#!/bin/bash # # sfa Wraps PLCAPI into the SFA compliant API # # hopefully right after plc # chkconfig: 2345 61 39 # # description: Wraps PLCAPI into the SFA compliant API # # source function library . /etc/init.d/functions # Default locations PGDATA=/var/lib/pgsql/data postgresql_conf=$PGDATA/postgresql.conf pghba_conf=$PGDATA/pg_hba.conf postgresql_sysconfig=/etc/sysconfig/pgsql # SFA consolidated (merged) config file sfa_whole_config=/etc/sfa/sfa_config # SFA default config (read-only template) sfa_default_config=/etc/sfa/default_config.xml # SFA local (site-dependent) file sfa_local_config=/etc/sfa/configs/site_config sfa_local_config_xml=/etc/sfa/configs/site_config.xml # Source sfa shell config if present [ -f /etc/sfa/sfa_config.sh ] && . /etc/sfa/sfa_config.sh # Export so that we do not have to specify -p to psql invocations export PGPORT=$SFA_DB_PORT ########## # Total number of errors ERRORS=0 # Count the exit status of the last command check () { ERRORS=$(($ERRORS+$?)) } # can't trust the return of service postgresql start / nor status function postgresql_check () { # wait until postmaster is up and running - or 10s max if status postmaster >& /dev/null && [ -f /var/lock/subsys/postgresql ] ; then # The only way we can be sure is if we can access it for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do # Must do this as the postgres user initially (before we # fix pg_hba.conf to passwordless localhost access). su -c 'psql -U postgres -c "" template1' postgres && return 0 sleep 1 done fi return 1 } # use a single date of this script invocation for the dump_*_db functions. DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") # Dumps the database - optional argument to specify filename suffix function dump_sfa_db() { if [ -n "$1" ] ; then suffix="-$1" ; else suffix="" ; fi mkdir -p /usr/share/sfa/backups dumpfile=/usr/share/sfa/backups/$(date +"${SFA_DB_NAME}.${DATE}${suffix}.sql") pg_dump -U $SFA_DB_USER $SFA_DB_NAME > $dumpfile echo "Saved sfa database in $dumpfile" check } # Regenerate configuration files - almost verbatim from plc.init function reload () { force=$1 # Regenerate the main configuration file from default values # overlaid with site-specific and current values. # Thierry -- 2007-07-05 : values in plc_config.xml are *not* taken into account here files=( $sfa_default_config $sfa_local_config ) for file in "${files[@]}" ; do if [ -n "$force" -o $file -nt $sfa_whole_config ] ; then tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/sfa_config.XXXXXX) sfa-config --python "${files[@]}" >$tmp if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then mv $tmp $sfa_whole_config chmod 444 $sfa_whole_config else echo "SFA: Warning: Invalid configuration file(s) detected" rm -f $tmp fi break fi done # Convert configuration to various formats if [ -f $sfa_local_config_xml ] ; then sfa-config --python $sfa_local_config_xml > $sfa_local_config rm $sfa_local_config_xml fi if [ -n "$force" -o $sfa_local_config -nt $sfa_whole_config ] ; then sfa-config --python $sfa_default_config $sfa_local_config > $sfa_whole_config fi if [ -n "$force" -o $sfa_whole_config -nt /etc/sfa/sfa_config.sh ] ; then sfa-config --shell $sfa_default_config $sfa_local_config > /etc/sfa/sfa_config.sh fi # if [ -n "$force" -o $sfa_whole_config -nt /etc/sfa/php/sfa_config.php ] ; then # mkdir -p /etc/sfa/php # plc-config --php $sfa_whole_config >/etc/sfa/php/sfa_config.php # fi # [re]generate the sfa_component_config # this is a server-side thing but produces a file that somehow needs to be pushed # on the planetlab nodes; in the case where sfa and myplc run on different boxes # (or there is no myplc at all) this should be turned off # as the component manager is not operational yet we skip this for now #gen-sfa-cm-config.py # reload the shell version [ -f /etc/sfa/sfa_config.sh ] && . /etc/sfa/sfa_config.sh } ### initialize DB (don't chkconfig postgresql on) function db_start () { # only if enabled [ "$SFA_DB_ENABLED" == 1 -o "$SFA_DB_ENABLED" == True ] || return if ! rpm -q myplc >& /dev/null; then ######## standalone deployment - no colocated myplc ######## sysconfig # Set data directory and redirect startup output to /var/log/pgsql mkdir -p $(dirname $postgresql_sysconfig) # remove previous definitions touch $postgresql_sysconfig tmp=${postgresql_sysconfig}.new ( egrep -v '^(PGDATA=|PGLOG=|PGPORT=)' $postgresql_sysconfig echo "PGDATA=$PGDATA" echo "PGLOG=/var/log/pgsql" echo "PGPORT=$SFA_DB_PORT" ) >> $tmp ; mv -f $tmp $postgresql_sysconfig ######## /var/lib/pgsql/data # Fix ownership (rpm installation may have changed it) chown -R -H postgres:postgres $(dirname $PGDATA) # PostgreSQL must be started at least once to bootstrap # /var/lib/pgsql/data if [ ! -f $postgresql_conf ] ; then service postgresql initdb &> /dev/null || : check fi ######## /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf registry_ip="" foo=$(python -c "import socket; print socket.gethostbyname(\"$SFA_REGISTRY_HOST\")") && registry_ip="$foo" # Enable DB server. drop Postgresql<=7.x # PostgreSQL >=8.0 defines listen_addresses # listen on a specific IP + localhost, more robust when run within a vserver sed -i -e '/^listen_addresses/d' $postgresql_conf if [ -z "$registry_ip" ] ; then echo "listen_addresses = 'localhost'" >> $postgresql_conf else echo "listen_addresses = '${registry_ip},localhost'" >> $postgresql_conf fi # tweak timezone to be 'UTC' sed -i -e '/^timezone=/d' $postgresql_conf echo "timezone='UTC'" >> $postgresql_conf ######## /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf # Disable access to all DBs from all hosts sed -i -e '/^\(host\|local\)/d' $pghba_conf # Enable passwordless localhost access echo "local all all trust" >>$pghba_conf # grant access ( echo "host $SFA_DB_NAME $SFA_DB_USER password" [ -n "$registry_ip" ] && echo "host $SFA_DB_NAME $SFA_DB_USER ${registry_ip}/32 password" ) >>$pghba_conf if [ "$SFA_GENERIC_FLAVOUR" == "openstack" ] ; then [ -n "$registry_ip" ] && echo "host nova nova ${registry_ip}/32 password" >> $pghba_conf fi # Fix ownership (sed -i changes it) chown postgres:postgres $postgresql_conf $pghba_conf ######## compute a password if needed if [ -z "$SFA_DB_PASSWORD" ] ; then SFA_DB_PASSWORD=$(uuidgen) sfa-config --category=sfa_db --variable=password --value="$SFA_DB_PASSWORD" --save=$sfa_local_config $sfa_local_config >& /dev/null reload force fi else ######## we are colocated with a myplc # no need to worry about the pgsql setup (see /etc/plc.d/postgresql) # myplc enforces the password for its user # The code below overwrites the site specific sfa db info with myplc db info. # This is most likely unncecessary and wrong so I'm commenting it out for now. PLC_DB_USER=$(plc-config --category=plc_db --variable=user) PLC_DB_PASSWORD=$(plc-config --category=plc_db --variable=password) # store this as the SFA user/password sfa-config --category=sfa_db --variable=user --value=$PLC_DB_USER --save=$sfa_local_config $sfa_local_config >& /dev/null sfa-config --category=sfa_db --variable=password --value=$PLC_DB_PASSWORD --save=$sfa_local_config $sfa_local_config >& /dev/null reload force fi ######## Start up the server # not too nice, but.. when co-located with myplc we'll let it start/stop postgresql if ! rpm -q myplc >& /dev/null ; then echo STARTING... service postgresql start >& /dev/null fi postgresql_check check ######## make sure we have the user and db created # user if ! psql -U $SFA_DB_USER -c "" template1 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER $SFA_DB_USER PASSWORD '$SFA_DB_PASSWORD'" template1 >& /dev/null else psql -U postgres -c "ALTER USER $SFA_DB_USER WITH PASSWORD '$SFA_DB_PASSWORD'" template1 >& /dev/null fi check # db if ! psql -U $SFA_DB_USER -c "" $SFA_DB_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then createdb -U postgres --template=template0 --encoding=UNICODE --owner=$SFA_DB_USER $SFA_DB_NAME check fi check sfaadmin reg sync_db MESSAGE=$"SFA: Checking for PostgreSQL server" echo -n "$MESSAGE" [ "$ERRORS" == 0 ] && success "$MESSAGE" || failure "$MESSAGE" ; echo } # shutdown DB function db_stop () { # only if enabled [ "$SFA_DB_ENABLED" == 1 -o "$SFA_DB_ENABLED" == True ] || return # not too nice, but.. when co-located with myplc we'll let it start/stop postgresql if ! rpm -q myplc >& /dev/null ; then service postgresql stop >& /dev/null check MESSAGE=$"Stopping PostgreSQL server" echo -n "$MESSAGE" [ "$ERRORS" == 0 ] && success "$MESSAGE" || failure "$MESSAGE" ; echo fi } function start() { reload db_start # migrations are now handled in the code by sfa.storage.dbschema # install peer certs action $"SFA: installing peer certs" daemon /usr/bin/sfa-start.py -t -d $OPTIONS [ "$SFA_REGISTRY_ENABLED" == 1 -o "$SFA_REGISTRY_ENABLED" == True ] && action $"SFA: Registry" daemon /usr/bin/sfa-start.py -r -d $OPTIONS [ "$SFA_AGGREGATE_ENABLED" == 1 -o "$SFA_AGGREGATE_ENABLED" == True ] && action $"SFA: Aggregate" daemon /usr/bin/sfa-start.py -a -d $OPTIONS [ "$SFA_SM_ENABLED" == 1 -o "$SFA_SM_ENABLED" == True ] && action "SFA: SliceMgr" daemon /usr/bin/sfa-start.py -s -d $OPTIONS [ "$SFA_FLASHPOLICY_ENABLED" == 1 ] && \ action "Flash Policy Server" daemon /usr/bin/sfa_flashpolicy.py --file="$SFA_FLASHPOLICY_CONFIG_FILE" --port=$SFA_FLASHPOLICY_PORT -d touch /var/lock/subsys/sfa-start.py } function stop() { action $"Shutting down SFA" killproc sfa-start.py db_stop rm -f /var/lock/subsys/sfa-start.py } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; reload) reload force ;; restart) stop; start ;; condrestart) if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/sfa-start.py ]; then stop start fi ;; status) status sfa-start.py RETVAL=$? ;; dbdump) dump_sfa_db ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|condrestart|status|dbdump}" exit 1 ;; esac exit $RETVAL