# $Id$ # $URL$ """A very simple logger that tries to be concurrency-safe.""" import os, sys import time import traceback import subprocess import select LOG_FILE = '/var/log/nodemanager' LOG_SLIVERS = '/var/lib/nodemanager/getslivers.txt' # Thierry - trying to debug this for 4.2 # basically define 3 levels LOG_NONE=0 LOG_NODE=1 LOG_VERBOSE=2 # default is to log a reasonable amount of stuff for when running on operational nodes LOG_LEVEL=1 def set_level(level): global LOG_LEVEL assert level in [LOG_NONE,LOG_NODE,LOG_VERBOSE] LOG_LEVEL=level def verbose(msg): log('(v) '+msg,LOG_VERBOSE) def log(msg,level=LOG_NODE): """Write to the log file if level >= current log level (default LOG_NODE).""" if (level > LOG_LEVEL): return try: fd = os.open(LOG_FILE, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND, 0600) if not msg.endswith('\n'): msg += '\n' os.write(fd, '%s: %s' % (time.asctime(time.gmtime()), msg)) os.close(fd) except OSError: sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.stderr.flush() def log_exc(msg="",name=None): """Log the traceback resulting from an exception.""" if name: log("%s: EXCEPTION caught <%s> \n %s" %(name, msg, traceback.format_exc())) else: log("EXCEPTION caught <%s> \n %s" %(msg, traceback.format_exc())) ########## snapshot data to a file # for some reason the various modules are still triggered even when the # data from PLC cannot be reached # we show this message instead of the exception stack instead in this case def log_missing_data (msg,key): log("%s: could not find the %s key in data (PLC connection down?) - IGNORED"%(msg,key)) def log_data_in_file (data, file, message=""): import pprint, time try: f=open(file,'w') now=time.strftime("Last update: %Y.%m.%d at %H:%M:%S %Z", time.localtime()) f.write(now+'\n') if message: f.write('Message:'+message+'\n') pp=pprint.PrettyPrinter(stream=f,indent=2) pp.pprint(data) f.close() except: log_verbose('log_data_in_file failed - file=%s - message=%r'%(file,message)) def log_slivers (data): log_data_in_file (data, LOG_SLIVERS, "raw GetSlivers") #################### child processes # avoid waiting until the process returns; # that makes debugging of hanging children hard class Buffer: def __init__ (self,message='log_call: '): self.buffer='' self.message=message def add (self,c): self.buffer += c if c=='\n': self.flush() def flush (self): if self.buffer: log (self.message + self.buffer) self.buffer='' # time out in seconds - avoid hanging subprocesses - default is 5 minutes default_timeout_minutes=5 # returns a bool that is True when everything goes fine and the retcod is 0 def log_call(command,timeout=default_timeout_minutes*60,poll=1): message=" ".join(command) log("log_call: running command %s" % message) verbose("log_call: timeout=%r s" % timeout) verbose("log_call: poll=%r s" % poll) trigger=time.time()+timeout result = False try: child = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) buffer = Buffer() while True: # see if anything can be read within the poll interval (r,w,x)=select.select([child.stdout],[],[],poll) if r: buffer.add(child.stdout.read(1)) # is process over ? returncode=child.poll() # yes if returncode != None: buffer.flush() # child is done and return 0 if returncode == 0: log("log_call:end command (%s) completed" % message) result=True break # child has failed else: log("log_call:end command (%s) returned with code %d" %(message,returncode)) break # no : still within timeout ? if time.time() >= trigger: buffer.flush() child.terminate() log("log_call:end terminating command (%s) - exceeded timeout %d s"%(message,timeout)) break except: log_exc("failed to run command %s" % message) return result