#!/usr/bin/env python subversion_id = "$Id: TestMain.py 7635 2008-01-04 09:46:06Z thierry $" import sys, os, os.path import re import time from glob import glob from optparse import OptionParser def prompt (question,default=True): if default: question += " [y]/n ? " else: question += " y/[n] ? " try: answer=raw_input(question) if not answer: return default elif answer[0] in [ 'y','Y']: return True elif answer[0] in [ 'n','N']: return False else: return prompt(question,default) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Aborted" return False except: raise class Command: def __init__ (self,command,options): self.command=command self.options=options self.tmp="/tmp/command-%d"%os.getpid() def run (self): if self.options.verbose: print '+',self.command sys.stdout.flush() return os.system(self.command) def run_silent (self): if self.options.verbose: print '+',self.command,' .. ', sys.stdout.flush() retcod=os.system(self.command + " &> " + self.tmp) if retcod != 0: print "FAILED ! -- output quoted below " os.system("cat " + self.tmp) print "FAILED ! -- end of quoted output" elif self.options.verbose: print "OK" os.unlink(self.tmp) return retcod def run_fatal(self): if self.run_silent() !=0: raise Exception,"Command %s failed"%self.command # returns stdout, like bash's $(mycommand) def output_of (self,with_stderr=False): tmp="/tmp/status-%d"%os.getpid() if self.options.debug: print '+',self.command,' .. ', sys.stdout.flush() command=self.command if with_stderr: command += " &> " else: command += " > " command += tmp os.system(command) result=file(tmp).read() os.unlink(tmp) if self.options.debug: print '+',self.command,'Done', return result class Svnpath: def __init__(self,path,options): self.path=path self.options=options def url_exists (self): if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking url',self.path return os.system("svn list %s &> /dev/null"%self.path) == 0 def dir_needs_revert (self): command="svn status %s"%self.path return len(Command(command,self.options).output_of(True)) != 0 # turns out it's the same implem. def file_needs_commit (self): command="svn status %s"%self.path return len(Command(command,self.options).output_of(True)) != 0 class Module: # where to store user's config config_storage="CONFIG" # configKeys=[ ('svnpath',"Enter your toplevel svnpath (e.g. svn+ssh://thierry@svn.planet-lab.org/svn/)"), ('username',"Enter your firstname and lastname for changelogs"), ("email","Enter your email address for changelogs") ] config={} svn_magic_line="--This line, and those below, will be ignored--" redirectors=[ ('module_name_varname','name'), ('module_version_varname','version'), ('module_taglevel_varname','taglevel'), ] def __init__ (self,name,options): self.name=name self.options=options self.moddir="%s/%s/%s"%(os.getenv("HOME"),options.modules,name) self.trunkdir="%s/trunk"%(self.moddir) self.varmatcher=re.compile("%define\s+(\S+)\s+(\S*)\s*") def run (self,command): return Command(command,self.options).run() def run_fatal (self,command): return Command(command,self.options).run_fatal() def run_prompt (self,message,command): if not self.options.verbose: question=message else: question="Want to run " + command if prompt(question,True): self.run(command) @staticmethod def init_homedir (options): topdir="%s/%s"%(os.getenv("HOME"),options.modules) if options.verbose: print 'Checking for',topdir storage="%s/%s"%(topdir,Module.config_storage) if not os.path.isdir (topdir): # prompt for login or whatever svnpath print "Cannot find",topdir,"let's create it" for (key,message) in Module.configKeys: Module.config[key]=raw_input(message+" : ").strip() Command("svn co -N %s %s"%(Module.config['svnpath'],topdir),options).run_fatal() # store config f=file(storage,"w") for (key,message) in Module.configKeys: f.write("%s=%s\n"%(key,Module.config[key])) f.close() if options.debug: print 'Stored',storage Command("cat %s"%storage,options).run() else: # read config f=open(storage) for line in f.readlines(): (key,value)=re.compile("^(.+)=(.+)$").match(line).groups() Module.config[key]=value f.close() if options.debug: print 'Using config' for (key,message) in Module.configKeys: print key,'=',Module.config[key] def init_moddir (self): if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking for',self.moddir if not os.path.isdir (self.moddir): self.run_fatal("svn up -N %s"%self.moddir) if not os.path.isdir (self.moddir): print 'Cannot find %s - check module name'%self.moddir sys.exit(1) def init_trunkdir (self): if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking for',self.trunkdir if not os.path.isdir (self.trunkdir): self.run_fatal("svn up -N %s"%self.trunkdir) def revert_trunkdir (self): if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking whether',self.trunkdir,'needs being reverted' if Svnpath(self.trunkdir,self.options).dir_needs_revert(): self.run_fatal("svn revert -R %s"%self.trunkdir) def update_trunkdir (self): if self.options.skip_update: return if self.options.verbose: print 'Updating',self.trunkdir self.run_fatal("svn update %s"%self.trunkdir) def guess_specname (self): attempt="%s/%s.spec"%(self.trunkdir,self.name) if os.path.isfile (attempt): return attempt else: try: return glob("%s/*.spec"%self.trunkdir)[0] except: print 'Cannot guess specfile for module %s'%self.name sys.exit(1) def parse_spec (self, specfile, varnames): if self.options.debug: print 'parse_spec',specfile, result={} f=open(specfile) for line in f.readlines(): if self.varmatcher.match(line): (var,value)=self.varmatcher.match(line).groups() if var in varnames: result[var]=value f.close() if self.options.verbose: print 'found',len(result),'keys' if self.options.debug: for (k,v) in result.iteritems(): print k,'=',v return result # stores in self.module_name_varname the rpm variable to be used for the module's name # and the list of these names in self.varnames def spec_dict (self): specfile=self.guess_specname() redirector_keys = [ varname for (varname,default) in Module.redirectors] redirect_dict = self.parse_spec(specfile,redirector_keys) if self.options.debug: print '1st pass parsing done, redirect_dict=',redirect_dict varnames=[] for (varname,default) in Module.redirectors: if redirect_dict.has_key(varname): setattr(self,varname,redirect_dict[varname]) varnames += [redirect_dict[varname]] else: setattr(self,varname,default) varnames += [ default ] self.varnames = varnames result = self.parse_spec (specfile,self.varnames) if self.options.debug: print '2st pass parsing done, varnames=',varnames,'result=',result return result def patch_spec_var (self, patch_dict): specfile=self.guess_specname() newspecfile=specfile+".new" if self.options.verbose: print 'Patching',specfile,'for',patch_dict.keys() spec=open (specfile) new=open(newspecfile,"w") for line in spec.readlines(): if self.varmatcher.match(line): (var,value)=self.varmatcher.match(line).groups() if var in patch_dict.keys(): new.write('%%define %s %s\n'%(var,patch_dict[var])) continue new.write(line) spec.close() new.close() os.rename(newspecfile,specfile) def unignored_lines (self, logfile): result=[] exclude="Tagging module %s"%self.name for logline in file(logfile).readlines(): if logline.strip() == Module.svn_magic_line: break if logline.find(exclude) < 0: result += [ logline ] return result def insert_changelog (self, logfile, oldtag, newtag): specfile=self.guess_specname() newspecfile=specfile+".new" if self.options.verbose: print 'Inserting changelog from %s into %s'%(logfile,specfile) spec=open (specfile) new=open(newspecfile,"w") for line in spec.readlines(): new.write(line) if re.compile('%changelog').match(line): dateformat="* %a %b %d %Y" datepart=time.strftime(dateformat) logpart="%s <%s> - %s %s"%(Module.config['username'], Module.config['email'], oldtag,newtag) new.write(datepart+" "+logpart+"\n") for logline in self.unignored_lines(logfile): new.write("- " + logline) new.write("\n") spec.close() new.close() os.rename(newspecfile,specfile) def show_dict (self, spec_dict): if self.options.verbose: for (k,v) in spec_dict.iteritems(): print k,'=',v def trunk_url (self): return "%s/%s/trunk"%(Module.config['svnpath'],self.name) def tag_name (self, spec_dict): return "%s-%s-%s"%(spec_dict[self.module_name_varname], spec_dict[self.module_version_varname], spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname]) def tag_url (self, spec_dict): return "%s/%s/tags/%s"%(Module.config['svnpath'],self.name,self.tag_name(spec_dict)) # locate specfile, parse it, check it and show values def do_version (self): self.init_moddir() self.init_trunkdir() self.revert_trunkdir() self.update_trunkdir() print '==============================',self.name #for (key,message) in Module.configKeys: # print key,':',Module.config[key] spec_dict = self.spec_dict() print 'trunk url',self.trunk_url() print 'latest tag url',self.tag_url(spec_dict) print 'specfile:',self.guess_specname() for varname in self.varnames: if not spec_dict.has_key(varname): print 'Could not find %%define for %s'%varname return else: print varname+":",spec_dict[varname] init_warning="""WARNING The module-init function has the following limitations * it does not handle changelogs * it does not scan the -tags.mk files to adopt the new tags""" def do_init(self): if self.options.verbose: print Module.init_warning if not prompt('Want to proceed anyway'): return self.init_moddir() self.init_trunkdir() self.revert_trunkdir() self.update_trunkdir() spec_dict = self.spec_dict() trunk_url=self.trunk_url() tag_name=self.tag_name(spec_dict) tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) # check the tag does not exist yet if Svnpath(tag_url,self.options).url_exists(): print 'Module %s already has a tag %s'%(self.name,tag_name) return if self.options.message: svnopt='--message "%s"'%self.options.message else: svnopt='--editor-cmd=%s'%self.options.editor self.run_prompt("Create initial tag", "svn copy %s %s %s"%(svnopt,trunk_url,tag_url)) def do_diff (self): self.init_moddir() self.init_trunkdir() self.revert_trunkdir() self.update_trunkdir() spec_dict = self.spec_dict() self.show_dict(spec_dict) trunk_url=self.trunk_url() tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) for url in [ trunk_url, tag_url ] : if not Svnpath(url,self.options).url_exists(): print 'Could not find svn URL %s'%url sys.exit(1) self.run("svn diff %s %s"%(tag_url,trunk_url)) def patch_tags_file (self, tagsfile, oldname, newname): newtagsfile=tagsfile+".new" if self.options.verbose: print 'Replacing %s into %s in %s'%(oldname,newname,tagsfile) tags=open (tagsfile) new=open(newtagsfile,"w") matcher=re.compile("^(.*)%s(.*)"%oldname) for line in tags.readlines(): if not matcher.match(line): new.write(line) else: (begin,end)=matcher.match(line).groups() new.write(begin+newname+end+"\n") tags.close() new.close() os.rename(newtagsfile,tagsfile) def do_tag (self): self.init_moddir() self.init_trunkdir() self.revert_trunkdir() self.update_trunkdir() # parse specfile spec_dict = self.spec_dict() self.show_dict(spec_dict) # side effects trunk_url=self.trunk_url() old_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict) old_tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) if (self.options.new_version): # new version set on command line spec_dict[self.module_version_varname] = self.options.new_version spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname] = 0 else: # increment taglevel new_taglevel = str ( int (spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname]) + 1) spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname] = new_taglevel # sanity check new_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict) new_tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) for url in [ trunk_url, old_tag_url ] : if not Svnpath(url,self.options).url_exists(): print 'Could not find svn URL %s'%url sys.exit(1) if Svnpath(new_tag_url,self.options).url_exists(): print 'New tag\'s svn URL %s already exists ! '%url sys.exit(1) # side effect in trunk's specfile self.patch_spec_var(spec_dict) # prepare changelog file # we use the standard subversion magic string (see svn_magic_line) # so we can provide useful information, such as version numbers and diff # in the same file changelog="/tmp/%s-%d.txt"%(self.name,os.getpid()) file(changelog,"w").write("""Tagging module %s -- from %s to %s %s Please write a changelog for this new tag in the section above """%(self.name,old_tag_name,new_tag_name,Module.svn_magic_line)) if not self.options.verbose or prompt('Want to see diffs while writing changelog',True): self.run("(echo 'DIFF========='; svn diff %s %s) >> %s"%(old_tag_url,trunk_url,changelog)) if self.options.debug: prompt('Proceed ?') # edit it self.run("%s %s"%(self.options.editor,changelog)) # insert changelog in spec if self.options.changelog: self.insert_changelog (changelog,old_tag_name,new_tag_name) ## update build build = Module(self.options.build,self.options) build.init_moddir() build.init_trunkdir() build.revert_trunkdir() build.update_trunkdir() for tagsfile in glob(build.trunkdir+"/*-tags.mk"): if prompt("Want to adopt new tag in %s"%tagsfile): self.patch_tags_file(tagsfile,old_tag_name,new_tag_name) paths="" paths += self.trunkdir + " " paths += build.trunkdir + " " self.run_prompt("Check","svn diff " + paths) self.run_prompt("Commit","svn commit --file %s %s"%(changelog,paths)) self.run_prompt("Create tag","svn copy --file %s %s %s"%(changelog,trunk_url,new_tag_url)) if self.options.debug: print 'Preserving',changelog else: os.unlink(changelog) usage="""Usage: %prog options module1 [ .. modulen ] Purpose: manage subversion tags and specfile requires the specfile to define name, version and taglevel OR alternatively redirection variables like module_version_varname Available functions: module-diff : show difference between trunk and latest tag module-tag : increment taglevel in specfile, insert changelog in specfile, create new tag and and adopt it in build/*-tags.mk module-init : create initial tag module-version : only check specfile and print out details""" def main(): all_modules=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])+"/modules.list" parser=OptionParser(usage=usage,version=subversion_id) parser.add_option("-s","--set-version",action="store",dest="new_version",default=None, help="When tagging, set new version and reset taglevel to 0") parser.add_option("-a","--all",action="store_true",dest="all_modules",default=False, help="Runs all modules as found in %s"%all_modules) parser.add_option("-u","--no-update",action="store_true",dest="skip_update",default=False, help="Skips svn updates") parser.add_option("-c","--no-changelog", action="store_false", dest="changelog", default=True, help="Does not update changelog section in specfile when tagging") parser.add_option("-e","--editor", action="store", dest="editor", default="emacs", help="Specify editor") parser.add_option("-m","--message", action="store", dest="message", default=None, help="Specify log message") parser.add_option("-M","--modules", action="store", dest="modules", default="modules", help="Name for topdir - defaults to modules") parser.add_option("-B","--build", action="store", dest="build", default="build", help="Set module name for build, defaults to build") parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Run in verbose mode") parser.add_option("-d","--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="Debug mode - mostly more verbose") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.debug: options.verbose=True if len(args) == 0: if options.all_modules: args=Command("grep -v '#' %s"%all_modules,options).output_of().split() else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) Module.init_homedir(options) for modname in args: module=Module(modname,options) if sys.argv[0].find("diff") >= 0: module.do_diff() elif sys.argv[0].find("tag") >= 0: module.do_tag() elif sys.argv[0].find("init") >= 0: module.do_init() elif sys.argv[0].find("version") >= 0: module.do_version() else: print "Unsupported command",sys.argv[0] parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # basically, we exit if anything goes wrong if __name__ == "__main__" : main()