/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010 Nicira Networks. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "ofp-print.h" #include #include #include "byte-order.h" #include "ofp-util.h" #include "ofpbuf.h" #include "packets.h" #include "random.h" #include "vlog.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(ofp_util) /* Rate limit for OpenFlow message parse errors. These always indicate a bug * in the peer and so there's not much point in showing a lot of them. */ static struct vlog_rate_limit bad_ofmsg_rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(1, 5); /* XXX we should really use consecutive xids to avoid probabilistic * failures. */ static inline uint32_t alloc_xid(void) { return random_uint32(); } /* Allocates and stores in '*bufferp' a new ofpbuf with a size of * 'openflow_len', starting with an OpenFlow header with the given 'type' and * an arbitrary transaction id. Allocated bytes beyond the header, if any, are * zeroed. * * The caller is responsible for freeing '*bufferp' when it is no longer * needed. * * The OpenFlow header length is initially set to 'openflow_len'; if the * message is later extended, the length should be updated with * update_openflow_length() before sending. * * Returns the header. */ void * make_openflow(size_t openflow_len, uint8_t type, struct ofpbuf **bufferp) { *bufferp = ofpbuf_new(openflow_len); return put_openflow_xid(openflow_len, type, alloc_xid(), *bufferp); } /* Allocates and stores in '*bufferp' a new ofpbuf with a size of * 'openflow_len', starting with an OpenFlow header with the given 'type' and * transaction id 'xid'. Allocated bytes beyond the header, if any, are * zeroed. * * The caller is responsible for freeing '*bufferp' when it is no longer * needed. * * The OpenFlow header length is initially set to 'openflow_len'; if the * message is later extended, the length should be updated with * update_openflow_length() before sending. * * Returns the header. */ void * make_openflow_xid(size_t openflow_len, uint8_t type, uint32_t xid, struct ofpbuf **bufferp) { *bufferp = ofpbuf_new(openflow_len); return put_openflow_xid(openflow_len, type, xid, *bufferp); } /* Appends 'openflow_len' bytes to 'buffer', starting with an OpenFlow header * with the given 'type' and an arbitrary transaction id. Allocated bytes * beyond the header, if any, are zeroed. * * The OpenFlow header length is initially set to 'openflow_len'; if the * message is later extended, the length should be updated with * update_openflow_length() before sending. * * Returns the header. */ void * put_openflow(size_t openflow_len, uint8_t type, struct ofpbuf *buffer) { return put_openflow_xid(openflow_len, type, alloc_xid(), buffer); } /* Appends 'openflow_len' bytes to 'buffer', starting with an OpenFlow header * with the given 'type' and an transaction id 'xid'. Allocated bytes beyond * the header, if any, are zeroed. * * The OpenFlow header length is initially set to 'openflow_len'; if the * message is later extended, the length should be updated with * update_openflow_length() before sending. * * Returns the header. */ void * put_openflow_xid(size_t openflow_len, uint8_t type, uint32_t xid, struct ofpbuf *buffer) { struct ofp_header *oh; assert(openflow_len >= sizeof *oh); assert(openflow_len <= UINT16_MAX); oh = ofpbuf_put_uninit(buffer, openflow_len); oh->version = OFP_VERSION; oh->type = type; oh->length = htons(openflow_len); oh->xid = xid; memset(oh + 1, 0, openflow_len - sizeof *oh); return oh; } /* Updates the 'length' field of the OpenFlow message in 'buffer' to * 'buffer->size'. */ void update_openflow_length(struct ofpbuf *buffer) { struct ofp_header *oh = ofpbuf_at_assert(buffer, 0, sizeof *oh); oh->length = htons(buffer->size); } struct ofpbuf * make_flow_mod(uint16_t command, const struct flow *flow, size_t actions_len) { struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm; size_t size = sizeof *ofm + actions_len; struct ofpbuf *out = ofpbuf_new(size); ofm = ofpbuf_put_zeros(out, sizeof *ofm); ofm->header.version = OFP_VERSION; ofm->header.type = OFPT_FLOW_MOD; ofm->header.length = htons(size); ofm->cookie = 0; ofm->match.wildcards = htonl(0); ofm->match.in_port = htons(flow->in_port == ODPP_LOCAL ? OFPP_LOCAL : flow->in_port); memcpy(ofm->match.dl_src, flow->dl_src, sizeof ofm->match.dl_src); memcpy(ofm->match.dl_dst, flow->dl_dst, sizeof ofm->match.dl_dst); ofm->match.dl_vlan = flow->dl_vlan; ofm->match.dl_vlan_pcp = flow->dl_vlan_pcp; ofm->match.dl_type = flow->dl_type; ofm->match.nw_src = flow->nw_src; ofm->match.nw_dst = flow->nw_dst; ofm->match.nw_proto = flow->nw_proto; ofm->match.nw_tos = flow->nw_tos; ofm->match.tp_src = flow->tp_src; ofm->match.tp_dst = flow->tp_dst; ofm->command = htons(command); return out; } struct ofpbuf * make_add_flow(const struct flow *flow, uint32_t buffer_id, uint16_t idle_timeout, size_t actions_len) { struct ofpbuf *out = make_flow_mod(OFPFC_ADD, flow, actions_len); struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm = out->data; ofm->idle_timeout = htons(idle_timeout); ofm->hard_timeout = htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT); ofm->buffer_id = htonl(buffer_id); return out; } struct ofpbuf * make_del_flow(const struct flow *flow) { struct ofpbuf *out = make_flow_mod(OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT, flow, 0); struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm = out->data; ofm->out_port = htons(OFPP_NONE); return out; } struct ofpbuf * make_add_simple_flow(const struct flow *flow, uint32_t buffer_id, uint16_t out_port, uint16_t idle_timeout) { if (out_port != OFPP_NONE) { struct ofp_action_output *oao; struct ofpbuf *buffer; buffer = make_add_flow(flow, buffer_id, idle_timeout, sizeof *oao); oao = ofpbuf_put_zeros(buffer, sizeof *oao); oao->type = htons(OFPAT_OUTPUT); oao->len = htons(sizeof *oao); oao->port = htons(out_port); return buffer; } else { return make_add_flow(flow, buffer_id, idle_timeout, 0); } } struct ofpbuf * make_packet_in(uint32_t buffer_id, uint16_t in_port, uint8_t reason, const struct ofpbuf *payload, int max_send_len) { struct ofp_packet_in *opi; struct ofpbuf *buf; int send_len; send_len = MIN(max_send_len, payload->size); buf = ofpbuf_new(sizeof *opi + send_len); opi = put_openflow_xid(offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data), OFPT_PACKET_IN, 0, buf); opi->buffer_id = htonl(buffer_id); opi->total_len = htons(payload->size); opi->in_port = htons(in_port); opi->reason = reason; ofpbuf_put(buf, payload->data, send_len); update_openflow_length(buf); return buf; } struct ofpbuf * make_packet_out(const struct ofpbuf *packet, uint32_t buffer_id, uint16_t in_port, const struct ofp_action_header *actions, size_t n_actions) { size_t actions_len = n_actions * sizeof *actions; struct ofp_packet_out *opo; size_t size = sizeof *opo + actions_len + (packet ? packet->size : 0); struct ofpbuf *out = ofpbuf_new(size); opo = ofpbuf_put_uninit(out, sizeof *opo); opo->header.version = OFP_VERSION; opo->header.type = OFPT_PACKET_OUT; opo->header.length = htons(size); opo->header.xid = htonl(0); opo->buffer_id = htonl(buffer_id); opo->in_port = htons(in_port == ODPP_LOCAL ? OFPP_LOCAL : in_port); opo->actions_len = htons(actions_len); ofpbuf_put(out, actions, actions_len); if (packet) { ofpbuf_put(out, packet->data, packet->size); } return out; } struct ofpbuf * make_unbuffered_packet_out(const struct ofpbuf *packet, uint16_t in_port, uint16_t out_port) { struct ofp_action_output action; action.type = htons(OFPAT_OUTPUT); action.len = htons(sizeof action); action.port = htons(out_port); return make_packet_out(packet, UINT32_MAX, in_port, (struct ofp_action_header *) &action, 1); } struct ofpbuf * make_buffered_packet_out(uint32_t buffer_id, uint16_t in_port, uint16_t out_port) { if (out_port != OFPP_NONE) { struct ofp_action_output action; action.type = htons(OFPAT_OUTPUT); action.len = htons(sizeof action); action.port = htons(out_port); return make_packet_out(NULL, buffer_id, in_port, (struct ofp_action_header *) &action, 1); } else { return make_packet_out(NULL, buffer_id, in_port, NULL, 0); } } /* Creates and returns an OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST message with an empty payload. */ struct ofpbuf * make_echo_request(void) { struct ofp_header *rq; struct ofpbuf *out = ofpbuf_new(sizeof *rq); rq = ofpbuf_put_uninit(out, sizeof *rq); rq->version = OFP_VERSION; rq->type = OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST; rq->length = htons(sizeof *rq); rq->xid = 0; return out; } /* Creates and returns an OFPT_ECHO_REPLY message matching the * OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST message in 'rq'. */ struct ofpbuf * make_echo_reply(const struct ofp_header *rq) { size_t size = ntohs(rq->length); struct ofpbuf *out = ofpbuf_new(size); struct ofp_header *reply = ofpbuf_put(out, rq, size); reply->type = OFPT_ECHO_REPLY; return out; } static int check_message_type(uint8_t got_type, uint8_t want_type) { if (got_type != want_type) { char *want_type_name = ofp_message_type_to_string(want_type); char *got_type_name = ofp_message_type_to_string(got_type); VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "received bad message type %s (expected %s)", got_type_name, want_type_name); free(want_type_name); free(got_type_name); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE); } return 0; } /* Checks that 'msg' has type 'type' and that it is exactly 'size' bytes long. * Returns 0 if the checks pass, otherwise an OpenFlow error code (produced * with ofp_mkerr()). */ int check_ofp_message(const struct ofp_header *msg, uint8_t type, size_t size) { size_t got_size; int error; error = check_message_type(msg->type, type); if (error) { return error; } got_size = ntohs(msg->length); if (got_size != size) { char *type_name = ofp_message_type_to_string(type); VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "received %s message of length %zu (expected %zu)", type_name, got_size, size); free(type_name); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN); } return 0; } /* Checks that 'msg' has type 'type' and that 'msg' is 'size' plus a * nonnegative integer multiple of 'array_elt_size' bytes long. Returns 0 if * the checks pass, otherwise an OpenFlow error code (produced with * ofp_mkerr()). * * If 'n_array_elts' is nonnull, then '*n_array_elts' is set to the number of * 'array_elt_size' blocks in 'msg' past the first 'min_size' bytes, when * successful. */ int check_ofp_message_array(const struct ofp_header *msg, uint8_t type, size_t min_size, size_t array_elt_size, size_t *n_array_elts) { size_t got_size; int error; assert(array_elt_size); error = check_message_type(msg->type, type); if (error) { return error; } got_size = ntohs(msg->length); if (got_size < min_size) { char *type_name = ofp_message_type_to_string(type); VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "received %s message of length %zu " "(expected at least %zu)", type_name, got_size, min_size); free(type_name); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN); } if ((got_size - min_size) % array_elt_size) { char *type_name = ofp_message_type_to_string(type); VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "received %s message of bad length %zu: the " "excess over %zu (%zu) is not evenly divisible by %zu " "(remainder is %zu)", type_name, got_size, min_size, got_size - min_size, array_elt_size, (got_size - min_size) % array_elt_size); free(type_name); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN); } if (n_array_elts) { *n_array_elts = (got_size - min_size) / array_elt_size; } return 0; } int check_ofp_packet_out(const struct ofp_header *oh, struct ofpbuf *data, int *n_actionsp, int max_ports) { const struct ofp_packet_out *opo; unsigned int actions_len, n_actions; size_t extra; int error; *n_actionsp = 0; error = check_ofp_message_array(oh, OFPT_PACKET_OUT, sizeof *opo, 1, &extra); if (error) { return error; } opo = (const struct ofp_packet_out *) oh; actions_len = ntohs(opo->actions_len); if (actions_len > extra) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "packet-out claims %u bytes of actions " "but message has room for only %zu bytes", actions_len, extra); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN); } if (actions_len % sizeof(union ofp_action)) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "packet-out claims %u bytes of actions, " "which is not a multiple of %zu", actions_len, sizeof(union ofp_action)); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, OFPBRC_BAD_LEN); } n_actions = actions_len / sizeof(union ofp_action); error = validate_actions((const union ofp_action *) opo->actions, n_actions, max_ports); if (error) { return error; } data->data = (void *) &opo->actions[n_actions]; data->size = extra - actions_len; *n_actionsp = n_actions; return 0; } const struct ofp_flow_stats * flow_stats_first(struct flow_stats_iterator *iter, const struct ofp_stats_reply *osr) { iter->pos = osr->body; iter->end = osr->body + (ntohs(osr->header.length) - offsetof(struct ofp_stats_reply, body)); return flow_stats_next(iter); } const struct ofp_flow_stats * flow_stats_next(struct flow_stats_iterator *iter) { ptrdiff_t bytes_left = iter->end - iter->pos; const struct ofp_flow_stats *fs; size_t length; if (bytes_left < sizeof *fs) { if (bytes_left != 0) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "%td leftover bytes in flow stats reply", bytes_left); } return NULL; } fs = (const void *) iter->pos; length = ntohs(fs->length); if (length < sizeof *fs) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "flow stats length %zu is shorter than " "min %zu", length, sizeof *fs); return NULL; } else if (length > bytes_left) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "flow stats length %zu but only %td " "bytes left", length, bytes_left); return NULL; } else if ((length - sizeof *fs) % sizeof fs->actions[0]) { VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "flow stats length %zu has %zu bytes " "left over in final action", length, (length - sizeof *fs) % sizeof fs->actions[0]); return NULL; } iter->pos += length; return fs; } /* Alignment of ofp_actions. */ #define ACTION_ALIGNMENT 8 static int check_action_exact_len(const union ofp_action *a, unsigned int len, unsigned int required_len) { if (len != required_len) { VLOG_DBG_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "action %u has invalid length %"PRIu16" (must be %u)\n", a->type, ntohs(a->header.len), required_len); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN); } return 0; } /* Checks that 'port' is a valid output port for the OFPAT_OUTPUT action, given * that the switch will never have more than 'max_ports' ports. Returns 0 if * 'port' is valid, otherwise an ofp_mkerr() return code. */ static int check_output_port(uint16_t port, int max_ports) { switch (port) { case OFPP_IN_PORT: case OFPP_TABLE: case OFPP_NORMAL: case OFPP_FLOOD: case OFPP_ALL: case OFPP_CONTROLLER: case OFPP_LOCAL: return 0; default: if (port < max_ports) { return 0; } VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "unknown output port %x", port); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_OUT_PORT); } } /* Checks that 'action' is a valid OFPAT_ENQUEUE action, given that the switch * will never have more than 'max_ports' ports. Returns 0 if 'port' is valid, * otherwise an ofp_mkerr() return code. */ static int check_enqueue_action(const union ofp_action *a, unsigned int len, int max_ports) { const struct ofp_action_enqueue *oae; uint16_t port; int error; error = check_action_exact_len(a, len, 16); if (error) { return error; } oae = (const struct ofp_action_enqueue *) a; port = ntohs(oae->port); if (port < max_ports || port == OFPP_IN_PORT) { return 0; } VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "unknown enqueue port %x", port); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_OUT_PORT); } static int check_nicira_action(const union ofp_action *a, unsigned int len) { const struct nx_action_header *nah; if (len < 16) { VLOG_DBG_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "Nicira vendor action only %u bytes", len); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN); } nah = (const struct nx_action_header *) a; switch (ntohs(nah->subtype)) { case NXAST_RESUBMIT: case NXAST_SET_TUNNEL: case NXAST_DROP_SPOOFED_ARP: case NXAST_SET_QUEUE: case NXAST_POP_QUEUE: return check_action_exact_len(a, len, 16); default: return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_VENDOR_TYPE); } } static int check_action(const union ofp_action *a, unsigned int len, int max_ports) { int error; switch (ntohs(a->type)) { case OFPAT_OUTPUT: error = check_action_exact_len(a, len, 8); if (error) { return error; } return check_output_port(ntohs(a->output.port), max_ports); case OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID: error = check_action_exact_len(a, len, 8); if (error) { return error; } if (a->vlan_vid.vlan_vid & ~htons(0xfff)) { return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT); } return 0; case OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP: error = check_action_exact_len(a, len, 8); if (error) { return error; } if (a->vlan_vid.vlan_vid & ~7) { return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT); } return 0; case OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN: case OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC: case OFPAT_SET_NW_DST: case OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS: case OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC: case OFPAT_SET_TP_DST: return check_action_exact_len(a, len, 8); case OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC: case OFPAT_SET_DL_DST: return check_action_exact_len(a, len, 16); case OFPAT_VENDOR: return (a->vendor.vendor == htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID) ? check_nicira_action(a, len) : ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_VENDOR)); case OFPAT_ENQUEUE: return check_enqueue_action(a, len, max_ports); default: VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "unknown action type %"PRIu16, ntohs(a->type)); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_TYPE); } } int validate_actions(const union ofp_action *actions, size_t n_actions, int max_ports) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n_actions; ) { const union ofp_action *a = &actions[i]; unsigned int len = ntohs(a->header.len); unsigned int n_slots = len / ACTION_ALIGNMENT; unsigned int slots_left = &actions[n_actions] - a; int error; if (n_slots > slots_left) { VLOG_DBG_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "action requires %u slots but only %u remain", n_slots, slots_left); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN); } else if (!len) { VLOG_DBG_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "action has invalid length 0"); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN); } else if (len % ACTION_ALIGNMENT) { VLOG_DBG_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "action length %u is not a multiple " "of %d", len, ACTION_ALIGNMENT); return ofp_mkerr(OFPET_BAD_ACTION, OFPBAC_BAD_LEN); } error = check_action(a, len, max_ports); if (error) { return error; } i += n_slots; } return 0; } /* Returns true if 'action' outputs to 'port' (which must be in network byte * order), false otherwise. */ bool action_outputs_to_port(const union ofp_action *action, uint16_t port) { switch (ntohs(action->type)) { case OFPAT_OUTPUT: return action->output.port == port; case OFPAT_ENQUEUE: return ((const struct ofp_action_enqueue *) action)->port == port; default: return false; } } /* The set of actions must either come from a trusted source or have been * previously validated with validate_actions(). */ const union ofp_action * actions_first(struct actions_iterator *iter, const union ofp_action *oa, size_t n_actions) { iter->pos = oa; iter->end = oa + n_actions; return actions_next(iter); } const union ofp_action * actions_next(struct actions_iterator *iter) { if (iter->pos != iter->end) { const union ofp_action *a = iter->pos; unsigned int len = ntohs(a->header.len); iter->pos += len / ACTION_ALIGNMENT; return a; } else { return NULL; } } void normalize_match(struct ofp_match *m) { enum { OFPFW_NW = (OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK | OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK | OFPFW_NW_PROTO | OFPFW_NW_TOS) }; enum { OFPFW_TP = OFPFW_TP_SRC | OFPFW_TP_DST }; uint32_t wc; wc = ntohl(m->wildcards) & OVSFW_ALL; if (wc & OFPFW_DL_TYPE) { m->dl_type = 0; /* Can't sensibly match on network or transport headers if the * data link type is unknown. */ wc |= OFPFW_NW | OFPFW_TP; m->nw_src = m->nw_dst = m->nw_proto = m->nw_tos = 0; m->tp_src = m->tp_dst = 0; } else if (m->dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_IP)) { if (wc & OFPFW_NW_PROTO) { m->nw_proto = 0; /* Can't sensibly match on transport headers if the network * protocol is unknown. */ wc |= OFPFW_TP; m->tp_src = m->tp_dst = 0; } else if (m->nw_proto == IPPROTO_TCP || m->nw_proto == IPPROTO_UDP || m->nw_proto == IPPROTO_ICMP) { if (wc & OFPFW_TP_SRC) { m->tp_src = 0; } if (wc & OFPFW_TP_DST) { m->tp_dst = 0; } } else { /* Transport layer fields will always be extracted as zeros, so we * can do an exact-match on those values. */ wc &= ~OFPFW_TP; m->tp_src = m->tp_dst = 0; } if (wc & OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) { m->nw_src &= flow_nw_bits_to_mask(wc, OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT); } if (wc & OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) { m->nw_dst &= flow_nw_bits_to_mask(wc, OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT); } if (wc & OFPFW_NW_TOS) { m->nw_tos = 0; } else { m->nw_tos &= IP_DSCP_MASK; } } else if (m->dl_type == htons(ETH_TYPE_ARP)) { if (wc & OFPFW_NW_PROTO) { m->nw_proto = 0; } if (wc & OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) { m->nw_src &= flow_nw_bits_to_mask(wc, OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT); } if (wc & OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) { m->nw_dst &= flow_nw_bits_to_mask(wc, OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT); } m->tp_src = m->tp_dst = m->nw_tos = 0; } else { /* Network and transport layer fields will always be extracted as * zeros, so we can do an exact-match on those values. */ wc &= ~(OFPFW_NW | OFPFW_TP); m->nw_proto = m->nw_src = m->nw_dst = m->nw_tos = 0; m->tp_src = m->tp_dst = 0; } if (wc & OFPFW_DL_SRC) { memset(m->dl_src, 0, sizeof m->dl_src); } if (wc & OFPFW_DL_DST) { memset(m->dl_dst, 0, sizeof m->dl_dst); } m->wildcards = htonl(wc); } /* Returns a string that describes 'match' in a very literal way, without * interpreting its contents except in a very basic fashion. The returned * string is intended to be fixed-length, so that it is easy to see differences * between two such strings if one is put above another. This is useful for * describing changes made by normalize_match(). * * The caller must free the returned string (with free()). */ char * ofp_match_to_literal_string(const struct ofp_match *match) { return xasprintf("wildcards=%#10"PRIx32" " " in_port=%5"PRId16" " " dl_src="ETH_ADDR_FMT" " " dl_dst="ETH_ADDR_FMT" " " dl_vlan=%5"PRId16" " " dl_vlan_pcp=%3"PRId8" " " dl_type=%#6"PRIx16" " " nw_tos=%#4"PRIx8" " " nw_proto=%#4"PRIx16" " " nw_src=%#10"PRIx32" " " nw_dst=%#10"PRIx32" " " tp_src=%5"PRId16" " " tp_dst=%5"PRId16, ntohl(match->wildcards), ntohs(match->in_port), ETH_ADDR_ARGS(match->dl_src), ETH_ADDR_ARGS(match->dl_dst), ntohs(match->dl_vlan), match->dl_vlan_pcp, ntohs(match->dl_type), match->nw_tos, match->nw_proto, ntohl(match->nw_src), ntohl(match->nw_dst), ntohs(match->tp_src), ntohs(match->tp_dst)); }