import datetime import time from geni.util.misc import * from geni.util.rspec import * from geni.util.specdict import * from geni.util.excep import * from import * from geni.util.policy import Policy from geni.util.debug import log from geni.aggregate import Aggregates from geni.registry import Registries class Slices(SimpleStorage): def __init__(self, api, ttl = .5): self.api = api self.ttl = ttl self.threshold = None path = self.api.config.basepath filename = ".".join([self.api.interface, self.api.hrn, "slices"]) filepath = path + os.sep + filename self.slices_file = filepath SimpleStorage.__init__(self, self.slices_file) self.policy = Policy(self.api) self.load() def refresh(self): """ Update the cached list of slices """ # Reload components list now = if not self.has_key('threshold') or not self.has_key('timestamp') or \ now > datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(self['threshold'], self.api.time_format))): if self.api.interface in ['aggregate']: self.refresh_slices_aggregate() elif self.api.interface in ['slicemgr']: self.refresh_slices_smgr() def refresh_slices_aggregate(self): slices = self.api.plshell.GetSlices(self.api.plauth, {}, ['name']) slice_hrns = [slicename_to_hrn(self.api.hrn, slice['name']) for slice in slices] # update timestamp and threshold timestamp = hr_timestamp = timestamp.strftime(self.api.time_format) delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=self.ttl) threshold = timestamp + delta hr_threshold = threshold.strftime(self.api.time_format) slice_details = {'hrn': slice_hrns, 'timestamp': hr_timestamp, 'threshold': hr_threshold } self.update(slice_details) self.write() def refresh_slices_smgr(self): slice_hrns = [] aggregates = Aggregates(self.api) credential = self.api.getCredential() for aggregate in aggregates: try: slices = aggregates[aggregate].get_slices(credential) slice_hrns.extend(slices) except: print >> log, "Error calling slices at aggregate %(aggregate)s" % locals() # update timestamp and threshold timestamp = hr_timestamp = timestamp.strftime(self.api.time_format) delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=self.ttl) threshold = timestamp + delta hr_threshold = threshold.strftime(self.api.time_format) slice_details = {'hrn': slice_hrns, 'timestamp': hr_timestamp, 'threshold': hr_threshold } self.update(slice_details) self.write() def delete_slice(self, hrn): if self.api.interface in ['aggregate']: self.delete_slice_aggregate(hrn) elif self.api.interface in ['slicemgr']: self.delete_slice_smgr(hrn) def delete_slice_aggregate(self, hrn): slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = self.api.plshell.GetSlices(self.api.plauth, [slicename]) if not slices: return 1 slice = slices[0] self.api.plshell.DeleteSliceFromNodes(self.api.plauth, slicename, slice['node_ids']) return 1 def delete_slice_smgr(self, hrn): credential = self.api.getCredential() aggregates = Aggregates(self.api) for aggregate in aggregates: aggregates[aggregate].delete_slice(credential, hrn) def create_slice(self, hrn, rspec): # check our slice policy before we procede whitelist = self.policy['slice_whitelist'] blacklist = self.policy['slice_blacklist'] if whitelist and hrn not in whitelist or \ blacklist and hrn in blacklist: policy_file = self.policy.policy_file print >> log, "Slice %(hrn)s not allowed by policy %(policy_file)s" % locals() return 1 if self.api.interface in ['aggregate']: self.create_slice_aggregate(hrn, rspec) elif self.api.interface in ['slicemgr']: self.create_slice_smgr(hrn, rspec) def create_slice_aggregate(self, hrn, rspec): spec = Rspec(rspec) # Get the slice record from geni slice = {} registries = Registries(self.api) registry = registries[self.api.hrn] credential = self.api.getCredential() records = registry.resolve(credential, hrn) for record in records: if record.get_type() in ['slice']: slice = record.as_dict() if not slice: raise RecordNotFound(slice_hrn) # Make sure slice exists at plc, if it doesnt add it slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = self.api.plshell.GetSlices(self.api.plauth, [slicename], ['node_ids']) if not slices: parts = slicename.split("_") login_base = parts[0] # if site doesnt exist add it sites = self.api.plshell.GetSites(self.api.plauth, [login_base]) if not sites: authority = get_authority(hrn) site_records = registry.resolve(credential, authority) site_record = {} if not site_records: raise RecordNotFound(authority) site_record = site_records[0] site = site_record.as_dict() # add the site site.pop('site_id') site_id = self.api.plshell.AddSite(self.api.plauth, site) else: site = sites[0] self.api.plshell.AddSlice(self.api.plauth, slice) # get the list of valid slice users from the registry and make # they are added to the slice researchers = slice.get('researcher', []) for researcher in researchers: person_record = {} person_records = registry.resolve(credential, researcher) for record in person_records: if record.get_type() in ['user']: person_record = record if not person_record: pass person_dict = person_record.as_dict() persons = self.api.plshell.GetPersons(self.api.plauth, [person_dict['email']], ['person_id', 'key_ids']) # Create the person record if not persons: self.api.plshell.AddPerson(self.api.plauth, person_dict) key_ids = [] else: key_ids = persons[0]['key_ids'] self.api.plshell.AddPersonToSlice(self.api.plauth, person_dict['email'], slicename) # Get this users local keys keylist = self.api.plshell.GetKeys(self.api.plauth, key_ids, ['key']) keys = [key['key'] for key in keylist] # add keys that arent already there for personkey in person_dict['keys']: if personkey not in keys: key = {'key_type': 'ssh', 'key': personkey} self.api.plshell.AddPersonKey(self.api.plauth, person_dict['email'], key) # find out where this slice is currently running nodelist = self.api.plshell.GetNodes(self.api.plauth, slice['node_ids'], ['hostname']) hostnames = [node['hostname'] for node in nodelist] # get netspec details nodespecs = spec.getDictsByTagName('NodeSpec') nodes = [] for nodespec in nodespecs: if isinstance(nodespec['name'], list): nodes.extend(nodespec['name']) elif isinstance(nodespec['name'], StringTypes): nodes.append(nodespec['name']) # remove nodes not in rspec deleted_nodes = list(set(hostnames).difference(nodes)) # add nodes from rspec added_nodes = list(set(nodes).difference(hostnames)) self.api.plshell.AddSliceToNodes(self.api.plauth, slicename, added_nodes) self.api.plshell.DeleteSliceFromNodes(self.api.plauth, slicename, deleted_nodes) return 1 def create_slice_smgr(self, hrn, rspec): spec = Rspec() tempspec = Rspec() spec.parseString(rspec) slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) specDict = spec.toDict() if specDict.has_key('Rspec'): specDict = specDict['Rspec'] if specDict.has_key('start_time'): start_time = specDict['start_time'] else: start_time = 0 if specDict.has_key('end_time'): end_time = specDict['end_time'] else: end_time = 0 rspecs = {} aggregates = Aggregates(self.api) credential = self.api.getCredential() # only attempt to extract information about the aggregates we know about for aggregate in aggregates: netspec = spec.getDictByTagNameValue('NetSpec', aggregate) if netspec: # creat a plc dict resources = {'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'networks': netspec} resourceDict = {'Rspec': resources} tempspec.parseDict(resourceDict) rspecs[aggregate] = tempspec.toxml() # notify the aggregates for aggregate in rspecs.keys(): try: aggregates[aggregate].create_slice(credential, hrn, rspecs[aggregate]) except: print >> log, "Error creating slice %(hrn)% at aggregate %(aggregate)%" % locals() return 1 def start_slice(self, hrn): if self.api.interface in ['aggregate']: self.start_slice_aggregate() elif self.api.interface in ['slicemgr']: self.start_slice_smgr() def start_slice_aggregate(self, hrn): slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = self.api.plshell.GetSlices(self.api.plauth, {'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) slice_id = slices[0] attributes = self.api.plshell.GetSliceAttributes(self.api.plauth, {'slice_id': slice_id, 'name': 'enabled'}, ['slice_attribute_id']) attribute_id = attreibutes[0]['slice_attribute_id'] self.api.plshell.UpdateSliceAttribute(self.api.plauth, attribute_id, "1" ) return 1 def start_slice_smgr(self, hrn): credential = self.api.getCredential() aggregates = Aggregates(self.api) for aggregate in aggregates: aggregates[aggregate].start_slice(credential, hrn) return 1 def stop_slice(self, hrn): if self.api.interface in ['aggregate']: self.stop_slice_aggregate() elif self.api.interface in ['slicemgr']: self.stop_slice_smgr() def stop_slice_aggregate(self, hrn): slicename = hrn_to_pl_slicename(hrn) slices = self.api.plshell.GetSlices(self.api.plauth, {'name': slicename}, ['slice_id']) if not slices: raise RecordNotFound(hrn) slice_id = slices[0]['slice_id'] attributes = self.api.plshell.GetSliceAttributes(self.api.plauth, {'slice_id': slice_id, 'name': 'enabled'}, ['slice_attribute_id']) attribute_id = attributes[0]['slice_attribute_id'] self.api.plshell.UpdateSliceAttribute(self.api.plauth, attribute_id, "0") return 1 def stop_slice_smgr(self, hrn): credential = self.api.getCredential() aggregates = Aggregates(self.api) for aggregate in aggregates: aggregates[aggregate].stop_slice(credential, hrn)