#!/usr/bin/python # This script is used to manipulate the operational state of nodes in # different node groups. These are basically set operations on nodes via the # PLC api. # # Take the ng name as an argument.... # optionally, # * get a list of nodes in the given nodegroup. # * set some or all in the set to rins. # * restart them all. # * do something else to them all. # import plc import auth api = plc.PLC(auth.auth, auth.plc) import policy import traceback from config import config as cfg import config as configmodule from optparse import OptionParser from nodecommon import * from nodequery import verify,query_to_dict,node_select import database from unified_model import * import os import time from model import * import bootman # debug nodes import monitor # down nodes with pcu import reboot # down nodes without pcu from emailTxt import mailtxt #reboot.verbose = 0 import sys class Reboot(object): def __init__(self, fbnode): self.fbnode = fbnode def _send_pcunotice(self, host): args = {} args['hostname'] = host try: args['pcu_id'] = plc.getpcu(host)['pcu_id'] except: args['pcu_id'] = host m = PersistMessage(host, mailtxt.pcudown_one[0] % args, mailtxt.pcudown_one[1] % args, True, db='pcu_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(host) m.send([policy.TECHEMAIL % loginbase]) def pcu(self, host): # TODO: It should be possible to diagnose the various conditions of # the PCU here, and send different messages as appropriate. if self.fbnode['pcu'] == "PCU": self.action = "reboot.reboot('%s')" % host pflags = PersistFlags(host, 2*60*60*24, db='pcu_persistflags') if not pflags.getRecentFlag('pcutried'): pflags.setRecentFlag('pcutried') try: ret = reboot.reboot(host) pflags.save() return ret except Exception,e: print traceback.print_exc(); print e # NOTE: this failure could be an implementation issue on # our end. So, extra notices are confusing... # self._send_pcunotice(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('pcufailed') pflags.save() return False else: # we've tried the pcu recently, but it didn't work, # so did we send a message about it recently? if not pflags.getRecentFlag('pcumessagesent'): self._send_pcunotice(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('pcumessagesent') pflags.save() # NOTE: this will result in just one message sent at a time. return True else: return False else: self.action = "None" return False def mail(self, host): # Reset every 4 weeks or so pflags = PersistFlags(host, 27*60*60*24, db='mail_persistflags') if not pflags.getRecentFlag('endrecord'): node_end_record(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('endrecord') pflags.save() # Then in either case, run monitor.reboot() self.action = "monitor.reboot('%s')" % host try: return monitor.reboot(host) except Exception, e: print traceback.print_exc(); print e return False class RebootDebug(Reboot): def direct(self, host): self.action = "bootman.reboot('%s', config, None)" % host return bootman.reboot(host, config, None) class RebootBoot(Reboot): def direct(self, host): self.action = "bootman.reboot('%s', config, 'reboot')" % host return bootman.reboot(host, config, 'reboot') class RebootDown(Reboot): def direct(self, host): self.action = "None" return False # this always fails, since the node will be down. def set_node_to_rins(host, fb): node = api.GetNodes(host, ['boot_state', 'last_contact', 'last_updated', 'date_created']) record = {'observation' : node[0], 'model' : 'USER_REQUEST', 'action' : 'api.UpdateNode(%s, {"boot_state" : "rins"})' % host, 'time' : time.time()} l = Log(host, record) ret = api.UpdateNode(host, {'boot_state' : 'rins'}) if ret: # it's nice to see the current status rather than the previous status on the console node = api.GetNodes(host)[0] print l print "%-2d" % (i-1), nodegroup_display(node, fb) return l else: print "FAILED TO UPDATE NODE BOOT STATE : %s" % host return None try: rebootlog = database.dbLoad("rebootlog") except: rebootlog = LogRoll() parser = OptionParser() parser.set_defaults(nodegroup=None, node=None, nodelist=None, nodeselect=None, timewait=0, skip=0, rins=False, reboot=False, findbad=False, force=False, nosetup=False, verbose=False, stopkey=None, stopvalue=None, quiet=False, ) parser.add_option("", "--node", dest="node", metavar="nodename.edu", help="A single node name to add to the nodegroup") parser.add_option("", "--nodelist", dest="nodelist", metavar="list.txt", help="Use all nodes in the given file for operation.") parser.add_option("", "--nodegroup", dest="nodegroup", metavar="NodegroupName", help="Specify a nodegroup to perform actions on") parser.add_option("", "--nodeselect", dest="nodeselect", metavar="querystring", help="Specify a query to perform on findbad db") parser.add_option("", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Extra debug output messages.") parser.add_option("", "--nosetup", dest="nosetup", action="store_true", help="Do not perform the orginary setup phase.") parser.add_option("", "--skip", dest="skip", help="Number of machines to skip on the input queue.") parser.add_option("", "--timewait", dest="timewait", help="Minutes to wait between iterations of 10 nodes.") parser.add_option("", "--stopselect", dest="stopselect", metavar="", help="The select string that must evaluate to true for the node to be considered 'done'") parser.add_option("", "--stopkey", dest="stopkey", metavar="", help="") parser.add_option("", "--stopvalue", dest="stopvalue", metavar="", help="") parser.add_option("", "--findbad", dest="findbad", action="store_true", help="Re-run findbad on the nodes we're going to check before acting.") parser.add_option("", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true", help="Force action regardless of previous actions/logs.") parser.add_option("", "--rins", dest="rins", action="store_true", help="Set the boot_state to 'rins' for all nodes.") parser.add_option("", "--reboot", dest="reboot", action="store_true", help="Actively try to reboot the nodes, keeping a log of actions.") #config = config(parser) config = cfg(parser) config.parse_args() # COLLECT nodegroups, nodes and node lists if config.nodegroup: ng = api.GetNodeGroups({'name' : config.nodegroup}) nodelist = api.GetNodes(ng[0]['node_ids']) hostnames = [ n['hostname'] for n in nodelist ] if config.node or config.nodelist: if config.node: hostnames = [ config.node ] else: hostnames = config.getListFromFile(config.nodelist) if config.nodeselect: hostnames = node_select(config.nodeselect) if config.findbad: # rerun findbad with the nodes in the given nodes. file = "findbad.txt" configmodule.setFileFromList(file, hostnames) os.system("./findbad.py --cachenodes --debug=0 --dbname=findbad --increment --nodelist %s" % file) fb = database.dbLoad("findbad") # commands: i = 1 count = 1 for host in hostnames: #if 'echo' in host or 'hptest-1' in host: continue try: try: node = api.GetNodes(host)[0] except: print traceback.print_exc(); print "FAILED GETNODES for host: %s" % host continue print "%-2d" % i, nodegroup_display(node, fb) i += 1 if i < int(config.skip): continue if config.stopselect: dict_query = query_to_dict(config.stopselect) fbnode = fb['nodes'][host]['values'] observed_state = get_current_state(fbnode) if verify(dict_query, fbnode) and observed_state != "dbg ": # evaluates to true, therefore skip. print "%s evaluates true for %s ; skipping..." % ( config.stopselect, host ) continue if config.stopkey and config.stopvalue: fbnode = fb['nodes'][host]['values'] observed_state = get_current_state(fbnode) if config.stopkey in fbnode: if config.stopvalue in fbnode[config.stopkey] and observed_state != "dbg ": print "%s has stopvalue; skipping..." % host continue else: print "stopkey %s not in fbnode record for %s; skipping..." % (config.stopkey, host) print fbnode continue if not config.force and rebootlog.find(host, {'action' : ".*reboot"}, 60*60*2): print "recently rebooted %s. skipping... " % host continue if config.reboot: fbnode = fb['nodes'][host]['values'] observed_state = get_current_state(fbnode) if observed_state == "dbg ": o = RebootDebug(fbnode) elif observed_state == "boot" : if config.rins: l = set_node_to_rins(host, fb) if l: rebootlog.add(l) o = RebootBoot(fbnode) elif observed_state == "down": if config.rins: l = set_node_to_rins(host, fb) if l: rebootlog.add(l) o = RebootDown(fbnode) if o.direct(host): record = {'observation' : "DIRECT_SUCCESS: %s" % observed_state, 'action' : o.action, 'model' : "none", 'time' : time.time()} elif o.pcu(host): record = {'observation' : "PCU_SUCCESS: %s" % observed_state, 'action' : o.action, 'model' : "none", 'time' : time.time()} elif o.mail(host): record = {'observation' : "MAIL_SUCCESS: %s" % observed_state, 'action' : o.action, 'model' : "none", 'time' : time.time()} else: record = {'observation' : "REBOOT_FAILED: %s" % observed_state, 'action' : "log failure", 'model' : "none", 'time' : time.time()} print "ALL METHODS OF RESTARTING %s FAILED" % host args = {} args['hostname'] = host m = PersistMessage(host, "ALL METHODS FAILED for %(hostname)s" % args, "CANNOT CONTACT", False, db='suspect_persistmessages') m.reset() m.send(['monitor-list@lists.planet-lab.org']) l = Log(host, record) print l rebootlog.add(l) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Killed by interrupt" sys.exit(0) except: print traceback.print_exc(); print "Continuing..." time.sleep(1) if count % 10 == 0: print "Saving rebootlog" database.dbDump("rebootlog", rebootlog) wait_time = int(config.timewait) print "Sleeping %d minutes" % wait_time ti = 0 print "Minutes slept: ", sys.stdout.flush() while ti < wait_time: print "%s" % ti, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(60) ti = ti+1 count = count + 1 print "Saving rebootlog" database.dbDump("rebootlog", rebootlog)