/* Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Nicira Networks. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "bundle.h" #include #include #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "multipath.h" #include "nx-match.h" #include "ofpbuf.h" #include "ofp-errors.h" #include "ofp-util.h" #include "openflow/nicira-ext.h" #include "vlog.h" #define BUNDLE_MAX_SLAVES 2048 VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(bundle); static uint16_t execute_ab(const struct nx_action_bundle *nab, bool (*slave_enabled)(uint16_t ofp_port, void *aux), void *aux) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < ntohs(nab->n_slaves); i++) { uint16_t slave = bundle_get_slave(nab, i); if (slave_enabled(slave, aux)) { return slave; } } return OFPP_NONE; } static uint16_t execute_hrw(const struct nx_action_bundle *nab, const struct flow *flow, bool (*slave_enabled)(uint16_t ofp_port, void *aux), void *aux) { uint32_t flow_hash, best_hash; int best, i; flow_hash = flow_hash_fields(flow, ntohs(nab->fields), ntohs(nab->basis)); best = -1; best_hash = 0; for (i = 0; i < ntohs(nab->n_slaves); i++) { if (slave_enabled(bundle_get_slave(nab, i), aux)) { uint32_t hash = hash_2words(i, flow_hash); if (best < 0 || hash > best_hash) { best_hash = hash; best = i; } } } return best >= 0 ? bundle_get_slave(nab, best) : OFPP_NONE; } /* Executes 'nab' on 'flow'. Uses 'slave_enabled' to determine if the slave * designated by 'ofp_port' is up. Returns the chosen slave, or OFPP_NONE if * none of the slaves are acceptable. */ uint16_t bundle_execute(const struct nx_action_bundle *nab, const struct flow *flow, bool (*slave_enabled)(uint16_t ofp_port, void *aux), void *aux) { switch (ntohs(nab->algorithm)) { case NX_BD_ALG_HRW: return execute_hrw(nab, flow, slave_enabled, aux); case NX_BD_ALG_ACTIVE_BACKUP: return execute_ab(nab, slave_enabled, aux); default: NOT_REACHED(); } } void bundle_execute_load(const struct nx_action_bundle *nab, struct flow *flow, bool (*slave_enabled)(uint16_t ofp_port, void *aux), void *aux) { nxm_reg_load(nab->dst, nab->ofs_nbits, bundle_execute(nab, flow, slave_enabled, aux), flow); } /* Checks that 'nab' specifies a bundle action which is supported by this * bundle module. Uses the 'max_ports' parameter to validate each port using * ofputil_check_output_port(). Returns 0 if 'nab' is supported, otherwise an * OFPERR_* error code. */ enum ofperr bundle_check(const struct nx_action_bundle *nab, int max_ports, const struct flow *flow) { static struct vlog_rate_limit rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(1, 5); uint16_t n_slaves, fields, algorithm, subtype; uint32_t slave_type; size_t slaves_size, i; enum ofperr error; subtype = ntohs(nab->subtype); n_slaves = ntohs(nab->n_slaves); fields = ntohs(nab->fields); algorithm = ntohs(nab->algorithm); slave_type = ntohl(nab->slave_type); slaves_size = ntohs(nab->len) - sizeof *nab; error = OFPERR_OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT; if (!flow_hash_fields_valid(fields)) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "unsupported fields %"PRIu16, fields); } else if (n_slaves > BUNDLE_MAX_SLAVES) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "too may slaves"); } else if (algorithm != NX_BD_ALG_HRW && algorithm != NX_BD_ALG_ACTIVE_BACKUP) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "unsupported algorithm %"PRIu16, algorithm); } else if (slave_type != NXM_OF_IN_PORT) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "unsupported slave type %"PRIu16, slave_type); } else { error = 0; } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(nab->zero); i++) { if (nab->zero[i]) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "reserved field is nonzero"); error = OFPERR_OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT; } } if (subtype == NXAST_BUNDLE && (nab->ofs_nbits || nab->dst)) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "bundle action has nonzero reserved fields"); error = OFPERR_OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT; } if (subtype == NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD) { int ofs = nxm_decode_ofs(nab->ofs_nbits); int n_bits = nxm_decode_n_bits(nab->ofs_nbits); if (n_bits < 16) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "bundle_load action requires at least 16 bit " "destination."); error = OFPERR_OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT; } else if (!error) { error = nxm_dst_check(nab->dst, ofs, n_bits, flow); } } if (slaves_size < n_slaves * sizeof(ovs_be16)) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "Nicira action %"PRIu16" only has %zu bytes " "allocated for slaves. %zu bytes are required for " "%"PRIu16" slaves.", subtype, slaves_size, n_slaves * sizeof(ovs_be16), n_slaves); error = OFPERR_OFPBAC_BAD_LEN; } for (i = 0; i < n_slaves; i++) { uint16_t ofp_port = bundle_get_slave(nab, i); enum ofperr ofputil_error; ofputil_error = ofputil_check_output_port(ofp_port, max_ports); if (ofputil_error) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "invalid slave %"PRIu16, ofp_port); error = ofputil_error; } /* Controller slaves are unsupported due to the lack of a max_len * argument. This may or may not change in the future. There doesn't * seem to be a real-world use-case for supporting it. */ if (ofp_port == OFPP_CONTROLLER) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "unsupported controller slave"); error = OFPERR_OFPBAC_BAD_OUT_PORT; } } return error; } /* Helper for bundle_parse and bundle_parse_load. */ static void bundle_parse__(struct ofpbuf *b, const char *s, char **save_ptr, const char *fields, const char *basis, const char *algorithm, const char *slave_type, const char *dst, const char *slave_delim) { enum ofputil_action_code code; struct nx_action_bundle *nab; uint16_t n_slaves; if (!slave_delim) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: not enough arguments to bundle action", s); } if (strcasecmp(slave_delim, "slaves")) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: missing slave delimiter, expected `slaves' got `%s'", s, slave_delim); } code = dst ? OFPUTIL_NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD : OFPUTIL_NXAST_BUNDLE; b->l2 = ofputil_put_action(code, b); n_slaves = 0; for (;;) { ovs_be16 slave_be; char *slave; slave = strtok_r(NULL, ", [", save_ptr); if (!slave || n_slaves >= BUNDLE_MAX_SLAVES) { break; } slave_be = htons(atoi(slave)); ofpbuf_put(b, &slave_be, sizeof slave_be); n_slaves++; } /* Slaves array must be multiple of 8 bytes long. */ if (b->size % 8) { ofpbuf_put_zeros(b, 8 - (b->size % 8)); } nab = b->l2; nab->len = htons(b->size - ((char *) b->l2 - (char *) b->data)); nab->n_slaves = htons(n_slaves); nab->basis = htons(atoi(basis)); if (!strcasecmp(fields, "eth_src")) { nab->fields = htons(NX_HASH_FIELDS_ETH_SRC); } else if (!strcasecmp(fields, "symmetric_l4")) { nab->fields = htons(NX_HASH_FIELDS_SYMMETRIC_L4); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unknown fields `%s'", s, fields); } if (!strcasecmp(algorithm, "active_backup")) { nab->algorithm = htons(NX_BD_ALG_ACTIVE_BACKUP); } else if (!strcasecmp(algorithm, "hrw")) { nab->algorithm = htons(NX_BD_ALG_HRW); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unknown algorithm `%s'", s, algorithm); } if (!strcasecmp(slave_type, "ofport")) { nab->slave_type = htonl(NXM_OF_IN_PORT); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unknown slave_type `%s'", s, slave_type); } if (dst) { uint32_t reg; int ofs, n_bits; nxm_parse_field_bits(dst, ®, &ofs, &n_bits); nab->dst = htonl(reg); nab->ofs_nbits = nxm_encode_ofs_nbits(ofs, n_bits); } b->l2 = NULL; } /* Converts a bundle action string contained in 's' to an nx_action_bundle and * stores it in 'b'. Sets 'b''s l2 pointer to NULL. */ void bundle_parse(struct ofpbuf *b, const char *s) { char *fields, *basis, *algorithm, *slave_type, *slave_delim; char *tokstr, *save_ptr; save_ptr = NULL; tokstr = xstrdup(s); fields = strtok_r(tokstr, ", ", &save_ptr); basis = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); algorithm = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); slave_type = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); slave_delim = strtok_r(NULL, ": ", &save_ptr); bundle_parse__(b, s, &save_ptr, fields, basis, algorithm, slave_type, NULL, slave_delim); free(tokstr); } /* Converts a bundle_load action string contained in 's' to an nx_action_bundle * and stores it in 'b'. Sets 'b''s l2 pointer to NULL. */ void bundle_parse_load(struct ofpbuf *b, const char *s) { char *fields, *basis, *algorithm, *slave_type, *dst, *slave_delim; char *tokstr, *save_ptr; save_ptr = NULL; tokstr = xstrdup(s); fields = strtok_r(tokstr, ", ", &save_ptr); basis = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); algorithm = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); slave_type = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); dst = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); slave_delim = strtok_r(NULL, ": ", &save_ptr); bundle_parse__(b, s, &save_ptr, fields, basis, algorithm, slave_type, dst, slave_delim); free(tokstr); } /* Appends a human-readable representation of 'nab' to 's'. */ void bundle_format(const struct nx_action_bundle *nab, struct ds *s) { const char *action, *fields, *algorithm, *slave_type; size_t i; fields = flow_hash_fields_to_str(ntohs(nab->fields)); switch (ntohs(nab->algorithm)) { case NX_BD_ALG_HRW: algorithm = "hrw"; break; case NX_BD_ALG_ACTIVE_BACKUP: algorithm = "active_backup"; break; default: algorithm = ""; } switch (ntohl(nab->slave_type)) { case NXM_OF_IN_PORT: slave_type = "ofport"; break; default: slave_type = ""; } switch (ntohs(nab->subtype)) { case NXAST_BUNDLE: action = "bundle"; break; case NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD: action = "bundle_load"; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } ds_put_format(s, "%s(%s,%"PRIu16",%s,%s,", action, fields, ntohs(nab->basis), algorithm, slave_type); if (nab->subtype == htons(NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD)) { nxm_format_field_bits(s, ntohl(nab->dst), nxm_decode_ofs(nab->ofs_nbits), nxm_decode_n_bits(nab->ofs_nbits)); ds_put_cstr(s, ","); } ds_put_cstr(s, "slaves:"); for (i = 0; i < ntohs(nab->n_slaves); i++) { if (i) { ds_put_cstr(s, ","); } ds_put_format(s, "%"PRIu16, bundle_get_slave(nab, i)); } ds_put_cstr(s, ")"); }