/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Nicira Networks. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "ofp-parse.h" #include #include #include #include "autopath.h" #include "byte-order.h" #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "netdev.h" #include "multipath.h" #include "nx-match.h" #include "ofp-util.h" #include "ofpbuf.h" #include "openflow/openflow.h" #include "packets.h" #include "socket-util.h" #include "vconn.h" #include "vlog.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(ofp_parse); static uint32_t str_to_u32(const char *str) { char *tail; uint32_t value; if (!str[0]) { ovs_fatal(0, "missing required numeric argument"); } errno = 0; value = strtoul(str, &tail, 0); if (errno == EINVAL || errno == ERANGE || *tail) { ovs_fatal(0, "invalid numeric format %s", str); } return value; } static uint64_t str_to_u64(const char *str) { char *tail; uint64_t value; if (!str[0]) { ovs_fatal(0, "missing required numeric argument"); } errno = 0; value = strtoull(str, &tail, 0); if (errno == EINVAL || errno == ERANGE || *tail) { ovs_fatal(0, "invalid numeric format %s", str); } return value; } static void str_to_mac(const char *str, uint8_t mac[6]) { if (sscanf(str, ETH_ADDR_SCAN_FMT, ETH_ADDR_SCAN_ARGS(mac)) != ETH_ADDR_SCAN_COUNT) { ovs_fatal(0, "invalid mac address %s", str); } } static void str_to_eth_dst(const char *str, uint8_t mac[ETH_ADDR_LEN], uint8_t mask[ETH_ADDR_LEN]) { if (sscanf(str, ETH_ADDR_SCAN_FMT"/"ETH_ADDR_SCAN_FMT, ETH_ADDR_SCAN_ARGS(mac), ETH_ADDR_SCAN_ARGS(mask)) == ETH_ADDR_SCAN_COUNT * 2) { if (!flow_wildcards_is_dl_dst_mask_valid(mask)) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: invalid Ethernet destination mask (only " "00:00:00:00:00:00, 01:00:00:00:00:00, " "fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, and ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff are allowed)", str); } } else if (sscanf(str, ETH_ADDR_SCAN_FMT, ETH_ADDR_SCAN_ARGS(mac)) == ETH_ADDR_SCAN_COUNT) { memset(mask, 0xff, ETH_ADDR_LEN); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "invalid mac address %s", str); } } static void str_to_ip(const char *str_, ovs_be32 *ip, ovs_be32 *maskp) { char *str = xstrdup(str_); char *save_ptr = NULL; const char *name, *netmask; struct in_addr in_addr; ovs_be32 mask; int retval; name = strtok_r(str, "/", &save_ptr); retval = name ? lookup_ip(name, &in_addr) : EINVAL; if (retval) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: could not convert to IP address", str); } *ip = in_addr.s_addr; netmask = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save_ptr); if (netmask) { uint8_t o[4]; if (sscanf(netmask, "%"SCNu8".%"SCNu8".%"SCNu8".%"SCNu8, &o[0], &o[1], &o[2], &o[3]) == 4) { mask = htonl((o[0] << 24) | (o[1] << 16) | (o[2] << 8) | o[3]); } else { int prefix = atoi(netmask); if (prefix <= 0 || prefix > 32) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: network prefix bits not between 1 and 32", str); } else if (prefix == 32) { mask = htonl(UINT32_MAX); } else { mask = htonl(((1u << prefix) - 1) << (32 - prefix)); } } } else { mask = htonl(UINT32_MAX); } *ip &= mask; if (maskp) { *maskp = mask; } else { if (mask != htonl(UINT32_MAX)) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: netmask not allowed here", str_); } } free(str); } static void str_to_tun_id(const char *str, ovs_be64 *tun_idp, ovs_be64 *maskp) { uint64_t tun_id, mask; char *tail; errno = 0; tun_id = strtoull(str, &tail, 0); if (errno || (*tail != '\0' && *tail != '/')) { goto error; } if (*tail == '/') { mask = strtoull(tail + 1, &tail, 0); if (errno || *tail != '\0') { goto error; } } else { mask = UINT64_MAX; } *tun_idp = htonll(tun_id); *maskp = htonll(mask); return; error: ovs_fatal(0, "%s: bad syntax for tunnel id", str); } static void str_to_vlan_tci(const char *str, ovs_be16 *vlan_tcip, ovs_be16 *maskp) { uint16_t vlan_tci, mask; char *tail; errno = 0; vlan_tci = strtol(str, &tail, 0); if (errno || (*tail != '\0' && *tail != '/')) { goto error; } if (*tail == '/') { mask = strtol(tail + 1, &tail, 0); if (errno || *tail != '\0') { goto error; } } else { mask = UINT16_MAX; } *vlan_tcip = htons(vlan_tci); *maskp = htons(mask); return; error: ovs_fatal(0, "%s: bad syntax for vlan_tci", str); } static void str_to_ipv6(const char *str_, struct in6_addr *addrp, struct in6_addr *maskp) { char *str = xstrdup(str_); char *save_ptr = NULL; const char *name, *netmask; struct in6_addr addr, mask; int retval; name = strtok_r(str, "/", &save_ptr); retval = name ? lookup_ipv6(name, &addr) : EINVAL; if (retval) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: could not convert to IPv6 address", str); } netmask = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save_ptr); if (netmask) { int prefix = atoi(netmask); if (prefix <= 0 || prefix > 128) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: network prefix bits not between 1 and 128", str); } else { mask = ipv6_create_mask(prefix); } } else { mask = in6addr_exact; } *addrp = ipv6_addr_bitand(&addr, &mask); if (maskp) { *maskp = mask; } else { if (!ipv6_mask_is_exact(&mask)) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: netmask not allowed here", str_); } } free(str); } static void * put_action(struct ofpbuf *b, size_t size, uint16_t type) { struct ofp_action_header *ah = ofpbuf_put_zeros(b, size); ah->type = htons(type); ah->len = htons(size); return ah; } static struct ofp_action_output * put_output_action(struct ofpbuf *b, uint16_t port) { struct ofp_action_output *oao = put_action(b, sizeof *oao, OFPAT_OUTPUT); oao->port = htons(port); return oao; } static void put_enqueue_action(struct ofpbuf *b, uint16_t port, uint32_t queue) { struct ofp_action_enqueue *oae = put_action(b, sizeof *oae, OFPAT_ENQUEUE); oae->port = htons(port); oae->queue_id = htonl(queue); } static void put_dl_addr_action(struct ofpbuf *b, uint16_t type, const char *addr) { struct ofp_action_dl_addr *oada = put_action(b, sizeof *oada, type); str_to_mac(addr, oada->dl_addr); } static bool parse_port_name(const char *name, uint16_t *port) { struct pair { const char *name; uint16_t value; }; static const struct pair pairs[] = { #define DEF_PAIR(NAME) {#NAME, OFPP_##NAME} DEF_PAIR(IN_PORT), DEF_PAIR(TABLE), DEF_PAIR(NORMAL), DEF_PAIR(FLOOD), DEF_PAIR(ALL), DEF_PAIR(CONTROLLER), DEF_PAIR(LOCAL), DEF_PAIR(NONE), #undef DEF_PAIR }; static const int n_pairs = ARRAY_SIZE(pairs); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n_pairs; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(name, pairs[i].name)) { *port = pairs[i].value; return true; } } return false; } static void str_to_action(char *str, struct ofpbuf *b) { bool drop = false; int n_actions; char *pos; pos = str; n_actions = 0; for (;;) { char empty_string[] = ""; char *act, *arg; size_t actlen; uint16_t port; pos += strspn(pos, ", \t\r\n"); if (*pos == '\0') { break; } if (drop) { ovs_fatal(0, "Drop actions must not be followed by other actions"); } act = pos; actlen = strcspn(pos, ":(, \t\r\n"); if (act[actlen] == ':') { /* The argument can be separated by a colon. */ size_t arglen; arg = act + actlen + 1; arglen = strcspn(arg, ", \t\r\n"); pos = arg + arglen + (arg[arglen] != '\0'); arg[arglen] = '\0'; } else if (act[actlen] == '(') { /* The argument can be surrounded by balanced parentheses. The * outermost set of parentheses is removed. */ int level = 1; size_t arglen; arg = act + actlen + 1; for (arglen = 0; level > 0; arglen++) { switch (arg[arglen]) { case '\0': ovs_fatal(0, "unbalanced parentheses in argument to %s " "action", act); case '(': level++; break; case ')': level--; break; } } arg[arglen - 1] = '\0'; pos = arg + arglen; } else { /* There might be no argument at all. */ arg = empty_string; pos = act + actlen + (act[actlen] != '\0'); } act[actlen] = '\0'; if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_vlan_vid")) { struct ofp_action_vlan_vid *va; va = put_action(b, sizeof *va, OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID); va->vlan_vid = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_vlan_pcp")) { struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp *va; va = put_action(b, sizeof *va, OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP); va->vlan_pcp = str_to_u32(arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "strip_vlan")) { struct ofp_action_header *ah; ah = put_action(b, sizeof *ah, OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN); ah->type = htons(OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_dl_src")) { put_dl_addr_action(b, OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC, arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_dl_dst")) { put_dl_addr_action(b, OFPAT_SET_DL_DST, arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_nw_src")) { struct ofp_action_nw_addr *na; na = put_action(b, sizeof *na, OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC); str_to_ip(arg, &na->nw_addr, NULL); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_nw_dst")) { struct ofp_action_nw_addr *na; na = put_action(b, sizeof *na, OFPAT_SET_NW_DST); str_to_ip(arg, &na->nw_addr, NULL); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_tp_src")) { struct ofp_action_tp_port *ta; ta = put_action(b, sizeof *ta, OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC); ta->tp_port = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_tp_dst")) { struct ofp_action_tp_port *ta; ta = put_action(b, sizeof *ta, OFPAT_SET_TP_DST); ta->tp_port = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_nw_tos")) { struct ofp_action_nw_tos *nt; nt = put_action(b, sizeof *nt, OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS); nt->nw_tos = str_to_u32(arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "resubmit")) { struct nx_action_resubmit *nar; nar = put_action(b, sizeof *nar, OFPAT_VENDOR); nar->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); nar->subtype = htons(NXAST_RESUBMIT); nar->in_port = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "set_tunnel") || !strcasecmp(act, "set_tunnel64")) { uint64_t tun_id = str_to_u64(arg); if (!strcasecmp(act, "set_tunnel64") || tun_id > UINT32_MAX) { struct nx_action_set_tunnel64 *nast64; nast64 = put_action(b, sizeof *nast64, OFPAT_VENDOR); nast64->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); nast64->subtype = htons(NXAST_SET_TUNNEL64); nast64->tun_id = htonll(tun_id); } else { struct nx_action_set_tunnel *nast; nast = put_action(b, sizeof *nast, OFPAT_VENDOR); nast->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); nast->subtype = htons(NXAST_SET_TUNNEL); nast->tun_id = htonl(tun_id); } } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "set_queue")) { struct nx_action_set_queue *nasq; nasq = put_action(b, sizeof *nasq, OFPAT_VENDOR); nasq->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); nasq->subtype = htons(NXAST_SET_QUEUE); nasq->queue_id = htonl(str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "pop_queue")) { struct nx_action_header *nah; nah = put_action(b, sizeof *nah, OFPAT_VENDOR); nah->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); nah->subtype = htons(NXAST_POP_QUEUE); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "note")) { size_t start_ofs = b->size; struct nx_action_note *nan; int remainder; size_t len; nan = put_action(b, sizeof *nan, OFPAT_VENDOR); nan->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); nan->subtype = htons(NXAST_NOTE); b->size -= sizeof nan->note; while (*arg != '\0') { uint8_t byte; bool ok; if (*arg == '.') { arg++; } if (*arg == '\0') { break; } byte = hexits_value(arg, 2, &ok); if (!ok) { ovs_fatal(0, "bad hex digit in `note' argument"); } ofpbuf_put(b, &byte, 1); arg += 2; } len = b->size - start_ofs; remainder = len % OFP_ACTION_ALIGN; if (remainder) { ofpbuf_put_zeros(b, OFP_ACTION_ALIGN - remainder); } nan->len = htons(b->size - start_ofs); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "move")) { struct nx_action_reg_move *move; move = ofpbuf_put_uninit(b, sizeof *move); nxm_parse_reg_move(move, arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "load")) { struct nx_action_reg_load *load; load = ofpbuf_put_uninit(b, sizeof *load); nxm_parse_reg_load(load, arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "multipath")) { struct nx_action_multipath *nam; nam = ofpbuf_put_uninit(b, sizeof *nam); multipath_parse(nam, arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "autopath")) { struct nx_action_autopath *naa; naa = ofpbuf_put_uninit(b, sizeof *naa); autopath_parse(naa, arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "output")) { put_output_action(b, str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "enqueue")) { char *sp = NULL; char *port_s = strtok_r(arg, ":q", &sp); char *queue = strtok_r(NULL, "", &sp); if (port_s == NULL || queue == NULL) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"enqueue\" syntax is \"enqueue:PORT:QUEUE\""); } put_enqueue_action(b, str_to_u32(port_s), str_to_u32(queue)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "drop")) { /* A drop action in OpenFlow occurs by just not setting * an action. */ drop = true; if (n_actions) { ovs_fatal(0, "Drop actions must not be preceded by other " "actions"); } } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "CONTROLLER")) { struct ofp_action_output *oao; oao = put_output_action(b, OFPP_CONTROLLER); /* Unless a numeric argument is specified, we send the whole * packet to the controller. */ if (arg[0] && (strspn(arg, "0123456789") == strlen(arg))) { oao->max_len = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else { oao->max_len = htons(UINT16_MAX); } } else if (parse_port_name(act, &port)) { put_output_action(b, port); } else if (strspn(act, "0123456789") == strlen(act)) { put_output_action(b, str_to_u32(act)); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "Unknown action: %s", act); } n_actions++; } } struct protocol { const char *name; uint16_t dl_type; uint8_t nw_proto; }; static bool parse_protocol(const char *name, const struct protocol **p_out) { static const struct protocol protocols[] = { { "ip", ETH_TYPE_IP, 0 }, { "arp", ETH_TYPE_ARP, 0 }, { "icmp", ETH_TYPE_IP, IPPROTO_ICMP }, { "tcp", ETH_TYPE_IP, IPPROTO_TCP }, { "udp", ETH_TYPE_IP, IPPROTO_UDP }, { "ipv6", ETH_TYPE_IPV6, 0 }, { "ip6", ETH_TYPE_IPV6, 0 }, { "icmp6", ETH_TYPE_IPV6, IPPROTO_ICMPV6 }, { "tcp6", ETH_TYPE_IPV6, IPPROTO_TCP }, { "udp6", ETH_TYPE_IPV6, IPPROTO_UDP }, }; const struct protocol *p; for (p = protocols; p < &protocols[ARRAY_SIZE(protocols)]; p++) { if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) { *p_out = p; return true; } } *p_out = NULL; return false; } #define FIELDS \ FIELD(F_TUN_ID, "tun_id", 0) \ FIELD(F_IN_PORT, "in_port", FWW_IN_PORT) \ FIELD(F_DL_VLAN, "dl_vlan", 0) \ FIELD(F_DL_VLAN_PCP, "dl_vlan_pcp", 0) \ FIELD(F_VLAN_TCI, "vlan_tci", 0) \ FIELD(F_DL_SRC, "dl_src", FWW_DL_SRC) \ FIELD(F_DL_DST, "dl_dst", FWW_DL_DST | FWW_ETH_MCAST) \ FIELD(F_DL_TYPE, "dl_type", FWW_DL_TYPE) \ FIELD(F_NW_SRC, "nw_src", 0) \ FIELD(F_NW_DST, "nw_dst", 0) \ FIELD(F_NW_PROTO, "nw_proto", FWW_NW_PROTO) \ FIELD(F_NW_TOS, "nw_tos", FWW_NW_TOS) \ FIELD(F_TP_SRC, "tp_src", FWW_TP_SRC) \ FIELD(F_TP_DST, "tp_dst", FWW_TP_DST) \ FIELD(F_ICMP_TYPE, "icmp_type", FWW_TP_SRC) \ FIELD(F_ICMP_CODE, "icmp_code", FWW_TP_DST) \ FIELD(F_ARP_SHA, "arp_sha", FWW_ARP_SHA) \ FIELD(F_ARP_THA, "arp_tha", FWW_ARP_THA) \ FIELD(F_IPV6_SRC, "ipv6_src", 0) \ FIELD(F_IPV6_DST, "ipv6_dst", 0) \ FIELD(F_ND_TARGET, "nd_target", FWW_ND_TARGET) \ FIELD(F_ND_SLL, "nd_sll", FWW_ARP_SHA) \ FIELD(F_ND_TLL, "nd_tll", FWW_ARP_THA) enum field_index { #define FIELD(ENUM, NAME, WILDCARD) ENUM, FIELDS #undef FIELD N_FIELDS }; struct field { enum field_index index; const char *name; flow_wildcards_t wildcard; /* FWW_* bit. */ }; static void ofp_fatal(const char *flow, bool verbose, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", flow); } va_start(args, format); ovs_fatal_valist(0, format, args); } static bool parse_field_name(const char *name, const struct field **f_out) { static const struct field fields[N_FIELDS] = { #define FIELD(ENUM, NAME, WILDCARD) { ENUM, NAME, WILDCARD }, FIELDS #undef FIELD }; const struct field *f; for (f = fields; f < &fields[ARRAY_SIZE(fields)]; f++) { if (!strcmp(f->name, name)) { *f_out = f; return true; } } *f_out = NULL; return false; } static void parse_field_value(struct cls_rule *rule, enum field_index index, const char *value) { uint8_t mac[ETH_ADDR_LEN], mac_mask[ETH_ADDR_LEN]; ovs_be64 tun_id, tun_mask; ovs_be32 ip, mask; ovs_be16 tci, tci_mask; struct in6_addr ipv6, ipv6_mask; uint16_t port_no; switch (index) { case F_TUN_ID: str_to_tun_id(value, &tun_id, &tun_mask); cls_rule_set_tun_id_masked(rule, tun_id, tun_mask); break; case F_IN_PORT: if (!parse_port_name(value, &port_no)) { port_no = atoi(value); } cls_rule_set_in_port(rule, port_no); break; case F_DL_VLAN: cls_rule_set_dl_vlan(rule, htons(str_to_u32(value))); break; case F_DL_VLAN_PCP: cls_rule_set_dl_vlan_pcp(rule, str_to_u32(value)); break; case F_VLAN_TCI: str_to_vlan_tci(value, &tci, &tci_mask); cls_rule_set_dl_tci_masked(rule, tci, tci_mask); break; case F_DL_SRC: str_to_mac(value, mac); cls_rule_set_dl_src(rule, mac); break; case F_DL_DST: str_to_eth_dst(value, mac, mac_mask); cls_rule_set_dl_dst_masked(rule, mac, mac_mask); break; case F_DL_TYPE: cls_rule_set_dl_type(rule, htons(str_to_u32(value))); break; case F_NW_SRC: str_to_ip(value, &ip, &mask); cls_rule_set_nw_src_masked(rule, ip, mask); break; case F_NW_DST: str_to_ip(value, &ip, &mask); cls_rule_set_nw_dst_masked(rule, ip, mask); break; case F_NW_PROTO: cls_rule_set_nw_proto(rule, str_to_u32(value)); break; case F_NW_TOS: cls_rule_set_nw_tos(rule, str_to_u32(value)); break; case F_TP_SRC: cls_rule_set_tp_src(rule, htons(str_to_u32(value))); break; case F_TP_DST: cls_rule_set_tp_dst(rule, htons(str_to_u32(value))); break; case F_ICMP_TYPE: cls_rule_set_icmp_type(rule, str_to_u32(value)); break; case F_ICMP_CODE: cls_rule_set_icmp_code(rule, str_to_u32(value)); break; case F_ARP_SHA: str_to_mac(value, mac); cls_rule_set_arp_sha(rule, mac); break; case F_ARP_THA: str_to_mac(value, mac); cls_rule_set_arp_tha(rule, mac); break; case F_IPV6_SRC: str_to_ipv6(value, &ipv6, &ipv6_mask); cls_rule_set_ipv6_src_masked(rule, &ipv6, &ipv6_mask); break; case F_IPV6_DST: str_to_ipv6(value, &ipv6, &ipv6_mask); cls_rule_set_ipv6_dst_masked(rule, &ipv6, &ipv6_mask); break; case F_ND_TARGET: str_to_ipv6(value, &ipv6, NULL); cls_rule_set_nd_target(rule, ipv6); break; case F_ND_SLL: str_to_mac(value, mac); cls_rule_set_arp_sha(rule, mac); break; case F_ND_TLL: str_to_mac(value, mac); cls_rule_set_arp_tha(rule, mac); break; case N_FIELDS: NOT_REACHED(); } } static void parse_reg_value(struct cls_rule *rule, int reg_idx, const char *value) { uint32_t reg_value, reg_mask; if (!strcmp(value, "ANY") || !strcmp(value, "*")) { cls_rule_set_reg_masked(rule, reg_idx, 0, 0); } else if (sscanf(value, "%"SCNi32"/%"SCNi32, ®_value, ®_mask) == 2) { cls_rule_set_reg_masked(rule, reg_idx, reg_value, reg_mask); } else if (sscanf(value, "%"SCNi32, ®_value)) { cls_rule_set_reg(rule, reg_idx, reg_value); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "register fields must take the form " "or /"); } } /* Convert 'str_' (as described in the Flow Syntax section of the ovs-ofctl * man page) into 'fm'. If 'actions' is specified, an action must be in * 'string' and may be expanded or reallocated. */ void parse_ofp_str(struct flow_mod *fm, struct ofpbuf *actions, const char *str_, bool verbose) { char *string = xstrdup(str_); char *save_ptr = NULL; char *name; cls_rule_init_catchall(&fm->cr, OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY); fm->cookie = htonll(0); fm->table_id = 0xff; fm->command = UINT16_MAX; fm->idle_timeout = OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT; fm->hard_timeout = OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT; fm->buffer_id = UINT32_MAX; fm->out_port = OFPP_NONE; fm->flags = 0; if (actions) { char *act_str = strstr(string, "action"); if (!act_str) { ofp_fatal(str_, verbose, "must specify an action"); } *act_str = '\0'; act_str = strchr(act_str + 1, '='); if (!act_str) { ofp_fatal(str_, verbose, "must specify an action"); } act_str++; str_to_action(act_str, actions); fm->actions = actions->data; fm->n_actions = actions->size / sizeof(union ofp_action); } else { fm->actions = NULL; fm->n_actions = 0; } for (name = strtok_r(string, "=, \t\r\n", &save_ptr); name; name = strtok_r(NULL, "=, \t\r\n", &save_ptr)) { const struct protocol *p; if (parse_protocol(name, &p)) { cls_rule_set_dl_type(&fm->cr, htons(p->dl_type)); if (p->nw_proto) { cls_rule_set_nw_proto(&fm->cr, p->nw_proto); } } else { const struct field *f; char *value; value = strtok_r(NULL, ", \t\r\n", &save_ptr); if (!value) { ofp_fatal(str_, verbose, "field %s missing value", name); } if (!strcmp(name, "table")) { fm->table_id = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "out_port")) { fm->out_port = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "priority")) { fm->cr.priority = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "idle_timeout")) { fm->idle_timeout = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "hard_timeout")) { fm->hard_timeout = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "cookie")) { fm->cookie = htonll(str_to_u64(value)); } else if (parse_field_name(name, &f)) { if (!strcmp(value, "*") || !strcmp(value, "ANY")) { if (f->wildcard) { fm->cr.wc.wildcards |= f->wildcard; cls_rule_zero_wildcarded_fields(&fm->cr); } else if (f->index == F_NW_SRC) { cls_rule_set_nw_src_masked(&fm->cr, 0, 0); } else if (f->index == F_NW_DST) { cls_rule_set_nw_dst_masked(&fm->cr, 0, 0); } else if (f->index == F_IPV6_SRC) { cls_rule_set_ipv6_src_masked(&fm->cr, &in6addr_any, &in6addr_any); } else if (f->index == F_IPV6_DST) { cls_rule_set_ipv6_dst_masked(&fm->cr, &in6addr_any, &in6addr_any); } else if (f->index == F_DL_VLAN) { cls_rule_set_any_vid(&fm->cr); } else if (f->index == F_DL_VLAN_PCP) { cls_rule_set_any_pcp(&fm->cr); } else { NOT_REACHED(); } } else { parse_field_value(&fm->cr, f->index, value); } } else if (!strncmp(name, "reg", 3) && isdigit((unsigned char) name[3])) { unsigned int reg_idx = atoi(name + 3); if (reg_idx >= FLOW_N_REGS) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", str_); } ofp_fatal(str_, verbose, "only %d registers supported", FLOW_N_REGS); } parse_reg_value(&fm->cr, reg_idx, value); } else if (!strcmp(name, "duration") || !strcmp(name, "n_packets") || !strcmp(name, "n_bytes")) { /* Ignore these, so that users can feed the output of * "ovs-ofctl dump-flows" back into commands that parse * flows. */ } else { ofp_fatal(str_, verbose, "unknown keyword %s", name); } } } free(string); } /* Parses 'string' as an OFPT_FLOW_MOD or NXT_FLOW_MOD with command 'command' * (one of OFPFC_*) and appends the parsed OpenFlow message to 'packets'. * '*cur_format' should initially contain the flow format currently configured * on the connection; this function will add a message to change the flow * format and update '*cur_format', if this is necessary to add the parsed * flow. */ void parse_ofp_flow_mod_str(struct list *packets, enum nx_flow_format *cur_format, bool *flow_mod_table_id, char *string, uint16_t command, bool verbose) { bool is_del = command == OFPFC_DELETE || command == OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT; enum nx_flow_format min_format, next_format; struct cls_rule rule_copy; struct ofpbuf actions; struct ofpbuf *ofm; struct flow_mod fm; ofpbuf_init(&actions, 64); parse_ofp_str(&fm, is_del ? NULL : &actions, string, verbose); fm.command = command; min_format = ofputil_min_flow_format(&fm.cr); next_format = MAX(*cur_format, min_format); if (next_format != *cur_format) { struct ofpbuf *sff = ofputil_make_set_flow_format(next_format); list_push_back(packets, &sff->list_node); *cur_format = next_format; } /* Normalize a copy of the rule. This ensures that non-normalized flows * get logged but doesn't affect what gets sent to the switch, so that the * switch can do whatever it likes with the flow. */ rule_copy = fm.cr; ofputil_normalize_rule(&rule_copy, next_format); if (fm.table_id != 0xff && !*flow_mod_table_id) { struct ofpbuf *sff = ofputil_make_flow_mod_table_id(true); list_push_back(packets, &sff->list_node); *flow_mod_table_id = true; } ofm = ofputil_encode_flow_mod(&fm, *cur_format, *flow_mod_table_id); list_push_back(packets, &ofm->list_node); ofpbuf_uninit(&actions); } /* Similar to parse_ofp_flow_mod_str(), except that the string is read from * 'stream' and the command is always OFPFC_ADD. Returns false if end-of-file * is reached before reading a flow, otherwise true. */ bool parse_ofp_flow_mod_file(struct list *packets, enum nx_flow_format *cur, bool *flow_mod_table_id, FILE *stream, uint16_t command) { struct ds s; bool ok; ds_init(&s); ok = ds_get_preprocessed_line(&s, stream) == 0; if (ok) { parse_ofp_flow_mod_str(packets, cur, flow_mod_table_id, ds_cstr(&s), command, true); } ds_destroy(&s); return ok; } void parse_ofp_flow_stats_request_str(struct flow_stats_request *fsr, bool aggregate, char *string) { struct flow_mod fm; parse_ofp_str(&fm, NULL, string, false); fsr->aggregate = aggregate; fsr->match = fm.cr; fsr->out_port = fm.out_port; fsr->table_id = fm.table_id; }