#!/usr/bin/env python # # This script is a nagios plugin that allows to check for a host # import sys import getopt import nagios import comon_query import comon_sensor command=sys.argv[0] revision="$Revision: 1.3 $" #nagios_plugins_dir="/usr/lib/nagios/plugins" options = 'vhnk:t:' long_opts = [ 'version' , 'help', 'no-comon' , 'key=', 'time-out=' ] usage_string="""Usage : %s [-n] [-k private_key] nodename Revision %s This nagios plugin checks for a given (planetlab) host The regular approach is to * First try to reach the comon query interface. default host is %s this can be overridden with the --host option (NIY) TODO : prevent this stage if a 'none' host is provided * If we cannot conclude from this, we then try and reach the comon sensor on the node itself on port %d, TODO : skip on -n option * Then, if an ssh private key is provided with the -k option, we try to enter the node as root and check that the pl_conf slice is up and running on the node TODO : do this only of the -k option is provided * if none of this is conclusive we just check for the ssh server on the node with the standard ssh plugin TODO : probably this should be left to the nagios config """%(command,revision,comon_query.SERVER,comon_sensor.PORT) def usage (): print usage_string sys.exit(1) #################### def main (): try: opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], options, long_opts) except getopt.GetoptError: print "Unknown option" usage() opt_comon = True opt_key = None opt_timeout = 10 for o,a in opts: if o in ['-v','--version']: print command,'--',revision sys.exit(3) elif o in ['-h','--help']: usage() elif o in ['-n','--no-comon']: opt_comon = False elif o in ['-k','--key']: opt_key=a elif o in ['-t','--time-out']: opt_timeout=int(a) else: print "Unknown option",o usage() if not len(args) == 1: usage() nodename = args[0] status = nagios.UNKNOWN status = comon_query.check(nodename) if status != nagios.UNKNOWN: return status if opt_comon: status = comon_sensor.check(nodename,opt_timeout) # print "status",status return status if __name__=='__main__': sys.exit(main())