# # Geniwrapper XML-RPC and SOAP interfaces # # import sys import os import traceback import string import xmlrpclib from geni.util.auth import Auth from geni.util.config import * from geni.util.faults import * from geni.util.debug import * from geni.util.rights import * from geni.util.credential import * # See "2.2 Characters" in the XML specification: # # #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] # avoiding # [#x7F-#x84], [#x86-#x9F], [#xFDD0-#xFDDF] invalid_xml_ascii = map(chr, range(0x0, 0x8) + [0xB, 0xC] + range(0xE, 0x1F)) xml_escape_table = string.maketrans("".join(invalid_xml_ascii), "?" * len(invalid_xml_ascii)) def xmlrpclib_escape(s, replace = string.replace): """ xmlrpclib does not handle invalid 7-bit control characters. This function augments xmlrpclib.escape, which by default only replaces '&', '<', and '>' with entities. """ # This is the standard xmlrpclib.escape function s = replace(s, "&", "&") s = replace(s, "<", "<") s = replace(s, ">", ">",) # Replace invalid 7-bit control characters with '?' return s.translate(xml_escape_table) def xmlrpclib_dump(self, value, write): """ xmlrpclib cannot marshal instances of subclasses of built-in types. This function overrides xmlrpclib.Marshaller.__dump so that any value that is an instance of one of its acceptable types is marshalled as that type. xmlrpclib also cannot handle invalid 7-bit control characters. See above. """ # Use our escape function args = [self, value, write] if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): args.append(xmlrpclib_escape) try: # Try for an exact match first f = self.dispatch[type(value)] except KeyError: raise # Try for an isinstance() match for Type, f in self.dispatch.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, Type): f(*args) return raise TypeError, "cannot marshal %s objects" % type(value) else: f(*args) # You can't hide from me! xmlrpclib.Marshaller._Marshaller__dump = xmlrpclib_dump # SOAP support is optional try: import SOAPpy from SOAPpy.Parser import parseSOAPRPC from SOAPpy.Types import faultType from SOAPpy.NS import NS from SOAPpy.SOAPBuilder import buildSOAP except ImportError: SOAPpy = None import geni.methods def import_deep(name): mod = __import__(name) components = name.split('.') for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) return mod class GeniAPI: # flat list of method names methods = geni.methods.methods def __init__(self, config = "/usr/share/geniwrapper/geni/util/geni_config", encoding = "utf-8", peer_cert = None, interface = None, key_file = None, cert_file = None): self.encoding = encoding # Better just be documenting the API if config is None: return # Load configuration self.config = Config(config) self.auth = Auth(peer_cert) self.interface = interface self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file self.credential = None self.plshell = self.getPLCShell() self.basedir = self.config.GENI_BASE_DIR + os.sep self.server_basedir = self.basedir + os.sep + "geni" + os.sep self.hrn = self.config.GENI_INTERFACE_HRN self.time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" def getPLCShell(self): self.plauth = {'Username': self.config.GENI_PLC_USER, 'AuthMethod': 'password', 'AuthString': self.config.GENI_PLC_PASSWORD} try: import PLC.Shell shell = PLC.Shell.Shell(globals = globals()) shell.AuthCheck(self.plauth) return shell except ImportError: # connect via xmlrpc plc_host = self.config.GENI_PLC_HOST plc_port = self.config.GENI_PLC_PORT plc_api_path = self.config.GENI_PLC_API_PATH url = "https://%(plc_host)s:%(plc_port)s/%(plc_api_path)s/" % \ locals() shell = xmlrpclib.Server(url, verbose = 0, allow_none = True) shell.AuthCheck(self.plauth) return shell def getCredential(self): return self.getCredentialFromRegistry() def getCredentialFromRegistry(self): """ Get our current credential from the local registry. """ hrn = self.hrn auth_hrn = self.auth.get_authority(hrn) if not auth_hrn: auth_hrn = hrn auth_info = self.auth.get_auth_info(auth_hrn) table = self.auth.get_auth_table(auth_hrn) records = table.resolve('*', hrn) if not records: raise RecordnotFound record = records[0] type = record.get_type() object_gid = record.get_gid_object() new_cred = Credential(subject = object_gid.get_subject()) new_cred.set_gid_caller(object_gid) new_cred.set_gid_object(object_gid) new_cred.set_issuer(key=auth_info.get_pkey_object(), subject=auth_hrn) new_cred.set_pubkey(object_gid.get_pubkey()) r1 = determine_rights(type, hrn) new_cred.set_privileges(r1) # determine the type of credential that we want to use as a parent for # this credential. if (type == "ma") or (type == "node"): auth_kind = "authority,ma" else: # user, slice, sa auth_kind = "authority,sa" new_cred.set_parent(self.auth.hierarchy.get_auth_cred(auth_hrn, kind=auth_kind)) new_cred.encode() new_cred.sign() return new_cred def loadCredential(self): """ Attempt to load credential from file if it exists. If it doesnt get credential from registry. """ # see if this file exists # XX This is really the aggregate's credential. Using this is easier than getting # the registry's credential from iteslf (ssl errors). ma_cred_filename = self.server_basedir + os.sep + self.interface + self.hrn + ".ma.cred" try: self.credential = Credential(filename = ma_cred_filename) except IOError: self.credential = self.getCredentialFromRegistry() ## # Convert geni fields to PLC fields for use when registering up updating # registry record in the PLC database # # @param type type of record (user, slice, ...) # @param hrn human readable name # @param geni_fields dictionary of geni fields # @param pl_fields dictionary of PLC fields (output) def geni_fields_to_pl_fields(self, type, hrn, geni_fields, pl_fields): if type == "user": if not "email" in pl_fields: if not "email" in geni_fields: raise MissingGeniInfo("email") pl_fields["email"] = geni_fields["email"] if not "first_name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["first_name"] = "geni" if not "last_name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["last_name"] = hrn elif type == "slice": if not "instantiation" in pl_fields: pl_fields["instantiation"] = "delegated" # "plc-instantiated" if not "name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["name"] = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) if not "max_nodes" in pl_fields: pl_fields["max_nodes"] = 10 elif type == "node": if not "hostname" in pl_fields: if not "dns" in geni_fields: raise MissingGeniInfo("dns") pl_fields["hostname"] = geni_fields["dns"] if not "model" in pl_fields: pl_fields["model"] = "geni" elif type == "sa": pl_fields["login_base"] = hrn_to_pl_login_base(hrn) if not "name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["name"] = hrn if not "abbreviated_name" in pl_fields: pl_fields["abbreviated_name"] = hrn if not "enabled" in pl_fields: pl_fields["enabled"] = True if not "is_public" in pl_fields: pl_fields["is_public"] = True def fill_record_pl_info(self, record): """ Fill in the planetlab specific fields of a Geni record. This involves calling the appropraite PLC method to retrie the dtabase record for the object. PLC data is filled into the pl_fino field of the record. @param record record to fill in field (in/out param) """ type = record.get_type() pointer = record.get_pointer() # records with pointer==-1 do not have plc info associated with them. # for example, the top level authority records which are # authorities, but not PL "sites" if pointer == -1: record.set_pl_info({}) return if (type == "sa") or (type == "ma"): pl_res = self.plshell.GetSites(self.plauth, [pointer]) elif (type == "slice"): pl_res = self.plshell.GetSlices(self.plauth, [pointer]) elif (type == "user"): pl_res = self.plshell.GetPersons(self.plauth, [pointer]) key_ids = pl_res[0]['key_ids'] keys = self.plshell.GetKeys(self.plauth, key_ids) pubkeys = [] if keys: pubkeys = [key['key'] for key in keys] pl_res[0]['keys'] = pubkeys elif (type == "node"): pl_res = self.plshell.GetNodes(self.plauth, [pointer]) else: raise UnknownGeniType(type) if not pl_res: # the planetlab record no longer exists # TODO: delete the geni record ? raise PlanetLabRecordDoesNotExist(record.get_name()) record.set_pl_info(pl_res[0]) def lookup_users(self, auth_table, user_id_list, role="*"): record_list = [] for person_id in user_id_list: user_records = auth_table.find("user", person_id, "pointer") for user_record in user_records: self.fill_record_info(user_record) user_roles = user_record.get_pl_info().get("roles") if (role=="*") or (role in user_roles): record_list.append(user_record.get_name()) return record_list def fill_record_geni_info(self, record): geni_info = {} type = record.get_type() if (type == "slice"): auth_table = self.auth.get_auth_table(self.auth.get_authority(record.get_name())) person_ids = record.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) researchers = self.lookup_users(auth_table, person_ids) geni_info['researcher'] = researchers elif (type == "sa"): auth_table = self.auth.get_auth_table(record.get_name()) person_ids = record.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) pis = self.lookup_users(auth_table, person_ids, "pi") geni_info['pi'] = pis # TODO: OrganizationName elif (type == "ma"): auth_table = self.auth.get_auth_table(record.get_name()) person_ids = record.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) operators = self.lookup_users(auth_table, person_ids, "tech") geni_info['operator'] = operators # TODO: OrganizationName auth_table = self.auth.get_auth_table(record.get_name()) person_ids = record.pl_info.get("person_ids", []) owners = self.lookup_users(auth_table, person_ids, "admin") geni_info['owner'] = owners elif (type == "node"): geni_info['dns'] = record.pl_info.get("hostname", "") # TODO: URI, LatLong, IP, DNS elif (type == "user"): geni_info['email'] = record.pl_info.get("email", "") # TODO: PostalAddress, Phone record.set_geni_info(geni_info) def fill_record_info(self, record): """ Given a geni record, fill in the PLC specific and Geni specific fields in the record. """ self.fill_record_pl_info(record) self.fill_record_geni_info(record) def update_membership_list(self, oldRecord, record, listName, addFunc, delFunc): # get a list of the HRNs tht are members of the old and new records^M if oldRecord: if oldRecord.pl_info == None: oldRecord.pl_info = {} oldList = oldRecord.get_geni_info().get(listName, []) else: oldList = [] newList = record.get_geni_info().get(listName, []) # if the lists are the same, then we don't have to update anything if (oldList == newList): return # build a list of the new person ids, by looking up each person to get # their pointer newIdList = [] for hrn in newList: userRecord = self.resolve_raw("user", hrn)[0] newIdList.append(userRecord.get_pointer()) # build a list of the old person ids from the person_ids field of the # pl_info if oldRecord: oldIdList = oldRecord.plinfo.get("person_ids", []) containerId = oldRecord.get_pointer() else: # if oldRecord==None, then we are doing a Register, instead of an # update. oldIdList = [] containerId = record.get_pointer() # add people who are in the new list, but not the oldList for personId in newIdList: if not (personId in oldIdList): print "adding id", personId, "to", record.get_name() addFunc(self.plauth, personId, containerId) # remove people who are in the old list, but not the new list for personId in oldIdList: if not (personId in newIdList): print "removing id", personId, "from", record.get_name() delFunc(self.plauth, personId, containerId) def update_membership(self, oldRecord, record): if record.type == "slice": self.update_membership_list(oldRecord, record, 'researcher', self.plshell.AddPersonToSlice, self.plshell.DeletePersonFromSlice) elif record.type == "sa": # TODO pass elif record.type == "ma": # TODO pass def callable(self, method): """ Return a new instance of the specified method. """ # Look up method if method not in self.methods: raise GeniInvalidAPIMethod, method # Get new instance of method try: classname = method.split(".")[-1] module = __import__("geni.methods." + method, globals(), locals(), [classname]) callablemethod = getattr(module, classname)(self) return getattr(module, classname)(self) except ImportError, AttributeError: raise GeniInvalidAPIMethod, method def call(self, source, method, *args): """ Call the named method from the specified source with the specified arguments. """ function = self.callable(method) function.source = source return function(*args) def handle(self, source, data): """ Handle an XML-RPC or SOAP request from the specified source. """ # Parse request into method name and arguments try: interface = xmlrpclib (args, method) = xmlrpclib.loads(data) methodresponse = True except Exception, e: if SOAPpy is not None: interface = SOAPpy (r, header, body, attrs) = parseSOAPRPC(data, header = 1, body = 1, attrs = 1) method = r._name args = r._aslist() # XXX Support named arguments else: raise e try: result = self.call(source, method, *args) except Exception, fault: traceback.print_exc(file = log) # Handle expected faults if interface == xmlrpclib: result = fault methodresponse = None elif interface == SOAPpy: result = faultParameter(NS.ENV_T + ":Server", "Method Failed", method) result._setDetail("Fault %d: %s" % (fault.faultCode, fault.faultString)) # Return result if interface == xmlrpclib: if not isinstance(result, GeniFault): result = (result,) data = xmlrpclib.dumps(result, methodresponse = True, encoding = self.encoding, allow_none = 1) elif interface == SOAPpy: data = buildSOAP(kw = {'%sResponse' % method: {'Result': result}}, encoding = self.encoding) return data