#!/usr/bin/python -u subversion_id = "$Id$" import sys, os, os.path import re import time from glob import glob from optparse import OptionParser # e.g. other_choices = [ ('d','iff') , ('g','uess') ] - lowercase def prompt (question,default=True,other_choices=[],allow_outside=False): if not isinstance (other_choices,list): other_choices = [ other_choices ] chars = [ c for (c,rest) in other_choices ] choices = [] if 'y' not in chars: if default is True: choices.append('[y]') else : choices.append('y') if 'n' not in chars: if default is False: choices.append('[n]') else : choices.append('n') for (char,choice) in other_choices: if default == char: choices.append("["+char+"]"+choice) else: choices.append("<"+char+">"+choice) try: answer=raw_input(question + " " + "/".join(choices) + " ? ") if not answer: return default answer=answer[0].lower() if answer == 'y': if 'y' in chars: return 'y' else: return True elif answer == 'n': if 'n' in chars: return 'n' else: return False elif other_choices: for (char,choice) in other_choices: if answer == char: return char if allow_outside: return answer return prompt(question,default,other_choices) except: raise def default_editor(): try: editor = os.environ['EDITOR'] except: editor = "emacs" return editor ### fold long lines fold_length=132 def print_fold (line): while len(line) >= fold_length: print line[:fold_length],'\\' line=line[fold_length:] print line class Command: def __init__ (self,command,options): self.command=command self.options=options self.tmp="/tmp/command-%d"%os.getpid() def run (self): if self.options.dry_run: print 'dry_run',self.command return 0 if self.options.verbose and self.options.mode not in Main.silent_modes: print '+',self.command sys.stdout.flush() return os.system(self.command) def run_silent (self): if self.options.dry_run: print 'dry_run',self.command return 0 if self.options.verbose: print '+',self.command,' .. ', sys.stdout.flush() retcod=os.system(self.command + " &> " + self.tmp) if retcod != 0: print "FAILED ! -- out+err below (command was %s)"%self.command os.system("cat " + self.tmp) print "FAILED ! -- end of quoted output" elif self.options.verbose: print "OK" os.unlink(self.tmp) return retcod def run_fatal(self): if self.run_silent() !=0: raise Exception,"Command %s failed"%self.command # returns stdout, like bash's $(mycommand) def output_of (self,with_stderr=False): if self.options.dry_run: print 'dry_run',self.command return 'dry_run output' tmp="/tmp/status-%d"%os.getpid() if self.options.debug: print '+',self.command,' .. ', sys.stdout.flush() command=self.command if with_stderr: command += " &> " else: command += " > " command += tmp os.system(command) result=file(tmp).read() os.unlink(tmp) if self.options.debug: print 'Done', return result class Svnpath: def __init__(self,path,options): self.path=path self.options=options def url_exists (self): return os.system("svn list %s &> /dev/null"%self.path) == 0 def dir_needs_revert (self): command="svn status %s"%self.path return len(Command(command,self.options).output_of(True)) != 0 # turns out it's the same implem. def file_needs_commit (self): command="svn status %s"%self.path return len(Command(command,self.options).output_of(True)) != 0 # support for tagged module is minimal, and is for the Build class only class Module: svn_magic_line="--This line, and those below, will be ignored--" redirectors=[ # ('module_name_varname','name'), ('module_version_varname','version'), ('module_taglevel_varname','taglevel'), ] # where to store user's config config_storage="CONFIG" # config={} import commands configKeys=[ ('svnpath',"Enter your toplevel svnpath", "svn+ssh://%s@svn.planet-lab.org/svn/"%commands.getoutput("id -un")), ("build", "Enter the name of your build module","build"), ('username',"Enter your firstname and lastname for changelogs",""), ("email","Enter your email address for changelogs",""), ] @staticmethod def prompt_config (): for (key,message,default) in Module.configKeys: Module.config[key]="" while not Module.config[key]: Module.config[key]=raw_input("%s [%s] : "%(message,default)).strip() or default # for parsing module spec name:branch matcher_branch_spec=re.compile("\A(?P[\w\.-]+):(?P[\w\.-]+)\Z") # special form for tagged module - for Build matcher_tag_spec=re.compile("\A(?P[\w-]+)@(?P[\w\.-]+)\Z") # parsing specfiles matcher_rpm_define=re.compile("%(define|global)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S*)\s*") def __init__ (self,module_spec,options): # parse module spec attempt=Module.matcher_branch_spec.match(module_spec) if attempt: self.name=attempt.group('name') self.branch=attempt.group('branch') else: attempt=Module.matcher_tag_spec.match(module_spec) if attempt: self.name=attempt.group('name') self.tagname=attempt.group('tagname') else: self.name=module_spec self.options=options self.module_dir="%s/%s"%(options.workdir,self.name) def friendly_name (self): if hasattr(self,'branch'): return "%s:%s"%(self.name,self.branch) elif hasattr(self,'tagname'): return "%s@%s"%(self.name,self.tagname) else: return self.name def edge_dir (self): if hasattr(self,'branch'): return "%s/branches/%s"%(self.module_dir,self.branch) elif hasattr(self,'tagname'): return "%s/tags/%s"%(self.module_dir,self.tagname) else: return "%s/trunk"%(self.module_dir) def tags_dir (self): return "%s/tags"%(self.module_dir) def run (self,command): return Command(command,self.options).run() def run_fatal (self,command): return Command(command,self.options).run_fatal() def run_prompt (self,message,command): if not self.options.verbose: while True: choice=prompt(message,True,('s','how')) if choice is True: self.run(command) return elif choice is False: return else: print 'About to run:',command else: question=message+" - want to run " + command if prompt(question,True): self.run(command) #################### # store and restitute html fragments @staticmethod def html_href (url,text): return '%s'%(url,text) @staticmethod def html_anchor (url,text): return '%s'%(url,text) # only the fake error module has multiple titles def html_store_title (self, title): if not hasattr(self,'titles'): self.titles=[] self.titles.append(title) def html_store_raw (self, html): if not hasattr(self,'body'): self.body='' self.body += html def html_store_pre (self, text): if not hasattr(self,'body'): self.body='' self.body += '
' + text + '
' def html_print (self, txt): if not self.options.www: print txt else: if not hasattr(self,'in_list') or not self.in_list: self.html_store_raw('
    ') self.in_list=True self.html_store_raw('
  • '+txt+'
  • ') def html_print_end (self): if self.options.www: self.html_store_raw ('
') @staticmethod def html_dump_header(title): nowdate=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") nowtime=time.strftime("%H:%M") print """ %s

%s - status on %s at %s

    """%(title,title,nowdate,nowtime) @staticmethod def html_dump_middle(): print "
" @staticmethod def html_dump_footer(): print "',self.html_href ('#'+self.friendly_name(),title),'' def html_dump_body(self): if hasattr(self,'titles'): for title in self.titles: print ('
') print '


' if hasattr(self,'body'): print self.body #################### @staticmethod def init_homedir (options): topdir=options.workdir if options.verbose and options.mode not in Main.silent_modes: print 'Checking for',topdir storage="%s/%s"%(topdir,Module.config_storage) # sanity check. Either the topdir exists AND we have a config/storage # or topdir does not exist and we create it # to avoid people use their own daily svn repo if os.path.isdir(topdir) and not os.path.isfile(storage): print """The directory %s exists and has no CONFIG file If this is your regular working directory, please provide another one as the module-* commands need a fresh working dir. Make sure that you do not use that for other purposes than tagging"""%topdir sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir (topdir): print "Cannot find",topdir,"let's create it" Module.prompt_config() print "Checking ...", Command("svn co -N %s %s"%(Module.config['svnpath'],topdir),options).run_fatal() Command("svn co -N %s/%s %s/%s"%(Module.config['svnpath'], Module.config['build'], topdir, Module.config['build']),options).run_fatal() print "OK" # store config f=file(storage,"w") for (key,message,default) in Module.configKeys: f.write("%s=%s\n"%(key,Module.config[key])) f.close() if options.debug: print 'Stored',storage Command("cat %s"%storage,options).run() else: # read config f=open(storage) for line in f.readlines(): (key,value)=re.compile("^(.+)=(.+)$").match(line).groups() Module.config[key]=value f.close() if options.verbose and options.mode not in Main.silent_modes: print '******** Using config' for (key,message,default) in Module.configKeys: print '\t',key,'=',Module.config[key] def init_module_dir (self): if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking for',self.module_dir if not os.path.isdir (self.module_dir): self.run_fatal("svn update -N %s"%self.module_dir) if not os.path.isdir (self.module_dir): raise Exception, 'Cannot find %s - check module name'%self.module_dir def init_subdir (self,fullpath): if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking for',fullpath if not os.path.isdir (fullpath): self.run_fatal("svn update -N %s"%fullpath) def revert_subdir (self,fullpath): if self.options.fast_checks: if self.options.verbose: print 'Skipping revert of %s'%fullpath return if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking whether',fullpath,'needs being reverted' if Svnpath(fullpath,self.options).dir_needs_revert(): self.run_fatal("svn revert -R %s"%fullpath) def update_subdir (self,fullpath): if self.options.fast_checks: if self.options.verbose: print 'Skipping update of %s'%fullpath return if self.options.verbose: print 'Updating',fullpath self.run_fatal("svn update -N %s"%fullpath) def init_edge_dir (self): # if branch, edge_dir is two steps down if hasattr(self,'branch'): self.init_subdir("%s/branches"%self.module_dir) elif hasattr(self,'tagname'): self.init_subdir("%s/tags"%self.module_dir) self.init_subdir(self.edge_dir()) def revert_edge_dir (self): self.revert_subdir(self.edge_dir()) def update_edge_dir (self): self.update_subdir(self.edge_dir()) def main_specname (self): attempt="%s/%s.spec"%(self.edge_dir(),self.name) if os.path.isfile (attempt): return attempt else: pattern="%s/*.spec"%self.edge_dir() try: return glob(pattern)[0] except: raise Exception, 'Cannot guess specfile for module %s -- pattern was %s'%(self.name,pattern) def all_specnames (self): return glob("%s/*.spec"%self.edge_dir()) def parse_spec (self, specfile, varnames): if self.options.verbose: print 'Parsing',specfile, for var in varnames: print "[%s]"%var, print "" result={} f=open(specfile) for line in f.readlines(): attempt=Module.matcher_rpm_define.match(line) if attempt: (define,var,value)=attempt.groups() if var in varnames: result[var]=value f.close() if self.options.debug: print 'found',len(result),'keys' for (k,v) in result.iteritems(): print k,'=',v return result # stores in self.module_name_varname the rpm variable to be used for the module's name # and the list of these names in self.varnames def spec_dict (self): specfile=self.main_specname() redirector_keys = [ varname for (varname,default) in Module.redirectors] redirect_dict = self.parse_spec(specfile,redirector_keys) if self.options.debug: print '1st pass parsing done, redirect_dict=',redirect_dict varnames=[] for (varname,default) in Module.redirectors: if redirect_dict.has_key(varname): setattr(self,varname,redirect_dict[varname]) varnames += [redirect_dict[varname]] else: setattr(self,varname,default) varnames += [ default ] self.varnames = varnames result = self.parse_spec (specfile,self.varnames) if self.options.debug: print '2st pass parsing done, varnames=',varnames,'result=',result return result def patch_spec_var (self, patch_dict,define_missing=False): for specfile in self.all_specnames(): # record the keys that were changed changed = dict ( [ (x,False) for x in patch_dict.keys() ] ) newspecfile=specfile+".new" if self.options.verbose: print 'Patching',specfile,'for',patch_dict.keys() spec=open (specfile) new=open(newspecfile,"w") for line in spec.readlines(): attempt=Module.matcher_rpm_define.match(line) if attempt: (define,var,value)=attempt.groups() if var in patch_dict.keys(): if self.options.debug: print 'rewriting %s as %s'%(var,patch_dict[var]) new.write('%%%s %s %s\n'%(define,var,patch_dict[var])) changed[var]=True continue new.write(line) if define_missing: for (key,was_changed) in changed.iteritems(): if not was_changed: if self.options.debug: print 'rewriting missing %s as %s'%(key,patch_dict[key]) new.write('\n%%define %s %s\n'%(key,patch_dict[key])) spec.close() new.close() os.rename(newspecfile,specfile) def unignored_lines (self, logfile): result=[] exclude="Setting tag %s"%self.name white_line_matcher = re.compile("\A\s*\Z") for logline in file(logfile).readlines(): if logline.strip() == Module.svn_magic_line: break if logline.find(exclude) >= 0: continue elif white_line_matcher.match(logline): continue else: result.append(logline.strip()+'\n') return result def insert_changelog (self, logfile, oldtag, newtag): for specfile in self.all_specnames(): newspecfile=specfile+".new" if self.options.verbose: print 'Inserting changelog from %s into %s'%(logfile,specfile) spec=open (specfile) new=open(newspecfile,"w") for line in spec.readlines(): new.write(line) if re.compile('%changelog').match(line): dateformat="* %a %b %d %Y" datepart=time.strftime(dateformat) logpart="%s <%s> - %s"%(Module.config['username'], Module.config['email'], newtag) new.write(datepart+" "+logpart+"\n") for logline in self.unignored_lines(logfile): new.write("- " + logline) new.write("\n") spec.close() new.close() os.rename(newspecfile,specfile) def show_dict (self, spec_dict): if self.options.verbose: for (k,v) in spec_dict.iteritems(): print k,'=',v def mod_url (self): return "%s/%s"%(Module.config['svnpath'],self.name) def edge_url (self): if hasattr(self,'branch'): return "%s/branches/%s"%(self.mod_url(),self.branch) elif hasattr(self,'tagname'): return "%s/tags/%s"%(self.mod_url(),self.tagname) else: return "%s/trunk"%(self.mod_url()) def last_tag (self, spec_dict): return "%s-%s"%(spec_dict[self.module_version_varname],spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname]) def tag_name (self, spec_dict): try: return "%s-%s"%(self.name, self.last_tag(spec_dict)) except KeyError,err: raise Exception, 'Something is wrong with module %s, cannot determine %s - exiting'%(self.name,err) def tag_url (self, spec_dict): return "%s/tags/%s"%(self.mod_url(),self.tag_name(spec_dict)) def check_svnpath_exists (self, url, message): if self.options.fast_checks: return if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking url (%s) %s'%(url,message), ok=Svnpath(url,self.options).url_exists() if ok: if self.options.verbose: print 'exists - OK' else: if self.options.verbose: print 'KO' raise Exception, 'Could not find %s URL %s'%(message,url) def check_svnpath_not_exists (self, url, message): if self.options.fast_checks: return if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking url (%s) %s'%(url,message), ok=not Svnpath(url,self.options).url_exists() if ok: if self.options.verbose: print 'does not exist - OK' else: if self.options.verbose: print 'KO' raise Exception, '%s URL %s already exists - exiting'%(message,url) # locate specfile, parse it, check it and show values ############################## def do_version (self): self.init_module_dir() self.init_edge_dir() self.revert_edge_dir() self.update_edge_dir() spec_dict = self.spec_dict() if self.options.www: self.html_store_title('Version for module %s (%s)' % (self.friendly_name(),self.last_tag(spec_dict))) for varname in self.varnames: if not spec_dict.has_key(varname): self.html_print ('Could not find %%define for %s'%varname) return else: self.html_print ("%-16s %s"%(varname,spec_dict[varname])) if self.options.show_urls: self.html_print ("%-16s %s"%('edge url',self.edge_url())) self.html_print ("%-16s %s"%('latest tag url',self.tag_url(spec_dict))) if self.options.verbose: self.html_print ("%-16s %s"%('main specfile:',self.main_specname())) self.html_print ("%-16s %s"%('specfiles:',self.all_specnames())) self.html_print_end() ############################## def do_list (self): # print 'verbose',self.options.verbose # print 'list_tags',self.options.list_tags # print 'list_branches',self.options.list_branches # print 'all_modules',self.options.all_modules (verbose,branches,pattern,exact) = (self.options.verbose,self.options.list_branches, self.options.list_pattern,self.options.list_exact) extra_command="" extra_message="" if hasattr(self,'branch'): pattern=self.branch if pattern or exact: if exact: if verbose: grep="%s/$"%exact else: grep="^%s$"%exact else: grep=pattern extra_command=" | grep %s"%grep extra_message=" matching %s"%grep if not branches: message="==================== tags for %s"%self.friendly_name() command="svn list " if verbose: command+="--verbose " command += "%s/tags"%self.mod_url() command += extra_command message += extra_message if verbose: print message self.run(command) else: message="==================== branches for %s"%self.friendly_name() command="svn list " if verbose: command+="--verbose " command += "%s/branches"%self.mod_url() command += extra_command message += extra_message if verbose: print message self.run(command) ############################## sync_warning="""*** WARNING The module-sync function has the following limitations * it does not handle changelogs * it does not scan the -tags*.mk files to adopt the new tags""" def do_sync(self): if self.options.verbose: print Module.sync_warning if not prompt('Want to proceed anyway'): return self.init_module_dir() self.init_edge_dir() self.revert_edge_dir() self.update_edge_dir() spec_dict = self.spec_dict() edge_url=self.edge_url() tag_name=self.tag_name(spec_dict) tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) # check the tag does not exist yet self.check_svnpath_not_exists(tag_url,"new tag") if self.options.message: svnopt='--message "%s"'%self.options.message else: svnopt='--editor-cmd=%s'%self.options.editor self.run_prompt("Create initial tag", "svn copy %s %s %s"%(svnopt,edge_url,tag_url)) ############################## def do_diff (self,compute_only=False): self.init_module_dir() self.init_edge_dir() self.revert_edge_dir() self.update_edge_dir() spec_dict = self.spec_dict() self.show_dict(spec_dict) edge_url=self.edge_url() tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) self.check_svnpath_exists(edge_url,"edge track") self.check_svnpath_exists(tag_url,"latest tag") command="svn diff %s %s"%(tag_url,edge_url) if compute_only: if self.options.verbose: print 'Getting diff with %s'%command diff_output = Command(command,self.options).output_of() # if used as a utility if compute_only: return (spec_dict,edge_url,tag_url,diff_output) # otherwise print the result if self.options.list: if diff_output: print self.name else: thename=self.friendly_name() do_print=False if self.options.www and diff_output: self.html_store_title("Diffs in module %s (%s) : %d chars"%(\ thename,self.last_tag(spec_dict),len(diff_output))) link=self.html_href(tag_url,tag_url) self.html_store_raw ('

< (left) %s

'%link) link=self.html_href(edge_url,edge_url) self.html_store_raw ('

> (right) %s

'%link) self.html_store_pre (diff_output) elif not self.options.www: print 'x'*30,'module',thename print 'x'*20,'<',tag_url print 'x'*20,'>',edge_url print diff_output ############################## # using fine_grain means replacing only those instances that currently refer to this tag # otherwise, -SVNPATH is replaced unconditionnally def patch_tags_file (self, tagsfile, oldname, newname,fine_grain=True): newtagsfile=tagsfile+".new" tags=open (tagsfile) new=open(newtagsfile,"w") matches=0 # fine-grain : replace those lines that refer to oldname if fine_grain: if self.options.verbose: print 'Replacing %s into %s\n\tin %s .. '%(oldname,newname,tagsfile), matcher=re.compile("^(.*)%s(.*)"%oldname) for line in tags.readlines(): if not matcher.match(line): new.write(line) else: (begin,end)=matcher.match(line).groups() new.write(begin+newname+end+"\n") matches += 1 # brute-force : change uncommented lines that define -SVNPATH else: if self.options.verbose: print 'Searching for -SVNPATH lines referring to /%s/\n\tin %s .. '%(self.name,tagsfile), pattern="\A\s*(?P[^\s]+)-SVNPATH\s*(=|:=)\s*(?P[^\s]+)/%s/[^\s]+"\ %(self.name) matcher_module=re.compile(pattern) for line in tags.readlines(): attempt=matcher_module.match(line) if attempt: svnpath="%s-SVNPATH"%(attempt.group('make_name')) if self.options.verbose: print ' '+svnpath, replacement = "%-32s:= %s/%s/tags/%s\n"%(svnpath,attempt.group('url_main'),self.name,newname) new.write(replacement) matches += 1 else: new.write(line) tags.close() new.close() os.rename(newtagsfile,tagsfile) if self.options.verbose: print "%d changes"%matches return matches def do_tag (self): self.init_module_dir() self.init_edge_dir() self.revert_edge_dir() self.update_edge_dir() # parse specfile spec_dict = self.spec_dict() self.show_dict(spec_dict) # side effects edge_url=self.edge_url() old_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict) old_tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) if (self.options.new_version): # new version set on command line spec_dict[self.module_version_varname] = self.options.new_version spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname] = 0 else: # increment taglevel new_taglevel = str ( int (spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname]) + 1) spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname] = new_taglevel # sanity check new_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict) new_tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) self.check_svnpath_exists (edge_url,"edge track") self.check_svnpath_exists (old_tag_url,"previous tag") self.check_svnpath_not_exists (new_tag_url,"new tag") # checking for diffs diff_output=Command("svn diff %s %s"%(old_tag_url,edge_url), self.options).output_of() if len(diff_output) == 0: if not prompt ("No pending difference in module %s, want to tag anyway"%self.name,False): return # side effect in trunk's specfile self.patch_spec_var(spec_dict) # prepare changelog file # we use the standard subversion magic string (see svn_magic_line) # so we can provide useful information, such as version numbers and diff # in the same file changelog="/tmp/%s-%d.txt"%(self.name,os.getpid()) file(changelog,"w").write("""Setting tag %s %s Please write a changelog for this new tag in the section above """%(new_tag_name,Module.svn_magic_line)) if not self.options.verbose or prompt('Want to see diffs while writing changelog',True): file(changelog,"a").write('DIFF=========\n' + diff_output) if self.options.debug: prompt('Proceed ?') # edit it self.run("%s %s"%(self.options.editor,changelog)) # insert changelog in spec if self.options.changelog: self.insert_changelog (changelog,old_tag_name,new_tag_name) ## update build try: buildname=Module.config['build'] except: buildname="build" if self.options.build_branch: buildname+=":"+self.options.build_branch build = Module(buildname,self.options) build.init_module_dir() build.init_edge_dir() build.revert_edge_dir() build.update_edge_dir() tagsfiles=glob(build.edge_dir()+"/*-tags*.mk") tagsdict=dict( [ (x,'todo') for x in tagsfiles ] ) default_answer = 'y' while True: for (tagsfile,status) in tagsdict.iteritems(): basename=os.path.basename(tagsfile) print ".................... Dealing with %s"%basename while tagsdict[tagsfile] == 'todo' : choice = prompt ("insert %s in %s "%(new_tag_name,basename),default_answer, [ ('y','es'), ('n', 'ext'), ('f','orce'), ('d','iff'), ('r','evert'), ('h','elp') ] , allow_outside=True) if choice == 'y': self.patch_tags_file(tagsfile,old_tag_name,new_tag_name,fine_grain=True) elif choice == 'n': print 'Done with %s'%os.path.basename(tagsfile) tagsdict[tagsfile]='done' elif choice == 'f': self.patch_tags_file(tagsfile,old_tag_name,new_tag_name,fine_grain=False) elif choice == 'd': self.run("svn diff %s"%tagsfile) elif choice == 'r': self.run("svn revert %s"%tagsfile) else: name=self.name print """y: change %(name)s-SVNPATH only if it currently refers to %(old_tag_name)s f: unconditionnally change any line setting %(name)s-SVNPATH to using %(new_tag_name)s d: show current diff for this tag file r: revert that tag file n: move to next file"""%locals() if prompt("Want to review changes on tags files",False): tagsdict = dict ( [ (x, 'todo') for tagsfile in tagsfiles ] ) default_answer='d' else: break paths="" paths += self.edge_dir() + " " paths += build.edge_dir() + " " self.run_prompt("Review module and build","svn diff " + paths) self.run_prompt("Commit module and build","svn commit --file %s %s"%(changelog,paths)) self.run_prompt("Create tag","svn copy --file %s %s %s"%(changelog,edge_url,new_tag_url)) if self.options.debug: print 'Preserving',changelog else: os.unlink(changelog) ############################## def do_branch (self): # save self.branch if any, as a hint for the new branch # do this before anything else and restore .branch to None, # as this is part of the class's logic new_trunk_name=None if hasattr(self,'branch'): new_trunk_name=self.branch del self.branch elif self.options.new_version: new_trunk_name = self.options.new_version # compute diff - a way to initialize the whole stuff # do_diff already does edge_dir initialization # and it checks that edge_url and tag_url exist as well (spec_dict,edge_url,tag_url,diff_listing) = self.do_diff(compute_only=True) # the version name in the trunk becomes the new branch name branch_name = spec_dict[self.module_version_varname] # figure new branch name (the one for the trunk) if not provided on the command line if not new_trunk_name: # heuristic is to assume 'version' is a dot-separated name # we isolate the rightmost part and try incrementing it by 1 version=spec_dict[self.module_version_varname] try: m=re.compile("\A(?P.+)\.(?P[^\.]+)\Z") (leftpart,rightmost)=m.match(version).groups() incremented = int(rightmost)+1 new_trunk_name="%s.%d"%(leftpart,incremented) except: raise Exception, 'Cannot figure next branch name from %s - exiting'%version # record starting point tagname latest_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict) print "**********" print "Using starting point %s (%s)"%(tag_url,latest_tag_name) print "Creating branch %s & moving trunk to %s"%(branch_name,new_trunk_name) print "**********" # print warning if pending diffs if diff_listing: print """*** WARNING : Module %s has pending diffs on its trunk It is safe to proceed, but please note that branch %s will be based on latest tag %s and *not* on the current trunk"""%(self.name,branch_name,latest_tag_name) while True: answer = prompt ('Are you sure you want to proceed with branching',True,('d','iff')) if answer is True: break elif answer is False: raise Exception,"User quit" elif answer == 'd': print '<<<< %s'%tag_url print '>>>> %s'%edge_url print diff_listing branch_url = "%s/%s/branches/%s"%(Module.config['svnpath'],self.name,branch_name) self.check_svnpath_not_exists (branch_url,"new branch") # patching trunk spec_dict[self.module_version_varname]=new_trunk_name spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname]='0' # remember this in the trunk for easy location of the current branch spec_dict['module_current_branch']=branch_name self.patch_spec_var(spec_dict,True) # create commit log file tmp="/tmp/branching-%d"%os.getpid() f=open(tmp,"w") f.write("Branch %s for module %s created (as new trunk) from tag %s\n"%(new_trunk_name,self.name,latest_tag_name)) f.close() # we're done, let's commit the stuff command="svn diff %s"%self.edge_dir() self.run_prompt("Review changes in trunk",command) command="svn copy --file %s %s %s"%(tmp,self.edge_url(),branch_url) self.run_prompt("Create branch",command) command="svn commit --file %s %s"%(tmp,self.edge_dir()) self.run_prompt("Commit trunk",command) new_tag_url=self.tag_url(spec_dict) command="svn copy --file %s %s %s"%(tmp,self.edge_url(),new_tag_url) self.run_prompt("Create initial tag in trunk",command) os.unlink(tmp) ############################## class Package: def __init__(self, package, module, svnpath, spec): self.package=package self.module=module self.svnpath=svnpath self.spec=spec self.specpath="%s/%s"%(svnpath,spec) self.basename=os.path.basename(svnpath) # returns a http URL to the trac path where full diff can be viewed (between self and pkg) # typically http://svn.planet-lab.org/changeset?old_path=Monitor%2Ftags%2FMonitor-1.0-7&new_path=Monitor%2Ftags%2FMonitor-1.0-13 # xxx quick & dirty: rough url parsing def trac_full_diff (self, pkg): matcher=re.compile("\A(?P.*)://(?P[^/]+)/(svn/)?(?P.*)\Z") self_match=matcher.match(self.svnpath) pkg_match=matcher.match(pkg.svnpath) if self_match and pkg_match: (method,hostname,svn,path)=self_match.groups() self_path=path.replace("/","%2F") pkg_path=pkg_match.group('path').replace("/","%2F") return "%s://%s/changeset?old_path=%s&new_path=%s"%(method,hostname,self_path,pkg_path) else: return None def details (self): return "[%s %s] [%s (spec)]"%(self.svnpath,self.basename,self.specpath) class Build (Module): # we cannot get build's svnpath as for other packages as we'd get something in svn+ssh # xxx quick & dirty def __init__ (self, buildtag,options): self.buildtag=buildtag # if the buildtag start with a : (to use a branch rather than a tag) if buildtag.find(':') == 0 : module_name="build%(buildtag)s"%locals() self.display=buildtag[1:] self.svnpath="http://svn.planet-lab.org/svn/build/branches/%s"%self.display else : module_name="build@%(buildtag)s"%locals() self.display=buildtag self.svnpath="http://svn.planet-lab.org/svn/build/tags/%s"%self.buildtag Module.__init__(self,module_name,options) @staticmethod def get_distro_from_distrotag (distrotag): # mhh: remove -tag* from distrotags to get distro n=distrotag.find('-tag') if n>0: return distrotag[:n] else: return None def get_packages (self,distrotag): result={} distro=Build.get_distro_from_distrotag(distrotag) if not distro: return result make_options="--no-print-directory -C %s stage1=true PLDISTRO=%s PLDISTROTAGS=%s 2> /dev/null"%(self.edge_dir(),distro,distrotag) command="make %s packages"%make_options make_packages=Command(command,self.options).output_of() pkg_line=re.compile("\Apackage=(?P[^\s]+)\s+ref_module=(?P[^\s]+)\s.*\Z") for line in make_packages.split("\n"): if not line: continue attempt=pkg_line.match(line) if line and not attempt: print "=====" print "WARNING: line not understood from make packages" print "in dir %s"%self.edge_dir print "with options",make_options print 'line=',line print "=====" else: (package,module) = (attempt.group('package'),attempt.group('module')) command="make %s +%s-SVNPATH"%(make_options,module) svnpath=Command(command,self.options).output_of().strip() command="make %s +%s-SPEC"%(make_options,package) spec=Command(command,self.options).output_of().strip() result[package]=Package(package,module,svnpath,spec) return result def get_distrotags (self): return [os.path.basename(p) for p in glob("%s/*tags*mk"%self.edge_dir())] class DiffCache: def __init__ (self): self._cache={} def key(self, frompath,topath): return frompath+'-to-'+topath def fetch (self, frompath, topath): key=self.key(frompath,topath) if not self._cache.has_key(key): return None return self._cache[key] def store (self, frompath, topath, diff): key=self.key(frompath,topath) self._cache[key]=diff class Release: # header in diff output discard_matcher=re.compile("\A(\+\+\+|---).*") @staticmethod def do_changelog (buildtag_new,buildtag_old,options): print "----" print "----" print "----" (build_new,build_old) = (Build (buildtag_new,options), Build (buildtag_old,options)) print "= build tag %s to %s = #build-%s"%(build_old.display,build_new.display,build_new.display) for b in (build_new,build_old): b.init_module_dir() b.init_edge_dir() b.update_edge_dir() # find out the tags files that are common, unless option was specified if options.distrotags: distrotags=options.distrotags else: distrotags_new=build_new.get_distrotags() distrotags_old=build_old.get_distrotags() distrotags = list(set(distrotags_new).intersection(set(distrotags_old))) distrotags.sort() if options.verbose: print "Found distrotags",distrotags first_distrotag=True diffcache = DiffCache() for distrotag in distrotags: distro=Build.get_distro_from_distrotag(distrotag) if not distro: continue if first_distrotag: first_distrotag=False else: print '----' print '== distro %s (%s to %s) == #distro-%s-%s'%(distrotag,build_old.display,build_new.display,distro,build_new.display) print ' * from %s/%s'%(build_old.svnpath,distrotag) print ' * to %s/%s'%(build_new.svnpath,distrotag) # parse make packages packages_new=build_new.get_packages(distrotag) pnames_new=set(packages_new.keys()) if options.verbose: print 'got packages for ',build_new.display packages_old=build_old.get_packages(distrotag) pnames_old=set(packages_old.keys()) if options.verbose: print 'got packages for ',build_old.display # get created, deprecated, and preserved package names pnames_created = list(pnames_new-pnames_old) pnames_created.sort() pnames_deprecated = list(pnames_old-pnames_new) pnames_deprecated.sort() pnames = list(pnames_new.intersection(pnames_old)) pnames.sort() if options.verbose: print "Found new/deprecated/preserved pnames",pnames_new,pnames_deprecated,pnames # display created and deprecated for name in pnames_created: print '=== %s : new package %s -- appeared in %s === #package-%s-%s-%s'%( distrotag,name,build_new.display,name,distro,build_new.display) pobj=packages_new[name] print ' * %s'%pobj.details() for name in pnames_deprecated: print '=== %s : package %s -- deprecated, last occurrence in %s === #package-%s-%s-%s'%( distrotag,name,build_old.display,name,distro,build_new.display) pobj=packages_old[name] if not pobj.svnpath: print ' * codebase stored in CVS, specfile is %s'%pobj.spec else: print ' * %s'%pobj.details() # display other packages for name in pnames: (pobj_new,pobj_old)=(packages_new[name],packages_old[name]) if options.verbose: print "Dealing with package",name if pobj_old.specpath == pobj_new.specpath: continue specdiff = diffcache.fetch(pobj_old.specpath,pobj_new.specpath) if specdiff is None: command="svn diff %s %s"%(pobj_old.specpath,pobj_new.specpath) specdiff=Command(command,options).output_of() diffcache.store(pobj_old.specpath,pobj_new.specpath,specdiff) else: if options.verbose: print 'got diff from cache' if not specdiff: continue print '=== %s - %s to %s : package %s === #package-%s-%s-%s'%( distrotag,build_old.display,build_new.display,name,name,distro,build_new.display) print ' * from %s to %s'%(pobj_old.details(),pobj_new.details()) trac_diff_url=pobj_old.trac_full_diff(pobj_new) if trac_diff_url: print ' * [%s View full diff]'%trac_diff_url print '{{{' for line in specdiff.split('\n'): if not line: continue if Release.discard_matcher.match(line): continue if line[0] in ['@']: print '----------' elif line[0] in ['+','-']: print_fold(line) print '}}}' ############################## class Main: module_usage="""Usage: %prog [options] module_desc [ .. module_desc ] module-tools : a set of tools to manage subversion tags and specfile requires the specfile to either * define *version* and *taglevel* OR alternatively * define redirection variables module_version_varname / module_taglevel_varname Trunk: by default, the trunk of modules is taken into account in this case, just mention the module name as Branches: if you wish to work on a branch rather than on the trunk, you can use something like e.g. Mom:2.1 as """ release_usage="""Usage: %prog [options] tag1 .. tagn Extract release notes from the changes in specfiles between several build tags, latest first Examples: release-changelog 4.2-rc25 4.2-rc24 4.2-rc23 4.2-rc22 You can refer to a (build) branch by prepending a colon, like in release-changelog :4.2 4.2-rc25 """ common_usage="""More help: see http://svn.planet-lab.org/wiki/ModuleTools""" modes={ 'list' : "displays a list of available tags or branches", 'version' : "check latest specfile and print out details", 'diff' : "show difference between module (trunk or branch) and latest tag", 'tag' : """increment taglevel in specfile, insert changelog in specfile, create new tag and and monitor its adoption in build/*-tags*.mk""", 'branch' : """create a branch for this module, from the latest tag on the trunk, and change trunk's version number to reflect the new branch name; you can specify the new branch name by using module:branch""", 'sync' : """create a tag from the module this is a last resort option, mostly for repairs""", 'changelog' : """extract changelog between build tags expected arguments are a list of tags""", } silent_modes = ['list'] release_modes = ['changelog'] @staticmethod def optparse_list (option, opt, value, parser): try: setattr(parser.values,option.dest,getattr(parser.values,option.dest)+value.split()) except: setattr(parser.values,option.dest,value.split()) def run(self): mode=None for function in Main.modes.keys(): if sys.argv[0].find(function) >= 0: mode = function break if not mode: print "Unsupported command",sys.argv[0] print "Supported commands:" + Modes.modes.keys.join(" ") sys.exit(1) if mode not in Main.release_modes: usage = Main.module_usage usage += Main.common_usage usage += "\nmodule-%s : %s"%(mode,Main.modes[mode]) else: usage = Main.release_usage usage += Main.common_usage parser=OptionParser(usage=usage,version=subversion_id) if mode == 'list': parser.add_option("-b","--branches",action="store_true",dest="list_branches",default=False, help="list branches") parser.add_option("-t","--tags",action="store_false",dest="list_branches", help="list tags") parser.add_option("-m","--match",action="store",dest="list_pattern",default=None, help="grep pattern for filtering output") parser.add_option("-x","--exact-match",action="store",dest="list_exact",default=None, help="exact grep pattern for filtering output") if mode == "tag" or mode == 'branch': parser.add_option("-s","--set-version",action="store",dest="new_version",default=None, help="set new version and reset taglevel to 0") if mode == "tag" : parser.add_option("-c","--no-changelog", action="store_false", dest="changelog", default=True, help="do not update changelog section in specfile when tagging") parser.add_option("-b","--build-branch", action="store", dest="build_branch", default=None, help="specify a build branch; used for locating the *tags*.mk files where adoption is to take place") if mode == "tag" or mode == "sync" : parser.add_option("-e","--editor", action="store", dest="editor", default=default_editor(), help="specify editor") if mode == "sync" : parser.add_option("-m","--message", action="store", dest="message", default=None, help="specify log message") if mode in ["diff","version"] : parser.add_option("-W","--www", action="store", dest="www", default=False, help="export diff in html format, e.g. -W trunk") if mode == "diff" : parser.add_option("-l","--list", action="store_true", dest="list", default=False, help="just list modules that exhibit differences") if mode == 'version': parser.add_option("-u","--url", action="store_true", dest="show_urls", default=False, help="display URLs") default_modules_list=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])+"/modules.list" if mode not in Main.release_modes: parser.add_option("-a","--all",action="store_true",dest="all_modules",default=False, help="run on all modules as found in %s"%default_modules_list) parser.add_option("-f","--file",action="store",dest="modules_list",default=None, help="run on all modules found in specified file") else: parser.add_option("-n","--dry-run",action="store_true",dest="dry_run",default=False, help="dry run - shell commands are only displayed") parser.add_option("-t","--distrotags",action="callback",callback=Main.optparse_list, dest="distrotags", default=[], nargs=1,type="string", help="""specify distro-tags files, e.g. onelab-tags-4.2.mk -- can be set multiple times, or use quotes""") parser.add_option("-w","--workdir", action="store", dest="workdir", default="%s/%s"%(os.getenv("HOME"),"modules"), help="""name for dedicated working dir - defaults to ~/modules ** THIS MUST NOT ** be your usual working directory""") parser.add_option("-F","--fast-checks",action="store_true",dest="fast_checks",default=False, help="skip safety checks, such as svn updates -- use with care") # default verbosity depending on function - temp verbose_modes= ['tag','sync'] if mode not in verbose_modes: parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="run in verbose mode") else: parser.add_option("-q","--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="run in quiet (non-verbose) mode") # parser.add_option("-d","--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, # help="debug mode - mostly more verbose") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() options.mode=mode if not hasattr(options,'dry_run'): options.dry_run=False if not hasattr(options,'www'): options.www=False options.debug=False ########## release-* if mode in Main.release_modes : ########## changelog if len(args) <= 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) Module.init_homedir(options) for n in range(len(args)-1): [t_new,t_old]=args[n:n+2] Release.do_changelog (t_new,t_old,options) else: ########## module-* if len(args) == 0: if options.all_modules: options.modules_list=default_modules_list if options.modules_list: args=Command("grep -v '#' %s"%options.modules_list,options).output_of().split() else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) Module.init_homedir(options) # 2 passes for www output modules=[ Module(modname,options) for modname in args ] # hack: create a dummy Module to store errors/warnings error_module = Module('__errors__',options) # pass 1 : do it, except if options.www for module in modules: if len(args)>1 and mode not in Main.silent_modes and not options.www: print '========================================',module.friendly_name() # call the method called do_ method=Module.__dict__["do_%s"%mode] try: method(module) except Exception,e: if options.www: title=' Skipping module %s - failure: %s '%\ (module.friendly_name(), str(e)) error_module.html_store_title(title) else: print 'Skipping module %s: '%modname,e # in which case we do the actual printing in the second pass if options.www: if mode == "diff": modetitle="Pending changes in %s"%options.www elif mode == "version": modetitle="Version of latest tags in %s"%options.www modules.append(error_module) error_module.html_dump_header(modetitle) for module in modules: module.html_dump_toc() Module.html_dump_middle() for module in modules: module.html_dump_body() Module.html_dump_footer() #################### if __name__ == "__main__" : try: Main().run() except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\nBye'