#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys from M2Crypto import SSL sys.path.append('/home/soners/work/geni/rpc/util') sys.path.append('/home/soners/work/geni/rpc/util/sec') from sec import * SERVER_HOST = '' SERVER_PORT = 8002 AUTH_HOST = '' AUTH_PORT = 8002 MAX_RESULT = 3000 renew_res1 = 0 renew_res2 = 0 def verify_callback(preverify_ok, ctx): return 1 class GENIClient(): def __init__(self, hrn, type, id_file, id_key_file, acc_file, cred_file): self.hrn = hrn self.type = type #check if the certificate and the private key exists, terminate if not if not os.path.exists(id_file) or not os.path.exists(id_key_file) : print 'The certificate or the private key does not exist.\n' os.exit(1) #check the acc and cred files if not os.path.exists(acc_file) or not is_valid_chain(acc_file): open(acc_file, 'w').write('ANONYM') if not os.path.exists(cred_file) or not is_valid_chain(cred_file): open(cred_file, 'w').write('NO_CRED') #initialize the security system self.sec = Sec('client', id_file, id_key_file, acc_file, cred_file) #ssl parameters self.ctx = SSL.Context() self.ctx.load_cert(self.sec.id_file,self.sec.id_key_file) self.ctx.set_verify(SSL.verify_peer | SSL.verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert, depth=9, callback=verify_callback) def connect(self, host, port): #if the acc and cred needs renewal then do call to authority if self.type == 'user' or self.type == 'slice' or self.type == 'SA': reg_type = 'slice' else: reg_type ='component' renew_res1 = renew_cert('accounting', '.', reg_type, self.hrn, None, None, (AUTH_HOST, AUTH_PORT), self.sec) renew_res2 = renew_cert('credential', '.', reg_type, self.hrn, None, None, (AUTH_HOST, AUTH_PORT), self.sec) if renew_res1 == None: print "There is no certificate in the directory "+"./\n" os.exit(0) #connect to server server = SSL.Connection(self.ctx) server.connect((host,port)) peer = self.sec.auth_protocol(server) if peer: return server else: return None def toFileFormat(res_str): out_str = "" try: res_dict = eval(res_str) if res_dict['geni'].has_key('pubkey'): # in public key, replace '\n' with ' ' pubkey = res_dict['geni']['pubkey'] pubkey = pubkey.split('-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----')[1].split('-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----')[0].replace('\n',' ') pubkey = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'+pubkey+'-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' res_dict['geni']['pubkey'] = pubkey if res_dict.has_key('message'): out_str = res_dict['message']+'\n' else: out_str = "{'geni':{\n" for key in res_dict['geni']: val = '' if res_dict['geni'][key] == None: val = '' elif isinstance(res_dict['geni'][key], str): val = res_dict['geni'][key] else: val = str(res_dict['geni'][key]) out_str = out_str+"'"+key+"':"+val+"\n" out_str = out_str + "}\n" out_str = out_str + "'pl':{\n" for key in res_dict['pl']: val = '' if res_dict['pl'][key] == None: val = '' if isinstance(res_dict['pl'][key], str): val = res_dict['pl'][key] else: val = str(res_dict['pl'][key]) out_str = out_str+"'"+key+"':"+val+"\n" out_str = out_str + "}}" except: out_str = res_str return out_str def evaluate(call_data): call_data = eval(call_data) #adjust the key format to obey server's storage format if call_data['g_params'].has_key('pubkey'): #replace the ' ' with '\n' pubkey = call_data['g_params']['pubkey'] pubkey = pubkey.split('-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----')[1].split('-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----')[0].replace(' ','\n') pubkey = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'+pubkey+'-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' call_data['g_params']['pubkey'] = pubkey return call_data def main(): try: #read the input file fp = open('tmp_input.txt', 'r') user_data = fp.readline() call_data = fp.read() print 'Read file.\n' #client related info HRN = user_data.split(' ')[0] TYPE = user_data.split(' ')[1].split('\n')[0] name = get_leaf(HRN) ID_FILE = name+'.cert' ID_KEY_FILE = name+'.pkey' ACC_FILE = 'acc_file' CRED_FILE = 'cred_file' my_client = GENIClient(HRN, TYPE, ID_FILE, ID_KEY_FILE, ACC_FILE, CRED_FILE) print 'Constructed client.\n' #operation call message = evaluate(call_data) server = my_client.connect(SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT) if server: server.write(str(message)) result = toFileFormat(server.read(MAX_RESULT)) server.close() print 'Performed the call.\n' else: result = "Error in client data structures.\n" if renew_res2 == 1: result = "Cred renewed.\n"+result if renew_res1 == 1: result = "Acc renewed.\n"+result #write result to output file open('tmp_output.txt','w').write(result) print 'Written to file.\n' except: #write result to output file open('tmp_output.txt','w').write("An error occurred in client stub.\n") print 'Exception occurred.\n' if __name__=="__main__": print 'Client started.\n' main()