#!/usr/bin/python -u import sys, os import re import time from glob import glob from optparse import OptionParser # HARDCODED NAME CHANGES # # Moving to git we decided to rename some of the repositories. Here is # a map of name changes applied in git repositories. RENAMED_SVN_MODULES = { "PLEWWW": "plewww" } def svn_to_git_name(module): if RENAMED_SVN_MODULES.has_key(module): return RENAMED_SVN_MODULES[module] return module def git_to_svn_name(module): for key in RENAMED_SVN_MODULES: if module == RENAMED_SVN_MODULES[key]: return key return module # e.g. other_choices = [ ('d','iff') , ('g','uess') ] - lowercase def prompt (question,default=True,other_choices=[],allow_outside=False): if not isinstance (other_choices,list): other_choices = [ other_choices ] chars = [ c for (c,rest) in other_choices ] choices = [] if 'y' not in chars: if default is True: choices.append('[y]') else : choices.append('y') if 'n' not in chars: if default is False: choices.append('[n]') else : choices.append('n') for (char,choice) in other_choices: if default == char: choices.append("["+char+"]"+choice) else: choices.append("<"+char+">"+choice) try: answer=raw_input(question + " " + "/".join(choices) + " ? ") if not answer: return default answer=answer[0].lower() if answer == 'y': if 'y' in chars: return 'y' else: return True elif answer == 'n': if 'n' in chars: return 'n' else: return False elif other_choices: for (char,choice) in other_choices: if answer == char: return char if allow_outside: return answer return prompt(question,default,other_choices) except: raise def default_editor(): try: editor = os.environ['EDITOR'] except: editor = "emacs" return editor ### fold long lines fold_length=132 def print_fold (line): while len(line) >= fold_length: print line[:fold_length],'\\' line=line[fold_length:] print line class Command: def __init__ (self,command,options): self.command=command self.options=options self.tmp="/tmp/command-%d"%os.getpid() def run (self): if self.options.dry_run: print 'dry_run',self.command return 0 if self.options.verbose and self.options.mode not in Main.silent_modes: print '+',self.command sys.stdout.flush() return os.system(self.command) def run_silent (self): if self.options.dry_run: print 'dry_run',self.command return 0 if self.options.verbose: print '+',self.command,' .. ', sys.stdout.flush() retcod=os.system(self.command + " &> " + self.tmp) if retcod != 0: print "FAILED ! -- out+err below (command was %s)"%self.command os.system("cat " + self.tmp) print "FAILED ! -- end of quoted output" elif self.options.verbose: print "OK" os.unlink(self.tmp) return retcod def run_fatal(self): if self.run_silent() !=0: raise Exception,"Command %s failed"%self.command # returns stdout, like bash's $(mycommand) def output_of (self,with_stderr=False): if self.options.dry_run: print 'dry_run',self.command return 'dry_run output' tmp="/tmp/status-%d"%os.getpid() if self.options.debug: print '+',self.command,' .. ', sys.stdout.flush() command=self.command if with_stderr: command += " &> " else: command += " > " command += tmp os.system(command) result=file(tmp).read() os.unlink(tmp) if self.options.debug: print 'Done', return result class SvnRepository: type = "svn" def __init__(self, path, options): self.path = path self.options = options def name(self): return os.path.basename(self.path) def url(self): out = Command("svn info %s" % self.path, self.options).output_of() for line in out.split('\n'): if line.startswith("URL:"): return line.split()[1].strip() def repo_root(self): out = Command("svn info %s" % self.path, self.options).output_of() for line in out.split('\n'): if line.startswith("Repository Root:"): root = line.split()[2].strip() return "%s/%s" % (root, self.name()) @classmethod def checkout(cls, remote, local, options, recursive=False): if recursive: svncommand = "svn co %s %s" % (remote, local) else: svncommand = "svn co -N %s %s" % (remote, local) Command("rm -rf %s" % local, options).run_silent() Command(svncommand, options).run_fatal() return SvnRepository(local, options) @classmethod def remote_exists(cls, remote): return os.system("svn list %s &> /dev/null" % remote) == 0 def tag_exists(self, tagname): url = "%s/tags/%s" % (self.repo_root(), tagname) return SvnRepository.remote_exists(url) def update(self, subdir="", recursive=True): path = os.path.join(self.path, subdir) if recursive: svncommand = "svn up %s" % path else: svncommand = "svn up -N %s" % path Command(svncommand, self.options).run_fatal() def commit(self, logfile): # add all new files to the repository Command("svn status %s | grep '^\?' | sed -e 's/? *//' | sed -e 's/ /\\ /g' | xargs svn add" % self.path, self.options).run_silent() Command("svn commit -F %s %s" % (logfile, self.path), self.options).run_fatal() def to_branch(self, branch): remote = "%s/branches/%s" % (self.repo_root(), branch) SvnRepository.checkout(remote, self.path, self.options, recursive=True) def to_tag(self, tag): remote = "%s/tags/%s" % (self.repo_root(), branch) SvnRepository.checkout(remote, self.path, self.options, recursive=True) def tag(self, tagname, logfile): tag_url = "%s/tags/%s" % (self.repo_root(), tagname) self_url = self.url() Command("svn copy -F %s %s %s" % (logfile, self_url, tag_url), self.options).run_fatal() def diff(self, f=""): if f: f = os.path.join(self.path, f) else: f = self.path return Command("svn diff %s" % f, self.options).output_of(True) def diff_with_tag(self, tagname): tag_url = "%s/tags/%s" % (self.repo_root(), tagname) return Command("svn diff %s %s" % (tag_url, self.url()), self.options).output_of(True) def revert(self, f=""): if f: Command("svn revert %s" % os.path.join(self.path, f), self.options).run_fatal() else: # revert all Command("svn revert %s -R" % self.path, self.options).run_fatal() Command("svn status %s | grep '^\?' | sed -e 's/? *//' | sed -e 's/ /\\ /g' | xargs rm -rf " % self.path, self.options).run_silent() def is_clean(self): command="svn status %s" % self.path return len(Command(command,self.options).output_of(True)) == 0 def is_valid(self): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, ".svn")) class GitRepository: type = "git" def __init__(self, path, options): self.path = path self.options = options def name(self): return os.path.basename(self.path) def url(self): self.repo_root() def repo_root(self): c = Command("git remote show origin", self.options) out = self.__run_in_repo(c.output_of) for line in out.split('\n'): if line.strip().startswith("Fetch URL:"): repo = line.split()[2] @classmethod def checkout(cls, remote, local, options, depth=1): Command("rm -rf %s" % local, options).run_silent() Command("git clone --depth %d %s %s" % (depth, remote, local), options).run_fatal() return GitRepository(local, options) @classmethod def remote_exists(cls, remote): return os.system("git --no-pager ls-remote %s &> /dev/null" % remote) == 0 def tag_exists(self, tagname): command = 'git tag -l | grep "^%s$"' % tagname c = Command(command, self.options) out = self.__run_in_repo(c.output_of, with_stderr=True) return len(out) > 0 def __run_in_repo(self, fun, *args, **kwargs): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.path) ret = fun(*args, **kwargs) os.chdir(cwd) return ret def __run_command_in_repo(self, command, ignore_errors=False): c = Command(command, self.options) if ignore_errors: return self.__run_in_repo(c.output_of) else: return self.__run_in_repo(c.run_fatal) def update(self, subdir=None, recursive=None): return self.__run_command_in_repo("git pull") def to_branch(self, branch, remote=True): if remote: branch = "origin/%s" % branch return self.__run_command_in_repo("git checkout %s" % branch) def to_tag(self, tag): return self.__run_command_in_repo("git checkout %s" % tag) def tag(self, tagname, logfile): self.__run_command_in_repo("git tag %s -F %s" % (tagname, logfile)) self.commit(logfile) def diff(self, f=""): c = Command("git diff %s" % f, self.options) return self.__run_in_repo(c.output_of, with_stderr=True) def diff_with_tag(self, tagname): c = Command("git diff %s" % tagname, self.options) return self.__run_in_repo(c.output_of, with_stderr=True) def commit(self, logfile): self.__run_command_in_repo("git add -A", ignore_errors=True) self.__run_command_in_repo("git commit -F %s" % logfile, ignore_errors=True) self.__run_command_in_repo("git push") self.__run_command_in_repo("git push --tags") def revert(self, f=""): if f: self.__run_command_in_repo("git checkout %s" % f) else: # revert all self.__run_command_in_repo("git --no-pager reset --hard") self.__run_command_in_repo("git --no-pager clean -f") def is_clean(self): def check_commit(): command="git status" s="nothing to commit (working directory clean)" return Command(command, self.options).output_of(True).find(s) >= 0 return self.__run_in_repo(check_commit) def is_valid(self): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, ".git")) class Repository: """ Generic repository """ supported_repo_types = [SvnRepository, GitRepository] def __init__(self, path, options): self.path = path self.options = options for repo in self.supported_repo_types: self.repo = repo(self.path, self.options) if self.repo.is_valid(): break @classmethod def has_moved_to_git(cls, module, svnpath): module = git_to_svn_name(module) return SvnRepository.remote_exists("%s/%s/aaaa-has-moved-to-git" % (svnpath, module)) @classmethod def remote_exists(cls, remote): for repo in Repository.supported_repo_types: if repo.remote_exists(remote): return True return False def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.repo, attr) # support for tagged module is minimal, and is for the Build class only class Module: svn_magic_line="--This line, and those below, will be ignored--" setting_tag_format = "Setting tag %s" redirectors=[ # ('module_name_varname','name'), ('module_version_varname','version'), ('module_taglevel_varname','taglevel'), ] # where to store user's config config_storage="CONFIG" # config={} import commands configKeys=[ ('svnpath',"Enter your toplevel svnpath", "svn+ssh://%s@svn.planet-lab.org/svn/"%commands.getoutput("id -un")), ('gitserver', "Enter your git server's hostname", "git.onelab.eu"), ('gituser', "Enter your user name (login name) on git server", os.getlogin()), ("build", "Enter the name of your build module","build"), ('username',"Enter your firstname and lastname for changelogs",""), ("email","Enter your email address for changelogs",""), ] @classmethod def prompt_config_option(cls, key, message, default): cls.config[key]=raw_input("%s [%s] : "%(message,default)).strip() or default @classmethod def prompt_config (cls): for (key,message,default) in cls.configKeys: cls.config[key]="" while not cls.config[key]: cls.prompt_config_option(key, message, default) # for parsing module spec name:branch matcher_branch_spec=re.compile("\A(?P[\w\.-]+):(?P[\w\.-]+)\Z") # special form for tagged module - for Build matcher_tag_spec=re.compile("\A(?P[\w-]+)@(?P[\w\.-]+)\Z") # parsing specfiles matcher_rpm_define=re.compile("%(define|global)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S*)\s*") def __init__ (self,module_spec,options): # parse module spec attempt=Module.matcher_branch_spec.match(module_spec) if attempt: self.name=attempt.group('name') self.branch=attempt.group('branch') else: attempt=Module.matcher_tag_spec.match(module_spec) if attempt: self.name=attempt.group('name') self.tagname=attempt.group('tagname') else: self.name=module_spec # when available prefer to use git module name internally self.name = svn_to_git_name(self.name) self.options=options self.module_dir="%s/%s"%(options.workdir,self.name) self.repository = None self.build = None def run (self,command): return Command(command,self.options).run() def run_fatal (self,command): return Command(command,self.options).run_fatal() def run_prompt (self,message,fun, *args): fun_msg = "%s(%s)" % (fun.func_name, ",".join(args)) if not self.options.verbose: while True: choice=prompt(message,True,('s','how')) if choice is True: fun(*args) return elif choice is False: print 'About to run function:', fun_msg else: question=message+" - want to run function: " + fun_msg if prompt(question,True): fun(*args) def friendly_name (self): if hasattr(self,'branch'): return "%s:%s"%(self.name,self.branch) elif hasattr(self,'tagname'): return "%s@%s"%(self.name,self.tagname) else: return self.name @classmethod def git_remote_dir (cls, name): return "%s@%s:/git/%s.git" % (cls.config['gituser'], cls.config['gitserver'], name) @classmethod def svn_remote_dir (cls, name): name = git_to_svn_name(name) svn = cls.config['svnpath'] if svn.endswith('/'): return "%s%s" % (svn, name) return "%s/%s" % (svn, name) def svn_selected_remote(self): svn_name = git_to_svn_name(self.name) remote = self.svn_remote_dir(svn_name) if hasattr(self,'branch'): remote = "%s/branches/%s" % (remote, self.branch) elif hasattr(self,'tagname'): remote = "%s/tags/%s" % (remote, self.tagname) else: remote = "%s/trunk" % remote return remote #################### @classmethod def init_homedir (cls, options): if options.verbose and options.mode not in Main.silent_modes: print 'Checking for', options.workdir storage="%s/%s"%(options.workdir, cls.config_storage) # sanity check. Either the topdir exists AND we have a config/storage # or topdir does not exist and we create it # to avoid people use their own daily svn repo if os.path.isdir(options.workdir) and not os.path.isfile(storage): print """The directory %s exists and has no CONFIG file If this is your regular working directory, please provide another one as the module-* commands need a fresh working dir. Make sure that you do not use that for other purposes than tagging""" % options.workdir sys.exit(1) def checkout_build(): print "Checking out build module..." remote = cls.git_remote_dir(cls.config['build']) local = os.path.join(options.workdir, cls.config['build']) GitRepository.checkout(remote, local, options, depth=1) print "OK" def store_config(): f=file(storage,"w") for (key,message,default) in Module.configKeys: f.write("%s=%s\n"%(key,Module.config[key])) f.close() if options.debug: print 'Stored',storage Command("cat %s"%storage,options).run() def read_config(): # read config f=open(storage) for line in f.readlines(): (key,value)=re.compile("^(.+)=(.+)$").match(line).groups() Module.config[key]=value f.close() if not os.path.isdir (options.workdir): print "Cannot find",options.workdir,"let's create it" Command("mkdir -p %s" % options.workdir, options).run_silent() cls.prompt_config() checkout_build() store_config() else: read_config() # check missing config options old_layout = False for (key,message,default) in cls.configKeys: if not Module.config.has_key(key): print "Configuration changed for module-tools" cls.prompt_config_option(key, message, default) old_layout = True if old_layout: Command("rm -rf %s" % options.workdir, options).run_silent() Command("mkdir -p %s" % options.workdir, options).run_silent() checkout_build() store_config() build_dir = os.path.join(options.workdir, cls.config['build']) if not os.path.isdir(build_dir): checkout_build() else: build = Repository(build_dir, options) if not build.is_clean(): print "build module needs a revert" build.revert() print "OK" build.update() if options.verbose and options.mode not in Main.silent_modes: print '******** Using config' for (key,message,default) in Module.configKeys: print '\t',key,'=',Module.config[key] def init_module_dir (self): if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking for',self.module_dir if not os.path.isdir (self.module_dir): if Repository.has_moved_to_git(self.name, Module.config['svnpath']): self.repository = GitRepository.checkout(self.git_remote_dir(self.name), self.module_dir, self.options) else: remote = self.svn_selected_remote() self.repository = SvnRepository.checkout(remote, self.module_dir, self.options, recursive=False) self.repository = Repository(self.module_dir, self.options) if self.repository.type == "svn": # check if module has moved to git if Repository.has_moved_to_git(self.name, Module.config['svnpath']): Command("rm -rf %s" % self.module_dir, self.options).run_silent() self.init_module_dir() # check if we have the required branch/tag if self.repository.url() != self.svn_selected_remote(): Command("rm -rf %s" % self.module_dir, self.options).run_silent() self.init_module_dir() elif self.repository.type == "git": if hasattr(self,'branch'): self.repository.to_branch(self.branch) elif hasattr(self,'tagname'): self.repository.to_tag(self.tagname) else: raise Exception, 'Cannot find %s - check module name'%self.module_dir def revert_module_dir (self): if self.options.fast_checks: if self.options.verbose: print 'Skipping revert of %s' % self.module_dir return if self.options.verbose: print 'Checking whether', self.module_dir, 'needs being reverted' if not self.repository.is_clean(): self.repository.revert() def update_module_dir (self): if self.options.fast_checks: if self.options.verbose: print 'Skipping update of %s' % self.module_dir return if self.options.verbose: print 'Updating', self.module_dir self.repository.update() def main_specname (self): attempt="%s/%s.spec"%(self.module_dir,self.name) if os.path.isfile (attempt): return attempt pattern1="%s/*.spec"%self.module_dir level1=glob(pattern1) if level1: return level1[0] pattern2="%s/*/*.spec"%self.module_dir level2=glob(pattern2) if level2: return level2[0] raise Exception, 'Cannot guess specfile for module %s -- patterns were %s or %s'%(self.name,pattern1,pattern2) def all_specnames (self): level1=glob("%s/*.spec" % self.module_dir) if level1: return level1 level2=glob("%s/*/*.spec" % self.module_dir) return level2 def parse_spec (self, specfile, varnames): if self.options.verbose: print 'Parsing',specfile, for var in varnames: print "[%s]"%var, print "" result={} f=open(specfile) for line in f.readlines(): attempt=Module.matcher_rpm_define.match(line) if attempt: (define,var,value)=attempt.groups() if var in varnames: result[var]=value f.close() if self.options.debug: print 'found',len(result),'keys' for (k,v) in result.iteritems(): print k,'=',v return result # stores in self.module_name_varname the rpm variable to be used for the module's name # and the list of these names in self.varnames def spec_dict (self): specfile=self.main_specname() redirector_keys = [ varname for (varname,default) in Module.redirectors] redirect_dict = self.parse_spec(specfile,redirector_keys) if self.options.debug: print '1st pass parsing done, redirect_dict=',redirect_dict varnames=[] for (varname,default) in Module.redirectors: if redirect_dict.has_key(varname): setattr(self,varname,redirect_dict[varname]) varnames += [redirect_dict[varname]] else: setattr(self,varname,default) varnames += [ default ] self.varnames = varnames result = self.parse_spec (specfile,self.varnames) if self.options.debug: print '2st pass parsing done, varnames=',varnames,'result=',result return result def patch_spec_var (self, patch_dict,define_missing=False): for specfile in self.all_specnames(): # record the keys that were changed changed = dict ( [ (x,False) for x in patch_dict.keys() ] ) newspecfile=specfile+".new" if self.options.verbose: print 'Patching',specfile,'for',patch_dict.keys() spec=open (specfile) new=open(newspecfile,"w") for line in spec.readlines(): attempt=Module.matcher_rpm_define.match(line) if attempt: (define,var,value)=attempt.groups() if var in patch_dict.keys(): if self.options.debug: print 'rewriting %s as %s'%(var,patch_dict[var]) new.write('%%%s %s %s\n'%(define,var,patch_dict[var])) changed[var]=True continue new.write(line) if define_missing: for (key,was_changed) in changed.iteritems(): if not was_changed: if self.options.debug: print 'rewriting missing %s as %s'%(key,patch_dict[key]) new.write('\n%%define %s %s\n'%(key,patch_dict[key])) spec.close() new.close() os.rename(newspecfile,specfile) # returns all lines until the magic line def unignored_lines (self, logfile): result=[] white_line_matcher = re.compile("\A\s*\Z") for logline in file(logfile).readlines(): if logline.strip() == Module.svn_magic_line: break elif white_line_matcher.match(logline): continue else: result.append(logline.strip()+'\n') return result # creates a copy of the input with only the unignored lines def stripped_magic_line_filename (self, filein, fileout ,new_tag_name): f=file(fileout,'w') f.write(self.setting_tag_format%new_tag_name + '\n') for line in self.unignored_lines(filein): f.write(line) f.close() def insert_changelog (self, logfile, oldtag, newtag): for specfile in self.all_specnames(): newspecfile=specfile+".new" if self.options.verbose: print 'Inserting changelog from %s into %s'%(logfile,specfile) spec=open (specfile) new=open(newspecfile,"w") for line in spec.readlines(): new.write(line) if re.compile('%changelog').match(line): dateformat="* %a %b %d %Y" datepart=time.strftime(dateformat) logpart="%s <%s> - %s"%(Module.config['username'], Module.config['email'], newtag) new.write(datepart+" "+logpart+"\n") for logline in self.unignored_lines(logfile): new.write("- " + logline) new.write("\n") spec.close() new.close() os.rename(newspecfile,specfile) def show_dict (self, spec_dict): if self.options.verbose: for (k,v) in spec_dict.iteritems(): print k,'=',v def last_tag (self, spec_dict): try: return "%s-%s" % (spec_dict[self.module_version_varname], spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname]) except KeyError,err: raise Exception,'Something is wrong with module %s, cannot determine %s - exiting'%(self.name,err) def tag_name (self, spec_dict, old_svn_name=False): base_tag_name = self.name if old_svn_name: base_tag_name = git_to_svn_name(self.name) return "%s-%s" % (base_tag_name, self.last_tag(spec_dict)) ############################## # using fine_grain means replacing only those instances that currently refer to this tag # otherwise, -SVNPATH is replaced unconditionnally def patch_tags_file (self, tagsfile, oldname, newname,fine_grain=True): newtagsfile=tagsfile+".new" tags=open (tagsfile) new=open(newtagsfile,"w") matches=0 # fine-grain : replace those lines that refer to oldname if fine_grain: if self.options.verbose: print 'Replacing %s into %s\n\tin %s .. '%(oldname,newname,tagsfile), matcher=re.compile("^(.*)%s(.*)"%oldname) for line in tags.readlines(): if not matcher.match(line): new.write(line) else: (begin,end)=matcher.match(line).groups() new.write(begin+newname+end+"\n") matches += 1 # brute-force : change uncommented lines that define -SVNPATH else: if self.options.verbose: print 'Searching for -SVNPATH lines referring to /%s/\n\tin %s .. '%(self.name,tagsfile), pattern="\A\s*(?P[^\s]+)-SVNPATH\s*(=|:=)\s*(?P[^\s]+)/%s/[^\s]+"\ %(self.name) matcher_module=re.compile(pattern) for line in tags.readlines(): attempt=matcher_module.match(line) if attempt: svnpath="%s-SVNPATH"%(attempt.group('make_name')) if self.options.verbose: print ' '+svnpath, replacement = "%-32s:= %s/%s/tags/%s\n"%(svnpath,attempt.group('url_main'),self.name,newname) new.write(replacement) matches += 1 else: new.write(line) tags.close() new.close() os.rename(newtagsfile,tagsfile) if self.options.verbose: print "%d changes"%matches return matches def check_tag(self, tagname, need_it=False, old_svn_tag_name=None): if self.options.verbose: print "Checking %s repository tag: %s - " % (self.repository.type, tagname), found_tagname = tagname found = self.repository.tag_exists(tagname) if not found and old_svn_tag_name: if self.options.verbose: print "KO" print "Checking %s repository tag: %s - " % (self.repository.type, old_svn_tag_name), found = self.repository.tag_exists(old_svn_tag_name) if found: found_tagname = old_svn_tag_name if (found and need_it) or (not found and not need_it): if self.options.verbose: print "OK", if found: print "- found" else: print "- not found" else: if self.options.verbose: print "KO" if found: raise Exception, "tag (%s) is already there" % tagname else: raise Exception, "can not find required tag (%s)" % tagname return found_tagname ############################## def do_tag (self): self.init_module_dir() self.revert_module_dir() self.update_module_dir() # parse specfile spec_dict = self.spec_dict() self.show_dict(spec_dict) # side effects old_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict) old_svn_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict, old_svn_name=True) if (self.options.new_version): # new version set on command line spec_dict[self.module_version_varname] = self.options.new_version spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname] = 0 else: # increment taglevel new_taglevel = str ( int (spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname]) + 1) spec_dict[self.module_taglevel_varname] = new_taglevel new_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict) # sanity check old_tag_name = self.check_tag(old_tag_name, need_it=True, old_svn_tag_name=old_svn_tag_name) new_tag_name = self.check_tag(new_tag_name, need_it=False) # checking for diffs diff_output = self.repository.diff_with_tag(old_tag_name) if len(diff_output) == 0: if not prompt ("No pending difference in module %s, want to tag anyway"%self.name,False): return # side effect in trunk's specfile self.patch_spec_var(spec_dict) # prepare changelog file # we use the standard subversion magic string (see svn_magic_line) # so we can provide useful information, such as version numbers and diff # in the same file changelog="/tmp/%s-%d.edit"%(self.name,os.getpid()) changelog_svn="/tmp/%s-%d.svn"%(self.name,os.getpid()) setting_tag_line=Module.setting_tag_format%new_tag_name file(changelog,"w").write(""" %s %s Please write a changelog for this new tag in the section above """%(Module.svn_magic_line,setting_tag_line)) if not self.options.verbose or prompt('Want to see diffs while writing changelog',True): file(changelog,"a").write('DIFF=========\n' + diff_output) if self.options.debug: prompt('Proceed ?') # edit it self.run("%s %s"%(self.options.editor,changelog)) # strip magic line in second file - looks like svn has changed its magic line with 1.6 # so we do the job ourselves self.stripped_magic_line_filename(changelog,changelog_svn,new_tag_name) # insert changelog in spec if self.options.changelog: self.insert_changelog (changelog,old_tag_name,new_tag_name) ## update build build_path = os.path.join(self.options.workdir, Module.config['build']) build = Repository(build_path, self.options) if self.options.build_branch: build.to_branch(self.options.build_branch) if not build.is_clean(): build.revert() tagsfiles=glob(build.path+"/*-tags*.mk") tagsdict=dict( [ (x,'todo') for x in tagsfiles ] ) default_answer = 'y' tagsfiles.sort() while True: for tagsfile in tagsfiles: status=tagsdict[tagsfile] basename=os.path.basename(tagsfile) print ".................... Dealing with %s"%basename while tagsdict[tagsfile] == 'todo' : choice = prompt ("insert %s in %s "%(new_tag_name,basename),default_answer, [ ('y','es'), ('n', 'ext'), ('f','orce'), ('d','iff'), ('r','evert'), ('c', 'at'), ('h','elp') ] , allow_outside=True) if choice == 'y': self.patch_tags_file(tagsfile,old_tag_name,new_tag_name,fine_grain=True) elif choice == 'n': print 'Done with %s'%os.path.basename(tagsfile) tagsdict[tagsfile]='done' elif choice == 'f': self.patch_tags_file(tagsfile,old_tag_name,new_tag_name,fine_grain=False) elif choice == 'd': print build.diff(f=tagsfile) elif choice == 'r': build.revert(f=tagsfile) elif choice == 'c': self.run("cat %s"%tagsfile) else: name=self.name print """y: change %(name)s-SVNPATH only if it currently refers to %(old_tag_name)s f: unconditionnally change any line that assigns %(name)s-SVNPATH to using %(new_tag_name)s d: show current diff for this tag file r: revert that tag file c: cat the current tag file n: move to next file"""%locals() if prompt("Want to review changes on tags files",False): tagsdict = dict ( [ (x, 'todo') for x in tagsfiles ] ) default_answer='d' else: break def diff_all_changes(): print build.diff() print self.repository.diff() def commit_all_changes(log): self.repository.commit(log) build.commit(log) self.run_prompt("Review module and build", diff_all_changes) self.run_prompt("Commit module and build", commit_all_changes, changelog_svn) self.run_prompt("Create tag", self.repository.tag, new_tag_name, changelog_svn) if self.options.debug: print 'Preserving',changelog,'and stripped',changelog_svn else: os.unlink(changelog) os.unlink(changelog_svn) ############################## def do_version (self): self.init_module_dir() self.revert_module_dir() self.update_module_dir() spec_dict = self.spec_dict() if self.options.www: self.html_store_title('Version for module %s (%s)' % (self.friendly_name(), self.last_tag(spec_dict))) for varname in self.varnames: if not spec_dict.has_key(varname): self.html_print ('Could not find %%define for %s'%varname) return else: self.html_print ("%-16s %s"%(varname,spec_dict[varname])) if self.options.verbose: self.html_print ("%-16s %s"%('main specfile:',self.main_specname())) self.html_print ("%-16s %s"%('specfiles:',self.all_specnames())) self.html_print_end() ############################## def do_diff (self): self.init_module_dir() self.revert_module_dir() self.update_module_dir() spec_dict = self.spec_dict() self.show_dict(spec_dict) # side effects tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict) old_svn_tag_name = self.tag_name(spec_dict, old_svn_name=True) # sanity check tag_name = self.check_tag(tag_name, need_it=True, old_svn_tag_name=old_svn_tag_name) if self.options.verbose: print 'Getting diff' diff_output = self.repository.diff_with_tag(tag_name) if self.options.list: if diff_output: print self.name else: thename=self.friendly_name() do_print=False if self.options.www and diff_output: self.html_store_title("Diffs in module %s (%s) : %d chars"%(\ thename,self.last_tag(spec_dict),len(diff_output))) self.html_store_raw ('

< (left) %s

' % tag_name) self.html_store_raw ('

> (right) %s

' % thename) self.html_store_pre (diff_output) elif not self.options.www: print 'x'*30,'module',thename print 'x'*20,'<',tag_name print 'x'*20,'>',thename print diff_output ############################## # store and restitute html fragments @staticmethod def html_href (url,text): return '%s'%(url,text) @staticmethod def html_anchor (url,text): return '%s'%(url,text) @staticmethod def html_quote (text): return text.replace('&','&').replace('<','<').replace('>','>') # only the fake error module has multiple titles def html_store_title (self, title): if not hasattr(self,'titles'): self.titles=[] self.titles.append(title) def html_store_raw (self, html): if not hasattr(self,'body'): self.body='' self.body += html def html_store_pre (self, text): if not hasattr(self,'body'): self.body='' self.body += '
' + self.html_quote(text) + '
' def html_print (self, txt): if not self.options.www: print txt else: if not hasattr(self,'in_list') or not self.in_list: self.html_store_raw('
    ') self.in_list=True self.html_store_raw('
  • '+txt+'
  • ') def html_print_end (self): if self.options.www: self.html_store_raw ('
') @staticmethod def html_dump_header(title): nowdate=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") nowtime=time.strftime("%H:%M (%Z)") print """ %s

%s - status on %s at %s

    """%(title,title,nowdate,nowtime) @staticmethod def html_dump_middle(): print "
" @staticmethod def html_dump_footer(): print "',self.html_href ('#'+self.friendly_name(),title),'' def html_dump_body(self): if hasattr(self,'titles'): for title in self.titles: print '


' if hasattr(self,'body'): print self.body print '

',self.html_href('#','Back to top'),'

' ############################## class Main: module_usage="""Usage: %prog [options] module_desc [ .. module_desc ] module-tools : a set of tools to manage subversion tags and specfile requires the specfile to either * define *version* and *taglevel* OR alternatively * define redirection variables module_version_varname / module_taglevel_varname Trunk: by default, the trunk of modules is taken into account in this case, just mention the module name as Branches: if you wish to work on a branch rather than on the trunk, you can use something like e.g. Mom:2.1 as """ release_usage="""Usage: %prog [options] tag1 .. tagn Extract release notes from the changes in specfiles between several build tags, latest first Examples: release-changelog 4.2-rc25 4.2-rc24 4.2-rc23 4.2-rc22 You can refer to a (build) branch by prepending a colon, like in release-changelog :4.2 4.2-rc25 You can refer to the build trunk by just mentioning 'trunk', e.g. release-changelog -t coblitz-tags.mk coblitz-2.01-rc6 trunk """ common_usage="""More help: see http://svn.planet-lab.org/wiki/ModuleTools""" modes={ 'list' : "displays a list of available tags or branches", 'version' : "check latest specfile and print out details", 'diff' : "show difference between module (trunk or branch) and latest tag", 'tag' : """increment taglevel in specfile, insert changelog in specfile, create new tag and and monitor its adoption in build/*-tags*.mk""", 'branch' : """create a branch for this module, from the latest tag on the trunk, and change trunk's version number to reflect the new branch name; you can specify the new branch name by using module:branch""", 'sync' : """create a tag from the module this is a last resort option, mostly for repairs""", 'changelog' : """extract changelog between build tags expected arguments are a list of tags""", } silent_modes = ['list'] release_modes = ['changelog'] @staticmethod def optparse_list (option, opt, value, parser): try: setattr(parser.values,option.dest,getattr(parser.values,option.dest)+value.split()) except: setattr(parser.values,option.dest,value.split()) def run(self): mode=None for function in Main.modes.keys(): if sys.argv[0].find(function) >= 0: mode = function break if not mode: print "Unsupported command",sys.argv[0] print "Supported commands:" + " ".join(Main.modes.keys()) sys.exit(1) if mode not in Main.release_modes: usage = Main.module_usage usage += Main.common_usage usage += "\nmodule-%s : %s"%(mode,Main.modes[mode]) else: usage = Main.release_usage usage += Main.common_usage parser=OptionParser(usage=usage) if mode == "tag" or mode == 'branch': parser.add_option("-s","--set-version",action="store",dest="new_version",default=None, help="set new version and reset taglevel to 0") if mode == "tag" : parser.add_option("-c","--no-changelog", action="store_false", dest="changelog", default=True, help="do not update changelog section in specfile when tagging") parser.add_option("-b","--build-branch", action="store", dest="build_branch", default=None, help="specify a build branch; used for locating the *tags*.mk files where adoption is to take place") if mode == "tag" or mode == "sync" : parser.add_option("-e","--editor", action="store", dest="editor", default=default_editor(), help="specify editor") if mode in ["diff","version"] : parser.add_option("-W","--www", action="store", dest="www", default=False, help="export diff in html format, e.g. -W trunk") if mode == "diff" : parser.add_option("-l","--list", action="store_true", dest="list", default=False, help="just list modules that exhibit differences") default_modules_list=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])+"/modules.list" parser.add_option("-a","--all",action="store_true",dest="all_modules",default=False, help="run on all modules as found in %s"%default_modules_list) parser.add_option("-f","--file",action="store",dest="modules_list",default=None, help="run on all modules found in specified file") parser.add_option("-n","--dry-run",action="store_true",dest="dry_run",default=False, help="dry run - shell commands are only displayed") parser.add_option("-t","--distrotags",action="callback",callback=Main.optparse_list, dest="distrotags", default=[], nargs=1,type="string", help="""specify distro-tags files, e.g. onelab-tags-4.2.mk -- can be set multiple times, or use quotes""") parser.add_option("-w","--workdir", action="store", dest="workdir", default="%s/%s"%(os.getenv("HOME"),"modules"), help="""name for dedicated working dir - defaults to ~/modules ** THIS MUST NOT ** be your usual working directory""") parser.add_option("-F","--fast-checks",action="store_true",dest="fast_checks",default=False, help="skip safety checks, such as svn updates -- use with care") # default verbosity depending on function - temp verbose_modes= ['tag', 'sync', 'branch'] if mode not in verbose_modes: parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="run in verbose mode") else: parser.add_option("-q","--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="run in quiet (non-verbose) mode") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() options.mode=mode if not hasattr(options,'dry_run'): options.dry_run=False if not hasattr(options,'www'): options.www=False options.debug=False ########## module-* if len(args) == 0: if options.all_modules: options.modules_list=default_modules_list if options.modules_list: args=Command("grep -v '#' %s"%options.modules_list,options).output_of().split() else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) Module.init_homedir(options) modules=[ Module(modname,options) for modname in args ] # hack: create a dummy Module to store errors/warnings error_module = Module('__errors__',options) for module in modules: if len(args)>1 and mode not in Main.silent_modes: print '========================================',module.friendly_name() # call the method called do_ method=Module.__dict__["do_%s"%mode] try: method(module) except Exception,e: if options.www: title=' Skipping module %s - failure: %s '%\ (module.friendly_name(), str(e)) error_module.html_store_title(title) else: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print 'Skipping module %s: '%modname,e if options.www: if mode == "diff": modetitle="Changes to tag in %s"%options.www elif mode == "version": modetitle="Latest tags in %s"%options.www modules.append(error_module) error_module.html_dump_header(modetitle) for module in modules: module.html_dump_toc() Module.html_dump_middle() for module in modules: module.html_dump_body() Module.html_dump_footer() #################### if __name__ == "__main__" : try: Main().run() except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\nBye'