static char *info = "1. Magic files\n" "\t|--rbce_info - read only file detailing how to setup and use RBCE.\n\n" "\t|--rbce_reclassify - contains nothing. Writing a pid to it" "reclassifies\n" "\tthe given task according to the current set of rules.\n" "\tWriting 0 to it reclassifies all tasks in the system according to the \n" "\tsurrent set of rules. This is typically done by the user/sysadmin \n" "\tafter changing/creating rules. \n\n" "\t|--rbce_state - determines whether RBCE is currently active" " or inactive.\n" "\tWriting 1 (0) activates (deactivates) the CE. Reading the file\n" "\treturns the current state.\n\n" "\t|--rbce_tag - set tag of the given pid, syntax - \"pid tag\"\n\n" "2. Rules subdirectory: Each rule of the RBCE is represented by a file in\n" "/rcfs/ce/rules.\n\n" "Following are the different attr/value pairs that can be specified.\n\n" "Note: attr/value pairs must be separated by commas(,) with no space" "between them\n\n" "\t<*id> number where ={>,<,=,!}\n" "\t<*id>={uid,euid,gid,egid}\n\n" "\tcmd=\"string\" // basename of the command\n\n" "\tpath=\"/path/to/string\" // full pathname of the command\n\n" "\targs=\"string\" // argv[1] - argv[argc] of command\n\n" "\ttag=\"string\" // application tag of the task\n\n" "\t[+,-]depend=rule_filename\n" "\t\t\t// used to chain a rule's terms with existing rules\n" "\t\t\t// to avoid respecifying the latter's rule terms.\n" "\t\t\t// A rule's dependent rules are evaluated before \n" "\t\t\t// its rule terms get evaluated.\n" "\t\t\t//\n" "\t\t\t// An optional + or - can precede the depend keyword.\n" "\t\t\t// +depend adds a dependent rule to the tail of the\n" "\t\t\t// current chain, -depend removes an existing \n" "\t\t\t// dependent rule\n\n" "\torder=number // order in which this rule is executed relative to\n" "\t\t\t// other independent rules.\n" "\t\t\t// rule with order 1 is checked first and so on.\n" "\t\t\t// As soon as a rule matches, the class of that rule\n" "\t\t\t// is returned to Core. So, order really matters.\n" "\t\t\t// If no order is specified by the user, the next\n" "\t\t\t// highest available order number is assigned to\n" "\t\t\t// the rule.\n\n" "\tclass=\"/rcfs/.../classname\" // target class of this rule.\n" "\t\t\t// /rcfs all by itself indicates the\n" "\t\t\t// systemwide default class\n\n" "\tstate=number // 1 or 0, provides the ability to deactivate a\n" "\t\t\t// specific rule, if needed.\n\n" "\tipv4=\"string\" // ipv4 address in dotted decimal and port\n" "\t\t\t// e.g. \"\\80\"\n" "\t\t\t// e.g. \"*\\80\" for CE to match any address\n" "\t\t\t// used in socket accept queue classes\n\n" "\tipv6=\"string\" // ipv6 address in hex and port\n" "\t\t\t// e.g. \"fe80::4567\\80\"\n" "\t\t\t// e.g. \"*\\80\" for CE to match any address \n" "\t\t\t// used in socket accept queue classes\n\n" "\texample:\n" "\techo \"uid=100,euid<200,class=/rcfs\" > /rcfs/ce/rules/rule1\n";