# genitable.py # # implements support for geni records stored in db tables # # TODO: Use existing PLC database methods? or keep this separate? import report from pg import DB, ProgrammingError from gid import * from record import * GENI_TABLE_PREFIX = "geni$" class GeniTable(): def __init__(self, create=False, hrn="unspecified.default.registry", cninfo=None): global GENI_TABLE_PREFIX self.hrn = hrn # pgsql doesn't like table names with "." in them, to replace it with "$" self.tablename = GENI_TABLE_PREFIX + self.hrn.replace(".", "$") # establish a connection to the pgsql server self.cnx = DB(cninfo['dbname'], cninfo['address'], port=cninfo['port'], user=cninfo['user'], passwd=cninfo['password']) # if asked to create the table, then create it if create: self.create() def exists(self): tableList = self.cnx.get_tables() if 'public.' + self.tablename in tableList: return True if 'public."' + self.tablename + '"' in tableList: return True return False def create(self): querystr = "CREATE TABLE " + self.tablename + " ( \ key text, \ name text, \ gid text, \ type text, \ pointer integer);" # IF EXISTS doenst exist in postgres < 8.2 try: self.cnx.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + self.tablename) except ProgrammingError: try: self.cnx.query('DROP TABLE ' + self.tablename) except ProgrammingError: pass self.cnx.query(querystr) def remove(self, record): query_str = "DELETE FROM " + self.tablename + " WHERE key = '" + record.get_key() + "'" self.cnx.query(query_str) def insert(self, record): fieldnames = ["key"] + record.get_field_names() fieldvals = record.get_field_value_strings(fieldnames) query_str = "INSERT INTO " + self.tablename + \ "(" + ",".join(fieldnames) + ") " + \ "VALUES(" + ",".join(fieldvals) + ")" #print query_str self.cnx.query(query_str) def update(self, record): names = record.get_field_names() pairs = [] for name in names: val = record.get_field_value_string(name) pairs.append(name + " = " + val) update = ", ".join(pairs) query_str = "UPDATE " + self.tablename+ " SET " + update + " WHERE key = '" + record.get_key() + "'" #print query_str self.cnx.query(query_str) def find_dict(self, type, value, searchfield): query_str = "SELECT * FROM " + self.tablename + " WHERE " + searchfield + " = '" + str(value) + "'" dict_list = self.cnx.query(query_str).dictresult() result_dict_list = [] for dict in dict_list: if (type=="*") or (dict['type'] == type): result_dict_list.append(dict) return result_dict_list def find(self, type, value, searchfield): result_dict_list = self.find_dict(type, value, searchfield) result_rec_list = [] for dict in result_dict_list: result_rec_list.append(GeniRecord(dict=dict)) return result_rec_list def resolve_dict(self, type, hrn): return self.find_dict(type, hrn, "name") def resolve(self, type, hrn): return self.find(type, hrn, "name") def list_dict(self): query_str = "SELECT * FROM " + self.tablename result_dict_list = self.cnx.query(query_str).dictresult() return result_dict_list def list(self): result_dict_list = self.list_dict() result_rec_list = [] for dict in result_dict_list: result_rec_list.append(GeniRecord(dict=dict)) return result_rec_list def set_geni_table_prefix(x): global GENI_TABLE_PREFIX GENI_TABLE_PREFIX = x def geni_records_purge(cninfo): global GENI_TABLE_PREFIX cnx = DB(cninfo['dbname'], cninfo['address'], port=cninfo['port'], user=cninfo['user'], passwd=cninfo['password']) tableList = cnx.get_tables() for table in tableList: if table.startswith(GENI_TABLE_PREFIX) or \ table.startswith('public.' + GENI_TABLE_PREFIX) or \ table.startswith('public."' + GENI_TABLE_PREFIX): report.trace("dropping table " + table) cnx.query("DROP TABLE " + table)