#!/usr/bin/python # # $Id$ # $URL$ # # Useful information can be found at https://svn.planet-lab.org/wiki/NodeManager # # Faiyaz Ahmed # Copyright (C) 2008 The Trustees of Princeton University """Node Manager""" import optparse import time import xmlrpclib import socket import os import sys import resource import glob import logger import tools from config import Config from plcapi import PLCAPI import random id="$Id$" savedargv = sys.argv[:] # NOTE: modules listed here should also be loaded in this order # see the priority set in each module - lower comes first known_modules=['net','conf_files', 'sm', 'bwmon'] plugin_path = "/usr/share/NodeManager/plugins" default_period=600 default_random=301 parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-d', '--daemon', action='store_true', dest='daemon', default=False, help='run daemonized') parser.add_option('-s', '--startup', action='store_true', dest='startup', default=False, help='run all sliver startup scripts') parser.add_option('-f', '--config', action='store', dest='config', default='/etc/planetlab/plc_config', help='PLC configuration file') parser.add_option('-k', '--session', action='store', dest='session', default='/etc/planetlab/session', help='API session key (or file)') parser.add_option('-p', '--period', action='store', dest='period', default=default_period, help='Polling interval (sec) - default %d'%default_period) parser.add_option('-r', '--random', action='store', dest='random', default=default_random, help='Range for additional random polling interval (sec) -- default %d'%default_random) parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False, help='more verbose log') parser.add_option('-P', '--path', action='store', dest='path', default=plugin_path, help='Path to plugins directory') # NOTE: BUG the 'help' for this parser.add_option() wont list plugins from the --path argument parser.add_option('-m', '--module', action='store', dest='module', default='', help='run a single module among '+' '.join(known_modules)) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Deal with plugins directory if os.path.exists(options.path): sys.path.append(options.path) plugins = [ os.path.split(os.path.splitext(x)[0])[1] for x in glob.glob( os.path.join(options.path,'*.py') ) ] known_modules += plugins modules = [] def GetSlivers(config, plc): '''Run call backs defined in modules''' try: logger.log("nm: Syncing w/ PLC") # retrieve GetSlivers from PLC data = plc.GetSlivers() # use the magic 'default' slice to retrieve system-wide defaults getPLCDefaults(data, config) # tweak the 'vref' attribute from GetSliceFamily setSliversVref (data) # always dump it for debug purposes # used to be done only in verbose; very helpful though, and tedious to obtain, # so let's dump this unconditionnally logger.log_slivers(data) logger.verbose("nm: Sync w/ PLC done") except: logger.log_exc("nm: failed in GetSlivers") # XXX So some modules can at least boostrap. logger.log("nm: Can't contact PLC to GetSlivers(). Continuing.") data = {} # Invoke GetSlivers() functions from the callback modules for module in modules: # logger.log('trigerring GetSlivers callback for module %s'%module.__name__) try: callback = getattr(module, 'GetSlivers') callback(data, config, plc) except: logger.log_exc("nm: GetSlivers failed to run callback for module %r"%module) def getPLCDefaults(data, config): ''' Get PLC wide defaults from _default system slice. Adds them to config class. ''' for slice in data.get('slivers'): if slice['name'] == config.PLC_SLICE_PREFIX+"_default": attr_dict = {} for attr in slice.get('attributes'): attr_dict[attr['tagname']] = attr['value'] if len(attr_dict): logger.verbose("nm: Found default slice overrides.\n %s" % attr_dict) config.OVERRIDES = attr_dict return # NOTE: if an _default slice existed, it would have been found above and # the routine would return. Thus, if we've gotten here, then no default # slice is bound to this node. if 'OVERRIDES' in dir(config): del config.OVERRIDES def setSliversVref (data): ''' Tweak the 'vref' attribute in all slivers based on the 'GetSliceFamily' key ''' # GetSlivers exposes the result of GetSliceFamily() as an separate key in data # It is safe to override the attributes with this, as this method has the right logic for sliver in data.get('slivers'): try: slicefamily=sliver.get('GetSliceFamily') for att in sliver['attributes']: if att['tagname']=='vref': att['value']=slicefamily continue sliver['attributes'].append({ 'tagname':'vref','value':slicefamily}) except: logger.log_exc("nm: Could not overwrite 'vref' attribute from 'GetSliceFamily'",name=sliver['name']) def run(): try: if options.daemon: tools.daemon() # set log level if (options.verbose): logger.set_level(logger.LOG_VERBOSE) # Load /etc/planetlab/plc_config config = Config(options.config) try: other_pid = tools.pid_file() if other_pid != None: print """There might be another instance of the node manager running as pid %d. If this is not the case, please remove the pid file %s""" % (other_pid, tools.PID_FILE) return except OSError, err: print "Warning while writing PID file:", err # Load and start modules if options.module: assert options.module in known_modules running_modules=[options.module] logger.verbose('nm: Running single module %s'%options.module) else: running_modules=known_modules for module in running_modules: try: m = __import__(module) m.start(options, config) modules.append(m) except ImportError, err: print "Warning while loading module %s:" % module, err default_priority=100 # sort on priority (lower first) def sort_module_priority (m1,m2): return getattr(m1,'priority',default_priority) - getattr(m2,'priority',default_priority) modules.sort(sort_module_priority) logger.verbose('modules priorities and order:') for module in modules: logger.verbose ('%s: %s'%(getattr(module,'priority',default_priority),module.__name__)) # Load /etc/planetlab/session if os.path.exists(options.session): session = file(options.session).read().strip() else: session = None # Initialize XML-RPC client iperiod=int(options.period) irandom=int(options.random) plc = PLCAPI(config.plc_api_uri, config.cacert, session, timeout=iperiod/2) #check auth logger.log("nm: Checking Auth.") while plc.check_authentication() != True: try: plc.update_session() logger.log("nm: Authentication Failure. Retrying") except: logger.log("nm: Retry Failed. Waiting") time.sleep(iperiod) logger.log("nm: Authentication Succeeded!") while True: # Main NM Loop logger.log('nm: mainloop - calling GetSlivers - period=%d random=%d'%(iperiod,irandom)) GetSlivers(config, plc) delay=iperiod + random.randrange(0,irandom) logger.log('nm: mainloop - sleeping for %d s'%delay) time.sleep(delay) except: logger.log_exc("nm: failed in run") if __name__ == '__main__': logger.log("======================================== Entering nm.py "+id) run() else: # This is for debugging purposes. Open a copy of Python and import nm tools.as_daemon_thread(run)