/* * Copyright (c) 2009 Nicira Networks. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "json.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "hash.h" #include "shash.h" #include "unicode.h" #include "util.h" /* The type of a JSON token. */ enum json_token_type { T_EOF = 0, T_BEGIN_ARRAY = '[', T_END_ARRAY = ']', T_BEGIN_OBJECT = '{', T_END_OBJECT = '}', T_NAME_SEPARATOR = ':', T_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ',', T_FALSE = UCHAR_MAX + 1, T_NULL, T_TRUE, T_INTEGER, T_REAL, T_STRING }; /* A JSON token. * * RFC 4627 doesn't define a lexical structure for JSON but I believe this to * be compliant with the standard. */ struct json_token { enum json_token_type type; union { double real; long long int integer; const char *string; } u; }; enum json_lex_state { JSON_LEX_START, /* Not inside a token. */ JSON_LEX_NUMBER, /* Reading a number. */ JSON_LEX_KEYWORD, /* Reading a keyword. */ JSON_LEX_STRING, /* Reading a quoted string. */ JSON_LEX_ESCAPE /* In a quoted string just after a "\". */ }; enum json_parse_state { JSON_PARSE_START, /* Beginning of input. */ JSON_PARSE_END, /* End of input. */ /* Objects. */ JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_INIT, /* Expecting '}' or an object name. */ JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_NAME, /* Expecting an object name. */ JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_COLON, /* Expecting ':'. */ JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_VALUE, /* Expecting an object value. */ JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_NEXT, /* Expecting ',' or '}'. */ /* Arrays. */ JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_INIT, /* Expecting ']' or a value. */ JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_VALUE, /* Expecting a value. */ JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_NEXT /* Expecting ',' or ']'. */ }; struct json_parser_node { struct json *json; }; /* A JSON parser. */ struct json_parser { int flags; /* Lexical analysis. */ enum json_lex_state lex_state; struct ds buffer; /* Buffer for accumulating token text. */ int line_number; int column_number; int byte_number; /* Parsing. */ enum json_parse_state parse_state; #define JSON_MAX_HEIGHT 1000 struct json_parser_node *stack; size_t height, allocated_height; char *member_name; /* Parse status. */ bool done; char *error; /* Error message, if any, null if none yet. */ }; static struct json *json_create(enum json_type type); static void json_parser_input(struct json_parser *, struct json_token *); static void json_error(struct json_parser *p, const char *format, ...) PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3); const char * json_type_to_string(enum json_type type) { switch (type) { case JSON_NULL: return "null"; case JSON_FALSE: return "false"; case JSON_TRUE: return "true"; case JSON_OBJECT: return "object"; case JSON_ARRAY: return "array"; case JSON_INTEGER: case JSON_REAL: return "number"; case JSON_STRING: return "string"; case JSON_N_TYPES: default: return ""; } } /* Functions for manipulating struct json. */ struct json * json_null_create(void) { return json_create(JSON_NULL); } struct json * json_boolean_create(bool b) { return json_create(b ? JSON_TRUE : JSON_FALSE); } struct json * json_string_create_nocopy(char *s) { struct json *json = json_create(JSON_STRING); json->u.string = s; return json; } struct json * json_string_create(const char *s) { return json_string_create_nocopy(xstrdup(s)); } struct json * json_array_create_empty(void) { struct json *json = json_create(JSON_ARRAY); json->u.array.elems = NULL; json->u.array.n = 0; json->u.array.n_allocated = 0; return json; } void json_array_add(struct json *array_, struct json *element) { struct json_array *array = json_array(array_); if (array->n >= array->n_allocated) { array->elems = x2nrealloc(array->elems, &array->n_allocated, sizeof *array->elems); } array->elems[array->n++] = element; } void json_array_trim(struct json *array_) { struct json_array *array = json_array(array_); if (array->n < array->n_allocated){ array->n_allocated = array->n; array->elems = xrealloc(array->elems, array->n * sizeof *array->elems); } } struct json * json_array_create(struct json **elements, size_t n) { struct json *json = json_create(JSON_ARRAY); json->u.array.elems = elements; json->u.array.n = n; json->u.array.n_allocated = n; return json; } struct json * json_array_create_1(struct json *elem0) { struct json **elems = xmalloc(sizeof *elems); elems[0] = elem0; return json_array_create(elems, 1); } struct json * json_array_create_2(struct json *elem0, struct json *elem1) { struct json **elems = xmalloc(2 * sizeof *elems); elems[0] = elem0; elems[1] = elem1; return json_array_create(elems, 2); } struct json * json_array_create_3(struct json *elem0, struct json *elem1, struct json *elem2) { struct json **elems = xmalloc(3 * sizeof *elems); elems[0] = elem0; elems[1] = elem1; elems[2] = elem2; return json_array_create(elems, 3); } struct json * json_object_create(void) { struct json *json = json_create(JSON_OBJECT); json->u.object = xmalloc(sizeof *json->u.object); shash_init(json->u.object); return json; } struct json * json_integer_create(long long int integer) { struct json *json = json_create(JSON_INTEGER); json->u.integer = integer; return json; } struct json * json_real_create(double real) { struct json *json = json_create(JSON_REAL); json->u.real = real; return json; } void json_object_put(struct json *json, const char *name, struct json *value) { shash_add(json->u.object, name, value); } void json_object_put_string(struct json *json, const char *name, const char *value) { json_object_put(json, name, json_string_create(value)); } const char * json_string(const struct json *json) { assert(json->type == JSON_STRING); return json->u.string; } struct json_array * json_array(const struct json *json) { assert(json->type == JSON_ARRAY); return (struct json_array *) &json->u.array; } struct shash * json_object(const struct json *json) { assert(json->type == JSON_OBJECT); return (struct shash *) json->u.object; } bool json_boolean(const struct json *json) { assert(json->type == JSON_TRUE || json->type == JSON_FALSE); return json->type == JSON_TRUE; } double json_real(const struct json *json) { assert(json->type == JSON_REAL || json->type == JSON_INTEGER); return json->type == JSON_REAL ? json->u.real : json->u.integer; } int64_t json_integer(const struct json *json) { assert(json->type == JSON_INTEGER); return json->u.integer; } static void json_destroy_object(struct shash *object); static void json_destroy_array(struct json_array *array); /* Frees 'json' and everything it points to, recursively. */ void json_destroy(struct json *json) { if (json) { switch (json->type) { case JSON_OBJECT: json_destroy_object(json->u.object); break; case JSON_ARRAY: json_destroy_array(&json->u.array); break; case JSON_STRING: free(json->u.string); break; case JSON_NULL: case JSON_FALSE: case JSON_TRUE: case JSON_INTEGER: case JSON_REAL: break; case JSON_N_TYPES: NOT_REACHED(); } free(json); } } static void json_destroy_object(struct shash *object) { struct shash_node *node, *next; SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (node, next, object) { struct json *value = node->data; json_destroy(value); shash_delete(object, node); } shash_destroy(object); free(object); } static void json_destroy_array(struct json_array *array) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < array->n; i++) { json_destroy(array->elems[i]); } free(array->elems); } static struct json *json_clone_object(const struct shash *object); static struct json *json_clone_array(const struct json_array *array); /* Returns a deep copy of 'json'. */ struct json * json_clone(const struct json *json) { switch (json->type) { case JSON_OBJECT: return json_clone_object(json->u.object); case JSON_ARRAY: return json_clone_array(&json->u.array); case JSON_STRING: return json_string_create(json->u.string); case JSON_NULL: case JSON_FALSE: case JSON_TRUE: return json_create(json->type); case JSON_INTEGER: return json_integer_create(json->u.integer); case JSON_REAL: return json_real_create(json->u.real); case JSON_N_TYPES: default: NOT_REACHED(); } } static struct json * json_clone_object(const struct shash *object) { struct shash_node *node; struct json *json; json = json_object_create(); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, object) { struct json *value = node->data; json_object_put(json, node->name, json_clone(value)); } return json; } static struct json * json_clone_array(const struct json_array *array) { struct json **elems; size_t i; elems = xmalloc(array->n * sizeof *elems); for (i = 0; i < array->n; i++) { elems[i] = json_clone(array->elems[i]); } return json_array_create(elems, array->n); } static size_t json_hash_object(const struct shash *object, size_t basis) { const struct shash_node **nodes; size_t n, i; nodes = shash_sort(object); n = shash_count(object); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { const struct shash_node *node = nodes[i]; basis = hash_string(node->name, basis); basis = json_hash(node->data, basis); } return basis; } static size_t json_hash_array(const struct json_array *array, size_t basis) { size_t i; basis = hash_int(array->n, basis); for (i = 0; i < array->n; i++) { basis = json_hash(array->elems[i], basis); } return basis; } size_t json_hash(const struct json *json, size_t basis) { switch (json->type) { case JSON_OBJECT: return json_hash_object(json->u.object, basis); case JSON_ARRAY: return json_hash_array(&json->u.array, basis); case JSON_STRING: return hash_string(json->u.string, basis); case JSON_NULL: case JSON_FALSE: case JSON_TRUE: return hash_int(json->type << 8, basis); case JSON_INTEGER: return hash_int(json->u.integer, basis); case JSON_REAL: return hash_double(json->u.real, basis); case JSON_N_TYPES: default: NOT_REACHED(); } } static bool json_equal_object(const struct shash *a, const struct shash *b) { struct shash_node *a_node; if (shash_count(a) != shash_count(b)) { return false; } SHASH_FOR_EACH (a_node, a) { struct shash_node *b_node = shash_find(b, a_node->name); if (!b_node || !json_equal(a_node->data, b_node->data)) { return false; } } return true; } static bool json_equal_array(const struct json_array *a, const struct json_array *b) { size_t i; if (a->n != b->n) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < a->n; i++) { if (!json_equal(a->elems[i], b->elems[i])) { return false; } } return true; } bool json_equal(const struct json *a, const struct json *b) { if (a->type != b->type) { return false; } switch (a->type) { case JSON_OBJECT: return json_equal_object(a->u.object, b->u.object); case JSON_ARRAY: return json_equal_array(&a->u.array, &b->u.array); case JSON_STRING: return !strcmp(a->u.string, b->u.string); case JSON_NULL: case JSON_FALSE: case JSON_TRUE: return true; case JSON_INTEGER: return a->u.integer == b->u.integer; case JSON_REAL: return a->u.real == b->u.real; case JSON_N_TYPES: default: NOT_REACHED(); } } /* Lexical analysis. */ static void json_lex_keyword(struct json_parser *p) { struct json_token token; const char *s; s = ds_cstr(&p->buffer); if (!strcmp(s, "false")) { token.type = T_FALSE; } else if (!strcmp(s, "true")) { token.type = T_TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(s, "null")) { token.type = T_NULL; } else { json_error(p, "invalid keyword '%s'", s); return; } json_parser_input(p, &token); } static void json_lex_number(struct json_parser *p) { const char *cp = ds_cstr(&p->buffer); unsigned long long int significand = 0; struct json_token token; int sig_digits = 0; bool imprecise = false; bool negative = false; int pow10 = 0; /* Leading minus sign. */ if (*cp == '-') { negative = true; cp++; } /* At least one integer digit, but 0 may not be used as a leading digit for * a longer number. */ significand = 0; sig_digits = 0; if (*cp == '0') { cp++; if (isdigit(*cp)) { json_error(p, "leading zeros not allowed"); return; } } else if (isdigit(*cp)) { do { if (significand <= ULLONG_MAX / 10) { significand = significand * 10 + (*cp - '0'); sig_digits++; } else { pow10++; if (*cp != '0') { imprecise = true; } } cp++; } while (isdigit(*cp)); } else { json_error(p, "'-' must be followed by digit"); return; } /* Optional fraction. */ if (*cp == '.') { cp++; if (!isdigit(*cp)) { json_error(p, "decimal point must be followed by digit"); return; } do { if (significand <= ULLONG_MAX / 10) { significand = significand * 10 + (*cp - '0'); sig_digits++; pow10--; } else if (*cp != '0') { imprecise = true; } cp++; } while (isdigit(*cp)); } /* Optional exponent. */ if (*cp == 'e' || *cp == 'E') { bool negative_exponent = false; int exponent; cp++; if (*cp == '+') { cp++; } else if (*cp == '-') { negative_exponent = true; cp++; } if (!isdigit(*cp)) { json_error(p, "exponent must contain at least one digit"); return; } exponent = 0; do { if (exponent >= INT_MAX / 10) { json_error(p, "exponent outside valid range"); return; } exponent = exponent * 10 + (*cp - '0'); cp++; } while (isdigit(*cp)); if (negative_exponent) { pow10 -= exponent; } else { pow10 += exponent; } } if (*cp != '\0') { json_error(p, "syntax error in number"); return; } /* Figure out number. * * We suppress negative zeros as a matter of policy. */ if (!significand) { struct json_token token; token.type = T_INTEGER; token.u.integer = 0; json_parser_input(p, &token); return; } if (!imprecise) { while (pow10 > 0 && significand < ULLONG_MAX / 10) { significand *= 10; sig_digits++; pow10--; } while (pow10 < 0 && significand % 10 == 0) { significand /= 10; sig_digits--; pow10++; } if (pow10 == 0 && significand <= (negative ? (unsigned long long int) LLONG_MAX + 1 : LLONG_MAX)) { token.type = T_INTEGER; token.u.integer = negative ? -significand : significand; json_parser_input(p, &token); return; } } token.type = T_REAL; if (!str_to_double(ds_cstr(&p->buffer), &token.u.real)) { json_error(p, "number outside valid range"); return; } /* Suppress negative zero. */ if (token.u.real == 0) { token.u.real = 0; } json_parser_input(p, &token); } static bool json_lex_4hex(struct json_parser *p, const char *cp, int *valuep) { int value, i; value = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { unsigned char c = *cp++; if (!isxdigit(c)) { json_error(p, "malformed \\u escape"); return false; } value = (value << 4) | hexit_value(c); } if (!value) { json_error(p, "null bytes not supported in quoted strings"); return false; } *valuep = value; return true; } static const char * json_lex_unicode(struct json_parser *p, const char *cp, struct ds *s) { int c0, c1; if (!json_lex_4hex(p, cp, &c0)) { return NULL; } cp += 4; if (!uc_is_leading_surrogate(c0)) { ds_put_utf8(s, c0); return cp; } if (*cp++ != '\\' || *cp++ != 'u') { json_error(p, "malformed escaped surrogate pair"); return NULL; } if (!json_lex_4hex(p, cp, &c1)) { return NULL; } cp += 4; if (!uc_is_trailing_surrogate(c1)) { json_error(p, "second half of escaped surrogate pair is not " "trailing surrogate"); return NULL; } ds_put_utf8(s, utf16_decode_surrogate_pair(c0, c1)); return cp; } static void json_lex_string(struct json_parser *p) { struct json_token token; const char *cp; struct ds s; cp = ds_cstr(&p->buffer); if (!strchr(cp, '\\')) { token.type = T_STRING; token.u.string = cp; json_parser_input(p, &token); return; } ds_init(&s); ds_reserve(&s, strlen(cp)); while (*cp != '\0') { if (*cp != '\\') { ds_put_char(&s, *cp++); continue; } cp++; switch (*cp++) { case '"': case '\\': case '/': ds_put_char(&s, cp[-1]); break; case 'b': ds_put_char(&s, '\b'); break; case 'f': ds_put_char(&s, '\f'); break; case 'n': ds_put_char(&s, '\n'); break; case 'r': ds_put_char(&s, '\r'); break; case 't': ds_put_char(&s, '\t'); break; case 'u': cp = json_lex_unicode(p, cp, &s); if (!cp) { goto exit; } break; default: json_error(p, "bad escape \\%c", cp[-1]); goto exit; } } token.type = T_STRING; token.u.string = ds_cstr(&s); json_parser_input(p, &token); exit: ds_destroy(&s); return; } static bool json_lex_input(struct json_parser *p, unsigned char c) { struct json_token token; p->byte_number++; if (c == '\n') { p->column_number = 0; p->line_number++; } else { p->column_number++; } switch (p->lex_state) { case JSON_LEX_START: switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': /* Nothing to do. */ return true; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': p->lex_state = JSON_LEX_KEYWORD; break; case '[': case '{': case ']': case '}': case ':': case ',': token.type = c; json_parser_input(p, &token); return true; case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': p->lex_state = JSON_LEX_NUMBER; break; case '"': p->lex_state = JSON_LEX_STRING; return true; default: if (isprint(c)) { json_error(p, "invalid character '%c'", c); } else { json_error(p, "invalid character U+%04x", c); } return true; } break; case JSON_LEX_KEYWORD: if (!isalpha((unsigned char) c)) { json_lex_keyword(p); return false; } break; case JSON_LEX_NUMBER: if (!strchr(".0123456789eE-+", c)) { json_lex_number(p); return false; } break; case JSON_LEX_STRING: if (c == '\\') { p->lex_state = JSON_LEX_ESCAPE; } else if (c == '"') { json_lex_string(p); return true; } else if (c < 0x20) { json_error(p, "U+%04X must be escaped in quoted string", c); return true; } break; case JSON_LEX_ESCAPE: p->lex_state = JSON_LEX_STRING; break; default: abort(); } ds_put_char(&p->buffer, c); return true; } /* Parsing. */ /* Parses 'string' as a JSON object or array and returns a newly allocated * 'struct json'. The caller must free the returned structure with * json_destroy() when it is no longer needed. * * 'string' must be encoded in UTF-8. * * If 'string' is valid JSON, then the returned 'struct json' will be either an * object (JSON_OBJECT) or an array (JSON_ARRAY). * * If 'string' is not valid JSON, then the returned 'struct json' will be a * string (JSON_STRING) that describes the particular error encountered during * parsing. (This is an acceptable means of error reporting because at its top * level JSON must be either an object or an array; a bare string is not * valid.) */ struct json * json_from_string(const char *string) { struct json_parser *p = json_parser_create(JSPF_TRAILER); json_parser_feed(p, string, strlen(string)); return json_parser_finish(p); } /* Reads the file named 'file_name', parses its contents as a JSON object or * array, and returns a newly allocated 'struct json'. The caller must free * the returned structure with json_destroy() when it is no longer needed. * * The file must be encoded in UTF-8. * * See json_from_string() for return value semantics. */ struct json * json_from_file(const char *file_name) { struct json *json; FILE *stream; stream = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (!stream) { return json_string_create_nocopy( xasprintf("error opening \"%s\": %s", file_name, strerror(errno))); } json = json_from_stream(stream); fclose(stream); return json; } /* Parses the contents of 'stream' as a JSON object or array, and returns a * newly allocated 'struct json'. The caller must free the returned structure * with json_destroy() when it is no longer needed. * * The file must be encoded in UTF-8. * * See json_from_string() for return value semantics. */ struct json * json_from_stream(FILE *stream) { struct json_parser *p; struct json *json; p = json_parser_create(JSPF_TRAILER); for (;;) { char buffer[BUFSIZ]; size_t n; n = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, stream); if (!n || json_parser_feed(p, buffer, n) != n) { break; } } json = json_parser_finish(p); if (ferror(stream)) { json_destroy(json); json = json_string_create_nocopy( xasprintf("error reading JSON stream: %s", strerror(errno))); } return json; } struct json_parser * json_parser_create(int flags) { struct json_parser *p = xzalloc(sizeof *p); p->flags = flags; return p; } size_t json_parser_feed(struct json_parser *p, const char *input, size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; !p->done && i < n; ) { if (json_lex_input(p, input[i])) { i++; } } return i; } bool json_parser_is_done(const struct json_parser *p) { return p->done; } struct json * json_parser_finish(struct json_parser *p) { struct json *json; switch (p->lex_state) { case JSON_LEX_START: break; case JSON_LEX_STRING: case JSON_LEX_ESCAPE: json_error(p, "unexpected end of input in quoted string"); break; case JSON_LEX_NUMBER: case JSON_LEX_KEYWORD: json_lex_input(p, ' '); break; } if (p->parse_state == JSON_PARSE_START) { json_error(p, "empty input stream"); } else if (p->parse_state != JSON_PARSE_END) { json_error(p, "unexpected end of input"); } if (!p->error) { assert(p->height == 1); assert(p->stack[0].json != NULL); json = p->stack[--p->height].json; } else { json = json_string_create_nocopy(p->error); p->error = NULL; } json_parser_abort(p); return json; } void json_parser_abort(struct json_parser *p) { if (p) { ds_destroy(&p->buffer); if (p->height) { json_destroy(p->stack[0].json); } free(p->stack); free(p->member_name); free(p->error); free(p); } } static struct json_parser_node * json_parser_top(struct json_parser *p) { return &p->stack[p->height - 1]; } static void json_parser_put_value(struct json_parser *p, struct json *value) { struct json_parser_node *node = json_parser_top(p); if (node->json->type == JSON_OBJECT) { json_object_put(node->json, p->member_name, value); free(p->member_name); p->member_name = NULL; } else if (node->json->type == JSON_ARRAY) { json_array_add(node->json, value); } else { NOT_REACHED(); } } static struct json_parser_node * json_parser_push(struct json_parser *p, struct json *new_json, enum json_parse_state new_state) { if (p->height < JSON_MAX_HEIGHT) { struct json_parser_node *node; if (p->height >= p->allocated_height) { p->stack = x2nrealloc(p->stack, &p->allocated_height, sizeof *p->stack); } if (p->height > 0) { json_parser_put_value(p, new_json); } node = &p->stack[p->height++]; node->json = new_json; p->parse_state = new_state; return node; } else { json_error(p, "input exceeds maximum nesting depth %d", JSON_MAX_HEIGHT); return NULL; } } static void json_parser_push_object(struct json_parser *p) { json_parser_push(p, json_object_create(), JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_INIT); } static void json_parser_push_array(struct json_parser *p) { json_parser_push(p, json_array_create_empty(), JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_INIT); } static void json_parse_value(struct json_parser *p, struct json_token *token, enum json_parse_state next_state) { struct json *value; switch (token->type) { case T_FALSE: value = json_boolean_create(false); break; case T_NULL: value = json_null_create(); break; case T_TRUE: value = json_boolean_create(true); break; case '{': json_parser_push_object(p); return; case '[': json_parser_push_array(p); return; case T_INTEGER: value = json_integer_create(token->u.integer); break; case T_REAL: value = json_real_create(token->u.real); break; case T_STRING: value = json_string_create(token->u.string); break; case T_EOF: case '}': case ']': case ':': case ',': default: json_error(p, "syntax error expecting value"); return; } json_parser_put_value(p, value); p->parse_state = next_state; } static void json_parser_pop(struct json_parser *p) { struct json_parser_node *node; /* Conserve memory. */ node = json_parser_top(p); if (node->json->type == JSON_ARRAY) { json_array_trim(node->json); } /* Pop off the top-of-stack. */ if (p->height == 1) { p->parse_state = JSON_PARSE_END; if (!(p->flags & JSPF_TRAILER)) { p->done = true; } } else { p->height--; node = json_parser_top(p); if (node->json->type == JSON_ARRAY) { p->parse_state = JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_NEXT; } else if (node->json->type == JSON_OBJECT) { p->parse_state = JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_NEXT; } else { NOT_REACHED(); } } } static void json_parser_input(struct json_parser *p, struct json_token *token) { switch (p->parse_state) { case JSON_PARSE_START: if (token->type == '{') { json_parser_push_object(p); } else if (token->type == '[') { json_parser_push_array(p); } else { json_error(p, "syntax error at beginning of input"); } break; case JSON_PARSE_END: json_error(p, "trailing garbage at end of input"); break; case JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_INIT: if (token->type == '}') { json_parser_pop(p); break; } /* Fall through. */ case JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_NAME: if (token->type == T_STRING) { p->member_name = xstrdup(token->u.string); p->parse_state = JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_COLON; } else { json_error(p, "syntax error parsing object expecting string"); } break; case JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_COLON: if (token->type == ':') { p->parse_state = JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_VALUE; } else { json_error(p, "syntax error parsing object expecting ':'"); } break; case JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_VALUE: json_parse_value(p, token, JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_NEXT); break; case JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_NEXT: if (token->type == ',') { p->parse_state = JSON_PARSE_OBJECT_NAME; } else if (token->type == '}') { json_parser_pop(p); } else { json_error(p, "syntax error expecting '}' or ','"); } break; case JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_INIT: if (token->type == ']') { json_parser_pop(p); break; } /* Fall through. */ case JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_VALUE: json_parse_value(p, token, JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_NEXT); break; case JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_NEXT: if (token->type == ',') { p->parse_state = JSON_PARSE_ARRAY_VALUE; } else if (token->type == ']') { json_parser_pop(p); } else { json_error(p, "syntax error expecting ']' or ','"); } break; default: abort(); } p->lex_state = JSON_LEX_START; ds_clear(&p->buffer); } static struct json * json_create(enum json_type type) { struct json *json = xmalloc(sizeof *json); json->type = type; return json; } static void json_error(struct json_parser *p, const char *format, ...) { if (!p->error) { struct ds msg; va_list args; ds_init(&msg); ds_put_format(&msg, "line %d, column %d, byte %d: ", p->line_number, p->column_number, p->byte_number); va_start(args, format); ds_put_format_valist(&msg, format, args); va_end(args); p->error = ds_steal_cstr(&msg); p->done = true; } } #define SPACES_PER_LEVEL 2 struct json_serializer { struct ds ds; int depth; int flags; }; static void json_to_ds(const struct json *, struct json_serializer *); static void json_object_to_ds(const struct shash *object, struct json_serializer *); static void json_array_to_ds(const struct json_array *, struct json_serializer *); static void json_string_to_ds(const char *string, struct ds *); /* Converts 'json' to a string in JSON format, encoded in UTF-8, and returns * that string. The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string, * with free(), when it is no longer needed. * * If 'flags' contains JSSF_PRETTY, the output is pretty-printed with each * nesting level introducing an additional indentation. Otherwise, the * returned string does not contain any new-line characters. * * If 'flags' contains JSSF_SORT, members of objects in the output are sorted * in bytewise lexicographic order for reproducibility. Otherwise, members of * objects are output in an indeterminate order. * * The returned string is valid JSON only if 'json' represents an array or an * object, since a bare literal does not satisfy the JSON grammar. */ char * json_to_string(const struct json *json, int flags) { struct json_serializer s; ds_init(&s.ds); s.depth = 0; s.flags = flags; json_to_ds(json, &s); return ds_steal_cstr(&s.ds); } static void json_to_ds(const struct json *json, struct json_serializer *s) { struct ds *ds = &s->ds; switch (json->type) { case JSON_NULL: ds_put_cstr(ds, "null"); break; case JSON_FALSE: ds_put_cstr(ds, "false"); break; case JSON_TRUE: ds_put_cstr(ds, "true"); break; case JSON_OBJECT: json_object_to_ds(json->u.object, s); break; case JSON_ARRAY: json_array_to_ds(&json->u.array, s); break; case JSON_INTEGER: ds_put_format(ds, "%lld", json->u.integer); break; case JSON_REAL: ds_put_format(ds, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, json->u.real); break; case JSON_STRING: json_string_to_ds(json->u.string, ds); break; case JSON_N_TYPES: default: NOT_REACHED(); } } static void indent_line(struct json_serializer *s) { if (s->flags & JSSF_PRETTY) { ds_put_char(&s->ds, '\n'); ds_put_char_multiple(&s->ds, ' ', SPACES_PER_LEVEL * s->depth); } } static void json_object_member_to_ds(size_t i, const struct shash_node *node, struct json_serializer *s) { struct ds *ds = &s->ds; if (i) { ds_put_char(ds, ','); indent_line(s); } json_string_to_ds(node->name, ds); ds_put_char(ds, ':'); if (s->flags & JSSF_PRETTY) { ds_put_char(ds, ' '); } json_to_ds(node->data, s); } static void json_object_to_ds(const struct shash *object, struct json_serializer *s) { struct ds *ds = &s->ds; ds_put_char(ds, '{'); s->depth++; indent_line(s); if (s->flags & JSSF_SORT) { const struct shash_node **nodes; size_t n, i; nodes = shash_sort(object); n = shash_count(object); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { json_object_member_to_ds(i, nodes[i], s); } free(nodes); } else { struct shash_node *node; size_t i; i = 0; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, object) { json_object_member_to_ds(i++, node, s); } } ds_put_char(ds, '}'); s->depth--; } static void json_array_to_ds(const struct json_array *array, struct json_serializer *s) { struct ds *ds = &s->ds; size_t i; ds_put_char(ds, '['); s->depth++; if (array->n > 0) { indent_line(s); for (i = 0; i < array->n; i++) { if (i) { ds_put_char(ds, ','); indent_line(s); } json_to_ds(array->elems[i], s); } } s->depth--; ds_put_char(ds, ']'); } static void json_string_to_ds(const char *string, struct ds *ds) { uint8_t c; ds_put_char(ds, '"'); while ((c = *string++) != '\0') { switch (c) { case '"': ds_put_cstr(ds, "\\\""); break; case '\\': ds_put_cstr(ds, "\\\\"); break; case '\b': ds_put_cstr(ds, "\\b"); break; case '\f': ds_put_cstr(ds, "\\f"); break; case '\n': ds_put_cstr(ds, "\\n"); break; case '\r': ds_put_cstr(ds, "\\r"); break; case '\t': ds_put_cstr(ds, "\\t"); break; default: if (c >= 32) { ds_put_char(ds, c); } else { ds_put_format(ds, "\\u%04x", c); } break; } } ds_put_char(ds, '"'); }