php2XmlrpcType($phpType); } /** * @see PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper::xmlrpc_2_php_type * @param string $xmlrpcType * @return string */ function xmlrpc_2_php_type($xmlrpcType) { $wrapper = new PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper(); return $wrapper->xmlrpc2PhpType($xmlrpcType); } /// @todo backwards compat: return string instead of callable /** * @see PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper::wrap_php_function * @param callable $funcName * @param string $newFuncName * @param array $extraOptions * @return array|false */ function wrap_php_function($funcName, $newFuncName='', $extraOptions=array()) { $wrapper = new PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper(); return $wrapper->wrapPhpFunction($funcName, $newFuncName, $extraOptions); } /// @todo backwards compat: return strings instead of callables /** * @see PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper::wrap_php_class * @param string|object $className * @param array $extraOptions * @return array|false */ function wrap_php_class($className, $extraOptions=array()) { $wrapper = new PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper(); return $wrapper->wrapPhpClass($className, $extraOptions); } /// @todo backwards compat: return string instead of callable /** * @see PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper::wrapXmlrpcMethod * @param xmlrpc_client $client * @param string $methodName * @param int|array $extraOptions the usage of an int as signature number is deprecated, use an option in $extraOptions * @param int $timeout deprecated, use an option in $extraOptions * @param string $protocol deprecated, use an option in $extraOptions * @param string $newFuncName deprecated, use an option in $extraOptions * @return array|callable|false */ function wrap_xmlrpc_method($client, $methodName, $extraOptions=0, $timeout=0, $protocol='', $newFuncName='') { if (!is_array($extraOptions)) { $sigNum = $extraOptions; $extraOptions = array( 'signum' => $sigNum, 'timeout' => $timeout, 'protocol' => $protocol, 'new_function_name' => $newFuncName ); } $wrapper = new PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper(); return $wrapper->wrapXmlrpcMethod($client, $methodName, $extraOptions); } /// @todo backwards compat: return strings instead of callables /** * @see PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper::wrap_xmlrpc_server * @param xmlrpc_client $client * @param array $extraOptions * @return mixed */ function wrap_xmlrpc_server($client, $extraOptions=array()) { $wrapper = new PhpXmlRpc\Wrapper(); return $wrapper->wrapXmlrpcServer($client, $extraOptions); } /// @todo fix dangling usage of $this-> /** * Given the necessary info, build php code that creates a new function to invoke a remote xmlrpc method. * Take care that no full checking of input parameters is done to ensure that valid php code is emitted. * Only kept for backwards compatibility * Note: real spaghetti code follows... * * @deprecated */ function build_remote_method_wrapper_code($client, $methodName, $xmlrpcFuncName, $mSig, $mDesc = '', $timeout = 0, $protocol = '', $clientCopyMode = 0, $prefix = 'xmlrpc', $decodePhpObjects = false, $encodePhpObjects = false, $decodeFault = false, $faultResponse = '', $namespace = '\\PhpXmlRpc\\') { $code = "function $xmlrpcFuncName ("; if ($clientCopyMode < 2) { // client copy mode 0 or 1 == partial / full client copy in emitted code $innerCode = $this->build_client_wrapper_code($client, $clientCopyMode, $prefix, $namespace); $innerCode .= "\$client->setDebug(\$debug);\n"; $this_ = ''; } else { // client copy mode 2 == no client copy in emitted code $innerCode = ''; $this_ = 'this->'; } $innerCode .= "\$req = new {$namespace}Request('$methodName');\n"; if ($mDesc != '') { // take care that PHP comment is not terminated unwillingly by method description $mDesc = "/**\n* " . str_replace('*/', '* /', $mDesc) . "\n"; } else { $mDesc = "/**\nFunction $xmlrpcFuncName\n"; } // param parsing $innerCode .= "\$encoder = new {$namespace}Encoder();\n"; $plist = array(); $pCount = count($mSig); for ($i = 1; $i < $pCount; $i++) { $plist[] = "\$p$i"; $pType = $mSig[$i]; if ($pType == 'i4' || $pType == 'int' || $pType == 'boolean' || $pType == 'double' || $pType == 'string' || $pType == 'dateTime.iso8601' || $pType == 'base64' || $pType == 'null' ) { // only build directly xmlrpc values when type is known and scalar $innerCode .= "\$p$i = new {$namespace}Value(\$p$i, '$pType');\n"; } else { if ($encodePhpObjects) { $innerCode .= "\$p$i = \$encoder->encode(\$p$i, array('encode_php_objs'));\n"; } else { $innerCode .= "\$p$i = \$encoder->encode(\$p$i);\n"; } } $innerCode .= "\$req->addparam(\$p$i);\n"; $mDesc .= '* @param ' . xmlrpc_2_php_type($pType) . " \$p$i\n"; } if ($clientCopyMode < 2) { $plist[] = '$debug=0'; $mDesc .= "* @param int \$debug when 1 (or 2) will enable debugging of the underlying {$prefix} call (defaults to 0)\n"; } $plist = implode(', ', $plist); $mDesc .= '* @return ' . xmlrpc_2_php_type($mSig[0]) . " (or an {$namespace}Response obj instance if call fails)\n*/\n"; $innerCode .= "\$res = \${$this_}client->send(\$req, $timeout, '$protocol');\n"; if ($decodeFault) { if (is_string($faultResponse) && ((strpos($faultResponse, '%faultCode%') !== false) || (strpos($faultResponse, '%faultString%') !== false))) { $respCode = "str_replace(array('%faultCode%', '%faultString%'), array(\$res->faultCode(), \$res->faultString()), '" . str_replace("'", "''", $faultResponse) . "')"; } else { $respCode = var_export($faultResponse, true); } } else { $respCode = '$res'; } if ($decodePhpObjects) { $innerCode .= "if (\$res->faultcode()) return $respCode; else return \$encoder->decode(\$res->value(), array('decode_php_objs'));"; } else { $innerCode .= "if (\$res->faultcode()) return $respCode; else return \$encoder->decode(\$res->value());"; } $code = $code . $plist . ") {\n" . $innerCode . "\n}\n"; return array('source' => $code, 'docstring' => $mDesc); }