from elixir import Entity, Field, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany from elixir import options_defaults, using_options, setup_all, has_one from elixir import String, Integer, DateTime, PickleType, Boolean from datetime import datetime,timedelta import elixir import traceback from monitor.database.dborm import mon_metadata, mon_session __metadata__ = mon_metadata __session__ = mon_session class IssueType(Entity): shortname = Field(String, default=None) description = Field(String, default=None) issue_record = ManyToMany('IssueRecord') class IssueRecord(Entity): date_created = Field(DateTime, date_last_updated = Field(DateTime, date_action_taken = Field(DateTime, hostname = Field(String,default=None) loginbase = Field(String) ticket_id = Field(Integer, default=0) rt = Field(PickleType, default=None) # open, paused, closed status = Field(String, default="open") take_action = Field(Boolean, default=False) send_email = Field(Boolean, default=True) message_series = Field(String, default="nodedown") message_index = Field(Integer, default=0) penalty_level = Field(Integer, default=0) issue_type = ManyToMany('IssueType') actions = OneToMany('ActionRecord', order_by='-date_created') class ActionRecord(Entity): @classmethod def get_latest_by(cls, **kwargs): # TODO: need to sort on 'round' since actions will not be globally sync'd. return cls.query.filter_by(**kwargs).order_by( # ACCOUNTING date_created = Field(DateTime, hostname = Field(String,default=None) loginbase = Field(String) issue = ManyToOne('IssueRecord') # NOTE: this is the parent relation to fb records. first create the # action record, then append to this value all of the findbad records we # want to have in our set. # Model: # - create action record # - find fbnode records # - append fbnode records to action record # OR # - find fbnode records # - create action record with fbnodes as argument findbad_records = OneToMany('FindbadNodeRecord', order_by='-date_checked') # NOTE: can I move 'message_index, escellation_level, and penalty_level' # into the same value? Maybe not penalty level, since there are only two; # and, there may be additional message and escellation levels. send_email_to = Field(PickleType, default=None) action_description = Field(PickleType, default=None) message_arguments = Field(PickleType, default=None) # NOTE: not sure this needs to be in the db. escellation_level = Field(Integer, default=0) stage = Field(String, default=None)