import bootman # debug nodes from monitor import reboot from monitor.common import * from monitor.model import * from monitor.wrapper import plc from monitor.wrapper import plccache from monitor.wrapper.emailTxt import mailtxt from import * class SiteInterface(HistorySiteRecord): @classmethod def get_or_make(cls, if_new_set={}, **kwargs): if 'hostname' in kwargs: kwargs['loginbase'] = plccache.plcdb_hn2lb[kwargs['hostname']] del kwargs['hostname'] res = HistorySiteRecord.findby_or_create(if_new_set, **kwargs) return SiteInterface(res) def __init__(self, sitehist): self.db = sitehist def getRecentActions(self, **kwargs): # TODO: make query only return records within a certin time range, # i.e. greater than 0.5 days ago. or 5 days, etc. #print "kwargs: ", kwargs recent_actions = [] if 'loginbase' in kwargs: recent_actions = ActionRecord.query.filter_by(loginbase=kwargs['loginbase']).order_by(ActionRecord.date_created.desc()) elif 'hostname' in kwargs: recent_actions = ActionRecord.query.filter_by(hostname=kwargs['hostname']).order_by(ActionRecord.date_created.desc()) return recent_actions def increasePenalty(self): #act = ActionRecord(loginbase=self.db.loginbase, action='penalty', action_type='increase_penalty',) self.db.penalty_level += 1 # NOTE: this is to prevent overflow or index errors in applyPenalty. # there's probably a better approach to this. if self.db.penalty_level >= 2: self.db.penalty_level = 2 self.db.penalty_applied = True def applyPenalty(self): penalty_map = [] penalty_map.append( { 'name': 'noop', 'enable' : lambda site: None, 'disable' : lambda site: None } ) penalty_map.append( { 'name': 'nocreate', 'enable' : lambda site: plc.removeSiteSliceCreation(site), 'disable' : lambda site: plc.enableSiteSliceCreation(site) } ) penalty_map.append( { 'name': 'suspendslices', 'enable' : lambda site: plc.suspendSiteSlices(site), 'disable' : lambda site: plc.enableSiteSlices(site) } ) for i in range(len(penalty_map)-1,self.db.penalty_level,-1): print "\tdisabling %s on %s" % (penalty_map[i]['name'], self.db.loginbase) penalty_map[i]['disable'](self.db.loginbase) for i in range(0,self.db.penalty_level+1): print "\tapplying %s on %s" % (penalty_map[i]['name'], self.db.loginbase) penalty_map[i]['enable'](self.db.loginbase) return def pausePenalty(self): act = ActionRecord(loginbase=self.db.loginbase, action='penalty', action_type='pause_penalty',) def clearPenalty(self): #act = ActionRecord(loginbase=self.db.loginbase, action='penalty', action_type='clear_penalty',) self.db.penalty_level = 0 self.db.penalty_applied = False def getTicketStatus(self): if self.db.message_id != 0: rtstatus = mailer.getTicketStatus(self.db.message_id) self.db.message_status = rtstatus['Status'] self.db.message_queue = rtstatus['Queue'] self.db.message_created = datetime.fromtimestamp(rtstatus['Created']) def setTicketStatus(self, status): print 'SETTING status %s' % status if self.db.message_id != 0: rtstatus = mailer.setTicketStatus(self.db.message_id, status) def getContacts(self): contacts = [] if self.db.penalty_level >= 0: contacts += plc.getTechEmails(self.db.loginbase) if self.db.penalty_level >= 1: contacts += plc.getPIEmails(self.db.loginbase) if self.db.penalty_level >= 2: contacts += plc.getSliceUserEmails(self.db.loginbase) return contacts def sendMessage(self, type, **kwargs): # NOTE: evidently changing an RT message's subject opens the ticket. # the logic in this policy depends up a ticket only being 'open' # if a user has replied to it. # So, to preserve these semantics, we check the status before # sending, then after sending, reset the status to the # previous status. # There is a very tiny race here, where a user sends a reply # within the time it takes to check, send, and reset. # This sucks. It's almost certainly fragile. # # TODO: catch any errors here, and add an ActionRecord that contains # those errors. args = {'loginbase' : self.db.loginbase, 'penalty_level' : self.db.penalty_level} args.update(kwargs) hostname = None if 'hostname' in args: hostname = args['hostname'] if hasattr(mailtxt, type): message = getattr(mailtxt, type) viart = True if 'viart' in kwargs: viart = kwargs['viart'] if viart: self.getTicketStatus() # get current message status m = Message(message[0] % args, message[1] % args, viart, self.db.message_id) contacts = self.getContacts() contacts = [config.cc_email] # TODO: remove after testing... print "sending message: %s to site %s for host %s" % (type, self.db.loginbase, hostname) ret = m.send(contacts) if viart: self.db.message_id = ret # reset to previous status, since a new subject 'opens' RT tickets. self.setTicketStatus(self.db.message_status) # NOTE: only make a record of it if it's in RT. act = ActionRecord(loginbase=self.db.loginbase, hostname=hostname, action='notice', action_type=type, message_id=self.db.message_id) else: print "+-- WARNING! ------------------------------" print "| No such message name in emailTxt.mailtxt: %s" % type print "+------------------------------------------" return def closeTicket(self): # TODO: close the rt ticket before overwriting the message_id mailer.closeTicketViaRT(self.db.message_id, "Ticket Closed by Monitor") act = ActionRecord(loginbase=self.db.loginbase, action='notice', action_type='close_ticket', message_id=self.db.message_id) self.db.message_id = 0 self.db.message_status = "new" def runBootManager(self, hostname): print "attempting BM reboot of %s" % hostname ret = "" try: ret = bootman.restore(self, hostname) err = "" except: err = traceback.format_exc() print err act = ActionRecord(loginbase=self.db.loginbase, hostname=hostname, action='reboot', action_type='bootmanager_restore', error_string=err) return ret def attemptReboot(self, hostname): print "attempting PCU reboot of %s" % hostname err = "" try: ret = reboot.reboot_str(hostname) except Exception, e: err = traceback.format_exc() ret = str(e) if ret == 0 or ret == "0": ret = "" act = ActionRecord(loginbase=self.db.loginbase, hostname=hostname, action='reboot', action_type='first_try_reboot', error_string=err)