import time import struct from pcucontrol import reboot from monitor import util from monitor import database from monitor.wrapper import plc, plccache from datetime import datetime from monitor.model import PersistFlags, Message esc = struct.pack('i', 27) RED = esc + "[1;31m" GREEN = esc + "[1;32m" YELLOW = esc + "[1;33m" BLUE = esc + "[1;34m" LIGHTBLUE = esc + "[1;36m" NORMAL = esc + "[0;39m" def red(str): return RED + str + NORMAL def yellow(str): return YELLOW + str + NORMAL def green(str): return GREEN + str + NORMAL def lightblue(str): return LIGHTBLUE + str + NORMAL def blue(str): return BLUE + str + NORMAL def get_current_state(fbnode): if 'observed_status' in fbnode: state = fbnode['observed_status'] else: state = "none" l = state.lower() if l == "debug": l = 'dbg ' return l def color_pcu_state(fbnode): if 'plcnode' in fbnode and 'pcu_ids' in fbnode['plcnode'] and len(fbnode['plcnode']['pcu_ids']) > 0 : values = reboot.get_pcu_values(fbnode['plcnode']['pcu_ids'][0]) if values == None: return fbnode['pcu'] else: if 'pcu' not in fbnode: return 'NOPCU' else: return fbnode['pcu'] if 'reboot' in values: rb = values['reboot'] if rb == 0 or rb == "0": return fbnode['pcu'] + "OK " #return fbnode['pcu'] + "OK " #return green(fbnode['pcu']) elif "NetDown" == rb or "Not_Run" == rb: return fbnode['pcu'] + "DOWN" #return yellow(fbnode['pcu']) else: return fbnode['pcu'] + "BAD " #return red(fbnode['pcu']) else: #return red(fbnode['pcu']) return fbnode['pcu'] + "BAD " def color_boot_state(l): if l == "dbg": return yellow("debg") elif l == "dbg ": return yellow("debg") elif l == "diag": return lightblue(l) elif l == "disable": return red("dsbl") elif l == "down": return red(l) elif l == "boot": return green(l) elif l == "rins": return blue(l) else: return l def diff_time(timestamp, abstime=True): import math now = time.time() if timestamp == None: return "unknown" if abstime: diff = now - timestamp else: diff = timestamp # return the number of seconds as a difference from current time. t_str = "" if diff < 60: # sec in min. t = diff / 1 t_str = "%s sec ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff < 60*60: # sec in hour t = diff / (60) t_str = "%s min ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff < 60*60*24: # sec in day t = diff / (60*60) t_str = "%s hrs ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff < 60*60*24*14: # sec in week t = diff / (60*60*24) t_str = "%s days ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff <= 60*60*24*30: # approx sec in month t = diff / (60*60*24*7) t_str = "%s wks ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff > 60*60*24*30: # approx sec in month t = diff / (60*60*24*30) t_str = "%s mnths ago" % int(t) return t_str def getvalue(fb, path): indexes = path.split("/") values = fb for index in indexes: if index in values: values = values[index] else: return None return values def nmap_port_status(status): ps = {} l_nmap = status.split() ports = l_nmap[4:] continue_probe = False for port in ports: results = port.split('/') ps[results[0]] = results[1] if results[1] == "open": continue_probe = True return (ps, continue_probe) def nodegroup_display(node, fbdata, conf=None): node['current'] = get_current_state(fbdata) s = fbdata['kernel_version'].split() if len(s) >=3: node['kernel_version'] = s[2] else: node['kernel_version'] = fbdata['kernel_version'] if '2.6' not in node['kernel_version']: node['kernel_version'] = "" if conf and not conf.nocolor: node['boot_state'] = color_boot_state(node['boot_state']) node['current'] = color_boot_state(node['current']) if type(fbdata['plc_node_stats']['pcu_ids']) == type([]): node['pcu'] = "PCU" node['lastupdate'] = diff_time(node['last_contact']) pf = PersistFlags(node['hostname'], 1, db='node_persistflags') try: node['lc'] = diff_time(pf.last_changed) except: node['lc'] = "err" ut = fbdata['comon_stats']['uptime'] if ut != "null": ut = diff_time(float(fbdata['comon_stats']['uptime']), False) node['uptime'] = ut return "%(hostname)-42s %(boot_state)8s %(current)5s %(pcu)6s %(key)10.10s... %(kernel_version)35.35s %(lastupdate)12s, %(lc)s, %(uptime)s" % node def datetime_fromstr(str): if '-' in str: try: tup = time.strptime(str, "%Y-%m-%d") except: tup = time.strptime(str, "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M") elif '/' in str: tup = time.strptime(str, "%m/%d/%Y") else: tup = time.strptime(str, "%m/%d/%Y") ret = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(tup)) return ret def get_nodeset(config): """ Given the config values passed in, return the set of hostnames that it evaluates to. """ api = plc.getAuthAPI() l_nodes = plccache.l_nodes if config.nodelist: f_nodes = util.file.getListFromFile(config.nodelist) l_nodes = filter(lambda x: x['hostname'] in f_nodes, l_nodes) elif config.node: f_nodes = [config.node] l_nodes = filter(lambda x: x['hostname'] in f_nodes, l_nodes) elif config.nodegroup: ng = api.GetNodeGroups({'name' : config.nodegroup}) l_nodes = api.GetNodes(ng[0]['node_ids'], ['hostname']) elif site = api.GetSites( l_nodes = api.GetNodes(site[0]['node_ids'], ['hostname']) l_nodes = [node['hostname'] for node in l_nodes] # perform this query after the above options, so that the filter above # does not break. if config.nodeselect: fbquery = FindbadNodeRecord.get_all_latest() node_list = [ n.hostname for n in fbquery ] l_nodes = node_select(config.nodeselect, node_list, None) return l_nodes def email_exception(): from monitor import config import traceback msg=traceback.format_exc() m=Message("exception running monitor", msg, False) m.send([config.cc_email]) return