/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Nicira Networks. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "multipath.h" #include #include #include #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "nx-match.h" #include "ofp-util.h" #include "openflow/nicira-ext.h" #include "packets.h" #include "vlog.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(multipath); static struct vlog_rate_limit rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(1, 5); /* multipath_check(). */ int multipath_check(const struct nx_action_multipath *mp) { uint32_t dst = ntohl(mp->dst); int ofs = nxm_decode_ofs(mp->ofs_nbits); int n_bits = nxm_decode_n_bits(mp->ofs_nbits); if (mp->fields != htons(NX_MP_FIELDS_ETH_SRC) && mp->fields != htons(NX_MP_FIELDS_SYMMETRIC_L4)) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "unsupported fields %"PRIu16, ntohs(mp->fields)); } else if (mp->algorithm != htons(NX_MP_ALG_MODULO_N) && mp->algorithm != htons(NX_MP_ALG_HASH_THRESHOLD) && mp->algorithm != htons(NX_MP_ALG_HRW) && mp->algorithm != htons(NX_MP_ALG_ITER_HASH)) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "unsupported algorithm %"PRIu16, ntohs(mp->algorithm)); } else if (!NXM_IS_NX_REG(dst) || NXM_NX_REG_IDX(dst) >= FLOW_N_REGS) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "unsupported destination field %#"PRIx32, dst); } else if (ofs + n_bits > nxm_field_bits(dst)) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "destination overflows output field"); } else if (n_bits < 16 && ntohs(mp->max_link) > (1u << n_bits)) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "max_link overflows output field"); } else { return 0; } return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT); } /* multipath_execute(). */ static uint32_t multipath_hash(const struct flow *, enum nx_mp_fields, uint16_t basis); static uint16_t multipath_algorithm(uint32_t hash, enum nx_mp_algorithm, unsigned int n_links, unsigned int arg); void multipath_execute(const struct nx_action_multipath *mp, struct flow *flow) { /* Calculate value to store. */ uint32_t hash = multipath_hash(flow, ntohs(mp->fields), ntohs(mp->basis)); uint16_t link = multipath_algorithm(hash, ntohs(mp->algorithm), ntohs(mp->max_link) + 1, ntohl(mp->arg)); /* Store it. */ uint32_t *reg = &flow->regs[NXM_NX_REG_IDX(ntohl(mp->dst))]; int ofs = nxm_decode_ofs(mp->ofs_nbits); int n_bits = nxm_decode_n_bits(mp->ofs_nbits); uint32_t mask = n_bits == 32 ? UINT32_MAX : (UINT32_C(1) << n_bits) - 1; *reg = (*reg & ~(mask << ofs)) | (link << ofs); } static uint32_t hash_symmetric_l4(const struct flow *flow, uint16_t basis) { struct { ovs_be32 ip_addr; ovs_be16 eth_type; ovs_be16 vlan_tci; ovs_be16 tp_addr; uint8_t eth_addr[ETH_ADDR_LEN]; uint8_t ip_proto; } fields; int i; for (i = 0; i < ETH_ADDR_LEN; i++) { fields.eth_addr[i] = flow->dl_src[i] ^ flow->dl_dst[i]; } fields.vlan_tci = flow->vlan_tci & htons(VLAN_VID_MASK); fields.eth_type = flow->dl_type; if (fields.eth_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_IP)) { fields.ip_addr = flow->nw_src ^ flow->nw_dst; fields.ip_proto = flow->nw_proto; if (fields.ip_proto == IP_TYPE_TCP || fields.ip_proto == IP_TYPE_UDP) { fields.tp_addr = flow->tp_src ^ flow->tp_dst; } else { fields.tp_addr = htons(0); } } else { fields.ip_addr = htonl(0); fields.ip_proto = 0; fields.tp_addr = htons(0); } return hash_bytes(&fields, sizeof fields, basis); } static uint32_t multipath_hash(const struct flow *flow, enum nx_mp_fields fields, uint16_t basis) { switch (fields) { case NX_MP_FIELDS_ETH_SRC: return hash_bytes(flow->dl_src, sizeof flow->dl_src, basis); case NX_MP_FIELDS_SYMMETRIC_L4: return hash_symmetric_l4(flow, basis); } NOT_REACHED(); } static uint16_t algorithm_hrw(uint32_t hash, unsigned int n_links) { uint32_t best_weight; uint16_t best_link; unsigned int link; best_link = 0; best_weight = hash_2words(hash, 0); for (link = 1; link < n_links; link++) { uint32_t weight = hash_2words(hash, link); if (weight > best_weight) { best_link = link; best_weight = weight; } } return best_link; } /* Works for 'x' in the range [1,65536], which is all we need. */ static unsigned int round_up_pow2(unsigned int x) { x--; x |= x >> 1; x |= x >> 2; x |= x >> 4; x |= x >> 8; return x + 1; } static uint16_t algorithm_iter_hash(uint32_t hash, unsigned int n_links, unsigned int modulo) { uint16_t link; int i; if (modulo < n_links || modulo / 2 > n_links) { modulo = round_up_pow2(n_links); } i = 0; do { link = hash_2words(hash, i++) % modulo; } while (link >= n_links); return link; } static uint16_t multipath_algorithm(uint32_t hash, enum nx_mp_algorithm algorithm, unsigned int n_links, unsigned int arg) { switch (algorithm) { case NX_MP_ALG_MODULO_N: return hash % n_links; case NX_MP_ALG_HASH_THRESHOLD: return hash / (UINT32_MAX / n_links); case NX_MP_ALG_HRW: return (n_links <= 64 ? algorithm_hrw(hash, n_links) : algorithm_iter_hash(hash, n_links, 0)); case NX_MP_ALG_ITER_HASH: return algorithm_iter_hash(hash, n_links, arg); } NOT_REACHED(); } /* multipath_parse(). */ void multipath_parse(struct nx_action_multipath *mp, const char *s_) { char *s = xstrdup(s_); char *save_ptr = NULL; char *fields, *basis, *algorithm, *n_links, *arg, *dst; uint32_t header; int ofs, n_bits; fields = strtok_r(s, ", ", &save_ptr); basis = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); algorithm = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); n_links = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); arg = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); dst = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &save_ptr); if (!dst) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: not enough arguments to multipath action", s); } memset(mp, 0, sizeof *mp); mp->type = htons(OFPAT_VENDOR); mp->len = htons(sizeof *mp); mp->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); mp->subtype = htons(NXAST_MULTIPATH); if (!strcasecmp(fields, "eth_src")) { mp->fields = htons(NX_MP_FIELDS_ETH_SRC); } else if (!strcasecmp(fields, "symmetric_l4")) { mp->fields = htons(NX_MP_FIELDS_SYMMETRIC_L4); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unknown fields `%s'", s, fields); } mp->basis = htons(atoi(basis)); if (!strcasecmp(algorithm, "modulo_n")) { mp->algorithm = htons(NX_MP_ALG_MODULO_N); } else if (!strcasecmp(algorithm, "hash_threshold")) { mp->algorithm = htons(NX_MP_ALG_HASH_THRESHOLD); } else if (!strcasecmp(algorithm, "hrw")) { mp->algorithm = htons(NX_MP_ALG_HRW); } else if (!strcasecmp(algorithm, "iter_hash")) { mp->algorithm = htons(NX_MP_ALG_ITER_HASH); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unknown algorithm `%s'", s, algorithm); } mp->max_link = htons(atoi(n_links) - 1); mp->arg = htonl(atoi(arg)); nxm_parse_field_bits(dst, &header, &ofs, &n_bits); mp->ofs_nbits = nxm_encode_ofs_nbits(ofs, n_bits); mp->dst = htonl(header); free(s); } void multipath_format(const struct nx_action_multipath *mp, struct ds *s) { const char *fields, *algorithm; switch ((enum nx_mp_fields) ntohs(mp->fields)) { case NX_MP_FIELDS_ETH_SRC: fields = "eth_src"; break; case NX_MP_FIELDS_SYMMETRIC_L4: fields = "symmetric_l4"; break; default: fields = ""; } switch ((enum nx_mp_algorithm) ntohs(mp->algorithm)) { case NX_MP_ALG_MODULO_N: algorithm = "modulo_n"; break; case NX_MP_ALG_HASH_THRESHOLD: algorithm = "hash_threshold"; break; case NX_MP_ALG_HRW: algorithm = "hrw"; break; case NX_MP_ALG_ITER_HASH: algorithm = "iter_hash"; break; default: algorithm = ""; } ds_put_format(s, "multipath(%s,%"PRIu16",%s,%d,%"PRIu16",", fields, ntohs(mp->basis), algorithm, ntohs(mp->max_link) + 1, ntohl(mp->arg)); nxm_format_field_bits(s, ntohl(mp->dst), nxm_decode_ofs(mp->ofs_nbits), nxm_decode_n_bits(mp->ofs_nbits)); ds_put_char(s, ')'); }