import sys import pprint import os import httplib from xml.dom import minidom from types import StringTypes, ListType class Rspec(): def __init__(self, xml = None, xsd = None, NSURL = None): ''' Class to manipulate RSpecs. Reads and parses rspec xml into python dicts and reads python dicts and writes rspec xml self.xsd = # Schema. Can be local or remote file. self.NSURL = # If schema is remote, Name Space URL to query (full path minus filename) self.rootNode = # root of the DOM self.dict = # dict of the RSpec. self.schemaDict = {} # dict of the Schema ''' self.xsd = xsd self.rootNode = None self.dict = {} self.schemaDict = {} self.NSURL = NSURL if xml: if type(xml) == file: self.parseFile(xml) if type(xml) == str: self.parseString(xml) self.dict = self.toDict() if xsd: self._parseXSD(self.NSURL + self.xsd) def _getText(self, nodelist): rc = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc = rc + return rc # The rspec is comprised of 2 parts, and 1 reference: # attributes/elements describe individual resources # complexTypes are used to describe a set of attributes/elements # complexTypes can include a reference to other complexTypes. def _getName(self, node): '''Gets name of node. If tag has no name, then return tag's localName''' name = None if not node.nodeName.startswith("#"): if node.localName: name = node.localName elif node.attributes.has_key("name"): name = node.attributes.get("name").value return name # Attribute. {name : nameofattribute, {items: values}) def _attributeDict(self, attributeDom): '''Traverse single attribute node. Create a dict {attributename : {name: value,}]}''' node = {} # parsed dict for attr in attributeDom.attributes.keys(): node[attr] = attributeDom.attributes.get(attr).value return node def toDict(self, nodeDom = None): """ convert this rspec to a dict and return it. """ node = {} if not nodeDom: nodeDom = self.rootNode elementName = nodeDom.nodeName if elementName and not elementName.startswith("#"): # attributes have tags and values. get {tag: value}, else {type: value} node[elementName] = self._attributeDict(nodeDom) # resolve the child nodes. if nodeDom.hasChildNodes(): for child in nodeDom.childNodes: childName = self._getName(child) # skip null children if not childName: continue # initialize the possible array of children if not node[elementName].has_key(childName): node[elementName][childName] = [] # if child node has text child nodes # append the children to the array as strings if child.hasChildNodes() and isinstance(child.childNodes[0], minidom.Text): for nextchild in child.childNodes: node[elementName][childName].append( # convert element child node to dict else: childdict = self.toDict(child) for value in childdict.values(): node[elementName][childName].append(value) #node[childName].append(self.toDict(child)) return node def toxml(self): """ convert this rspec to an xml string and return it. """ return self.rootNode.toxml() def toprettyxml(self): """ print this rspec in xml in a pretty format. """ return self.rootNode.toprettyxml() def parseFile(self, filename): """ read a local xml file and store it as a dom object. """ dom = minidom.parse(filename) self.rootNode = dom.childNodes[0] def parseString(self, xml): """ read an xml string and store it as a dom object. """ xml = xml.replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').strip() dom = minidom.parseString(xml) self.rootNode = dom.childNodes[0] def _httpGetXSD(self, xsdURI): # split the URI into relevant parts host = xsdURI.split("/")[2] if xsdURI.startswith("https"): conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, httplib.HTTPSConnection.default_port) elif xsdURI.startswith("http"): conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, httplib.HTTPConnection.default_port) conn.request("GET", xsdURI) # If we can't download the schema, raise an exception r1 = conn.getresponse() if r1.status != 200: raise Exception return'\n', '').replace('\t', '').strip() def _parseXSD(self, xsdURI): """ Download XSD from URL, or if file, read local xsd file and set schemaDict """ # Since the schema definiton is a global namespace shared by and agreed upon by # others, this should probably be a URL. Check for URL, download xsd, parse, or # if local file, use local file. schemaDom = None if xsdURI.startswith("http"): try: schemaDom = minidom.parseString(self._httpGetXSD(xsdURI)) except Exception, e: # logging.debug("%s: web file not found" % xsdURI) # logging.debug("Using local file %s" % self.xsd") print e print "Can't find %s on the web. Continuing." % xsdURI if not schemaDom: if os.path.exists(xsdURI): # logging.debug("using local copy.") print "Using local %s" % xsdURI schemaDom = minidom.parse(xsdURI) else: raise Exception("Can't find xsd locally") self.schemaDict = self.toDict(schemaDom.childNodes[0]) def dict2dom(self, rdict, include_doc = False): """ convert a dict object into a dom object. """ def elementNode(tagname, rd): element = minidom.Element(tagname) for key in rd.keys(): if isinstance(rd[key], StringTypes) or isinstance(rd[key], int): element.setAttribute(key, str(rd[key])) elif isinstance(rd[key], dict): child = elementNode(key, rd[key]) element.appendChild(child) elif isinstance(rd[key], list): for item in rd[key]: if isinstance(item, dict): child = elementNode(key, item) element.appendChild(child) elif isinstance(item, StringTypes) or isinstance(item, int): child = minidom.Element(key) text = minidom.Text() = item child.appendChild(text) element.appendChild(child) return element # Minidom does not allow documents to have more then one # child, but elements may have many children. Because of # this, the document's root node will be the first key/value # pair in the dictionary. node = elementNode(rdict.keys()[0], rdict.values()[0]) if include_doc: rootNode = minidom.Document() rootNode.appendChild(node) else: rootNode = node return rootNode def parseDict(self, rdict, include_doc = True): """ Convert a dictionary into a dom object and store it. """ self.rootNode = self.dict2dom(rdict, include_doc) def getDictsByTagName(self, tagname, dom = None): """ Search the dom for all elements with the specified tagname and return them as a list of dicts """ if not dom: dom = self.rootNode dicts = [] doms = dom.getElementsByTagName(tagname) dictlist = [self.toDict(d) for d in doms] for item in dictlist: for value in item.values(): dicts.append(value) return dicts def getDictByTagNameValue(self, tagname, value, dom = None): """ Search the dom for the first element with the specified tagname and value and return it as a dict. """ tempdict = {} if not dom: dom = self.rootNode dicts = self.getDictsByTagName(tagname, dom) for rdict in dicts: if rdict.has_key('name') and rdict['name'] in [value]: return rdict return tempdict def filter(self, tagname, attribute, blacklist = [], whitelist = [], dom = None): """ Removes all elements where: 1. tagname matches the element tag 2. attribute matches the element attribte 3. attribute value is in valuelist """ tempdict = {} if not dom: dom = self.rootNode if dom.localName in [tagname] and dom.attributes.has_key(attribute): if whitelist and dom.attributes.get(attribute).value not in whitelist: dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom) if blacklist and dom.attributes.get(attribute).value in blacklist: dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom) if dom.hasChildNodes(): for child in dom.childNodes: self.filter(tagname, attribute, blacklist, whitelist, child) def validateDicts(self): types = { 'EInt' : int, 'EString' : str, 'EByteArray' : list, 'EBoolean' : bool, 'EFloat' : float, 'EDate' : date} class RecordSpec(Rspec): root_tag = 'record' def parseDict(self, rdict, include_doc = False): """ Convert a dictionary into a dom object and store it. """ self.rootNode = self.dict2dom(rdict, include_doc) def dict2dom(self, rdict, include_doc = False): record_dict = {self.root_tag : rdict} return Rspec.dict2dom(self, record_dict, include_doc) # vim:ts=4:expandtab