): auth_info = self.get_auth_info(auth_name) table = GeniTable(hrn=auth_name, cninfo=auth_info.get_dbinfo()) # if the table doesn't exist, then it means we haven't put any records # into this authority yet. if not table.exists(): print "Registry: creating table for authority", auth_name table.create() return table ## # Verify that an authority belongs to this registry. This is basically left # up to the implementation of the hierarchy module. If the specified name # does not belong to this registry, an exception is thrown indicating the # caller should contact someone else. # # @param auth_name human readable name of authority def verify_auth_belongs_to_me(self, name): # get_auth_info will throw an exception if the authority does not # exist self.get_auth_info(name) ## # Verify that an object belongs to this registry. By extension, this implies # that the authority that owns the object belongs to this registry. If the # object does not belong to this registry, then an exception is thrown. # # @param name human readable name of object def verify_object_belongs_to_me(self, name): auth_name = get_authority(name) if not auth_name: # the root authority belongs to the registry by default? # TODO: is this true? return self.verify_auth_belongs_to_me(auth_name) ## # Verify that the object_gid that was specified in the credential allows # permission to the object 'name'. This is done by a simple prefix test. # For example, an object_gid for planetlab.us.arizona would match the # objects planetlab.us.arizona.slice1 and planetlab.us.arizona. # # @param name human readable name to test def verify_object_permission(self, name): object_hrn = self.object_gid.get_hrn() if object_hrn == name: return if name.startswith(object_hrn + "."): return raise PermissionError(name) ## # Fill in the planetlab-specific fields of a Geni record. This involves # calling the appropriate PLC methods to retrieve the database record for # the object. # # PLC data is filled into the pl_info field of the record. # # @param record record to fill in fields (in/out param) def fill_record_pl_info(self, record): type = record.get_type() pointer = record.get_pointer() # records with pointer==-1 do not have plc info associated with them. # for example, the top level authority records which are # authorities, but not PL "sites" if pointer == -1: record.set_pl_info({}) return if (type == "sa") or (type == "ma"): pl_res = self.shell.GetSites(self.pl_auth, [pointer]) elif (type == "slice"): pl_res = self.shell.GetSlices(self.pl_auth, [pointer]) elif (type == "user"): pl_res = self.shell.GetPersons(self.pl_auth, [pointer]) elif (type == "node"): pl_res = self.shell.GetNodes(self.pl_auth, [pointer]) else: raise UnknownGeniType(type) if not pl_res: # the planetlab record no longer exists # TODO: delete the geni record ? raise PlanetLabRecordDoesNotExist(record.get_name()) record.set_pl_info(pl_res[0]) ## # Look up user records given PLC user-ids. This is used as part of the # process for reverse-mapping PLC records into Geni records. # # @param auth_table database table for the authority that holds the user records # @param user_id_list list of user ids # @param role either "*" or a string describing the role to look for ("pi", "user", ...) # # TODO: This function currently only searches one authority because it would # be inefficient to brute-force search all authorities for a user id. The # solution would likely be to implement a reverse mapping of user-id to # (type, hrn) pairs. def lookup_users(self, auth_table, user_id_list, role="*"): record_list = [] for person_id in user_id_list: user_records = auth_table.find("user", person_id, "pointer") for user_record in user_records: self.fill_record_info(user_record) user_roles = user_record.get_pl_info().get("roles") if (role=="*") or (role in user_roles): record_list.append(user_record.get_name()) return record_list ## # Fill in the geni-specific fields of the record. # # Note: It is assumed the fill_record_pl_info() has already been performed # on the record. def fill_record_geni_info(self, record): geni_info = {} type = record.get_type() if (type == "slice"): auth_table = self.get_auth_table(get_authority(record.get_name())) person_ids = record.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) researchers = self.lookup_users(auth_table, person_ids) geni_info['researcher'] = researchers elif (type == "sa"): auth_table = self.get_auth_table(record.get_name()) person_ids = record.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) pis = self.lookup_users(auth_table, person_ids, "pi") geni_info['pi'] = pis # TODO: OrganizationName elif (type == "ma"): auth_table = self.get_auth_table(record.get_name()) person_ids = record.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) operators = self.lookup_users(auth_table, person_ids, "tech") geni_info['operator'] = operators # TODO: OrganizationName auth_table = self.get_auth_table(record.get_name()) person_ids = record.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) owners = self.lookup_users(auth_table, person_ids, "admin") geni_info['owner'] = owners elif (type == "node"): geni_info['dns'] = record.pl_info.get("hostname", "") # TODO: URI, LatLong, IP, DNS elif (type == "user"): geni_info['email'] = record.pl_info.get("email", "") # TODO: PostalAddress, Phone record.set_geni_info(geni_info) ## # Given a Geni record, fill in the PLC-specific and Geni-specific fields # in the record. def fill_record_info(self, record): self.fill_record_pl_info(record) self.fill_record_geni_info(record) def update_membership_list(self, oldRecord, record, listName, addFunc, delFunc): # get a list of the HRNs tht are members of the old and new records if oldRecord: if oldRecord.pl_info == None: oldRecord.pl_info = {} oldList = oldRecord.get_geni_info().get(listName, []) else: oldList = [] newList = record.get_geni_info().get(listName, []) # if the lists are the same, then we don't have to update anything if (oldList == newList): return # build a list of the new person ids, by looking up each person to get # their pointer newIdList = [] for hrn in newList: userRecord = self.resolve_raw("user", hrn)[0] newIdList.append(userRecord.get_pointer()) # build a list of the old person ids from the person_ids field of the # pl_info if oldRecord: oldIdList = oldRecord.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) containerId = oldRecord.get_pointer() else: # if oldRecord==None, then we are doing a Register, instead of an # update. oldIdList = [] containerId = record.get_pointer() # add people who are in the new list, but not the oldList for personId in newIdList: if not (personId in oldIdList): print "adding id", personId, "to", record.get_name() addFunc(self.pl_auth, personId, containerId) # remove people who are in the old list, but not the new list for personId in oldIdList: if not (personId in newIdList): print "removing id", personId, "from", record.get_name() delFunc(self.pl_auth, personId, containerId) def update_membership(self, oldRecord, record): if record.type == "slice": self.update_membership_list(oldRecord, record, 'researcher', self.shell.AddPersonToSlice, self.shell.DeletePersonFromSlice) elif record.type == "sa": # TODO pass elif record.type == "ma": # TODO pass ## # GENI API: register # # Register an object with the registry. In addition to being stored in the # Geni database, the appropriate records will also be created in the # PLC databases # # @param cred credential string # @param record_dict dictionary containing record fields def register(self, cred, record_dict): self.decode_authentication(cred, "register") record = GeniRecord(dict = record_dict) type = record.get_type() name = record.get_name() auth_name = get_authority(name) self.verify_object_permission(auth_name) auth_info = self.get_auth_info(auth_name) table = self.get_auth_table(auth_name) pkey = None # check if record already exists existing_records = table.resolve(type, name) if existing_records: raise ExistingRecord(name) if (type == "sa") or (type=="ma"): # update the tree if not self.hierarchy.auth_exists(name): self.hierarchy.create_auth(name) # authorities are special since they are managed by the registry # rather than by the caller. We create our own GID for the # authority rather than relying on the caller to supply one. # get the GID from the newly created authority child_auth_info = self.get_auth_info(name) gid = auth_info.get_gid_object() record.set_gid(gid.save_to_string(save_parents=True)) geni_fields = record.get_geni_info() site_fields = record.get_pl_info() # if registering a sa, see if a ma already exists # if registering a ma, see if a sa already exists if (type == "sa"): other_rec = table.resolve("ma", record.get_name()) elif (type == "ma"): other_rec = table.resolve("sa", record.get_name()) if other_rec: print "linking ma and sa to the same plc site" pointer = other_rec[0].get_pointer() else: geni_fields_to_pl_fields(type, name, geni_fields, site_fields) print "adding site with fields", site_fields pointer = self.shell.AddSite(self.pl_auth, site_fields) record.set_pointer(pointer) elif (type == "slice"): geni_fields = record.get_geni_info() slice_fields = record.get_pl_info() geni_fields_to_pl_fields(type, name, geni_fields, slice_fields) pointer = self.shell.AddSlice(self.pl_auth, slice_fields) record.set_pointer(pointer) elif (type == "user"): geni_fields = record.get_geni_info() user_fields = record.get_pl_info() geni_fields_to_pl_fields(type, name, geni_fields, user_fields) pointer = self.shell.AddPerson(self.pl_auth, user_fields) record.set_pointer(pointer) elif (type == "node"): geni_fields = record.get_geni_info() node_fields = record.get_pl_info() geni_fields_to_pl_fields(type, name, geni_fields, node_fields) login_base = hrn_to_pl_login_base(auth_name) print "calling addnode with", login_base, node_fields pointer = self.shell.AddNode(self.pl_auth, login_base, node_fields) record.set_pointer(pointer) else: raise UnknownGeniType(type) table.insert(record) # update membership for researchers, pis, owners, operators self.update_membership(None, record) return record.get_gid_object().save_to_string(save_parents=True) ## # GENI API: remove # # Remove an object from the registry. If the object represents a PLC object, # then the PLC records will also be removed. # # @param cred credential string # @param record_dict dictionary containing record fields. The only relevant # fields of the record are 'name' and 'type', which are used to lookup # the current copy of the record in the Geni database, to make sure # that the appopriate record is removed. def remove(self, cred, type, hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, "remove") self.verify_object_permission(hrn) auth_name = get_authority(hrn) table = self.get_auth_table(auth_name) record_list = table.resolve(type, hrn) if not record_list: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) record = record_list[0] # TODO: sa, ma if type == "user": self.shell.DeletePerson(self.pl_auth, record.get_pointer()) elif type == "slice": self.shell.DeleteSlice(self.pl_auth, record.get_pointer()) elif type == "node": self.shell.DeleteNode(self.pl_auth, record.get_pointer()) elif (type == "sa") or (type == "ma"): if (type == "sa"): other_rec = table.resolve("ma", record.get_name()) elif (type == "ma"): other_rec = table.resolve("sa", record.get_name()) if other_rec: # sa and ma both map to a site, so if we are deleting one # but the other still exists, then do not delete the site print "not removing site", record.get_name(), "because either sa or ma still exists" pass else: print "removing site", record.get_name() self.shell.DeleteSite(self.pl_auth, record.get_pointer()) else: raise UnknownGeniType(type) table.remove(record) return True ## # GENI API: Update # # Update an object in the registry. Currently, this only updates the # PLC information associated with the record. The Geni fields (name, type, # GID) are fixed. # # The record is expected to have the pl_info field filled in with the data # that should be updated. # # TODO: The geni_info member of the record should be parsed and the pl_info # adjusted as necessary (add/remove users from a slice, etc) # # @param cred credential string specifying rights of the caller # @param record a record dictionary to be updated def update(self, cred, record_dict): self.decode_authentication(cred, "update") record = GeniRecord(dict = record_dict) type = record.get_type() self.verify_object_permission(record.get_name()) auth_name = get_authority(record.get_name()) if not auth_name: auth_name = record.get_name() table = self.get_auth_table(auth_name) # make sure the record exists existing_record_list = table.resolve(type, record.get_name()) if not existing_record_list: raise RecordNotFound(record.get_name()) existing_record = existing_record_list[0] # Update_membership needs the membership lists in the existing record # filled in, so it can see if members were added or removed self.fill_record_info(existing_record) # Use the pointer from the existing record, not the one that the user # gave us. This prevents the user from inserting a forged pointer pointer = existing_record.get_pointer() # update the PLC information that was specified with the record if (type == "sa") or (type == "ma"): self.shell.UpdateSite(self.pl_auth, pointer, record.get_pl_info()) elif type == "slice": self.shell.UpdateSlice(self.pl_auth, pointer, record.get_pl_info()) elif type == "user": # SMBAKER: UpdatePerson only allows a limited set of fields to be # updated. Ideally we should have a more generic way of doing # this. I copied the field names from UpdatePerson.py... update_fields = {} all_fields = record.get_pl_info() for key in all_fields.keys(): if key in ['first_name', 'last_name', 'title', 'email', 'password', 'phone', 'url', 'bio', 'accepted_aup', 'enabled']: update_fields[key] = all_fields[key] self.shell.UpdatePerson(self.pl_auth, pointer, update_fields) elif type == "node": self.shell.UpdateNode(self.pl_auth, pointer, record.get_pl_info()) else: raise UnknownGeniType(type) # update membership for researchers, pis, owners, operators self.update_membership(existing_record, record) ## # List the records in an authority. The objectGID in the supplied credential # should name the authority that will be listed. # # TODO: List doesn't take an hrn and uses the hrn contained in the # objectGid of the credential. Does this mean the only way to list an # authority is by having a credential for that authority? # # @param cred credential string specifying rights of the caller # # @return list of record dictionaries def list(self, cred, auth_hrn): self.decode_authentication(cred, "list") if not self.hierarchy.auth_exists(auth_hrn): raise MissingAuthority(auth_hrn) table = self.get_auth_table(auth_hrn) records = table.list() good_records = [] for record in records: try: self.fill_record_info(record) good_records.append(record) except PlanetLabRecordDoesNotExist: # silently drop the ones that are missing in PL. # is this the right thing to do? print "ignoring geni record ", record.get_name(), " because pl record does not exist" table.remove(record) dicts = [] for record in good_records: dicts.append(record.as_dict()) return dicts return dict_list ## # Resolve a record. This is an internal version of the Resolve API call # and returns records in record object format rather than dictionaries # that may be sent over XMLRPC. # # @param type type of record to resolve (user | sa | ma | slice | node) # @param name human readable name of object # @param must_exist if True, throw an exception if no records are found # # @return a list of record objects, or an empty list [] def resolve_raw(self, type, name, must_exist=True): auth_name = get_authority(name) if not auth_name: auth_name = name table = self.get_auth_table(auth_name) records = table.resolve(type, name) if (not records) and must_exist: raise RecordNotFound(name) good_records = [] for record in records: try: self.fill_record_info(record) good_records.append(record) except PlanetLabRecordDoesNotExist: # silently drop the ones that are missing in PL. # is this the right thing to do? print "ignoring geni record ", record.get_name(), "because pl record does not exist" table.remove(record) return good_records ## # GENI API: Resolve # # This is a wrapper around resolve_raw that converts records objects into # dictionaries before returning them to the user. # # @param cred credential string authorizing the caller # @param name human readable name to resolve # # @return a list of record dictionaries, or an empty list def resolve(self, cred, name): self.decode_authentication(cred, "resolve") try: records = self.resolve_raw("*", name) except RecordNotFound: records = [] for registry in self.registries: if name.startswith(registry): records = self.registries[registry].resolve(cred, name) dicts = [] for record in records: dicts.append(record.as_dict()) return dicts ## # GENI API: get_gid # # Retrieve the GID for an object. This function looks up a record in the # registry and returns the GID of the record if it exists. # TODO: Is this function needed? It's a shortcut for Resolve() # # @param name hrn to look up # # @return the string representation of a GID object def get_gid(self, name): self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(name) records = self.resolve_raw("*", name) gid_string_list = [] for record in records: gid = record.get_gid_object() gid_string_list.append(gid.save_to_string(save_parents=True)) return gid_string_list ## # Determine tje rights that an object should have. The rights are entirely # dependent on the type of the object. For example, users automatically # get "refresh", "resolve", and "info". # # @param type the type of the object (user | sa | ma | slice | node) # @param name human readable name of the object (not used at this time) # # @return RightList object containing rights def determine_rights(self, type, name): rl = RightList() # rights seem to be somewhat redundant with the type of the credential. # For example, a "sa" credential implies the authority right, because # a sa credential cannot be issued to a user who is not an owner of # the authority if type == "user": rl.add("refresh") rl.add("resolve") rl.add("info") elif type == "sa": rl.add("authority,sa") elif type == "ma": rl.add("authority,ma") elif type == "slice": rl.add("refresh") rl.add("embed") rl.add("bind") rl.add("control") rl.add("info") elif type == "component": rl.add("operator") return rl ## # GENI API: Get_self_credential # # Get_self_credential a degenerate version of get_credential used by a # client to get his initial credential when he doesn't have one. This is # the same as get_credential(..., cred=None,...). # # The registry ensures that the client is the principal that is named by # (type, name) by comparing the public key in the record's GID to the # private key used to encrypt the client-side of the HTTPS connection. Thus # it is impossible for one principal to retrieve another principal's # credential without having the appropriate private key. # # @param type type of object (user | slice | sa | ma | node # @param name human readable name of object # # @return the string representation of a credential object def get_self_credential(self, type, name): self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(name) auth_hrn = get_authority(name) if not auth_hrn: auth_hrn = name auth_info = self.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) # find a record that matches records = self.resolve_raw(type, name, must_exist=True) record = records[0] gid = record.get_gid_object() peer_cert = self.server.peer_cert if not peer_cert.is_pubkey(gid.get_pubkey()): raise ConnectionKeyGIDMismatch(gid.get_subject()) # create the credential gid = record.get_gid_object() cred = Credential(subject = gid.get_subject()) cred.set_gid_caller(gid) cred.set_gid_object(gid) cred.set_issuer(key=auth_info.get_pkey_object(), subject=auth_hrn) cred.set_pubkey(gid.get_pubkey()) rl = self.determine_rights(type, name) cred.set_privileges(rl) # determine the type of credential that we want to use as a parent for # this credential. if (type == "ma") or (type == "node"): auth_kind = "authority,ma" else: # user, slice, sa auth_kind = "authority,sa" cred.set_parent(self.hierarchy.get_auth_cred(auth_hrn, kind=auth_kind)) cred.encode() cred.sign() return cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True) ## # verify_cancreate_credential # # Verify that a user can retrieve a particular type of credential. For # slices, the user must be on the researcher list. For SA and MA the user # must be on the pi and operator lists respectively. def verify_cancreate_credential(self, src_cred, record): type = record.get_type() cred_object_hrn = src_cred.get_gid_object().get_hrn() config = Config() if cred_object_hrn in [config.GENI_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH]: return if type=="slice": researchers = record.get_geni_info().get("researcher", []) if not (cred_object_hrn in researchers): raise PermissionError(cred_object_hrn + " is not in researcher list for " + record.get_name()) elif type == "sa": pis = record.get_geni_info().get("pi", []) if not (cred_object_hrn in pis): raise PermissionError(cred_object_hrn + " is not in pi list for " + record.get_name()) elif type == "ma": operators = record.get_geni_info().get("operator", []) if not (cred_object_hrn in operators): raise PermissionError(cred_object_hrn + " is not in operator list for " + record.get_name()) ## # GENI API: Get_credential # # Retrieve a credential for an object. # # If cred==None, then the behavior reverts to get_self_credential() # # @param cred credential object specifying rights of the caller # @param type type of object (user | slice | sa | ma | node) # @param name human readable name of object # # @return the string representation of a credental object def get_credential(self, cred, type, name): if not cred: return get_self_credential(self, type, name) self.decode_authentication(cred, "getcredential") self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(name) auth_hrn = get_authority(name) if not auth_hrn: auth_hrn = name auth_info = self.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) records = self.resolve_raw(type, name, must_exist=True) record = records[0] # verify_cancreate_credential requires that the member lists # (researchers, pis, etc) be filled in self.fill_record_info(record) self.verify_cancreate_credential(self.client_cred, record) # TODO: Check permission that self.client_cred can access the object object_gid = record.get_gid_object() new_cred = Credential(subject = object_gid.get_subject()) new_cred.set_gid_caller(self.client_gid) new_cred.set_gid_object(object_gid) new_cred.set_issuer(key=auth_info.get_pkey_object(), subject=auth_hrn) new_cred.set_pubkey(object_gid.get_pubkey()) rl = self.determine_rights(type, name) new_cred.set_privileges(rl) # determine the type of credential that we want to use as a parent for # this credential. if (type == "ma") or (type == "node"): auth_kind = "authority,ma" else: # user, slice, sa auth_kind = "authority,sa" new_cred.set_parent(self.hierarchy.get_auth_cred(auth_hrn, kind=auth_kind)) new_cred.encode() new_cred.sign() return new_cred.save_to_string(save_parents=True) ## # GENI API: get_ticket # # Retrieve a ticket. This operation is currently implemented on PLC # only (see SFA, engineering decisions); it is not implemented on # components. # # The ticket is filled in with information from the PLC database. This # information includes resources, and attributes such as user keys and # initscripts. # # @param cred credential string # @param name name of the slice to retrieve a ticket for # @param rspec resource specification dictionary # # @return the string representation of a ticket object def get_ticket(self, cred, name, rspec): self.decode_authentication(cred, "getticket") self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(name) self.verify_object_permission(name) # XXX much of this code looks like get_credential... are they so similar # that they should be combined? auth_hrn = get_authority(name) if not auth_hrn: auth_hrn = name auth_info = self.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) records = self.resolve_raw("slice", name, must_exist=True) record = records[0] object_gid = record.get_gid_object() new_ticket = Ticket(subject = object_gid.get_subject()) new_ticket.set_gid_caller(self.client_gid) new_ticket.set_gid_object(object_gid) new_ticket.set_issuer(key=auth_info.get_pkey_object(), subject=auth_hrn) new_ticket.set_pubkey(object_gid.get_pubkey()) self.fill_record_info(record) (attributes, rspec) = self.record_to_slice_info(record) new_ticket.set_attributes(attributes) new_ticket.set_rspec(rspec) new_ticket.set_parent(AuthHierarchy.get_auth_ticket(auth_hrn)) new_ticket.encode() new_ticket.sign() return new_ticket.save_to_string(save_parents=True) ## # GENI_API: Create_gid # # Create a new GID. For MAs and SAs that are physically located on the # registry, this allows a owner/operator/PI to create a new GID and have it # signed by his respective authority. # # @param cred credential of caller # @param name hrn for new GID # @param uuid unique identifier for new GID # @param pkey_string public-key string (TODO: why is this a string and not a keypair object?) # # @return the string representation of a GID object def create_gid(self, cred, name, uuid, pubkey_str): self.decode_authentication(cred, "getcredential") self.verify_object_belongs_to_me(name) self.verify_object_permission(name) if uuid == None: uuid = create_uuid() pkey = Keypair() pkey.load_pubkey_from_string(pubkey_str) gid = self.hierarchy.create_gid(name, uuid, pkey) return gid.save_to_string(save_parents=True)