/* Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford * Junior University * * We are making the OpenFlow specification and associated documentation * (Software) available for public use and benefit with the expectation * that others will use, modify and enhance the Software and contribute * those enhancements back to the community. However, since we would * like to make the Software available for broadest use, with as few * restrictions as possible permission is hereby granted, free of * charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this Software to deal in * the Software under the copyrights without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * The name and trademarks of copyright holder(s) may NOT be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to the Software or any * derivatives without specific, written prior permission. */ #include #include "ofp-print.h" #include "xtoxll.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "compiler.h" #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "flow.h" #include "ofpbuf.h" #include "openflow.h" #include "packets.h" #include "util.h" static void ofp_print_port_name(struct ds *string, uint16_t port); static void ofp_print_match(struct ds *, const struct ofp_match *, int verbosity); /* Returns a string that represents the contents of the Ethernet frame in the * 'len' bytes starting at 'data' to 'stream' as output by tcpdump. * 'total_len' specifies the full length of the Ethernet frame (of which 'len' * bytes were captured). * * The caller must free the returned string. * * This starts and kills a tcpdump subprocess so it's quite expensive. */ char * ofp_packet_to_string(const void *data, size_t len, size_t total_len) { struct pcap_hdr { uint32_t magic_number; /* magic number */ uint16_t version_major; /* major version number */ uint16_t version_minor; /* minor version number */ int32_t thiszone; /* GMT to local correction */ uint32_t sigfigs; /* accuracy of timestamps */ uint32_t snaplen; /* max length of captured packets */ uint32_t network; /* data link type */ } PACKED; struct pcaprec_hdr { uint32_t ts_sec; /* timestamp seconds */ uint32_t ts_usec; /* timestamp microseconds */ uint32_t incl_len; /* number of octets of packet saved in file */ uint32_t orig_len; /* actual length of packet */ } PACKED; struct pcap_hdr ph; struct pcaprec_hdr prh; struct ds ds = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; char command[128]; FILE *pcap; FILE *tcpdump; int status; int c; pcap = tmpfile(); if (!pcap) { ofp_error(errno, "tmpfile"); return xstrdup(""); } /* The pcap reader is responsible for figuring out endianness based on the * magic number, so the lack of htonX calls here is intentional. */ ph.magic_number = 0xa1b2c3d4; ph.version_major = 2; ph.version_minor = 4; ph.thiszone = 0; ph.sigfigs = 0; ph.snaplen = 1518; ph.network = 1; /* Ethernet */ prh.ts_sec = 0; prh.ts_usec = 0; prh.incl_len = len; prh.orig_len = total_len; fwrite(&ph, 1, sizeof ph, pcap); fwrite(&prh, 1, sizeof prh, pcap); fwrite(data, 1, len, pcap); fflush(pcap); if (ferror(pcap)) { ofp_error(errno, "error writing temporary file"); } rewind(pcap); snprintf(command, sizeof command, "tcpdump -n -r /dev/fd/%d 2>/dev/null", fileno(pcap)); tcpdump = popen(command, "r"); fclose(pcap); if (!tcpdump) { ofp_error(errno, "exec(\"%s\")", command); return xstrdup(""); } while ((c = getc(tcpdump)) != EOF) { ds_put_char(&ds, c); } status = pclose(tcpdump); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(status)) ofp_error(0, "tcpdump exited with status %d", WEXITSTATUS(status)); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { ofp_error(0, "tcpdump exited with signal %d", WTERMSIG(status)); } return ds_cstr(&ds); } /* Pretty-print the OFPT_PACKET_IN packet of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to 'stream' * at the given 'verbosity' level. */ static void ofp_packet_in(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_packet_in *op = oh; size_t data_len; ds_put_format(string, " total_len=%"PRIu16" in_port=", ntohs(op->total_len)); ofp_print_port_name(string, ntohs(op->in_port)); if (op->reason == OFPR_ACTION) ds_put_cstr(string, " (via action)"); else if (op->reason != OFPR_NO_MATCH) ds_put_format(string, " (***reason %"PRIu8"***)", op->reason); data_len = len - offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data); ds_put_format(string, " data_len=%zu", data_len); if (htonl(op->buffer_id) == UINT32_MAX) { ds_put_format(string, " (unbuffered)"); if (ntohs(op->total_len) != data_len) ds_put_format(string, " (***total_len != data_len***)"); } else { ds_put_format(string, " buffer=0x%08"PRIx32, ntohl(op->buffer_id)); if (ntohs(op->total_len) < data_len) ds_put_format(string, " (***total_len < data_len***)"); } ds_put_char(string, '\n'); if (verbosity > 0) { struct flow flow; struct ofpbuf packet; struct ofp_match match; packet.data = (void *) op->data; packet.size = data_len; flow_extract(&packet, ntohs(op->in_port), &flow); match.wildcards = 0; match.in_port = flow.in_port; memcpy(match.dl_src, flow.dl_src, ETH_ADDR_LEN); memcpy(match.dl_dst, flow.dl_dst, ETH_ADDR_LEN); match.dl_vlan = flow.dl_vlan; match.dl_type = flow.dl_type; match.nw_proto = flow.nw_proto; match.pad = 0; match.nw_src = flow.nw_src; match.nw_dst = flow.nw_dst; match.tp_src = flow.tp_src; match.tp_dst = flow.tp_dst; ofp_print_match(string, &match, verbosity); ds_put_char(string, '\n'); } if (verbosity > 1) { char *packet = ofp_packet_to_string(op->data, data_len, ntohs(op->total_len)); ds_put_cstr(string, packet); free(packet); } } static void ofp_print_port_name(struct ds *string, uint16_t port) { const char *name; switch (port) { case OFPP_IN_PORT: name = "IN_PORT"; break; case OFPP_TABLE: name = "TABLE"; break; case OFPP_NORMAL: name = "NORMAL"; break; case OFPP_FLOOD: name = "FLOOD"; break; case OFPP_ALL: name = "ALL"; break; case OFPP_CONTROLLER: name = "CONTROLLER"; break; case OFPP_LOCAL: name = "LOCAL"; break; case OFPP_NONE: name = "NONE"; break; default: ds_put_format(string, "%"PRIu16, port); return; } ds_put_cstr(string, name); } static void ofp_print_action(struct ds *string, const struct ofp_action *a) { switch (ntohs(a->type)) { case OFPAT_OUTPUT: { uint16_t port = ntohs(a->arg.output.port); if (port < OFPP_MAX) { ds_put_format(string, "output:%"PRIu16, port); } else { ofp_print_port_name(string, port); if (port == OFPP_CONTROLLER) { if (a->arg.output.max_len) { ds_put_format(string, ":%"PRIu16, ntohs(a->arg.output.max_len)); } else { ds_put_cstr(string, ":all"); } } } } break; case OFPAT_SET_DL_VLAN: ds_put_cstr(string, "mod_vlan:"); if (ntohs(a->arg.vlan_id) == OFP_VLAN_NONE) { ds_put_cstr(string, "strip"); } else { ds_put_format(string, "%"PRIu16, ntohs(a->arg.vlan_id)); } break; case OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC: ds_put_format(string, "mod_dl_src:"ETH_ADDR_FMT, ETH_ADDR_ARGS(a->arg.dl_addr)); break; case OFPAT_SET_DL_DST: ds_put_format(string, "mod_dl_dst:"ETH_ADDR_FMT, ETH_ADDR_ARGS(a->arg.dl_addr)); break; case OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC: ds_put_format(string, "mod_nw_src:"IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&a->arg.nw_addr)); break; case OFPAT_SET_NW_DST: ds_put_format(string, "mod_nw_dst:"IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&a->arg.nw_addr)); break; case OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC: ds_put_format(string, "mod_tp_src:%d", ntohs(a->arg.tp)); break; case OFPAT_SET_TP_DST: ds_put_format(string, "mod_tp_dst:%d", ntohs(a->arg.tp)); break; default: ds_put_format(string, "(decoder %"PRIu16" not implemented)", ntohs(a->type)); break; } } static void ofp_print_actions(struct ds *string, const struct ofp_action actions[], size_t n_bytes) { size_t i; int n_actions = n_bytes / sizeof *actions; ds_put_format(string, "action%s=", n_actions == 1 ? "" : "s"); for (i = 0; i < n_actions; i++) { if (i) { ds_put_cstr(string, ","); } ofp_print_action(string, &actions[i]); } if (n_bytes % sizeof *actions) { if (i) { ds_put_cstr(string, ","); } ds_put_cstr(string, ", ***trailing garbage***"); } } /* Pretty-print the OFPT_PACKET_OUT packet of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to 'string' * at the given 'verbosity' level. */ static void ofp_packet_out(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_packet_out *opo = oh; int n_actions = ntohs(opo->n_actions); int act_len = n_actions * sizeof opo->actions[0]; ds_put_cstr(string, " in_port="); ofp_print_port_name(string, ntohs(opo->in_port)); ds_put_format(string, " n_actions=%d ", n_actions); if (act_len > (ntohs(opo->header.length) - sizeof *opo)) { ds_put_format(string, "***packet too short for number of actions***\n"); return; } ofp_print_actions(string, opo->actions, act_len); if (ntohl(opo->buffer_id) == UINT32_MAX) { int data_len = len - sizeof *opo - act_len; ds_put_format(string, " data_len=%d", data_len); if (verbosity > 0 && len > sizeof *opo) { char *packet = ofp_packet_to_string(&opo->actions[n_actions], data_len, data_len); ds_put_char(string, '\n'); ds_put_cstr(string, packet); free(packet); } } else { ds_put_format(string, " buffer=0x%08"PRIx32, ntohl(opo->buffer_id)); } ds_put_char(string, '\n'); } /* qsort comparison function. */ static int compare_ports(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const struct ofp_phy_port *a = a_; const struct ofp_phy_port *b = b_; uint16_t ap = ntohs(a->port_no); uint16_t bp = ntohs(b->port_no); return ap < bp ? -1 : ap > bp; } static void ofp_print_port_features(struct ds *string, uint32_t features) { if (features == 0) { ds_put_cstr(string, "Unsupported\n"); return; } if (features & OFPPF_10MB_HD) { ds_put_cstr(string, "10MB-HD "); } if (features & OFPPF_10MB_FD) { ds_put_cstr(string, "10MB-FD "); } if (features & OFPPF_100MB_HD) { ds_put_cstr(string, "100MB-HD "); } if (features & OFPPF_100MB_FD) { ds_put_cstr(string, "100MB-FD "); } if (features & OFPPF_1GB_HD) { ds_put_cstr(string, "1GB-HD "); } if (features & OFPPF_1GB_FD) { ds_put_cstr(string, "1GB-FD "); } if (features & OFPPF_10GB_FD) { ds_put_cstr(string, "10GB-FD "); } if (features & OFPPF_COPPER) { ds_put_cstr(string, "COPPER "); } if (features & OFPPF_FIBER) { ds_put_cstr(string, "FIBER "); } if (features & OFPPF_AUTONEG) { ds_put_cstr(string, "AUTO_NEG "); } if (features & OFPPF_PAUSE) { ds_put_cstr(string, "AUTO_PAUSE "); } if (features & OFPPF_PAUSE_ASYM) { ds_put_cstr(string, "AUTO_PAUSE_ASYM "); } ds_put_char(string, '\n'); } static void ofp_print_phy_port(struct ds *string, const struct ofp_phy_port *port) { uint8_t name[OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN]; int j; memcpy(name, port->name, sizeof name); for (j = 0; j < sizeof name - 1; j++) { if (!isprint(name[j])) { break; } } name[j] = '\0'; ds_put_char(string, ' '); ofp_print_port_name(string, ntohs(port->port_no)); ds_put_format(string, "(%s): addr:"ETH_ADDR_FMT", config: %#x, state:%#x\n", name, ETH_ADDR_ARGS(port->hw_addr), ntohl(port->config), ntohl(port->state)); if (port->curr) { ds_put_format(string, " current: "); ofp_print_port_features(string, ntohl(port->curr)); } if (port->advertised) { ds_put_format(string, " advertised: "); ofp_print_port_features(string, ntohl(port->advertised)); } if (port->supported) { ds_put_format(string, " supported: "); ofp_print_port_features(string, ntohl(port->supported)); } if (port->peer) { ds_put_format(string, " peer: "); ofp_print_port_features(string, ntohl(port->peer)); } } /* Pretty-print the struct ofp_switch_features of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to * 'string' at the given 'verbosity' level. */ static void ofp_print_switch_features(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_switch_features *osf = oh; struct ofp_phy_port port_list[OFPP_MAX]; int n_ports; int i; ds_put_format(string, "dp id:%"PRIx64"\n", ntohll(osf->datapath_id)); ds_put_format(string, "n_tables:%d, n_buffers:%d\n", osf->n_tables, ntohl(osf->n_buffers)); ds_put_format(string, "features: capabilities:%#x, actions:%#x\n", ntohl(osf->capabilities), ntohl(osf->actions)); if (ntohs(osf->header.length) >= sizeof *osf) { len = MIN(len, ntohs(osf->header.length)); } n_ports = (len - sizeof *osf) / sizeof *osf->ports; memcpy(port_list, osf->ports, (len - sizeof *osf)); qsort(port_list, n_ports, sizeof port_list[0], compare_ports); for (i = 0; i < n_ports; i++) { ofp_print_phy_port(string, &port_list[i]); } } /* Pretty-print the struct ofp_switch_config of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to 'string' * at the given 'verbosity' level. */ static void ofp_print_switch_config(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_switch_config *osc = oh; uint16_t flags; flags = ntohs(osc->flags); if (flags & OFPC_SEND_FLOW_EXP) { flags &= ~OFPC_SEND_FLOW_EXP; ds_put_format(string, " (sending flow expirations)"); } if (flags) { ds_put_format(string, " ***unknown flags 0x%04"PRIx16"***", flags); } ds_put_format(string, " miss_send_len=%"PRIu16"\n", ntohs(osc->miss_send_len)); } static void print_wild(struct ds *string, const char *leader, int is_wild, int verbosity, const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 5, 6))); static void print_wild(struct ds *string, const char *leader, int is_wild, int verbosity, const char *format, ...) { if (is_wild && verbosity < 2) { return; } ds_put_cstr(string, leader); if (!is_wild) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); ds_put_format_valist(string, format, args); va_end(args); } else { ds_put_char(string, '*'); } ds_put_char(string, ','); } static void print_ip_netmask(struct ds *string, const char *leader, uint32_t ip, uint32_t wild_bits, int verbosity) { if (wild_bits >= 32 && verbosity < 2) { return; } ds_put_cstr(string, leader); if (wild_bits < 32) { ds_put_format(string, IP_FMT, IP_ARGS(&ip)); if (wild_bits) { ds_put_format(string, "/%d", 32 - wild_bits); } } else { ds_put_char(string, '*'); } ds_put_char(string, ','); } /* Pretty-print the ofp_match structure */ static void ofp_print_match(struct ds *f, const struct ofp_match *om, int verbosity) { uint32_t w = ntohl(om->wildcards); bool skip_type = false; bool skip_proto = false; if (!(w & OFPFW_DL_TYPE)) { skip_type = true; if (om->dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_IP)) { if (!(w & OFPFW_NW_PROTO)) { skip_proto = true; if (om->nw_proto == IP_TYPE_ICMP) { ds_put_cstr(f, "icmp,"); } else if (om->nw_proto == IP_TYPE_TCP) { ds_put_cstr(f, "tcp,"); } else if (om->nw_proto == IP_TYPE_UDP) { ds_put_cstr(f, "udp,"); } else { ds_put_cstr(f, "ip,"); skip_proto = false; } } else { ds_put_cstr(f, "ip,"); } } else if (om->dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_ARP)) { ds_put_cstr(f, "arp,"); } else { skip_type = false; } } print_wild(f, "in_port=", w & OFPFW_IN_PORT, verbosity, "%d", ntohs(om->in_port)); print_wild(f, "dl_vlan=", w & OFPFW_DL_VLAN, verbosity, "0x%04x", ntohs(om->dl_vlan)); print_wild(f, "dl_src=", w & OFPFW_DL_SRC, verbosity, ETH_ADDR_FMT, ETH_ADDR_ARGS(om->dl_src)); print_wild(f, "dl_dst=", w & OFPFW_DL_DST, verbosity, ETH_ADDR_FMT, ETH_ADDR_ARGS(om->dl_dst)); if (!skip_type) { print_wild(f, "dl_type=", w & OFPFW_DL_TYPE, verbosity, "0x%04x", ntohs(om->dl_type)); } print_ip_netmask(f, "nw_src=", om->nw_src, (w & OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) >> OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT, verbosity); print_ip_netmask(f, "nw_dst=", om->nw_dst, (w & OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) >> OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT, verbosity); if (!skip_proto) { print_wild(f, "nw_proto=", w & OFPFW_NW_PROTO, verbosity, "%u", om->nw_proto); } print_wild(f, "tp_src=", w & OFPFW_TP_SRC, verbosity, "%d", ntohs(om->tp_src)); print_wild(f, "tp_dst=", w & OFPFW_TP_DST, verbosity, "%d", ntohs(om->tp_dst)); } /* Pretty-print the OFPT_FLOW_MOD packet of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to 'string' * at the given 'verbosity' level. */ static void ofp_print_flow_mod(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm = oh; ofp_print_match(string, &ofm->match, verbosity); switch (ntohs(ofm->command)) { case OFPFC_ADD: ds_put_cstr(string, " ADD: "); break; case OFPFC_MODIFY: ds_put_cstr(string, " MOD: "); break; case OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT: ds_put_cstr(string, " MOD_STRICT: "); break; case OFPFC_DELETE: ds_put_cstr(string, " DEL: "); break; case OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT: ds_put_cstr(string, " DEL_STRICT: "); break; default: ds_put_format(string, " cmd:%d ", ntohs(ofm->command)); } ds_put_format(string, "idle:%d hard:%d pri:%d buf:%#x", ntohs(ofm->idle_timeout), ntohs(ofm->hard_timeout), ofm->match.wildcards ? ntohs(ofm->priority) : (uint16_t)-1, ntohl(ofm->buffer_id)); ofp_print_actions(string, ofm->actions, len - offsetof(struct ofp_flow_mod, actions)); ds_put_char(string, '\n'); } /* Pretty-print the OFPT_FLOW_EXPIRED packet of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to 'string' * at the given 'verbosity' level. */ static void ofp_print_flow_expired(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_flow_expired *ofe = oh; ofp_print_match(string, &ofe->match, verbosity); ds_put_cstr(string, " reason="); switch (ofe->reason) { case OFPER_IDLE_TIMEOUT: ds_put_cstr(string, "idle"); break; case OFPER_HARD_TIMEOUT: ds_put_cstr(string, "hard"); break; default: ds_put_format(string, "**%"PRIu8"**", ofe->reason); break; } ds_put_format(string, " pri%"PRIu16" secs%"PRIu32" pkts%"PRIu64" bytes%"PRIu64"\n", ofe->match.wildcards ? ntohs(ofe->priority) : (uint16_t)-1, ntohl(ofe->duration), ntohll(ofe->packet_count), ntohll(ofe->byte_count)); } struct error_type { int type; int code; const char *name; }; static const struct error_type error_types[] = { #define ERROR_TYPE(TYPE) {TYPE, -1, #TYPE} #define ERROR_CODE(TYPE, CODE) {TYPE, CODE, #CODE} ERROR_TYPE(OFPET_HELLO_FAILED), ERROR_CODE(OFPET_HELLO_FAILED, OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE), ERROR_TYPE(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST), ERROR_CODE(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_VERSION), ERROR_CODE(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE), ERROR_CODE(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_STAT), ERROR_CODE(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_VERSION), }; #define N_ERROR_TYPES ARRAY_SIZE(error_types) static const char * lookup_error_type(int type) { const struct error_type *t; for (t = error_types; t < &error_types[N_ERROR_TYPES]; t++) { if (t->type == type && t->code == -1) { return t->name; } } return "?"; } static const char * lookup_error_code(int type, int code) { const struct error_type *t; for (t = error_types; t < &error_types[N_ERROR_TYPES]; t++) { if (t->type == type && t->code == code) { return t->name; } } return "?"; } /* Pretty-print the OFPT_ERROR packet of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to 'string' * at the given 'verbosity' level. */ static void ofp_print_error_msg(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_error_msg *oem = oh; int type = ntohs(oem->type); int code = ntohs(oem->code); char *s; ds_put_format(string, " type%d(%s) code%d(%s) payload:\n", type, lookup_error_type(type), code, lookup_error_code(type, code)); switch (type) { case OFPET_HELLO_FAILED: ds_put_printable(string, (char *) oem->data, len - sizeof *oem); break; case OFPET_BAD_REQUEST: s = ofp_to_string(oem->data, len - sizeof *oem, 1); ds_put_cstr(string, s); free(s); break; default: ds_put_hex_dump(string, oem->data, len - sizeof *oem, 0, true); break; } } /* Pretty-print the OFPT_PORT_STATUS packet of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to 'string' * at the given 'verbosity' level. */ static void ofp_print_port_status(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_port_status *ops = oh; if (ops->reason == OFPPR_ADD) { ds_put_format(string, " ADD:"); } else if (ops->reason == OFPPR_DELETE) { ds_put_format(string, " DEL:"); } else if (ops->reason == OFPPR_MODIFY) { ds_put_format(string, " MOD:"); } ofp_print_phy_port(string, &ops->desc); } static void ofp_desc_stats_reply(struct ds *string, const void *body, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_desc_stats *ods = body; ds_put_format(string, "Manufacturer: %s\n", ods->mfr_desc); ds_put_format(string, "Hardware: %s\n", ods->hw_desc); ds_put_format(string, "Software: %s\n", ods->sw_desc); ds_put_format(string, "Serial Num: %s\n", ods->serial_num); } static void ofp_flow_stats_request(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_flow_stats_request *fsr = oh; if (fsr->table_id == 0xff) { ds_put_format(string, " table_id=any, "); } else { ds_put_format(string, " table_id=%"PRIu8", ", fsr->table_id); } ofp_print_match(string, &fsr->match, verbosity); } static void ofp_flow_stats_reply(struct ds *string, const void *body_, size_t len, int verbosity) { const char *body = body_; const char *pos = body; for (;;) { const struct ofp_flow_stats *fs; ptrdiff_t bytes_left = body + len - pos; size_t length; if (bytes_left < sizeof *fs) { if (bytes_left != 0) { ds_put_format(string, " ***%td leftover bytes at end***", bytes_left); } break; } fs = (const void *) pos; length = ntohs(fs->length); if (length < sizeof *fs) { ds_put_format(string, " ***length=%zu shorter than minimum %zu***", length, sizeof *fs); break; } else if (length > bytes_left) { ds_put_format(string, " ***length=%zu but only %td bytes left***", length, bytes_left); break; } else if ((length - sizeof *fs) % sizeof fs->actions[0]) { ds_put_format(string, " ***length=%zu has %zu bytes leftover in " "final action***", length, (length - sizeof *fs) % sizeof fs->actions[0]); break; } ds_put_format(string, " duration=%"PRIu32"s, ", ntohl(fs->duration)); ds_put_format(string, "table_id=%"PRIu8", ", fs->table_id); ds_put_format(string, "priority=%"PRIu16", ", fs->match.wildcards ? ntohs(fs->priority) : (uint16_t)-1); ds_put_format(string, "n_packets=%"PRIu64", ", ntohll(fs->packet_count)); ds_put_format(string, "n_bytes=%"PRIu64", ", ntohll(fs->byte_count)); ds_put_format(string, "idle_timeout=%"PRIu16",", ntohs(fs->idle_timeout)); ds_put_format(string, "hard_timeout=%"PRIu16",", ntohs(fs->hard_timeout)); ofp_print_match(string, &fs->match, verbosity); ofp_print_actions(string, fs->actions, length - sizeof *fs); ds_put_char(string, '\n'); pos += length; } } static void ofp_aggregate_stats_request(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request *asr = oh; if (asr->table_id == 0xff) { ds_put_format(string, " table_id=any, "); } else { ds_put_format(string, " table_id=%"PRIu8", ", asr->table_id); } ofp_print_match(string, &asr->match, verbosity); } static void ofp_aggregate_stats_reply(struct ds *string, const void *body_, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply *asr = body_; ds_put_format(string, " packet_count=%"PRIu64, ntohll(asr->packet_count)); ds_put_format(string, " byte_count=%"PRIu64, ntohll(asr->byte_count)); ds_put_format(string, " flow_count=%"PRIu32, ntohl(asr->flow_count)); } static void print_port_stat(struct ds *string, const char *leader, uint64_t stat, int more) { ds_put_cstr(string, leader); if (stat != -1) { ds_put_format(string, "%"PRIu64, stat); } else { ds_put_char(string, '?'); } if (more) { ds_put_cstr(string, ", "); } else { ds_put_cstr(string, "\n"); } } static void ofp_port_stats_reply(struct ds *string, const void *body, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_port_stats *ps = body; size_t n = len / sizeof *ps; ds_put_format(string, " %zu ports\n", n); if (verbosity < 1) { return; } for (; n--; ps++) { ds_put_format(string, " port %2"PRIu16": ", ntohs(ps->port_no)); ds_put_cstr(string, "rx "); print_port_stat(string, "pkts=", ntohll(ps->rx_packets), 1); print_port_stat(string, "bytes=", ntohll(ps->rx_bytes), 1); print_port_stat(string, "drop=", ntohll(ps->rx_dropped), 1); print_port_stat(string, "errs=", ntohll(ps->rx_errors), 1); print_port_stat(string, "frame=", ntohll(ps->rx_frame_err), 1); print_port_stat(string, "over=", ntohll(ps->rx_over_err), 1); print_port_stat(string, "crc=", ntohll(ps->rx_crc_err), 0); ds_put_cstr(string, " tx "); print_port_stat(string, "pkts=", ntohll(ps->tx_packets), 1); print_port_stat(string, "bytes=", ntohll(ps->tx_bytes), 1); print_port_stat(string, "drop=", ntohll(ps->tx_dropped), 1); print_port_stat(string, "errs=", ntohll(ps->tx_errors), 1); print_port_stat(string, "coll=", ntohll(ps->collisions), 0); } } static void ofp_table_stats_reply(struct ds *string, const void *body, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_table_stats *ts = body; size_t n = len / sizeof *ts; ds_put_format(string, " %zu tables\n", n); if (verbosity < 1) { return; } for (; n--; ts++) { char name[OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN + 1]; strncpy(name, ts->name, sizeof name); name[OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; ds_put_format(string, " %d: %-8s: ", ts->table_id, name); ds_put_format(string, "wild=0x%05"PRIx32", ", ntohl(ts->wildcards)); ds_put_format(string, "max=%6"PRIu32", ", ntohl(ts->max_entries)); ds_put_format(string, "active=%"PRIu32"\n", ntohl(ts->active_count)); ds_put_cstr(string, " "); ds_put_format(string, "lookup=%"PRIu64", ", ntohll(ts->lookup_count)); ds_put_format(string, "matched=%"PRIu64"\n", ntohll(ts->matched_count)); } } static void vendor_stat(struct ds *string, const void *body, size_t len, int verbosity UNUSED) { ds_put_format(string, " vendor=%08"PRIx32, ntohl(*(uint32_t *) body)); ds_put_format(string, " %zu bytes additional data", len - sizeof(uint32_t)); } enum stats_direction { REQUEST, REPLY }; static void print_stats(struct ds *string, int type, const void *body, size_t body_len, int verbosity, enum stats_direction direction) { struct stats_msg { size_t min_body, max_body; void (*printer)(struct ds *, const void *, size_t len, int verbosity); }; struct stats_type { int type; const char *name; struct stats_msg request; struct stats_msg reply; }; static const struct stats_type stats_types[] = { { OFPST_DESC, "description", { 0, 0, NULL }, { 0, SIZE_MAX, ofp_desc_stats_reply }, }, { OFPST_FLOW, "flow", { sizeof(struct ofp_flow_stats_request), sizeof(struct ofp_flow_stats_request), ofp_flow_stats_request }, { 0, SIZE_MAX, ofp_flow_stats_reply }, }, { OFPST_AGGREGATE, "aggregate", { sizeof(struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request), sizeof(struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request), ofp_aggregate_stats_request }, { sizeof(struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply), sizeof(struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply), ofp_aggregate_stats_reply }, }, { OFPST_TABLE, "table", { 0, 0, NULL }, { 0, SIZE_MAX, ofp_table_stats_reply }, }, { OFPST_PORT, "port", { 0, 0, NULL, }, { 0, SIZE_MAX, ofp_port_stats_reply }, }, { OFPST_VENDOR, "vendor-specific", { sizeof(uint32_t), SIZE_MAX, vendor_stat }, { sizeof(uint32_t), SIZE_MAX, vendor_stat }, }, { -1, "unknown", { 0, 0, NULL, }, { 0, 0, NULL, }, }, }; const struct stats_type *s; const struct stats_msg *m; if (type >= ARRAY_SIZE(stats_types) || !stats_types[type].name) { ds_put_format(string, " ***unknown type %d***", type); return; } for (s = stats_types; s->type >= 0; s++) { if (s->type == type) { break; } } ds_put_format(string, " type=%d(%s)\n", type, s->name); m = direction == REQUEST ? &s->request : &s->reply; if (body_len < m->min_body || body_len > m->max_body) { ds_put_format(string, " ***body_len=%zu not in %zu...%zu***", body_len, m->min_body, m->max_body); return; } if (m->printer) { m->printer(string, body, body_len, verbosity); } } static void ofp_stats_request(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_stats_request *srq = oh; if (srq->flags) { ds_put_format(string, " ***unknown flags 0x%04"PRIx16"***", ntohs(srq->flags)); } print_stats(string, ntohs(srq->type), srq->body, len - offsetof(struct ofp_stats_request, body), verbosity, REQUEST); } static void ofp_stats_reply(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_stats_reply *srp = oh; ds_put_cstr(string, " flags="); if (!srp->flags) { ds_put_cstr(string, "none"); } else { uint16_t flags = ntohs(srp->flags); if (flags & OFPSF_REPLY_MORE) { ds_put_cstr(string, "[more]"); flags &= ~OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; } if (flags) { ds_put_format(string, "[***unknown flags 0x%04"PRIx16"***]", flags); } } print_stats(string, ntohs(srp->type), srp->body, len - offsetof(struct ofp_stats_reply, body), verbosity, REPLY); } static void ofp_echo(struct ds *string, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { const struct ofp_header *hdr = oh; ds_put_format(string, " %zu bytes of payload\n", len - sizeof *hdr); if (verbosity > 1) { ds_put_hex_dump(string, hdr, len - sizeof *hdr, 0, true); } } struct openflow_packet { uint8_t type; const char *name; size_t min_size; void (*printer)(struct ds *, const void *, size_t len, int verbosity); }; static const struct openflow_packet packets[] = { { OFPT_HELLO, "hello", sizeof (struct ofp_header), NULL, }, { OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST, "features_request", sizeof (struct ofp_header), NULL, }, { OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY, "features_reply", sizeof (struct ofp_switch_features), ofp_print_switch_features, }, { OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST, "get_config_request", sizeof (struct ofp_header), NULL, }, { OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY, "get_config_reply", sizeof (struct ofp_switch_config), ofp_print_switch_config, }, { OFPT_SET_CONFIG, "set_config", sizeof (struct ofp_switch_config), ofp_print_switch_config, }, { OFPT_PACKET_IN, "packet_in", offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data), ofp_packet_in, }, { OFPT_PACKET_OUT, "packet_out", sizeof (struct ofp_packet_out), ofp_packet_out, }, { OFPT_FLOW_MOD, "flow_mod", sizeof (struct ofp_flow_mod), ofp_print_flow_mod, }, { OFPT_FLOW_EXPIRED, "flow_expired", sizeof (struct ofp_flow_expired), ofp_print_flow_expired, }, { OFPT_PORT_MOD, "port_mod", sizeof (struct ofp_port_mod), NULL, }, { OFPT_PORT_STATUS, "port_status", sizeof (struct ofp_port_status), ofp_print_port_status }, { OFPT_ERROR, "error_msg", sizeof (struct ofp_error_msg), ofp_print_error_msg, }, { OFPT_STATS_REQUEST, "stats_request", sizeof (struct ofp_stats_request), ofp_stats_request, }, { OFPT_STATS_REPLY, "stats_reply", sizeof (struct ofp_stats_reply), ofp_stats_reply, }, { OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, "echo_request", sizeof (struct ofp_header), ofp_echo, }, { OFPT_ECHO_REPLY, "echo_reply", sizeof (struct ofp_header), ofp_echo, }, }; /* Composes and returns a string representing the OpenFlow packet of 'len' * bytes at 'oh' at the given 'verbosity' level. 0 is a minimal amount of * verbosity and higher numbers increase verbosity. The caller is responsible * for freeing the string. */ char * ofp_to_string(const void *oh_, size_t len, int verbosity) { struct ds string = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; const struct ofp_header *oh = oh_; const struct openflow_packet *pkt; if (len < sizeof(struct ofp_header)) { ds_put_cstr(&string, "OpenFlow packet too short:\n"); ds_put_hex_dump(&string, oh, len, 0, true); return ds_cstr(&string); } else if (oh->version != OFP_VERSION) { ds_put_format(&string, "Bad OpenFlow version %"PRIu8":\n", oh->version); ds_put_hex_dump(&string, oh, len, 0, true); return ds_cstr(&string); } for (pkt = packets; ; pkt++) { if (pkt >= &packets[ARRAY_SIZE(packets)]) { ds_put_format(&string, "Unknown OpenFlow packet type %"PRIu8":\n", oh->type); ds_put_hex_dump(&string, oh, len, 0, true); return ds_cstr(&string); } else if (oh->type == pkt->type) { break; } } ds_put_format(&string, "%s (xid=0x%"PRIx32"):", pkt->name, oh->xid); if (ntohs(oh->length) > len) ds_put_format(&string, " (***truncated to %zu bytes from %"PRIu16"***)", len, ntohs(oh->length)); else if (ntohs(oh->length) < len) { ds_put_format(&string, " (***only uses %"PRIu16" bytes out of %zu***)\n", ntohs(oh->length), len); len = ntohs(oh->length); } if (len < pkt->min_size) { ds_put_format(&string, " (***length=%zu < min_size=%zu***)\n", len, pkt->min_size); } else if (!pkt->printer) { if (len > sizeof *oh) { ds_put_format(&string, " length=%"PRIu16" (decoder not implemented)\n", ntohs(oh->length)); } } else { pkt->printer(&string, oh, len, verbosity); } if (verbosity >= 3) { ds_put_hex_dump(&string, oh, len, 0, true); } if (string.string[string.length - 1] != '\n') { ds_put_char(&string, '\n'); } return ds_cstr(&string); } static void print_and_free(FILE *stream, char *string) { fputs(string, stream); free(string); } /* Pretty-print the OpenFlow packet of 'len' bytes at 'oh' to 'stream' at the * given 'verbosity' level. 0 is a minimal amount of verbosity and higher * numbers increase verbosity. */ void ofp_print(FILE *stream, const void *oh, size_t len, int verbosity) { print_and_free(stream, ofp_to_string(oh, len, verbosity)); } /* Dumps the contents of the Ethernet frame in the 'len' bytes starting at * 'data' to 'stream' using tcpdump. 'total_len' specifies the full length of * the Ethernet frame (of which 'len' bytes were captured). * * This starts and kills a tcpdump subprocess so it's quite expensive. */ void ofp_print_packet(FILE *stream, const void *data, size_t len, size_t total_len) { print_and_free(stream, ofp_packet_to_string(data, len, total_len)); }